ikimaru · 16 hours
Do you read any danmei novels? Or watch donghua? I just think that some of the characters from those series would look BEAUTIFUL in your art style. Anyway, love your art, bye ^_^
I watched the TGCF donghua a couple of weeks ago, it was one of the things on my list, I didn't realize it was so short compared to the overall story tho 😭 I'll get to reading..
oh which characters would u like to see?
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ikimaru · 1 day
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congrats to Kaveh on having been finally released from the basement!
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ikimaru · 2 days
Hi sunny :D I’m a tad nervous to ask questions but you’re one of my favorite artists soo… 😞😞
I was just wondering if you have any tips regarding making a comic :,3
thank you‼️🫶
heey thank you so much! 🙈 I'm sure I've responded to this multiple times before but I can't even find the asks on my own blog so here we go again dksjd
this is for a shorter type comic, for comics that are a lot longer like many hundreds pages it's more complicated!
1 - write down the plot with main things you want to have happen and divide it into scenes revolving around these things, expanding on what should happen in each scene with dialogue, notes etc. This helps making sure each scene connects well to the next and also gives you a general idea of how long the comic is gonna be
2 - sketch out pages as rough draft (thumbnailing) so you will know how the action will be distributed across the page, I usually sketch all the pages in one scene at the same time so you can know in advance where a scene is gonna end it's not gonna be 2 panels into a new page if u don't want it to
3 - when figuring out how a scene plays out you can sorta imagine it like a movie in your head and you choose angles you like or that make the scene flow nicely! (as for panel shapes and other technical things I suggest looking at tutorials or looking through comics or manga you like to see how they do them)
4 - this is just if you want to carry out a comic from start to finish! never underestimate how long it takes to make comic pages, so if you want a finished comic I suggest trying out doing something shorter of a few pages to see how you feel about that first, find a way to draw and color them that's comfortable for you! I think around 50-60 pages is manageable, if it goes in the hundreds it's gonna be a long haul (I kinda never want to go there again lmao) so imo avoid spending too much time on full coloring/details/backgrounds in every panel, it can look good but ur gonna get burned out SO fast (a lot of comics get dropped for that reason) most long running comics have simpler styles and assistants to help with coloring, adding text etc
hope this helps!
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ikimaru · 2 days
Can I just say that like. The 4.8 side quest is so funny.
Like Kaveh circles the first name he sees on the book cos he’s drunk, unaware that the name is a spoiler to the book, then everyone else circles a bunch more names and in the end every name is circled so Kaveh just buys the book cos it’s annotated to hell and back.
lmaoo yeah I just finished that as well!
when u accidentally circle the name of the criminal in a bad detective novel...
I thought we'd get the book as quest item to see for ourselves but even the traveller's like "I don't want it" 💀
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ikimaru · 2 days
Are you on board with the trans Scaramouche Headcanon the fandom has? As a transmasc he means so much to me and it makes me happy a large portion of people Headcanon it!
I go back and forth a bit with hcs but yeah I think it suits him! it's probably my default most of the time
and it def crossed my mind from reading his lore alone even before checking on the fandom :')
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ikimaru · 2 days
Love your Art! But I've been meaning to ask if you have any tips on simplifying the Genshin outfits? You make it seem so effortless and natural in your pieces.
hey thank you! 💕 ahh the neverending struggle that is genshin outfits haha I usually keep just the parts of the outfit that make it recognizable so they got a looser feeling to them bc if I get too caught up in the details, other than taking too long it also starts looking too crammed with stuff aksjs
so if a character has multiple layers of clothes and then drapes, bits of armor and various other trinkets you can just narrow it down to a couple layers and then include whichever stuff would look nice in the picture composition/color palette wise
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ikimaru · 3 days
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congrats to Kaveh on having been finally released from the basement!
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ikimaru · 4 days
of all the possible Scara plotlines going forward, potentially stopping Mondstadt from being attacked by a dragon again while saving the dragon in the process wasn't one I thought would be added to the list omfg
I'm thinking it's gonna be an intermission quest after Natlan unless it's part of larger events, are both Durins gonna become one..
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ikimaru · 4 days
have you seen alien stage? it’s a short web series on youtube, i think you’d like it!!
I plan to! there's other things I want to catch up with first tho like I know it's just a few videos but I want to be in the right mood for it u know?
is there additional lore or watching the videos is all I gotta do? 🤔
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ikimaru · 4 days
I am currently a traditional artist and want to switch to a digital art platform. I just wanted to be polite and ask what art platform you use or what works best for you. ;)
Hi, I use SAI, I also tried PS and CSP but always went back to SAI, maybe I'll try SAI 2 at some point, but there's also free programs out there like krita and ibis paint, I heard they can be good (I haven't tried them) good luck!
(also just so ur warned if you're gonna try out digital it's possible that it's gonna feel really bad at first, I used to draw traditionally and at first I was just coloring digitally my traditional sketches until drawing itself became more comfortable)
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ikimaru · 4 days
anyway Paimon trying to poison Kaeya
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if Diona got her hands on that stuff Monstadt wine industry would crumble immediately
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ikimaru · 4 days
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Childe has been slain
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ikimaru · 4 days
sunny i just (mostly) finished the new genshin event and holy hell im so-
i love tragic villain characters, scara breaks my heart every time his grumpy lil ass appears
ikr I didn't expect the sad feelings 😭 I thought it was gonna be a campy adventure
also spoilers for who hasn't played!
I have so many thoughts about how the entire thing played out for him like from being assigned as the hero which he sees the irony of but still finds some value in being there/having his presence be required (even if he was apparently trying to leave) bc he's not AS annoyed to be there when the others show up as he usually is when he's asked to do things lmao
and then understanding why it had to be him when he meets Durin hhh and most of the information is things we already knew but it's the seeing them revisited with some added perspective now that some time has passed I'm just how dare u
also there's def something about seeing someone be helpless where he's just immediately nicer to them than how he is with everyone else on average aksjs
event epilogue go easy on us
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ikimaru · 6 days
hiya uh this may just be because i'm on mobile right now, but i can't find anything stating whether your commissions currently open, so i wanted to ask if they were? thanks and sorry if i'm missing something obvious 😅
helloo, I don't do commissions sorry! no time/I only draw my fav characters 🫡
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ikimaru · 6 days
why is this so funny aksjd what are they looking at...
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(the rest of the event got me emo tho)
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ikimaru · 6 days
hiii :3 my klance comic came the other day and it looks gorgeous in person i had to show my entire family because your art style is just that scrumptious and it’s obvious you put a lot of work into it! thank you for all your work and i hope you’re doing okay !!
thank you so much!! 💛 I did and it almost took me out lmao
and I am! enjoying being comic-freeee
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ikimaru · 6 days
qual è la tua canzone preferita da ascoltare mentre disegni? Sei il tipo che ascolta la musica mentre disegna o sta in silenzio? Personalmente mi piace ascoltare canzoni che mi ricordano cosa sto disegnando per creare l'atmosfera LOLOL
sempre musica ✌️ (o video se la musica non basta per stare concentrata) se ho in mente della musica in particolare che mi va di ascoltare abbinata al disegno si sennò prendo le playlist da YT con la musica veloce 😂
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