ikbongki · 7 years
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natsuko chuckles, tucking her hands inside the pockets of her coat. “that is what puppies do, they tend to be inquisitive.” she says with a firm nod. she looks around her, pursed lips. she was sure he couldn’t be far. natsuko looks back towards bongki and shakes her head. “don’t worry, i’ll help you find him. no reward needed.” it’d be a reward to know that the puppy was back with his owner, that he was safe. stray dogs was never a good thing. she pauses, stalling before nodding. “uh, yes!” natsuko was a fan, sure. a fan minus the whole creepy, crazy thing. she thinks that now might be a good time to drop the whole, i’m an idol, not a crazy fan thing. she rocks back and forth on her heels. “i’m from crystal media, i’m friends with minhee!” natsuko says. “shall we start looking for your dog?”
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“ this is my first puppy, i’m usually a cat type of guy y’know.” he said his tone somewhat bashful. “ he’s a lot more hyper than i expected but he’s really cute.”  imugi was after all, a part of his life that he couldn’t imagine without now the little brat. as bongki finally calmed down, seeing as now that he had help with the whole stray dog situation, he realized who he was speaking to. “ oh god! you’re uh natsuko-ssi right ? you’re in sweetheart right ?” damn bongki, you need to get better with this whole meeting people thing. “ ah, yes i’ve heard about you from minhee.” at that younger’s words, bongki nodded his head and began to glance around the park. “ his name is imugi, so uh just call out to him and hopefully he’ll show up ?”
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ikbongki · 7 years
☾ ooc post !
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Keep reading
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ikbongki · 7 years
“hmm… but how do i know she’s treating him right?” she joked again, an eyebrow raised as she looked at his over her cup. she nods in agreement at the other’s statement “mhm, that’s probably why we get on so well. because we’re so alike.” eva grimaces at the other, shaking her head in protest. “i’m not clumsy! i’m super graceful.” she holds her hand over her heart in mock offense, and says with a smile “wow, you’ve hurt my feelings.”
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“ well...” bongki trailed off as he glanced at the woman and her dog. “ seeing as she took her dog to a pretty popular restaurant, i’m sure she’s treating him rather well.” he muttered, as he turned his attention back to his friend. “  two peas in a pod, but i’m surprised you two don’t get into trouble when you’re together.”a snort escaped his lips at eva’s words, from past experiences bongki held little doubt that eva was graceful. “ right okay, i totally believe you, totally.”
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ikbongki · 7 years
☾ ooc post !
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hi guys! i haven’t been as on as i wanted and i haven’t had a chance to plot with a lot of you guys ( my fault rip ). but! here is a list of plots i made for bongki ( p ) so check it out !
also im totally down to brainstorm so just like this post if you wanna plot !
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ikbongki · 7 years
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“ minjae-ah.” the older male couldn’t help but smile at the sight of the idol. it had been awhile since they spoke, and bongki had a soft spot for his fellow label mate. “ hey, what brings you to the studio ?” he questions, as he turned his focus away from his notebook and towards minjae.” you had some free time or are you just dropping by before you go and practice ?”
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ikbongki · 7 years
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“oppa! graduation is in a couple of weeks, you know.” the crystal trainee chirped up, looking up from her boxed lunch to turn her attention to her brother who was sitting across from her. it was evident that the dancer was excited for her transition from a student into a full-fledged adult. with exams practically out of the way, there was only a number of school days yet. “i know that you won’t be able to go that day, but you’ll still get me flowers, right?”
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“ i know, the ‘rents sent me a text about it when they got the call from the school.” he said with a laugh, the fact that his parents were sending him non-stop texts about minhee becoming a high school graduate. a smile on his lips as he watched the younger girl eating her lunch. where did the years go ? she was still a baby in his mind for sure. “ why wouldn’t i be able to go ? of course i’m going to, i am your only older brother, come on minhee have more faith in me.”
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ikbongki · 7 years
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“but being a busan standard is not enough anymore, is it?” the menu wasn’t interesting anymore as sangmi slowly moved to turn so she she could eye bongki.  if you took busan and made it into a person, sangmi would swear the individual would be like a clone of the one sitting in front of her.   ”you have to think bigger, since this isn’t busan. be a seoul gentleman,” she shrugged, keeping a humorous tone in her voice. she knew she was pushing it. “you can’t just be stuck on busan forever,” she breathed out quietly, not sure if he heard her or not. the girl didn’t want to sound depressed about it. though, it wasn’t something that could not have been helped. even if busan had mostly negative associations in her book, it was her home. it was a place where her heart was at. “that’s why my dialect is so good, i’m not stuck on home.” the girl ended her thought, offering a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. it seemed like she was trying to convince herself more than anyone else. it made mi clear her throat awkwardly as her eyes avoided eye contack, wandering around the cafe. “until i hear busan dialect. then it’s like something explodes in me, i can’t keep it in.” her eyes stayed focused on that one scratch on the table, fingers finding their way to it. she stayed quiet for a couple of moments, collecting her thoughts. 
“anyway…. i hope i am one of the members of heaven you actually like because if not, i’m not sure why i’m here,” a smile had already found her way onto her face as she wiggled her brows up and down, expecting a satisfying response before gently hitting the table with her hand. “tiramisu it is. wait a little bit,” with that the sound of a chair pushing against the floor had erupted in the cafe. luckily, no one cared enough to frown at the noise and sangmi reached the counter without worrying that someone might look at her the wrong way. though, the barista certainly did, as they glared at her when she forgot to turn off the switch of her busan dialect while ordering. that made her throw an annoyed look over her shoulder at bongki before coming back to the table.  “you’re eating tiramisu and i am eating banana pudding because apparently every pastry here is trying to kill me.” sangmi informed, the unmistakable annoyance in her voice evident to the point it hurt. 
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“ being busan standard has gotten me this far sangmi-ah.” yeah, bongki was a bit defensive - after all, it was the only thing that remained constant throughout his turbulent childhood. but, he understood where his friend was coming from. after all, there were some things that should be left in the sunny port town he called home for most of his life. “ would you tell me how exactly to be a seoul gentlemen?" he teased, though he couldn't help but let his lips drop at the other's words. there was a reason their relationship didn't move past the blind date ( which he didn't mind, he had found jaehyun and he was happier than he could of ever though he could be ) but, they were too alike and too different in various ways.  and hearing her speak about busan he couldn't understand how someone could easily forget it. " hey now, people love it when i speak in dialect, they think it's charming." he pauses, smiling at his friend across from him. " come on, your fans aren't itching for you to use that aegyo in your dialect." he teases, as he shakes his shoulder. " they don't want you to say oppa-yah! while hitting their arm ?" obviously, bongki was exaggerating but you could never know with idol fans.
“ of course, i’m a part of your fan club - everyday i write about how much i would love to kiss the ground you walk on. “ he utters with a short laugh. before raising his own eyebrow at the younger’s expression. “ ah alright mi, be back soon i’ll be lonely.” his eyes following the idol as his fingers tapping against the surface of the table. before being caught off guard at the annoyed expression sangmi sent him as she ordered at the counter, only being able to give his friend a rather sheepish expression. “ he wants to kill you ?” he repeated, his eyes going back to the counter. “ does he need help ?” before realizing perhaps the mood wasn’t the best for joking around. bongki winces for a moment before sighing as he turned his attention towards sangmi. “  why would he want to kill you ? you’ve only been in the cafe for like three minutes.”
cafe cafe + sangmi
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ikbongki · 7 years
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❝ i know, ❞ his lips hovered by the other’s neck with a smile, mischief obvious in his tone, ❝ the feeling’s mutual. ❞ even with the joking tone he was using, he was certain that the both of them knew it was true. he furrowed his brows, a puzzled grin on his face at bongki’s words. a limit on dogs? unheard of. ❝ i was just kidding, hyung. if i had 102 dalmations, i think i would know. ❞ he leaned into the elder’s embrace, wrapping an arm around the other’s waist as he nodded up at him. jaehyun practically grew up with disney movies, so he couldn’t fathom how bongki had gone through his childhood without watching more than five of them. the younger male attempted to escape the soloist’s pull, but as soon as their lips met in a loving kiss, he was puddy in bongki’s hands—- but they both knew jaehyun wanted it just as much. ❝ that is an empty threat and we both know it. ❞ he pressed his lips to his again, a smiling into it before pulling away again momentarily. ❝ what kind of revenge would it be anyway? what would you do? ❞
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bongki’s face twisted into a rather confused expression, where did his sweet little jaehyun go? the one he met when he was still a crystal trainee. alas, jaehyun was still doe-eyed and charming young man who took his heart. “ nah, i think i would risk more for you." he teased,  a laugh escaping his lips. " what do you want jaehyun-ah? the moon? i'll give you the moon." bongki knew his rather tacky words would make jaehyun flustered, but honestly, his own words made him cringe. “ i think we would all know we would have watched it like three hundred times.” and bongki felt like he wasn’t being dramatic - if bongki and a puppy was drowning, jaehyun would most likely would save the puppy.” don’t underestimate me come on, i’m scary i swear.” though his face was filled with affection towards the younger. “ hm, it wouldn’t be revenge if i told you,” his fingers finding themselves at the younger’s sides and tickling the idol. “ but be warn ryu jaehyun, i’m coming for you.”
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ikbongki · 7 years
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ikbongki · 7 years
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“shiba?” she repeats, pulling down the pink face mask which covers her mouth. perhaps his dog had run away? she wasn’t too sure if she’d seen a dog wandering around, or maybe she had, and hadn’t thought it meant anything. “shiba inu?” natsuko recited. she looks around her and shakes her head, although it hits her that this face is rather, familiar. “i haven’t seen him, but i can help you look if you’d like!” she wasn’t doing anything, thankfully; and she was cool with helping him out if he needed it. “four eyes are better than two! un, if you don’t mind me asking, are you–  moon bongki sunbaenim?” natsuko asks, tipping her head aside as she studies the older male. 
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god, jaehyun was going to kill him if he had lost imugi. minhee too, hell everyone would have killed him because he lost that damn dog.  plus bongki would be saddened by it too. " yeah a shiba inu.." he muttered, his eyes still scanning the area around them, god this dog was way more trouble than his worth sometimes. " he's a shiba inu puppy, and he tends to dig into trash cans ?" wow - really showing that imugi was a great dog. " ah, only if you're not doing anything, i'll be sure to reward you if do help though..." he trails off, before the girl's words catching him a bit off guard, bongki was still not used to this whole celebrity thing.   “ ah yes, i’m moon bongki...are you a fan ?"
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ikbongki · 7 years
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“hyung!” excitable; energetic; when the idol runs his way to the older his hands are thrown wide in a wild frenzy, the ecstatic expression written across his face more than palpable at this point. he considers the other to be one of his absolute best friends –– even if he isn’t certain bong ki feels the same way, tae’s proven to be awfully good at being persistent. “did you see the snap i sent you? what did you think of the last move?” eyes are wide like saucers, his gaze towards the other bordering on uninhibited as his words are laced with a mirth that comes trademark, at this point. “i mean … granted you’d have to have me on the stage with you for the big leapfrog move at the end of your song …. but HEY, that means more opportunity for a collab! wouldn’t that just be so cool?!” / @ikbongki !
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bongki couldn’t help but tiredly wave at the idol who had ran his way.  a bit tired from his songwriting session, the younger's enthusiasm was a bit overwhelming but yet, the cheerfulness of his smile did bring some joy and energy to the solo artist." yea, i just watched it, it was pretty sick, but i think only you could pull off a move like that, taemin-ah." while their personalities were vastly different from one another, the other's appearance was always a breath of fresh air to bongki. a bubble of laughter escaped the older's throat, amused by the image of taemin in tagging along for some of his performances.  " you'll have to talk to the higher ups for that, then we can plan a little more." he explained while shaking his head. " where are you coming from kid ?"
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ikbongki · 7 years
❛ bongki… ❜ he mimicked, voice matching the elders. ❛ i had lessons before coming here. i don’t have another one until… uh. my phone is beside you, so i can’t check my schedule. but it’s definitely like, another hour at least. they like it when i hang out with you anyway. you’re like the coolest guy here. ❜ he sounds off from his position in the corner, throwing bongki’s stress ball into the air. ❛ what do you think the inside stuff of this ball tastes like, like the gel? would it kill you if you cut into it and ate it? ❜
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haneul was an odd one. his words always managed to surprise bongki no matter how many times they spoke with one another. “ hey, listen, as your hyung, i just want you to do succeed in this whole training thing, and that's gonna well if you spend your practice time, slumming it in my studio." he scolded softly, before raising an eyebrow at the younger's words." flattery will get you nowhere, just be sure to leave once it's time for your classes." he mutters before rolling his eyes. “ don’t eat it, i don’t want to drag you to the doctors because you ate a stress ball.”
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ikbongki · 7 years
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send me  🍸 for a moodboard of our muses ( accepting )
moon bongki + ryu jaehyun ( @ikjaehyun )
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ikbongki · 7 years
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ikbongki · 7 years
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send me  🍸 for a moodboard of our muses ( accepting )
bongki & haneul / @ikxhaneul
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ikbongki · 7 years
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send me  🍸 for a moodboard of our muses ( accepting )
bae siblings ( @ikminhee )
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ikbongki · 7 years
send me  🍸 for a moodboard of our muses send me  🍷 for an aesthetic of our muses send me  🍹 for a short fanfic/headcanon of our muses send me  ☕️ for a mini playlist of our muses
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