I always see lance DiE He DoO No HaRm 
When you are reading fanfiction and "It was supposed to be an easy mission" appears
Brace yourself, Lance is fucked.
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tree bros about their sexualities
evan: [blushes & mumbles incoherently]
connor: MOVE, I'M GAY
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I got a lot of asks about this so I made a tutorial on how I was able to emulate the 80s aesthetic, please keep in mind I’m not an expert and what I put here is just what I personally did. I hope you guys like it and hope it helps
go crazy kids
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okay but
au where Lance is killed in a battle and starts haunting the ship
he doesn’t know at first and feels like everyone is just ignoring him when they don’t pay him any attention
when it finally clicks, he just goes to Blue, who he can actually talk to
sometimes he’ll just break down in Blue’s hanger and the other lions can hear it and it hurts because, even if he wasn’t their paladin, they were still fond of him
sometimes, if one of the others are near or in their lion, they can hear the cries through their bond with the lion
they don’t understand it and it scares them at first, but when their lion finally tells them why they keep hearing crying when near/inside them, it fucking hurts
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“Just smile, the others can’t see under your mask, Even if you cry they can’t hear you, Even if it’s hard to keep smiling, Just smile.”
I wanted to try some Langst…. I ‘m so sorry Lance~ (ಥ﹏ಥ)
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Connor and Evan are dating proof:
Want of may or early JUNE picture perfect afternoon WE SHARED
They were celebrating pride together bye forever
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blessing us all
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[you reposted in the wrong neighborhood blares in the bg]
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wHEW. WE’RE AT 3K. That’s amazing, thank you so much <3 This is my little thank you to you guys- 
must be following me! (this is a thank you for my followers after all) but pls dont unfollow right after the raffle bc that’d be very rude >:[ 
enter by reblogging and liking!! 1 like/reblog = then you’re in :) -no likes included- (you can reblog -three- times maximum, just to increase your chances) 
have your askbox open!! thats how I can contact you! if the winner doesn’t reply within 48 hours i’ll be choosing another winner :’’0
nsfw -okay so you probably noticed the shiro uHM just no e xt r a stuff-
anything that makes me uncomfortable :”0 
deadline is on JUNE 16 2017, GMT+8 !! so good luck n thank you so much guys!
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wHEW. WE’RE AT 3K. That’s amazing, thank you so much <3 This is my little thank you to you guys- 
must be following me! (this is a thank you for my followers after all) but pls dont unfollow right after the raffle bc that’d be very rude >:[ 
enter by reblogging and liking!! 1 like/reblog = then you’re in :) -no likes included- (you can reblog -three- times maximum, just to increase your chances) 
have your askbox open!! thats how I can contact you! if the winner doesn’t reply within 48 hours i’ll be choosing another winner :’’0
nsfw -okay so you probably noticed the shiro uHM just no e xt r a stuff-
anything that makes me uncomfortable :”0 
deadline is on JUNE 16 2017, GMT+8 !! so good luck n thank you so much guys!
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smh my smol heart
Don’t mean to ruin the mood but
This is Lance’s first birthday without his family
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small thief got a glove 
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blessing me 
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50 Better Ways to Say “Looks/Seems Like.”
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Mark Gatiss on advice to prospective writers [x]
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ahhhh my son
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Ben Platt may not yet have a Tony Award, but he was just recognized as one of Time’s 100 Most Influential People of the Year!
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Evan: That's a mean question! I'm not answering that!
Connor: Come on, it's just a question. If you had to punch someone in the group- if you HAD to- who would you punch?
Evan: I'm not answering that. We're all friends. Why would I punch anyone?
Connor: It would be Jared, wouldn't it?
Evan: Yeah, but I don't know why.
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Conner Murphy
lets all just take a moment t remember my son
even if he is dead and a stonner because.
he was found to late
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