confessionvault · 3 years
I’ll always have a soft spot for you even though we don’t speak anymore.
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confessionvault · 4 years
Then I realised you were right there in front of me all along. You make me wonder why I so desperately hung onto the other relationships I had with those I wasn’t compatible with, continuously hoping things would get better only to be left disappointed. I’m so happy you are in my life.
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confessionvault · 4 years
The worst thing after a breakup is going through everything they’ve said in your head and analysing every word to figure out the exact moment that made them want to end it with you.
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confessionvault · 4 years
How do people just fall out of love? Or was the love never really there in the first place?
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confessionvault · 5 years
It often seems like I'm neither important nor a priority to you.
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confessionvault · 5 years
It breaks my heart that we probably wouldn't be together forever because ultimately I do not want either of us to change who we are for the other person and that we would always want different things.
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confessionvault · 5 years
Jess ur profile page shows that your 22. Do u mind me asking, did you go to school for this?
Already answered this in DMs but no I didn’t. I studied biology at uni :) thank you for the kind words <3
0 notes
confessionvault · 5 years
Over the past year I realised how difficult it is for me to erase someone from my life. I know the dissociation was ultimately best for all parties but it still stings when I see anything that reminds me of those people.
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confessionvault · 5 years
Do u mind me asking, you seem to be able to help people with their Questions. What about your questions?
Good question about my questions honestly 😂
0 notes
confessionvault · 5 years
The term 'soulmate' means different things to different people. To some people it's someone who makes you light up when they're around. To others it's someone who just understands you no matter what.
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confessionvault · 5 years
One day he’d fade into the depths of your memories and you wouldn’t even realise that it’d happened
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confessionvault · 5 years
I find it hard to believe that you cannot see the sadness in her eyes.
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confessionvault · 5 years
In a different life we would be lovers, in a different life I would have made less mistakes. In a different life I would be gazing into your eyes instead of an empty night
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confessionvault · 5 years
One day he’s going to realise you were perfect and that he was wrong to let you go.
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confessionvault · 5 years
You were so perfect and saved my life, I’m terrified because I’ve pulled away and you’re the last person I want to hurt.
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confessionvault · 5 years
Isn’t it heartbreaking when you try and you try to make things work but they end anyway?
113 notes · View notes
confessionvault · 5 years
I still love you even though we’re not together anymore
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