#zr community and fandom
runnerzero · 10 months
Zombies Run Secret Santa Update
Hello friends, comrades, and other fandom folks!
I usually keep my private life off this platform, but I don't want to leave this behind without closure. I'm not running the ZR Secret Santa this year, and it's not exactly by choice.
Earlier this year, I was arrested in Georgia for distributing flyers related to the Stop Cop City movement and the killing of environmental activist Tortuguita. I was charged with felony intimidation and held without bail for weeks. Then, I was hit with a RICO indictment, which sweeps all forms of protest, from distributing flyers to minor acts of civil disobedience, under Georgia’s anti-racketeering law.
I was forced back to jail on the RICO charges, reliving the trauma of my unlawful imprisonment. Now that I'm out, it's time to prepare for a trial. With all of my charges combined, I'm facing more than 50 years in prison — all for flyering.
To learn more about my situation, as well as the charges myself and my 60 co-defendants are facing, here are a few resources:
I started this blog almost nine years ago. Being involved in fandom shaped my early adulthood, and I will never forget that. I might not be a ZR obsessed teenager anymore, but I still have so much love for the space and community we built.
With everything going on, I'm taking a step back from organizing the Secret Santa. I'll try my best to participate, but I can't make any promises. It's going to be a long and exhausting legal battle, which will likely play out over the next 2-3 years.
I may or may not delete this account, but either way, there's a good chance I won't be back. My world has been completely overturned, and nothing will ever be the same. It might be time to leave my old life behind.
Whatever happens, know that I love you all. Even the mutuals who haven't posted about ZR in years — I appreciate you and I'll miss you. My lovely friends are taking over the Secret Santa and I hope more people will step up to keep this tradition going.
I hope that one day this world becomes kinder and more forgiving. Until then, all I can do is try to fight for our future.
Thank you and goodbye for now! <3
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crownleys · 11 months
Have you noticed any trends/patterns in what makes you 'fannish' about something? (Particular mediums, character dynamics, aesthetics etc.) Also, is there anything you love but don't feel the impulse to engage in fandom with?
This was a really interesting question, and I had to sit and think about it for a while before feeling like I had some good conclusions to share with you, Anon! I think in general there's three things that have to be in the mix that get me feeling 'fannish'/involved in the fandom for something: 1) Regularly engaging with the source material 2) A good community 3) Space to play
I'll put the rest under a cut because I'm sure I'm about to ramble for a while
So, with regards to point one, it feels relevant to mention that I don't particular feel like I've been a member of too many fandoms. I'd say two, exactly -- Zombies, Run! and The Wayhaven Chronicles. I've dabbled with things like The Locked Tomb Series and Dragon Age of course, but I never necessarily felt like part of the fandom, just because it was so large and multifacted, and I only briefly engaged with it as someone who contributed to those respective fandoms. But with ZR and TWC, they're both things that have stuck around longer, mostly because I've continued to play them for a very long time. I got started with ZR about 10 years ago. When I was my most active with it was when I was going out literally every day and listening to missions, which helped keep the story and characters really fresh in my mind. It also helped me constantly think up new themes and ideas I really wanted to explore within the setting and with the characters. Similar with Wayhaven -- I played through all the books when Book 3 came out in April and I've more or less had a play-through going since then. My actual play-throughs have fallen a little on the wayside just because of life things but I'm still thinking about it & engaging with the source material a lot. So I guess my point is, to truly feel 'fannish' about something I need to be a little bit obsessed, lol!
As for my second point, I've truly felt my most 'fannish'/part of the fandom when I find a good community to interact with. One of my favorite parts of being a fan is actually getting to talk about the material in question -- play with it, theorize, etc. The Zombies, Run! Fandom when I joined was amazing for that, and there continued being a really good group constantly discussing meta on their Rofflenet website the entire time I was a player. There was even a weekly zoom book club to discuss the current releasing missions! It was awesome! And with Wayhaven I feel like I've found a really nice circle of mutuals to sit and talk about the books with (and also obviously, my dearest Delucadarling, who I constantly talk about it with). Which brings me to my last point, is I really like having a lot of space to 'play' and feel fannish. With ZR, it has a huge sprawling universe of a zombie apocalypse, and only a very small portion is shown to the players via the audio. It leaves a lot of room to imagine what happens around the missions. And with Wayhaven, since only a portion of the story is out, it leaves a lot of room to imagine with happens next to all the characters. That is the sort of thing I really find motivating! And there's for sure plenty of things I love that I don't really engage with the fandom for, or engage pretty lightly. For example, I've really been loving Star Trek: Strange New Worlds and Lower Decks, but I haven't really done more than chat with a few friends about it. Similarly for a lot of the books I read -- I'll talk about them with a friend or two but not really seek out a lot of online content for them. I also watch a lot of cooking competitions, lol, so that's different for me to. If you've stuck with me for this long thank you! I really appreciated the question and I hope you have a great day <3
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wubbelwubbwubb · 2 years
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It’s this time of the again! Zombies Run Secret Santa, and here’s my gift for @runnerzero, who wouldn’t mind to be tortured with season 2 angst.
... as always, I am bringing the holiday cheer.
Thank you so much @runnerzero for organizing this event and letting a forgetful idiot like me participate. (Also, thank you to the whole zr fan community here, you spoiled me for any other fandom)
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How did you find this community? Mostly asking since I found this all basically by accident.
I honestly just started posting ZR fanart on my other art blog - I knew there was a bit of a fandom for it still on tumblr from when I initially got into it years ago - and found people that way! Honestly it pretty much was by accident and by people (unexpectedly) interacting with my silly little five doodles
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tiredbutsharp · 1 year
So being in a fandom that is still going after so many years, stretching communities, cultures, backgrounds and generations. There are bound to be disagreements.
But also the current timeline of the plot of zombies run is very different from that of the beginning. I’m not going to spoiler anything here but like a lot of people of a more “traditional” mindset, are upset at the current plot of zombies run.
And like that what I’ve experienced with the owl house, although zombies run is unique, is that this is fives the characters story. And although five and their universe are part of our lives and had a big impact on it, it’s still a story. Not our reality.
People get upset when zombies run doesn’t adhere to there headcanons and it interrupts their fairytale, and it ruins it for everyone else who is caught up who want to talk about their different headcannon and possible directions for cannon to go, in a civil manner.
The universe, story and characters are expertly written. And sometimes it can be hard to not get too attached and act out. But we still have to be accountable.
So what we are seeing now is that beginners are going to know major points about what’s going on in later in the universe, no matter the amount of spoiler tags there. Changing their perceptions from the beginnings, different from people that have been here since almost or from the beginning.
So some people thing that spoiler tags are going to bring the past back with people in the fandom when it’s just not going to.
Spoiler warnings are good but not in excess. Effort is made but when you go to far and spoiler yourself…. Don’t blame others… take accountability because it really does show.
Caught up people in the ZR fandom want to bring this community back to life in a healthy and thriving way but it’s not going to be like the past and if we make the same mistakes the new growth in the fandom will suffer the same fate of why it shrunk so much in the first place.
In the end, this is my opionion and this is STS creation and the only people who really have a legit say into what’s actually going to happen with ZR is them. So I might be wrong and I have made mistakes and acted out but I’ve putting in the effort to admit I did do that but I felt I needed to say this.
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It seems like on tumblr (and discord), the Zombies, Run! fandom is going through a bit of a renaissance, with old fans like me getting more active in the community again, mixing with all the amazing new people! (The Radio Boyfriends focused VR is probably helping with that as well...)
At the same time I see the biggest ZR groups on facebook slowly falling apart. With people who were very active in the community and have been with the group and the game for a long time, becoming more and more unhappy with Zombies, Run! and Six to Start.
I guess it‘s the different demographics, a different focus on what we want from ZR 🤷🏻‍♀️
It is interesting though...
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zombiesrungame · 7 years
June Community Roundup
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Janine de Luca by nicolemadelineales
Six to Start News
Our crowd investment campaign is still in full swing! We’ve hit 60% funded, so head over if you’re interested and located anywhere in the world, except Japan & Canada.
Speaking of which, we can now accept investments from US accredited investors! We know a lot of you are located in little old America, so we’ve worked hard to open this up to you.
Racelink has joined forces with Stand Up for Cancer so you can race against Mel C, Bill Bailey, Ore Oduba and Edith Bowman in Celeb Chase Virtual Race!
Season 6 will be taking its scheduled hiatus after episode 20, before returning later in the summer. You’ve been warned - eke out your episodes accordingly. Or you know, binge them all and then wait eagerly for the conclusion.
Podcasts & Videos
Podcast Detected has a few new episodes for your delectation, including a few bonus episodes covering the mysterious topic of “Zombology”.
Over at Rofflenet, flschleiss wrote & recorded “Sam You’re All I’ve Got”, a fantastic song for everybody’s favourite Radio Operator!
Arts & Crafts
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We have something a bit different this month - 94knps over at Rofflenet posted this incredible supply cache he made for his girlfriend. Check out all the images to see what was included!
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Fully clothed and ready to go by hanhon14
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Sam Doodle by radiogaybel
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Run with the Revolution by nicolemadelineales
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Five: Then and Now by qkhilltop
The Lost Papers of Abel Township is an undeniably cool project. It’s a unique take on fanfiction, crafted around “found” documents from Runner Five, including diary entries. I can’t wait see what else they come up with!
Prom by erbinnerdgirl5 is an adorable fanfic where - you guessed it! - Abel holds its first ever prom. This is a lot of fun to read amidst the darkness of Season 6!
But to return us to that same dark, Digna Factis Recipimus by bbelladonna is a fantastic exploration of the kind of nightmares Five might have after all they’ve seen. Be warned - the current chapter has spoilers up to Season 3, and bbelladonna plans to continue through all the seasons in this style.
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littlelionmay · 4 years
A love letter to the Zombies, Run! fandom.
I've wanted to write this post for a long time, and this seems like the moment to do it. We all need some positivity, and I am especially aware of all the things in my life I am grateful for. So here is a probably incomplete list of all the reasons I love the Zombies, Run! fandom.
* There's no gatekeeping (only gate-raising). More than that, it is the single most welcoming fandom I have ever had the chance to be a part of. Every time someone new appears on the tag, there's always someone to say a warm hello and welcome them to the club. A particular shout-out to @scorrigan and @arlidenrunner5 for this one, I always see you interact with new Runner 5s and it warms my heart every time.
* Everyone genuinely loves Zombies, Run!. It seems obvious. It's a fandom, right? Isn't the definition of fandom to come together over something we love? Welp, not anymore. The more time I spend on the internet, the more I see people complaining about the things they claim to love. You search a tag looking for people to gush about something with, and end up reading the 1000 ways that thing you wanted to gush about is actually terrible. The ZR fandom has become the only corner of the internet where I feel like I can breathe, and love something without being told I'm wrong.
* There's no hierarchy; every contribution matters. When I first came into the fandom and saw all of the incredibly talented fanartists and fanfic writers who created beautiful things for ZR (@nokkiart, @hippyexd, @hanahakisack, @lucidii, @iamrunner5 and many others), I was very, very intimidated. And when those people starting following my little blog, reblogging my stupid memes, drawing my Five and getting excited about my weird Sims challenge, it blew my mind. Turns out, when your fandom is tiny, everything is exciting. Every new contribution is something to share and comment on and interact about, and I find that beautiful. Which leads me to my next point...
* It's like an internet family. Perks of a small fandom: most of the active posters get to know each other. We become mutuals, learn about each other's lives, celebrate each other's achievements and look forward to personal updates just as much as ZR-related posts. I'm a sucker for community, and I am so happy I get to be a part of this group of people who have never actually met and still really care about each other. Special shout-out to @ijustcantwaittobeme who is a ball of pure loveliness and excitement whose comments and tags always brighten my day.
* Every headcanon is accepted (and respected). You have no idea how much shit I've gotten (and given myself) for loving anything self-insert. I've always wanted to be a part of the things I loved, always pictured myself inside the worlds, interacting with the people. So the fact that Zombies, Run! is entirely based on whoever is playing being the main character blew my mind. Not only that but, no matter which ideas are most popular, I have never seen someone look down or say anything negative about another person's headcanons or ships. Every time someone shares anything about their Runner 5, most of the comments and tags on reblogs are about what a good Five it is (and let's be honest, everyone here is low-key crushing on at least one other Five. I can think of at least four of them myself, and I'm lowballing there).
I also wanted to shout my appreciation to lots of people who didn't necessarily fit into one specific category, including but not limited to @runnerzero, @notebooksnshoelaces, @runnerable, @otakupunk, @dorkylittleweirdo and @abeltownshipslittlebitch. You rock.
I'm sure I'm going to be kicking myself for forgetting something or someone as soon as I post this, but there you go. I discovered ZR over a year ago but I really got into it last September, when I had just moved to do my master's in a new town, away from my friends and my community. This fandom has brought me so much and made me feel surrounded when I was alone, and I am incredibly grateful for you all. Feel free to add on to this and tell me the reasons you love the ZR fandom!
Stay safe out there!
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scorrigan · 4 years
New theory about why zr community is so positive.
My old theories are that Its an activity based community, and the gym positivity ‘good effort’ culture was adopted.  (this is the case for me) and its a majority female fandom, so the toxic male nerd hasnt gotten enough of a hold to be pedants and drive away positive people.  (but what about $herlock then?!) New theory is: You are literally a self insert. You are Runner Five.  If I rage post about runner 5 or a member of abel I am literally insulting you and your family. Maybe that keeps us on our toes. 
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runnerzero · 3 years
ZR Fandom Spoiler Reminder!
with season 9 coming out today, I wanted to put out a post reminding everyone to be mindful of spoilers! 
you can tag spoilers by season: zrs1 spoilers, zrs2 spoilers, zrs3 spoilers… zrs9 spoilers
spoiler tags can be used for direct spoilers as well as indirect (like new characters that haven’t been introduced) 
you can also use these incredible banners by @crownleys to signal spoilers:
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^^ this is a brand new version just for season 9 and it looks amazing—thank you to crownleys for letting the community make use of it! (pls send a thank you if you have the chance) 
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crownleys · 4 years
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Hey y’all! I wanted to make a little bit of an announcement, and that is that I am starting up a Zombies, Run fan creators Discord server! Zombies, Fanworks! will be a dedicated discord server for fan-creators in the Zombies, Run! community with the intention to create an inclusive, open place for creators to share their works and appreciate the works of their fellows! This server will be open to artists, writers, and all genre of fan creators at all skill level to come together in love of Zombies, Run!. You can find the link by clicking the source button at the bottom of the post! Wait, a new ZR discord server? Aren’t there a lot of those already? There are! And I have no intention to try to create another community-oriented discord server, but one that is more focused on sharing creations and appreciating creators! I hope this will be a place that creators from all corners of the ZR fandom will be able to meet up and share the super cool things y’all create. Do I have to be a creative to join? No, you don’t! Any and all members of the ZR fandom are welcome, creator and creator-appreciator alike. I have more questions! Where should I ask them? Feel free to DM me and I’ll answer everything I can!
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podcastdetected · 4 years
Another Episode already?!
Check out this quick mini episode, signal boosting the work of two amazing artists in our fandom, raising money for charity supporting the BLM movement:
Find Emma's Charity Post here: https://crownleys.tumblr.com/post/619557676030066688/as-im-sure-many-of-you-are-aware-numerous
Find Lime's Charity Post here: https://lime-pigeon.tumblr.com/post/620027382950166528/i-am-doing-art-commissions-for-anyone-donating-to
Also recommended in the episode:
Minority Korner: maximumfun.org/podcasts/minority-korner/
Sawbones Ep about Medical Racism and Protest Safety: maximumfun.org/episodes/sawbones…d-protest-safety/
Zoe Amira's Video "How to financially help BLM": www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCgLa25fDHM
Collection of Charities in Support of Black Lives and Communities of Colour: nymag.com/strategist/article/w…ck-lives-matter.html
Stay save out there, Fellow Fives!
(PS: If you know of any other ZR fans raising money by doing ZR art, music, etc, on or off tumblr, get in touch, they’ll get a shout out as well)
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Whumptober 17 - “Stay With Me”
Characters: Runner Five, Sam Yao
Fandom: Zombies, Run!
NB: This R5 is mute, and uses non-binary pronouns.
So I’m getting pumped for this year’s Halloween Virtual Race, and therefore we’re back with another ZR whump prompt! From season 1 I’ve wondered how the hell Runner Five walks, let alone runs after some of the insane shit they go through, and then, thinking from a whumper’s perspective, it occurred to me that if Five doesn’t communicate verbally and if 90% of their communication over comms is audio-based, what if they’re just not able to get across how badly hurt they actually are? And now here we are 😈
Five crawled from the wreckage of the Jeep, dimly registering the heat of the flames and the blaring of the horn behind them. Their face was sticky, blood from their forehead coating their cheek and plastering their hair into wet spikes. Their ears were ringing, either from the force of the explosion or from slamming their head into the windscreen in the crash. Still, they could vaguely make out a voice over the din; familiar, reassuring, despite its frantic tone.
“ – completely on its side! No, no, I – I can see them moving. Five? Five, can you hear me??”
It took them a moment to react, but finally they reached up to the microphone and tapped it twice, wincing as the light reflected off tiny shards of glass embedded in the skin of their hand. There was a rush of static as Sam blew out an explosive breath of relief down the line.
“Oh, thank god. Five, I know you’re hurt, but I need you to keep moving. That crash is making a lot of noise, and the car is still…well, on fire, so you need to get out of there right now!”
As if to emphasise his point, the front tyre of the Jeep, still lazily spinning in the air, suddenly blew with a deafening BANG. Five flattened themselves instinctively as burning rubber splattered down around them, scorching the grass.
“Blimey! Five, seriously, if you can, I need you to get up and run, right now. Right now!”
Pushing down the little voice in their head that insisted you can’t, you’re too hurt, it’s too much, Five rocked up onto their hands and knees, then staggered to their feet, trying to ignore the way the treeline blurred and shifted as they tried to focus on it. That whining in their head was getting louder, almost drowning Sam out.
“Five? You need to head north, into the trees. You just need to make it a little further and Jodie and Paula can join up with you.”
Five forced their legs to move, taking it steady, when the fencepost beside them suddenly cracked, bursting into a hail of splinters. Five ducked away, covering their face as Sam jumped at his desk.
“What – oh…oh god, I’ve got them on cams. It’s the militia, they’re firing at you, Five, RUN!”
Five didn’t need to be told twice as another bullet whizzed past, close enough to sting. Their stomach was turning and it felt as if the ground were shifting beneath them but running was natural at this point, instinctive, and as they broke through the treeline and into the undergrowth they felt themselves falling into a rhythm, almost a daze. The sounds of pursuit fell behind – the bullets strayed further from the mark and eventually stopped altogether. With Sam’s encouragement Five ran on, barely thinking, until suddenly new instructions broke through the fog in their head.
“Aaaalright, hang on, just stop a minute in this clearing, I need to double check your route’s clear. Okay, nothing out east…a couple of zoms up to the north, but nothing you can’t handle –”
The switch was abrupt; one moment, Five was tired, but standing – the next moment, the world tilted violently and they felt their eyes rolling back as their legs gave out beneath them and they crashed to the forest floor.
“FIVE! Five?? Can you hear me? Oh, god, just…just move, or – or tap the mic, let me know you’re okay!”
Five tried, they really did. But everything was just so heavy, and their head hurt so much…
“Five? Look, stay with me, okay? You-you have to try and stay awake.” The shake in Sam’s voice was clear, and even through the haze Five could feel his panic as he switched channels. “Jodie, Paula, tell me you guys are close to Five’s position.”
There was static on the other runners’ line. Five knew they were speaking, but it was too garbled for them to make out. All they wanted to do was sleep.
“Five, listen to me. Everything’s going to be okay. Jodie and Paula are only a few minutes away, but you have to stay awake until then. Stay with me, Five, okay? Five? Runner Five! Can you hear me? Stay awake! Stay with me…”
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hippyexd · 5 years
Collection of my stories: Explained
Here is the post that nobody cares about but I'll share it because I just want the world to know.
1. Demon Academy.
I've posted some things about it already, it's a comic I started in 2014 originally in hungarian. I'm not quite happy with the way I started it, but I've built an interesting world, and I adore the characters, it's one of my best work that I'm very proud of. I drew 260 pages in total (book 1 and book 2) and I intend to pick up the story again sometime soon, when I get over exam season.
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2. Runner
A medieval-themed fantasy story that I eventually want to make into a cartoon series. It's a bit cliché, but the characters are fun, and it has a lot of potential for epic music. I basically came up with the entire plot while listening to fantasy music mixes. Fun times. I've only got some character drawigs, and I just recently managed to finally have eneryone's finalized version. I also have a side story/shared universe thing planned for it.
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3. Xyber-no
A post-apocalyptic cyberpunk futuristic action horror cartoon series idea. I've got the characters done already, and plans for like 2 seasons worth of content, I'm just lazy to edit the 1st ep's script. It's not even 20 minutes long. Honestly I'm just anxious to touch it. Got most of my ideas while listening to Neffex songs.
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4. Racer
I watched Initial-D, and way back I had a roleplay about a car racer dude, and these two motivated me to write this story. It's not really a novel, it resembles more to a script but it's not actually a script. It was mainly dialogue practice, to make the characters feel more fun. I just finished the rewrite like a week ago, I think it turned out pretty great. Planning on adding a part 2 or a season 2 or something like that, but again, too lazy to actually touch it. It's fun to re-read though.
5. Singer
I'm currently working on this story, because when I'm bored, I write. And when is the best time to be bored? Exam season. Hell yeah. Anyway, it's about a suicidal dude falling in love with a singer (also dude, I love my gay kids okay) and then they figure out their shit. Good story to fit in as much angst as possible, with a few lovely fluff parts.
6. ZR series
Most of my followers came from the ZR community, so y'all know what this one is. But in case not, it's a comic series portraying my reactions to various moments that happen in Zombies, Run!, a really fun and creative workout app. The comic is on hold right now because I've already got too much shit to do til christmas. (Such as the Fellow Five drawing I promised. It's not forgotten, I just don't have time!! XD)
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7. Demon and Vampire
Basically an over the top gay fluff love story with a little angst. It's pretty cool, sometimes it's boring, it's full of clichés and stuff, but I read it like 6 times and usually I hate my own writing, but there are parts that I just genuinely love in it. Fun stuff.
8. Psychoville
I've written the first 10 pages in like 30 different versions, because I'm unable to nail it. The main character is the daughter of Satan, who's name is ironically Angel, and she lives in a small town called Psychoville in the desert in Nevada, next to Searchlight, Nevada. As the name implies, she lives with 9 (or 8, I forgot) psychopaths, killers, mass murderers, insane mentally ill people who love each other to bits (and sometimes cut each other to bits) until she gets the task to investigate something for her father away from her home. Got a lot of inspiration from Welcome to Night Vale, and that lawless town in Kansas, I think? The yes theory made a video on it on yt, it's pretty dope.
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9. Hollywood Undead Hungarian Fanfiction
It's just what it is. A fanfic of the boiz going on tour, getting in trouble, drinking and so on. No romance (bc that's gross and I couldn't find any fanfic that was not in some shape or form a ship fanfic). Da Kurlzz was still in the band when I wrote it. I was like 12. I just wanted to have fun. The chapters are 2 pages long in total. But the hungarian fans liked it, was trending a bunch of times on wattpad and it has a lot of reads. Despite being horribly shitty, I'm proud of it, and it has a lot of really fun parts and jokes.
10. Wrong Number
I almost forgot about this gem, but this was my first finished english story. It's almost entirely written in sms text format, it's progressig a bit too quickly, but at the time I was having a lot of fun with it, and that's all that matters. It has some really funny lines I came up with, I like re-reading it just for that. But also, it was a fun way to get around having to write long paragraphs lol. I just wanted to have fun with it. Heavily inspired by the Call me Beep me klance fanfic.
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11. Milky Boiz
Context: my friend and I, at 2am, were thinking about what our ship name would be, but I kept typing "mmmmmilky" in the chat, that turned into milky boiz, and she said, that if we were guys, that would be our ship name. This gave us an idea for a webcomic, which we didn't actually progress with yet, but we do have an insta page where we already posted some of our boiz, you can find it under the name of @ink.stars , go pay a visit, it's my art and my friend's, and she is a wonderful artist and a lovely person and I love her to bits.
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12. Night Vale Steampunk AU
It's pretty much dead, but while I was really actively part of the Night Vale fandom, I started a Steampunk AU. It was fun, it got like 4 chapters or something and big plans, but the characters were not in character, and it lost the Night Vale vibe, so I just let it go.
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13. Cop Comic
Also a dead project of mine, but I still like it. It was inspired by a moment on one of our high school class trips. The characters were based on me and my friends, but the resemblence stops at hair color, that's all. Mabye not even that. Anyway it's what it is: cops dealing with crime and their personal problems. I wish I had known Brooklyn Nine Nine back then, would have been a great help.
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So, there you have it, all my favourite finished and unfinished works/ideas, just so you know if in the future I reference one (planning to post more Runner, DA and Xyber-no content along with the ZR comic)
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ijustcantwaittobeme · 5 years
Abel Township
I got an idea after seeing @aerismutual post (which can be found   here  ) but out of curiosity - I am curious if anyone here has either a headcanon or a few characters in the back of their mind that are residents of Abel? By this I mean characters who have either not been officially named or brought up yet they are people your Five notices or interacts with often at Abel. If so - who are they and how do they see Abel Runners, Five or anyone from the ZR world? If anyone feels up to sharing - would love to know your thoughts and who these residents might be! If not though - no pressure! But I welcome any and all answers if there are answers to be had! :D
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runfive · 6 years
ZR Fandom Compliments!
so this fandom is made up of the nicest people and I just wanted to do something to thank all of you wonderful people who have made being a part of the zr community such a fun experience! 
send me a 🏃 (+optional: your fave runner five headcanon!) for a compliment on your blog/edits/selfies/fanworks/etc!
(also no need to follow me to participate!)
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