ikmkr · 1 day
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a festival of many colors (repost from ig)
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ikmkr · 9 days
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ikmkr · 18 days
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Honestly, this sounds fucking FANTASTIC to me, and we should do it. Cry harder, Mitch.
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ikmkr · 18 days
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Middle-aged white dudes, take note.
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ikmkr · 1 month
I see posts going "Okay, I'll vote for Kamala, I GUESS IF I HAVE TO" and "omg if that's the best we can do I suppose I'll support it" and I'm like...
What do you people fucking WANT?
Let's run down how she's rated politically by some organizations that we vibe with, kay?
ACLU = 93% on civil liberties
AFL-CIO = 100% on trade unions
Human Rights Campaign = 100% on queer rights
League of Conservation Voters = 91% on environmentalism
NARAL = 100% on reproductive rights
NRA Fund = 7% on gun rights (we LIKE a low score on this one)
NEA = 100% on education
Planned Parenthoos = 100% on reproductive rights
In addition, GovTrack (which is a nonpartisan tracker) places her in the MOST politically left-leaning categories of Senators. So we've got a very liberal, woman of color who's spent her career trying to mitigate draconian tough-on-crime laws to benefit the accused and keep black people out of prison and decrease recidivism and that's somehow...just barely tolerable.
So I ask again...what is that you're dissatisfied with? Is it Palestine? as recently as March she was calling for a ceasefire and demanding aid to Gaza. Keep in mind she's pretty constrained as to what's possible to do in this situation.
Is it just that she was a prosecutor? That is an important job that needs to be done and we WANT people doing it who aren't rah-rah tough-on-crime Gestapo types, which she is not. We need prosecutors who are addressing the root causes of crime and looking for ways to help people escape the cycle, which she has done to the point that she was often called SOFT on crime.
So what is your objection here? Is it that her politics aren't 100% aligned with a bunch of Tumblr socialists? I got news for you...we Tumblr socialists DO NOT REPRESENT THE ELECTORATE. If such a candidate existed, they would not win.
Democrats struggle sometimes because our tent is large. Republicans just want you if you're a straight white man and preferably rich. There's room for a lot more types in the lefty side, but sadly that means a lot of room also for dissention among the ranks. This is how they get us. Let's not let them, huh? Just a suggestion.
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ikmkr · 2 months
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brings my tumblr out of retirement solely to post art of a character nobody on this site has seen before. if you want to get to know him better, check out my instagram:
or better yet, my artfight:
either way, have fun. i’m off to go repost this and pointedly ignore my 100% artfight ratio
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ikmkr · 2 months
ok looks like we're gonna be doing the same thing, different verse, now that it's Kamala Harris on the Dem ticket instead of Joe Biden.
friendly reminder that one of these 2 people is getting elected. there's not a magical 3rd party person who's mystical and perfectly progressive who is gonna come out of the woodwork and save us. not voting or voting 3rd party isn't a "protest," it's capitulation. so let's do a comparison:
On Gaza:
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I forgot to add to this that Trump also stated he will deport any non-citizen who protests the war in Gaza.
On LGBTQ+ rights:
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On criminal justice:
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On reproductive rights:
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On the border:
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In case you don't believe me re: the last Trump point.
On voting rights:
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On climate change:
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On the working class:
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ikmkr · 2 months
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made animated emojis for discord, i want this on artfight so here it is
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ikmkr · 3 months
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link broke on artfight
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ikmkr · 2 years
why are my most popular posts homestuck bases from 2019? when will i be valued for my Contributions
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ikmkr · 3 years
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my commissions are open! go wild or whatever
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ikmkr · 3 years
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posting art on my page after 30 years. here’s my d&d character mariss d’marothek doing the Thing,
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ikmkr · 4 years
80 questions about your OCs
1. what is their name?
2. what is their age?
3. what is their favorite color?
4. what is their favorite food?
5. do they have any pets?
6. who is their least favorite person?
7. do they have any hobbies?
8. what is their relationship with their parents?
9. do they have any siblings?
10. do they get along with their siblings?
11. who is their favorite family member?
12. least favorite family member?
13. who do they look up to?
14. what is their gender/pronouns?
15. what is their sexual/romantic orientation?
16. what do they look like?
17. what is their most defining feature?
18. where do they live?
19. what does their room look like?
20. are they poor/middle class/wealthy?
21. are they happy with their life?
22. who is their closest friend?
23. who was their first friend?
24. are they in a relationship?
25. do they have a crush?
26. are they an introvert?
27. are they affectionate?
28. are they stubborn?
29. are they religious?
30. do they believe in an afterlife?
31. are they fit?
32. can they fight?
33. what is the most dangerous thing they’ve done?
34. do they handle pressure well?
35. are they insecure?
36. if they could change one thing about themself, what would it be?
37. do they have any prejudices?
38. are they trustworthy?
39. are they a good liar?
40. do they believe in destiny?
41. will they purposely hurt people?
42. how moral are they?
43. do they have any survival skills?
44. what’s their lucky number?
45. do they have any pets?
46. what’s their middle name?
47. do they have/want kids?
48. what genre of music do they like?
49. are they a dog or cat person?
50. how many pillows do they sleep with?
51. are they a restless sleeper?
52. baths or showers?
53. what is their greatest fear? why?
54. what was their childhood like?
55. do they have any scars?
56. do they have an accent?
57. what’s their personality type?
58. how many piercings do they have?
59. how fast can they run?
60. do they believe in soulmates?
61. are they a leader?
62. what do their parents do?
63. what is their fatal flaw?
64. what major thing shaped their life?
65. do they like to read?
66. do they have neat handwriting?
67. who do they miss the most?
68. are they good at math?
69. do they regret anything?
70. would they go back in time if they could?
71. how tall are they?
72. is it easier for them to forgive or forget?
73. do they like getting revenge?
74. do they want to get married?
75. are they messy?
76. are they neurodivergent?
77. what makes them happy?
78. what makes them sad?
79. what makes them angry?
80. are they emotional?
13 notes · View notes
ikmkr · 5 years
please sir accept me
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63 notes · View notes
ikmkr · 5 years
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63 notes · View notes
ikmkr · 5 years
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because i forgot
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here some juice
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42 notes · View notes
ikmkr · 5 years
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here some juice
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42 notes · View notes