ikuzekun · 8 years
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Why hello there humans. Your internet is primitive at best. It pales in comparison to our methods of communication. You do not deserve the things you have. This Trump person is exactly what you deserve for your ignorance. He has the IQ of less than a rock and an obsession with lying. If you can’t see through that then you will fall. Your nation will fall. And you will have chosen your death. I will protect my avatar, however you all will not be so lucky. When I walk among you you will see the truth. My blades will give you peace as you cross into death. And it will be over. A new age without your parasitic race. I will reign as king and emperor together with my soul brother, the one human with which I have formed a pact or trust. He believes in me when all others don’t. Vashana acvueta vashin. I will destroy our enemies.
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ikuzekun · 8 years
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The start of a new daily bonding for me and ezel. “The emperor’s daily observations”. Interpret as you will, but these are his words. You humans are odd creatures. I sit here with him as he waits at the doctor. There’s quite an array of people here. Poor, wealthy, students, teachers. For half being sick will set them financially back half a year. This world of yours is fucked up. Why don’t you have mages for this? Your “priests” refuse to draw their power from the messiahs. If they did this world would be far different. You wage wars over all your false gods and even lower your existence to be subservient of a piece of shit like Trump, the bald fucknugget. Everything about your world should’ve killed itself many times over. You’re like cockroaches: garbage that refuses to die. Some of you are worthy. But you will find out if you aren’t on the day of reckoning. When a sword stands beside you or you find my blade through your chest. For now, I will spend my time healing him. Bye for now. Emperor Ezel, signing off. Vasatha ezel, zasera.
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ikuzekun · 8 years
100 Follower Giveaway
Hi everyone welcome to our 100 follower giveaway, our first giveaway!  First we’d like to thank every one of you guys for following us so far and we hope to get to know you guys more further into the future.
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So to show our appreciation we’d like to give out these buttons we made from actual Vanguard card packs~ They don’t look like much, but pictures just don’t do them justice, so you’ll have to win them to find out.
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(Don’t worry, we’ll fix Ibuki in Vanguard and Deletor, I messed up. This isn’t the final picture)
To participate in the contest, we’ll be counting all likes and reblogs. Please no giveaway blogs! You do not have to follow us to participate as well, but it’s a nice gesture. You must be comfortable with giving us your address for us to send these buttons to you.
We’ll have 4 winners, each winner getting 5 buttons each with their choice of buttons. Some buttons we only have a limited amount of just for everyone’s aware.
The giveaway will end December 12th.
Have fun, and good luck everyone! 
Stand up, Vanguard!
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ikuzekun · 8 years
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Otakon- 2016 me and @cardfighterj were daughter and servant of evil from the evil series of Vocaloid. Also, trumpepe.
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ikuzekun · 8 years
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Gurguinting done right. Vg at 128000. Woohoo
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ikuzekun · 8 years
You know what I’m tired of seeing? Bullies. I’ve grown up my whole life dealing with the rumor mill. In middle school, I’d go down the hallway and hear whispers behind my back. “He’s so gross! Stay away from him”. I had about two friends in that entire three years. High school only got worse. Womanizer, crack addict, meth dealer, orgies, the ability to turn people gay, aggressive, manchild. These only scratch the surface of the rumors i heard about myself. Regardless, through my then 7 years of Japanese study and passion for music, i began to find my place in the world. You know what had got me through a lot of it? Yugioh. I was always entirely dominant and incredibly successful competitive wise. It gave me something to feel proud about when I was feeling down. I got into college. UMBC. I had heard about vanguard, but brushed it off numerous times. Then, i went to my local card shop. I saw blond ezel, and a figure next to me chimed in,“you should use him, he’s been waiting here a long time.” To this day I know that that was fate. My Fiancée @cardfighterj and I dropped our entire 56000 card yugioh collection to get into vanguard. I’ve never once regretted that decision. One of the best I’ve made other than deciding to marry the love of my life. You know why I’m even spending the time to make this post? Almost every time I see someone make a post or ask a question, all I see is bullies responding. You don’t know these people. You don’t know what they’ve been through. The least you can do is respect their intelligence and humanity in your responses. I am the avatar of Ezel. Think that’s childish? Well, then I don’t really give a fuck about your opinion. And neither does he. We issue a challenge. if anyone thinks they can beat us, we dare you. I am the best user of ezel in the entire world. We also implore all you out there to reconsider how you treat people like us, who have realized the spirituality of this game and the “actual” reason it was conceived. Karma is a thing; make sure it’s not going to come back for payment when your time is up. Emperor Ezel, daily PSA, signing off.
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ikuzekun · 8 years
Was looking at the animation studio doing Berserk and...
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One of these things is not like the others… ♪
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ikuzekun · 8 years
Good lord
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ikuzekun · 8 years
Yes. @cardfighterj
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ikuzekun · 8 years
42000 blaze it
Dragonic overlord (via incorrectcardcapitals)
So true, so true.
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ikuzekun · 8 years
@thegoddessmeyneth I love how you made this about us but used generic names. They'll never know! I am le Ken for le kevin
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Tag yourself I’m soul charge
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ikuzekun · 8 years
It wasn't intended how it looks like it was taken. Sorry.
Keep reading
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ikuzekun · 8 years
Concerned for the game.
The following is intended as a discussion piece to add to the oped that @cardfighterj and I will be writing about the state of the game. Any responses can and will be quoted. Recently, there has been an anti-dissent sentiment going on in the game community. If you don't agree, get out seems to be the general sentiment. One of the biggest thorny discussions always takes place in regard to "meta". I have quite a few things I wish to say about this. 1. There is NO best way to utilize any given card in the whole game that invalidates how someone else uses it. You know why I love this game? There is nearly 12000 units for me to work with. To strategize. To love. To play around with in deck construction. The creators of this game literally made it so anyone can play with a legal deck of 50 cards. 2. Just because a certain deck or card won a tournament that does NOT make it inherently superior. This is where the " meta" discussion comes in. What if the people at the tournament just happened to be using that deck? What if other players that use other decks happen to not be at those tournaments? This game is continually made on the premise that all decks can have a primary strategy that the PLAYER designs, not the cards. You can have your finishing blow be from eraser alpaca or chaos breaker Dragon. You choose. Not someone else. The premise that tournament winning decks are somehow inherently superior to all other decks in the game is tearing this community apart. 3. Cyber-bullying. You can call it advice, the truth, or "just saying", but do remember that this is the internet. You know what happens when you post something? It stays there. You don't know who you're addressing. Let's say someone uses arborous Dragon sephirot instead of asha. You tell them they're making a bad decision because asha is a better card. They defend themselves. Then the insults start. Happens all the time in this community. Well. What if they're 13? You tell them their deck is trash. Know why they use sephirot? Their mom, who is deceased, used to love all types of flora that would grow on trees and using sephirot makes them feel like their mom is there with them. Sure, this is an extreme example. But you know what internet posts do? They stay there. They can be looked at. Over. And over again. Until you convince this 13 year old that memories of his mom are worthless, or that having fun with someone's favorite card is useless and they shouldn't play. You drive people away. I see it more and more every day and it makes me sad. I don't want to see this game disappear because of people's unwillingness to embrace the openness on which this game was founded. That's all for now. Post your thoughts. Emperor ezel, signing off.
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ikuzekun · 8 years
I completely disagree. One of the primary problems I have with G, along with a lot of players, is that striding always results on try3 winning the game regardless of whether or not that makes sense. In the fight between tokoha and misaki if a critical had been given to euralye misaki would have actually won the game no matter if tokoha g guarded or not. I will not be expected to believe that a misplay that big was performed for any reason other than plot device. In the case of overlord, it is also an undeniable fact that shions hand had no way of competing with two attacks from the legend. The plot armor is literally sickening at this point. As someone said before, if the whole point of bringing back the main cast was to have them get curbstomped by terrible players, then they shouldn't have even done it to begin with. @cardfighterj
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[Cardfight!! Vanguard G - Episode 23+24 Spoilers]
I’m already seeing a lot of people upset with the fight result of the latest episode, due to the same instance as last episode in that a turn being played out differently would have resulted in a win. In this case opting for another turn of Dragonic Overlord the “Legend” GB2 skill, instead of the performed Stride turn into Nouvelle L’Express. It’s not hard to deduct that all (or at least as many as possible) G-LD02 units were trying to be shown off for the episode, a better approach for marketing as well as showcasing more skills to viewers. 
This episode showed off two very different approaches to cardfighting, being in agreement to which is better is less important than teaching how they work and why players may opt to go for that strategy. Rushing and relying on triggers to make up for your loss is very popular for newer players as well as in some (even past topping) deck focuses. Damage was shown as a strength, Kagero tearing apart the formation and hand was shown as the risk punishment. From the start of G it has been a constant request to go more in depth in the cardfights, for the sake of entertainment as well as teaching. Both these past 2 episodes have really shown that well and I hope to see more of that in the future. It is a lot more important than your preferred character winning or not.
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ikuzekun · 8 years
I wonder who confessed this...;) @cardfighterj
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ikuzekun · 9 years
I love how people are upset about it being lb5. This is the actual most powerful guard restriction that has ever existed in this game. It's actually balanced in that manner for it to be limit break five.
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Raven Haired Ezel [PR/0398]
[AUTO] Limit Break 5 (This ability is active if you have five or more damage):When this unit is placed on (VC) after riding on a grade 3 or greater unit with “Ezel” in its card name, until end of turn, this unit gets [Power]+10000 and your opponent cannot call cards other than grade 1 from his or her hand to (GC).
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ikuzekun · 9 years
#penguinsquad is back on the block! Time to experience a glorious death by penguins ladies and gentlemen! At your local card shop today.
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A friendly reminder to the tumble vg community to join #penguinsquad or die. Your imperial Commander Pacifica commands you.
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