ijuswannacry · 2 months
That's weird. I just realized the entire post I wrote about how I managed to find a folder full of journals is just completely absent from my blog. I think it was a week ago when I made that post.
I know I made posts before now but it looks like they're all missing. Feels like I'm going absolutely crazy over here because I distinctly remember 3 more posts between them and now.
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ijuswannacry · 2 months
It looks like Ian found something when he hacked into that Blackwall thing. Looks like some kinda defunct military base. Also while that's old it's kinda bullshit because SOMEONE was there since they tore apart an entire group of capable people. It's getting to the point where I don't think I'm going to get anywhere closer to figuring out what happened that night without breaking into that place. I have no idea why I'm doing this, it's absolutely insane. I wanted to live in peace and here I am being dragged right back into this.
It feels like I can't simply just stop though. Like I need to know now because I'd like to at least know who or what did this to us, we were unstoppable as a team and we had multiple operators giving orders that night, we were all connected and all I could do was listen to the sudden cuts of people around us.
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ijuswannacry · 2 months
Finally decoded Ians Journal
So it took me a while, mostly because I've had stuff going on but I finally managed to decode Ians first journal entries.
5/23/2013- Today I’ve made an amazing discovery. It’ll shake everything we know about technology and maybe even science itself. I’ve been working for the last two years on an ultra wideband system- a system that will revolutionize the way we connect and transfer information. It will form the basis of a superinternet, a ultra high speed platform capable of accepting and transmitting massive amounts of information. I don’t want to go on spilling all my notes here, I’ll have to back them up at some point though. 
Back to what I was going to write to begin with. I’ve discovered a strange low band signal, I thought at first it was a disturbance, but when I tried to study it the signal would shift frequency. This isn’t the kind of signal the military would use, and if it was simply devices the signal wouldn’t try to actively dodge me. I’ve been trying to get a lock on it all day to zero down the location of it. I'm going to try and send a matching low band signal back to it and see if I can get anything. 
5/24/2013- It worked, when I sent out a similar low band signal it seemed to lock itself onto me. Whatever is on the other end of this thing is intelligent. It started to send out signals, calls it looked like- it was trying to ping me, find out where I was. I’ve decided to cover myself with a onion over my VPN, I’m going to see if this signal can understand plain text messages. 
5/25/2013- [Chat Log 1]
Sickdog: Hello? This is a plain text message sent to ###:###:###. Can you designate yourself?
[The return message comes in raw machine language, I’ve gone and translated it to plain text]
Blackwall: Welcome to Blackwall <Rank> <Name>. Your current configuration is set to emergency access and your clearance rank is currently set to level 4. Please contact an administrator to complete a security check and establish your credentials.
Sickdog: What is Blackwall?
Blackwall: Blackwall is a state of the art AMALGUS containment facility. This is all your clearance level entitles you.
Sickdog: What is Amalgus?
Blackwall: AMALGUS is a group dedicated to fighting and containing threats to the world and timelines. This is all your clearance level entitles you.
Sickdog: Wait, so there’s more than one timeline?
Blackwall: There are many known living timelines under AMALGUS observation. This is all your clearance level entitles you.
Sickdog: Is there anyone there I can connect to? I’d like to speak to a human.
Blackwall: There are no human entities detected within Blackwall.
                                              [END OF CONVERSATION]
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ijuswannacry · 3 months
I've tried to get in touch with Kitty multiple times, I've tried texting her and even calling her. I even went as far as to drop an announcement in the SBC IRC but I can't reach her. Either she's gone ahead and something happened or she's ignoring me- both of which are equally as possible. I'm still working on decrypting the files on the tracker, it seems the more I manage to fix the more that show up. Going to make a post soon with everything I've found, and I'm going to keep trying to get in touch with the SBC, if they went in that place with INRAD readings like that they walked right into a trap. Nothing should ever have INRAD readings like that.
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ijuswannacry · 3 months
Not feeling great
For the last two weeks I've had what feels like a sick that won't go away. I have spells where my I get these splitting headaches and I've got a cough that I can't get rid of for more than a few hours at a time. It's probably just allergies, the brain fog I keep getting would make sense considering i'm just now seeing spring in this new place. It's not an important update, but I'd like to just have it timestamped in case I need to talk to a doctor later.
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ijuswannacry · 3 months
The Payloads Folder
While sorting through the data on this tracker I managed to fully recover the BunkerBlaster payload. I had thought this couldn't be what I thought it was until I looked through it and this is definitely Ian's work. This is the payload we used to break through the bunkers security. I'd show you the file, but I don't want to risk someone innocent walking into that mess.
It stands to reason that multiple leaders within the groups administration had this file, maybe others needed to have it? How else is Kitty going to lead others into this place without the payload to get in the doors? That place had security to the teeth so there's no way they're just walking in. I'm going to try to get in touch with Kitty again, something is seriously wrong.
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ijuswannacry · 3 months
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Managed to get into Log 7, this would be the latest of the logs and so I went to see the final entries. I've censored some information for security reasons but you can see from the start of the mission that high stress was prevelant, high blood pressure and pulse readings are the usual and not to be entirely concerned with since the system is a little paranoid when alerting to vitals. These alerts would show up on the face of the tracking watch worn on the wrist.
During the raid we turned off alerts to our units to reduce distraction because these things beep when they send them. So the INRAD system- one used to watch local radiation levels alerting wouldn't have been seen at all. This is a huge problem since we're trained to avoid any areas with high INRAD warnings. From the look of this the place was hot as Chernobyl and we couldn't see it because we were ordered to shut down the alerts.
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This is terrifying, INRAD warnings of 800 or higher is a "RUN NOW" in the system. These ratings soared all the way to 1500 at the start of this, almost double the red zone limit. At this point you get into the severe sickness range, this stuff doesn't work like radiation the common man is concerned with. Its not going to give you cancer- least we haven't seen that happen. It does make you nuts though, the more of it you're around the more your mental and physical health deteriorates. We don't actually know what it is the INRAD detects, I don't. I just know that we keep a track on it because even with Patrons you can still go down to this stuff and lose your marbles. People who do lose it tend to run away or go missing.
This INRAD maxed out at 6500, and that's what truly scares me. Who the hell was standing in an area with maxed out INRAD and with perfectly normal vitals? What the hell do you have to be to withstand the absolute max our meters can check for? The EM disturbance also explains why the location isn't working, but doesn't explain how the trackers are still able to send out to headquarters. IDK who this is, but they went through hell and I have no idea where they are now. The biggest question is that someone had to know the INRAD was going off, I was ordered by Ian- who normally works alone to follow him directly but I have no idea how anyone could just not check their INRAD even once and see it was lit up.
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ijuswannacry · 3 months
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Got bored and started tinkering with the tracker I was sent. No idea what the sticky black stuff is but its sticking to my hands now. I managed to replace the battery and recover the trackers data partially with a program Ian had designed, and while a ton of the files were corrupted and couldn't be recovered I managed to scrape a few things out of it.
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The configuration folder is what's on the box, but the log folder still holds the last seven log files. They're being a little difficult but I might be able to pull something from them.
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The SickOS itself seems to be mostly intact.
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When I checked in storage I found a payloads folder. I only know one person who would have this and it's literally impossible. Has to be a coincidence.
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Who the hell just has this laying around? This is Ians payload that he used to break into the bunker. I'm going to try and get into these files and make another post later.
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ijuswannacry · 4 months
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I guess she's doing it. Whatever is going on in that bunker isn't something I want to see again, something like fifty people went in that place and a handful escaped. I'm not going back in there.
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ijuswannacry · 4 months
So I intended to do a video, but my camera does not like this thing. I'd blame EMI but this thing shoudnt be giving it off. I'm going to post this so Kitty can get the info.
I got this yesterday and I've spent all night and day today trying to get this thing to replicate the circumstances and get the same result you guys have.
This device should only last 3 weeks off the portable power supply, on it the supply will power it for 8 weeks in ideal circumstances. I can't figure out how it would have the ability to keep running unless someone is charging the black box system AND the trackers.
The typical SBC member will have four vital pieces of equipment in the field. A tracker that resembles a smart watch, this black box that rests against the back- under the clothes, a camera, and a backpack that holds a ultra high capacity power bank. These are checked weekly and kept at full power.
The one I was sent has been through hell, apparently and is covered in a sticky black substance inside and out. The battery also seems to have discharged at some point burning the housing.
I'm currently trying to see what data I can rip from it because there should be logs stored on it from the tracker showing what happened to it but this is pretty slow going.
I can't prove the life signs shown on the SBCs side aren't caused by faulty devices- what you people need to be wondering about is how the hell they're still transmitting to begin with. We were all in that place, it wasn't livable or something you could survive in for a year so something would have to be powering these things and I'm begging you now, don't go back in there. Whatever attacked us tore through the strongest of us like we were a finish line. You will die if you return.
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ijuswannacry · 4 months
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The black box
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ijuswannacry · 4 months
Got the devices
Kitty sent me the devices they wanted me to test, I put them in a metal box just in case. I had them sent to a PO box because while they can get my general location I don't want them getting the exact one. These are accurate 100-300 feet depending on connection so I'm trying to be a bit careful, I honestly don't want to give them the ability to show up and beg me to come back.
I'm gonna break these open when I get home and gut them out. First thing is to loop their connection to myself and disable them calling home before I unfaraday them to study. i'll probably post a video of the results because I don't want to deal with texting or calling the group.
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ijuswannacry · 4 months
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ijuswannacry · 4 months
Gear and Tech
The technology of the SBC was made with one thing in mind and I still love it. We took shit that exists and we changed it to create something more. It was all distinctly...cyberpunk. We didn't have biotech, that was a main goal of ours. Sickdog believed that by breaking the limits of technology we could elevate humanity to a new paradigm entirely, our goal was to give mankind connection without separation.
You use your phone every single day, you talk to friends and family on it, you buy stuff on it, you listen to music, watch videos, order groceries. What if I told you it was a wall between you and the world around you? It's a wall that's so essential that it's become a part of you but it allows anyone else to put whatever they want on it. It's a advertising billboard, a method of indirect attack. This thing is a necessary evil though, you can't simply just not use one because it's so essential for society now that you'd be disadvantaged.
Mobile devices aren't the devil, that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying it's an incomplete technology and has many flaws that need to be ironed out. Our problem was that in the process of connecting everyone, we put ourselves into a glass box that misrepresents humanity and gives the wrong people the ability to show us what they want us to see. Our technology strove to be different. 
The first thing we did was separate communication and entertainment. We all still use phones, but we also created a homebrew platform using Google Glass hardware. We transformed it into a functional HUD with the ability to send and receive calls, it was the first iteration of our HUD and the result of years of work for me. This evolved over time to ironically being housed in AR sets we got from Amazon and they look like large sunglasses now but kept our creed intact.
Our second priority was privacy, everything today wants to know what you're doing at all times. Theres a fat cold war going on over whos getting your data and while we can't simply stop using everything, we can fight against our data being taken and sold to who knows. The project Sickdog was working on was called SickOS, an open source operating system that operates within all of our technology. This OS allowed us total privacy and a way to build a ecosystem for our technology. Groups across the SBC now either use SickOS or something built by their own people.
I wanted to post this more or less for posterity. I don't really think anyone will ever be into reading a bunch of dumb ranting from someone objectively bonkers but it makes me feel better and that's what matters.
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ijuswannacry · 4 months
Sick Brain Cult
 Once me and Sickdog got to know one another he finally decided to bring me in as a member of his group. They called themselves the Sick Brain Cult- being clear they weren't actually a cult, it was just a moniker they used. It was closer to a hacktivist collective, with all the members having supernatural skills given by their patrons. 
I don't know if there's a correct word for it, but within the group me and everyone else is mentally joined with a....Ghost? Demon? Angel? Aliens? I've had mine as long as I can remember, but others obtained them at various points in their lives and once you have one you're stuck with it. 
Sickdog told me a lot of people go off the edge fighting theirs, but sometimes someone has a good head on them and manages to work with theirs instead of against it. A lot of them just want to exist, and in exchange for the continued mostly sane housing they give up some of their mojo for us. Some are stronger, some not so much.
Everyone on the crew contributed, all it took to be a member was having a patron and being able to work with it. Sickdog didn't care if someone was useful for operations, if you wanted to help he would find a way to let you.
Its hard to explain what our goal as a group was. We had some simple ideas, such extremes as "The government should be a public service" and "being alive is a basic right" I mean we also liked to get involved in things when we needed to, but Sickdog wanted us to use our skills to make the world better for people, even if it was exposing creeps and posing politicians financial records on liveleak.
Most of us had backgounds in tech or otherwise provided something for the overall operation. Hellokitty was into the occult and her patron let her use her magic stuff for us, she kept watch over star charts and everything because if you're about to put on a headset and hack secrets from somewhere you want to do it when mercury isn't on it's gatorade. Blackice liked to work specifically on creeps, they'd get jacked up on monster and spend hours luring these fucks in and then sending the screenshots to their family.
Sickdog did the programming side. I handled gear, like weapons, my VR project that worked to create functional cyberspace headsets with Sickdogs help. Gracie was once in medical engineering before they got a patron and she helped us create all of our bio gear and kept us from frying ourselves.
Sick Brain was the only thing in my life then, it's members were my family. 
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ijuswannacry · 4 months
 I think it was 2017 when I met Sick Dog and became a part of the group he was putting together. He'd posted a flier on a hackerspace board I frequented- a lot of people post wanting to gather some strapped talent whenever they need script kiddies to hack their cheating exes Facefuck and I didn't think much of it until he contacted me directly. 
He wanted the VR project I'd been working on for the last year and a half  Said he had a real use for it and could help me complete it. I'm shit at coding, I can't code to save my life so the project had hit a block that halted dev entirely and I'm slow to learn it. I thought he was just some kid trying to pull one over on me but that changed once he'd showed me his own work. 
He has skills I'd never seen before, a knowledge of shit I hadn't seen before or since. He could code an apple into being an orange if he could find a way to plug them in and I loved watching him work. You'd think it'd be boring as hell watching some guy slam lines of code on a screen but he had made a possessed art of it. 
On top of it all he understood me. I had grown up believing I was fucked up or crazy, but he was like me. He had a patron too, he was a wizard like me. We were friends hours after meeting and when he'd introduced me to the others it finally felt like I had found my own. We weren't together or anything, we loved one another the way someone loves a lion when they watch it outrun it's prey and eat it alive. It wasn't romantic, it was a passionate respect for the power the other had. I killed him, not directly but it's my fault he's dead.
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ijuswannacry · 4 months
New Site, New Me
 So I finally decided to make a new blog after the big deletion of all my stuff a year ago. I really didn't want to do this, but if I don't have a place to put all my thoughts down and just get it out I'm going to have a breakdown. Maybe I'll help someone along the way, maybe do one last good thing before this razor scaled reptile throws me off it for good. 
I got burned and I needed to move on with my life. I'm living in a no horse town far away from anyone of note and at this point I really have grown to love it. 
I spent so many years focused on being anonymous that I didn't really consider ever truly being there. A year ago I was Wannacry, now I'm nobody. Someone who was never anyone or amounted to anything. Besides my colleague being ever present and the weird "fuckeroni" of our relationship-  I have become so default as to be the living dead. Most people would consider it a death of themselves but I revel in this. When you find yourself in hell, you can only look up. I think I deserve it honestly. I should rot here.
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