ikem3n · 1 month
the other day i finished liam’s route and i felt like i fell down a hill when reading the nsfw scenes. girl who plays an otome game w nsfw content for the first time
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ikem3n · 2 years
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can i offer you a shitpost in these trying times
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ikem3n · 2 years
toasty would spoil me so much and it’d make me so happy and a little overwhelmed but most importantly he’d pay for my therapy sessions he’d be like honey i love u but u really need therapy here take my credit card
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ikem3n · 2 years
wanted to write something with toasty (and my oc? unnamed oc, basically a self insert) based on this robo ask. i’m not fluent in english so i’m sorry for any mistakes. thank you if you read it <3
“you okay?”
toaster’s concerned voice brings me back to reality. i realize i had been lost in thought for a while now. the private boat he had rented for us is sailing slowly through the river and we are side by side on the outside deck seats, resting after having dinner under candle lights. 
“i am! sorry, the view is just so beautiful,” i say, eyes still on it. the city lights reflect in the water, dancing, as dusk paints the sky a hazy pink.
“but…?” he says with a smile. he knows me so well by now. 
“it’s just… i’m not really used to private boats.“ i realize how that sounds and shift on the seat to look at him. “doesn’t mean i don’t like it, of course. i loved the dinner, the candles, the gifts, everything. thank you so very much,” he gives me a small smile. “but it’s… new, and i’m still in awe. it’s the first time i’ve been somewhere as fancy as this.”
he takes my hand and kisses my knuckles. i blush, and so does he. it had only been a few days since we had met face-to-face and we are still getting used to showing affection like this.
“i get it,” he says. he doesn’t let go of my hand. i put my head on his shoulder. “i’m sorry, i guess i got a little carried away.”
“a little?”
“alright, maybe more than a little,” he says, and i laugh. “but you can’t blame me, i… can’t help it, i guess? i can’t, with you here.”
i bury my face in his shoulder.
“you can’t help it?”
“you… you deserve all this and more,” he says. “fuck, it was so frustrating when we were so far away from each other and i couldn’t give you all this,” his thumb caresses my fingers. “but um, is it okay? if i want to keep spoiling you?”
i close my eyes. i’m glad he can’t see the way my eyes tear up.
“yeah, i might be able to get used to it,” i tease, “rich boy.”
he laughs, and my stomach is filled with butterflies.
almost unconsciously, i shift my body to face him, placing my legs on his lap. i feel him tense a little; it’s probably the first time we are so close, my body against his side, my head resting on his shoulder. i’m so aware of his body heat, his breathing, his every movement, and i love
the way i fit next to him. if i look up, there’ll be so little distance between our faces it makes me dizzy, so i look down at our hands in my lap instead. slowly, i intertwine my fingers with his. our hands are still slow and hesitant, and i can feel the blood rushing through my veins with each touch.
“just so you know,” i say, almost in a whisper, “i love everything you give me, but what i love the most, is you.”
there’s a pause. he squeezes my hand. “i love you, too, so much.”
i sigh happily, replaying those words in my head. i feel so warm inside, and somehow the view looks even lovelier. the only thing i can hear is the water against the boat, and my own heart.
“i was… i was wondering…” he says, and i feel him swallow. when he doesn’t continue, i dare to look up. he’s looking down, and i can see his blushing face in the fading dusk light.
“what is it?” i whisper.
he smiles to himself and meets my eyes.
“is it alright if… i kissed you?” my heart pounds in my chest. he turns even redder. “i-it’s okay if you—“
“please, do,” i interrupt, a nervous laugh escapes my lips. he looks at me for a second, and then he smiles, his eyes are so full of fondness it makes me wanna cry. “please,” it sounds like begging, but i don’t care anymore.
he moves forward a little, looking at my lips. i close my eyes, too nervous to look.
i feel his hand slowly cup one of my cheeks, his thumb caressing my skin. i melt into his touch and lean into it, wrapping my fingers around his wrist. his hand feels cold against my hot skin. then his lips meet mine, and my mind goes blank.
he opens his lips just a little, tilting his head slightly, and i follow him. he kisses me so slowly and gently and yet i still feel my head spin. he tastes so sweet, i immediately feel like i could get addicted to it. his free hand is in my other cheek and he brings me even closer, deepening the kiss, still as gently.
when we break apart, we stay there, foreheads touching, trying to catch our breath. he gives me another small kiss and puts his forehead on my shoulder.
“you okay?” i ask, leaning into him.
“mhmm,” he mutters, and i can hear his smile.
i can’t help but laugh at us, happiness overflowing me.
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ikem3n · 2 years
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Late Night Lovers (sfw)
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Hello Lovely~ : ̗̀➛ 
Synopsis: Little things you did, half asleep in the middle of the night, that they can’t quite forget. 
: ̗̀➛ Featured Characters: Nightowl, Quest, Xyx, NakedToaster x Gn!Reader
 ̗̀➛ Content Warnings: No warnings needed.
̗̀➛  Additionally notes: Happy birthday to the sweetest puppy this side of e-dating, I’ll give him a dedicated post soon, but please enjoy this offering until then. 
Yours Faithfully, Viktor.
                                      … 𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 …
Keep reading
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ikem3n · 2 years
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04.01 🥳
happy birthday nightowl!!! 💗💗💗
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ikem3n · 2 years
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ikem3n · 2 years
i would post these little scenarios i have in my head of toasty and my oc? (i think?) but i’m not fond of my writing and english isn’t my first language so it’d probably have many mistakes and augh but well maybe someday
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ikem3n · 2 years
good thing is i’m so in love w toasty i’ve just started daydreaming about them instead of thinking of my ex so often
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ikem3n · 2 years
greenest to red flag among the lis?
LMFAO do u mean. As a person?
Toaster > quest > xyx > nightowl
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ikem3n · 2 years
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ikem3n · 2 years
Are you gonna elaborate on the nightowl&onionthief as foils to each other post? Would love to hear your thots 👀
(tbh my thoughts are not organized or coherent, it's just me comparing them to each other while i'm at the bus lol)
I think that instead of just portraying them as polar opposites, their dynamic is used to draw attention to their most noticeable and most important features - their core features if you will. It's hard to list all the things I've noticed right now since I am a forgetful person but the first example that comes to my mind is their families and their ways of upbringing, which has fundamentally shaped both of their characters.
Onion comes from a big family with an openly troubled parental figure (his father) that disturbs the peace within the family. The fights in his house are loud and they are impossible to ignore. On the other hand, nightowl is an only child (small family) whose parents are still together and seemingly uptight, "proper" people where the disturbance comes from deep within the family; quiet, repressed, and ignored.
these are just my headcanons but I believe that onion was brought up to ultimately become the savior of his family; the perfect eldest child who can't and won't do any mistakes, who will put his family back together like a broken puzzle, and will give his mother & his siblings the safety and peace they have been deprived of their whole lives. The family is broken, he will be the one to fix it. And when we look at nightowl, he was brought up to be convinced that he is the problem. He is the disturbance staining the perfect family picture, the problem child, the black sheep. The family is right, he is the one breaking it.
As a result, we see two people who were brought up under seemingly opposite environments with one fatal common point: They are both crushed under the weight of the role they were forced to play, and they develop their own coping mechanisms. I think onion is someone who is in utter denial about how he actually feels. It is not that he is not exhausted or worried, it is that he can't be. He can't ever look back, he can't ask for help, he can't lean on anyone else. That is his cross to bear, even though it is actually not. And nightowl is like an open wound when it comes to feelings. He bleeds and bleeds, his desperation is not something that he can hide - or he doesn't choose to hide it. He needs to be loved. He needs to be taken care of. He wants to feel that he is worth it. This is why onion thinks that nightowl is over-emotional: They are actually starving in the same ways but onion buries it deep inside whereas nightowl showcases it. In my personal experience; when someone scoffs at specific emotions you display, it is generally because they feel the same thing with you but they like to believe that they can hide it well unlike you so they are above you in that sense. Onion could also vent in the server, right? He could "whine" about his exams, his part-time job, how he needs someone to love him, how he needs to hear someone telling him "good job!" just for once in his entire damn life, telling him that he is not alone and he's got this yadda yadda, but it is not proper. No one wants to hear him, onion of all people, talk about how weak he feels. He is above it. He is not nightowl, no, never! He wouldn't can't do that.
Onion represses it all by throwing himself into schoolwork, part-time jobs, exercising, and studying; because they are the "right" things to do, proper ways to channel his negative feelings into. That's what he thinks all while denying that he will eventually burn himself out someday. On the other hand, nightowl embraces unhealthy habits, drinking, meaningless and toxic relationships, and god knows what else because unlike onion, he wants to burn. He wants to let everything go, he wants to destroy himself until he can't feel anything anymore. In conclusion, through polar opposite habits, they are both destroying themselves. One in impenetrable denial, the other one staring at the truth and completely embracing it.
I know that I focus on family backgrounds a lot but I do believe that our families shape our lives from then on, positive or negative. The reason why they clash so much is that they both remind each other of someone. Someone who has shattered something inside them with no way of fixing it. Onion overall has a blunt and judgemental personality, but he becomes downright cruel when he hears that nightowl has been drinking and ignoring his responsibilities again. Like his own father. And nightowl's infamous lashing out is so sudden and shocking, and it happens right after the night he was berated by his mother and onion just triggers it all with his demeaning, condescending attitude. Which reminds nightowl about his own mother.
In each other, they see mirrors from a parallel universe and they just can't fucking stand it. Onion, the perfect, polished, self-sacrificing son nightowl's mother always wanted to have and made nightowl's life a living hell to mold him into. Carefree, lovable nightowl who is open about his feelings and has the leisure to be silly and to have fun, which is exactly what onion can never have because of the responsibilities he had to bear since he was a child.
In short, they are not opposites. They are distorted mirrors to each other.
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ikem3n · 2 years
what would the Lis’ do for MC’s birthday? like would they do any sort of surprise? im not sure if anyone has asked this before so sorry if there already was !!!
Xyx would book a trip to somewhere you've always wanted to go, all expenses paid and staying in only the best hotels.
Toasty would likely buy you something rather extravagant -- like a new car or that console you wanted with six new games.
Quest would make you a home cooked meal and treat you to a personalized at-home spa. He's got some magic hands.
Nightowl would take you out on the town and tell every restaurant and bar that it's your birthday so you're flooded with free food and drinks.
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ikem3n · 2 years
How would xyx react to finding out that like him, mc had self-destructive habits in the past (maybe they have scars from it)?
He’s quiet. Deep in thought. He traces his fingers across your scars, fingertips delicate and cold.
He meets your gaze — sees the worry in your expression. You’re worried what he’ll think, aren’t you?
“It’s alright, love.” He pulls you into a hug and breathes you in. “It’s alright.”
You relax in relief and he squeezes you tighter to him. He understands. He wishes you didn’t.
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ikem3n · 2 years
dear robo -- would nightowl enjoy you doing his eyeliner/makeup? could u paint me a picture with your amazing way of words? <3 <3
Oh i love all the fanarts i’ve seen about this one :LuneAWOOO:
Nightowl props himself up with pillows and looks up at you with a grin. “Never had someone want to do my makeup before.”
“You’re still alright with it?”
“Of course — I wanna see you work your magic, cutie.” You both giggle as you carefully seat yourself on him. He blushes a bit but shakes it off by the time you lean back up with your brushes in hand.
“We’ll start with something simple, okay? Nothing crazy.”
He rubs his thumbs against your hips and closes his eyes. “Honestly you could paint me into full drag and I’d still love to go out tonight.”
“You say that now — but wait til you start sweating.”
When you lean in with your first bit of primer, he squeaks a bit, surprising you both. His eyes blink open and go wide.
“Sorry — you’re just, uh, you’re sitting in a way that…”
You look down and immediately see the issue. His blush deepens as you laugh and he brings a hand up to cover his face.
“I’m sorry!”
“It’s fine, it’s fine! Now move your hand so I can work!”
He lowers his hand with a pout and you give him a quick kiss. Cute.
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ikem3n · 2 years
i dont think that xyx is aware that salocin can see his messages with mc, so what would be his reaction learning that salo can see his messages after he typed very embarrassing, lovey dovey stuff to mc in that channel
Oh he knows. He's not that silly. He and salo just have some sort of unspoken agreement about it all after some time.
Salocin logs on and Xyx's fingers pause over his keyboard. He reads back his own recent string of messages and cant help the faint blush that appears on his cheeks. He waits a moment to make sure Salocin has decided to give the two of you space again, and when he starts chatting in another channel, Xyx releases the breath he was holding and presses send on the sappiest message of his life.
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ikem3n · 2 years
How did Quest open up about his past with Toast and Owl? Like he actively told them or just vent
He told them one night on a late call when he was feeling particularly down.
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