ilima-simp · 4 years
Everybody, due to some real bullshit my google account got taken down. I have to remake everything and will be moving to kiawe-simp
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ilima-simp · 4 years
The Gaang as Cats
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ilima-simp · 4 years
zuko and azula from avatar and sharpay and ryan from high school musical are EXACTLY the same character types (gay antagonistic brother-sister duo in which the sister is the more dominant and talented one and the brother is a better person who helps the heroes in the end) except zuko and azula are dialled as far to goth as possible and sharpay and ryan are dialled as far to prep as possible. miles and franziska from ace attorney are directly in the middle of this spectrum, as extremely edgy preps
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ilima-simp · 4 years
I was just playing Minecraft when an enderman teleports inside the house I’m building.
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Of course, I let him do his ender things while I continue building my house.
But then, while I was finishing up the roof, a creeper blew up in my face and made a hole on one of my walls. So I go inside to get the blocks I need to patch the hole but then I see
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this good boy covered the hole with his sand block.
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What a good boy. I’m never taking that block off the wall <3
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ilima-simp · 4 years
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Basic Respect for Cane Users
Pic 1: A title card that says ‘basic respect for cane users’.
Pic 2: Not all cane users are: physically weak, slow, elderly. Some cane users can: run, lift heavy things, ride bikes, skateboards, etc. Cane users are not all the same.
Pic 3: Do: move out of the way for someone using a cane, give your seat to a cane user on public transport, offer to carry something for your friend or co worker with a cane, ask cane users what their access needs are, treat cane users with respect. Remember that not everyone with a physical disability uses a mobility aid.
Pic 4: DON’T: touch cane users without their explicit permission, make assumptions about whether someone 'really’ needs their cane, give unwanted advice about someones disability, make a cane user feel bad or like they’re an embarassment. Remember: people might not use their cane full-time, you can’t know if someone is faking.
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ilima-simp · 4 years
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ilima-simp · 4 years
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Sakurai and his team did it. They really fixed Snake’s ass. Legends.
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ilima-simp · 4 years
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ilima-simp · 4 years
This show was one of a kind 
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ilima-simp · 4 years
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ilima-simp · 4 years
Boss shit
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ilima-simp · 4 years
Y'all, sometimes it's not your trauma or the disorder or the way you process information. Sometimes you're just in the wrong and you could have behaved better. Sometimes you're just a dickhead and you gotta recognize it and own it.
Knowing the difference is tough, but it really does help you on the road to recovery or on the road to managing your symptoms. Taking the time to recognize that in myself helps me know when I can give more or when I really do need help and understanding. Sometimes we are just assholes and that's when you gotta go "I'm sorry, what can I do moving forward?" And in that asking? You get to explain where you need help.
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ilima-simp · 4 years
Saw eldritch piers and ultra beast aether family so there's nothing keeping me from making my trainer oc some eldritch bastard
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ilima-simp · 4 years
send me “spoiler!” and ill give u a vague spoiler abt a story im writing
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ilima-simp · 4 years
Harry Potter is authorless.
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ilima-simp · 4 years
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y’all heard her
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ilima-simp · 4 years
also if ur one of those ppl that are like "the black and brown stripes on pride flags are uglyyy umu make it more aesthetically pleasing!!!" please stop talking i dont like you
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