“The broken will always be able to love harder than most. Once you’ve been in the dark, you learn to appreciate everything that shines.”
— Unknown
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hey. hey. if you were/are not allowed to express anger in your household. ily
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btw. to any kids for whom hearing your parents move around the house is terrifying. at some point hearing the door open because someone's home will make you smile. youll hear voices in the other room, or youll hear footsteps down the hallway, and it won't be scary, it'll be comforting. like i dont wanna be That Guy Who Says "It Gets Better" but im almost 27 and ive found the people im gonna spend my life with — hearing my roommates in the house is natural and normal in a good way. i know it feels like everything will always be awful but i promise you WILL make it out of your parents' house, and the life you can build for yourself will make you happier than you ever knew was possible. at some point someone standing in your doorway will be because you love them and want to talk to them. itll be worth it, i promise.
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No but I’m being serious a smear campaign is an abuse tactic that abusers mostly use after a survivor has come forward and outed them.
Everyone wants a “perfect” victim. And abusers will do anything to get heat off their back they use it all the time and some people are so dense they don’t even realize it.
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toxic mothers are wild they'll really be like "I never said that" like ma'am yes you did cause it's been ingrained in my head since I was twelve
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currently feeling rather sad that I could never be a proper Ranger in real life
- archery is out of the question when your shoulder subluxates every time you pull your arm back more than a few inches - can’t sneak around when all your joints pop and crack like a bowl of Rice Krispy Treats - can’t track very well when you’ve got terrible eyesight and astigmatism ah well.
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Me: *Scrolls through phone*
Me: *Thumb subluxates*
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Disabled isn’t a dirty word or a slur and people should stop treating it as, such i see so many disabled people dance around the word and refuse to use it to the point where i feel like i’m reclaiming it everytime i say disabled aloud bc the only other time i hear it said is as an insult
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today my therapist told me that sometimes negative feelings like guilt, anxiety, self loathing, etc are like the hiccups. they’re uncomfortable, we don’t like them, there’s no way to turn them off; they can even be incapacitating for a while. we don’t always know where they came from or when they’ll go away, so sometimes instead of focusing on why we feel a certain way we need to get better at recognizing its temporary nature, keeping perspective, and enduring discomfort. i feel like a lot of self-improvement rhetoric is about pinpointing specific causes for negative thoughts/behaviors so you can eradicate them, but people with chronic mental illness really need to work on allowing themselves to experience these feelings without going into a downward spiral.
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wheres all the support for the emotional abuse victims
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i am a:
⚪️ man
⚪️ woman
🔘 person with adhd
and i am seeking:
⚪️ men
⚪️ women
🔘 meals that can be prepared in under 5 minutes
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Someone who has been emotionally abused will:
• Constantly apologize • Hide their feelings in fear of upsetting you • Break down during small disagreements thinking it will explode • Need a lot of reassurance Please be patient, we are trying.
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Hallucinations are scary. Dissociation is scary. Paranoia is scary. Anxiety is scary. Delusions are scary. Mental illness is really fucking scary, and I’m proud of you just for living.
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requested by scopic-copacetic
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suddenly remembered this poem as i was making breakfast this morning & frantically googled “poem remembered to buy eggs?????????” & somehow managed to find it & it utterly knocked the wind out of me just as much as when i first read it
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