ilovekazuha271 · 4 months
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ilovekazuha271 · 1 year
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— You are my favorite ‘what if’.
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Summary: You’ve been frequenting a small bar on a hidden corner of town, and not because of its drinks, but because of the cute musician that performs there. Will tonight be the one in which yours and his fates cross?
Characters: Kaedehara Kazuha x gender neutral reader.
Word count: 1k.
Tags: fluff, crushes, modern au.
Author’s note: the biggest thanks to my dearest friend @bunny-rambles who made possible this piece was written in the first place. The very last sentence on this fic (you’ll find in boldened and in italics) is by her, so go show Bunny some love, yeah? This is also the first part of what I wish can become a series.
Reblog to support your favorite authors ! It helps more than likes.
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Tonight, the pub is particularly empty, with only some of the most loyal regulars occupying the dark wooden tables.
You take another sip from your drink, waiting for the moment he takes the stage.
You remember him well, how could you not, when he’s the sole reason you keep frequenting this local at ungodly hours? when he’s the one you daydream about on your moments of idle solitude?
His singing voice, gentle face, and first name are all you have to keep you company, once the clock strikes the am’s and his fingers stop strumming the guitar.
A few feet away from you, careful steps pad against the floorboards of the modest stage. Yet run down and wasted wood could never overshadow him.
Scarlet eyes, gentle albeit burning with passion scan the small crowd. Translucent snowy curtains partially covering them, his soft looking locks tied in a little side ponytail.
With one hand, he takes the mic, as the other is delicately poised on the cords of his red guitar.
No preamble or salutation is needed, the public goes silent, listening and looking in awe when he starts to sing.
The songs he plays are unknown to you, you’ve wondered more than once if they are composed and written by him, but then again, you don’t know a great deal of artists to begin with, so you let the idea go.
And though new every time, there is a calming nostalgic nature to his lyrics and melody; in this hidden bar, that wakes only after the sun has set, and that sees no light other than the few lightbulbs hanging from the ceiling, it’s as if you return home. A new one, novel but familiar, drawing you in, shining a light in the monotony of your days.
Kazuha. That’s his name.
You get lost in him, in the contrast of his maroon t-shirt against the pallor of his hair, swaying in an almost hypnotizing way with his every move; sweat coats his skin, lashes that remind you of starlight hooding his crimson eyes.
And his voice. So angelic and soothing, full of emotion written in verse in between the lines he pours his heart into.
What kind of person is he outside this stage? You would like to know.
Right now, however, admiring him from the front row seems enough.
Or so you thought, until the moment his eyes met yours.
Maybe it was your wishful thinking in that instant. You’d call it a hunch years later.
But, in that millisecond, stars collided, a nebula spelling out how you wouldn’t walk away that night without yours and Kazuha’s paths crossing.
As faraway stars begin to fade in the afterparty reflections of the sun to rise, his performance comes to an end.
Very few people linger by that time, but usually some night owls are still left when dawn approaches.
Apparently, today is the exception.
So you find out, after a few seconds of clapping alone.
Looking around, you stop midway, when you see this crowd is a one person audience.
What time is it, you wonder? Did you really stay that long?
As you scramble to reach for your phone, an airy chuckle makes you pause.
“I’m glad you seemed to like my performance.” Kazuha says as he sits on the floor of the dais, slinging out his guitar over his head, carefully resting it by his side. “You looked happy, so I kept playing.”
He gives you a closed eyed smile, titling his head to the side. And you know how delusional you are the instant you wish you could brush his fluffy hair away from his face.
“Y-you… I- d-did I really… stay that long?” Heat rises to your face, while you quickly pull out (and almost drop) your phone.
5:29 am, it reads.
Kazuha offers you a soft apologetic smile. Then:
“You did, you seemed to enjoy yourself too, so I just went on for a little longer.”
Your eyes widen at his answer. Did he really keep playing because of you?
“I-I’m so sorry!” You croak out, your voice sounding small and breathy. “I didn’t realize… I’m so sorry, you didn’t have to.. gosh you did overtime… I’m… my apologies.”
“No need, dove.” He chuckles, your heart tangling in the honey of his gentle words, its pace spiking at the nickname. “No matter how small the audience, I always love offering my songs.” His autumn eyes meet yours for the second time tonight. “I’ve seen you around before, so I take it you like my gigs?”
All you can do is nod, words catching in your throat, the fact the boy you’ve dreamed of for weeks is talking too you, still drifting in between fantasy and reality.
Another one of his melodious giggles. Afterwards, he adds:
“I don’t think I’ve caught your name, though?”
You tell him, and he repeats it twice. You think maybe you’d like to hear him sing it one day.
“I’m Kaedehara Kazuha.” He extends a hand to you. “It’s nice to finally meet you.”
“Will I see you again?” Kazuha asks, leaning on the doorframe of the establishment, as you put on your coat to leave.
The horizon is dyeing itself in the pink embers of early morning, tender sunbeams streaming in, illuminating beautifully this kind boy who loves making music, and that now awaits expectantly for your answer.
He hopes you say yes.
‘Yes’ is the only response dancing on your mind.
“Of course.” A shy smile tugs at your lips when his eyes light up in excitement. “That’s a promise.” You add, before stepping into the reality of your day to day life again.
“I’ll be waiting.”
Kazuha closes the door of the local, leaning against it, still dazed.
He just talked to the cute stranger he noticed a while ago, and that has been visiting his most pleasant dreams.
What if he fell in love? Kazuha wonders.
“What if you already are?” His heart whispers back.
It was rather suspicious that after that night, the modern poet’s songs started to shift into ballads, lyrics that chanted of a stranger in the early hours of the morning - and the soft curve of their smile in a dimly lit room.
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ilovekazuha271 · 1 year
“False Confidence”
Kazuha | Childe —x gn!Reader Smau
04- I’m so sad
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Synopsis-> You were dared to take the cute guy’s phone which lay open on the coffee table at your friend’s work place. You took a selfie of your face at pinned it as their lock screen. And now you are being hunted by the phone’s owner who's now curious about you from your flirt and run. Through your flirtatious ways, you have never been able to maintain relationships; you always keep an arms length away. You don’t believe you deserve love at all, so why not flirt with strangers?
I feel like Arlenchino would be a they/them or mayb only a little but she/her (just bc i might mess up☠️)
@pokidot @scarletttcroww @noirinnn @melodiesoffadedroses @x4ndri @liilactears @ilovekazuha271 @ghostlysyntaxed @ferumie @cryastre @whipped-for-fictionals @crucnhice @tamikahoshiko @soleillunne @duckyyyx @jiminscarmex @cridtiins
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ilovekazuha271 · 1 year
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XIAO , SCARAMOUCHE , KAZUHA general relationship headcanons.
!! gender neutral reader, completely sfw, fluff. tw ? ; none ( song reco )
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you guys are definitely taking it slow, he still has to adjust y'know. even if he's over 2,000 years old, i doubt he's ever been in a romantic relationship. ( is that an insult ? ; maybe )
overprotective, doesn't care who it is, he just is. the only exception is probably zhongli and ganyu. still unsure about traveler, but i'm leaning to maybe yes.
"who's that? why are you acting so close with them? do i know them? have you mentioned them before?" "....xiao that's one of my family members." "oh."
easily flustered. he can either cover it up easily, or he can't. there's no in between, or that's up to you if you want to decide.
can't express his feeling's properly. this ones a little bit toxic, but if you didn't want accurate headcanons then i think you came to the wrong blog.
but you cant really blame him, he's naturally like that. and it's probably gonna take him a long time to actually open up about his feelings, but if you're an understanding and patient person, then that's better.
he'll probably ignore you if he's jealous, but i guess that's how he copes dawg
he'd want you to come to him first more than him actually confronting you.
but put all that aside- he gives you little things that reminded him of you whenever he goes somewhere. he would sometimes give you a random cute hairpin and said that it'd suit you, which it did.
that's what makes your relationship so cute, he does these little things that make you smile, like taking you out to places where he thinks it's pretty, just like you. he thinks. he does this because he doesn't know how else to express it. ( shakespeare could never amirite )
it's ironic enough that him and xiao are similar in relationships, more so that they absolutely can't express their feelings properly.
but what's different is that he expresses it more aggressive about it. more passive-aggressive probably.
buys you stuff you want without even asking, if he sees you looking at it then he buys it for you the next day, maybe even something better, but still the same design.
you tell him to stop spending his money on you when you don't even need it, but he tells you to just be good and take it. you give in, because it'd be a waste if he bought it and he'd just give it right back after.
but if you like it that way, then he's your personal sugar daddy now congratulations
denies it whenever you call him out when he's being shy, especially when you flirt back, this guy is a hard flirt, only to you of course.
there may be tons of women or men who are into him, but he's only looking at you, if he wanted to cheat, he can. but he doesn't.
"i don't understand why you're so worried about that, you know i'll only always be with you." ( AGOI )
but then again, he also says straight forward about problems into a relationship, because he wants to avoid them in the future.
you guys fight sometimes, and i mean teasing by the way, not an actual fight. but fights aren't really rare when you're with him.
it's usually caused because of a misunderstanding.
they do say you fight with the people you love the most
probably the most normal one out of all of them here i fear. sweetest boyfriend ever
bros the whole package
he says whatever's making him uncomfortable in a relationship and he encourages you to do the same and not be ashamed, probably because you two have already been through everything together once you've even started dating.
also he's a very understanding person, and he's willing to listen to you no matter what situation it is.
his love language is probably words of affirmation, saying he loves you out of the blue is his favorite part of the day.
"i love you so much" "..h..huh..?"
10x more soft spoken to you than he is to other people, i know his voice is naturally like that, but he can't help but treat you like your fragile, especially if you're emotional. but if you don't want him to, then he won't push it. especially if you don't like feeling belittled.
closeted sadist
won't force you to do things you don't want to do, but he definitely encourages you.
never and i mean never comments anything rude or disrespectful at you, especially about your appearance. the only things he comments are compliments.
but if you truly want advice for your looks then he'll recommend a hair, clothing switch or something like that, "maybe that would look better, but you really suit anything and everything" he says.
gives you love letters whenever he's away, probably once a week so you don't go overthinking. you don't have to worry about him cheating either, beidou has promised you that she'd tell you if he cheats ( and crush his testicles ) , and obviously, kazuha isn't that type of person, you'd know for sure.
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ilovekazuha271 · 1 year
Kazuha with an s/o that would beat the shit out of anyone that disrespects him (sunshine x sunshine protector dynamic)
[Warning: Mentions of blood, fighting,]
Kazuha with an s/o who's the opposite of him
When I say opposite, I don't mean you would just be angry all the time, be crude, or fight much more aggressive than him. No, we already have enough Scara x Kazuha fics out there, cuz then I'd just be making Scara into you lmao
Think of Kazuha as this cute and calm white cat that has a rottweiler to reign in all the time, that rottweiler is you.
You're nice enough, you're not overtly crude or impatient. In all actuality, you seem like the common sense that Kazuha needs whenever he overwhelms himself with his own thoughts.
You care for him, dote for him, worry for him, and will always defend him with everything you have.
Maybe that's what sets you two apart though.
You both fiercely care and protect each other.
You just....have different ways of going about it..
The rustling of bandages being unwrapped, warm and gentle palms lifting your own. The steady inhale and exhale of the red eyed samurai shakes you out of you daze.
"Dear, I've told you time and time again..."
Huffing out an amused breath, you can only smile seeing just how routinely and familiar Kazuha's application of medicine and bandages are onto your scratched knuckles. Many times have the both of you repeated the same one-two step of settling onto the bed and having your darling lover care for your bloodied fists.
Fists covered in blood that weren't your own.
"Would you believe me if I say that, you taking care of me is the reason why I do it?"
A light and airy tone met with an exhausted sigh.
Tying the knot securely, Kazuha places a hand over your newly bandaged one and caresses.
"That would be far too simple of a reason for you to keep brawling, dare-I-say mawling enemies in my honor"
While your lover's face is covered in concern and worry, you on the other hand seem completely satisfied and joyful over the bloody encounter.
"They should've never said such things to you if they didn't want to end up in such a way"
No matter how much you attempt to plead your case, which in all honesty―isn't really a lot, you're aware that no matter the reason, your red samurai would always worry over your well-being and all the fights you keep on getting into (even if you do win 100% of the time)
Especially with how grotesque-looking and splattered you come running to him once you're done dealing with your victims-I mean, the people you were fighting (more like, one-sidedly pummeling)
Imagine his shock when he first saw you with so much red liquid dripping from your knuckles and having random steaks of blood on your cheek and attire
Needless to say, he almost went on a war path to avenge you before you calmly told him that the blood wasn't yours. (He then became an overnight nurse just for him to dote on your knuckles and interrogate you over what exactly happened)
Kazuha knew how much you loved him, not just in your words of affection, but as well as all the things you've done for him and all you've done with him in mind.
You've made his heart race in more ways than one, and in more than just one reason as well. Sometimes his heart beats and echoes throughout his entire being with just the faintest brush of your lips across his forehead, and sometimes his heart is within his throat on a standstill as your sweet voice called for his attention and your quickly approaching figure was dripping in red.
Even still, seeing you enthusiastically throw yourself into every fight he deems unworthy of his efforts and starting fights with those who's done him wrong makes him feel so incredibly cared for, but Archons his worry and concern overturn that feeling every time you come to him beaming with an obviously roughed up appearance.
Though...seeing your soft smile, recounting all of the new techniques you were able to apply in the recent brawl you had with those bandits, made his chest feel warm and complicated what with the mish-mash of concern and love his heart is dealing with from your actions.
You made him feel such different mixtures of emotions within his being that he just can't stop the feeling of hunger that takes over him that yearns for those complex feelings you've awakened in him.
Extreme or not, he can't just let you endlessly get yourself into messy battles for the sake of his name, he'd be a terrible lover to let his beloved go to bed looking like a serial killer.
In the end, he can only hope he can stop you fast enough to hinder anymore bloodbaths throughout the nations before anyone notices the bloody footprints and fists lead back to you.
May the Seven help him in his fruitless endeavor.
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ilovekazuha271 · 1 year
🌻 If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog 🌻
(i miss you my love <333, are you doing okay?)
faee I miss you more darling! <33 I'm doing well, just having exams coming up and getting busy I can barely use tumblr anymore fsfds :') hope you're doing well too! ahh okay I never got such thing to answer before but I'll try my best 1- I'm not a fan of sweets unless they're strawberry flavored (i love strawberries hehe) 2- I always found mystery so fun and the thrill you get with it when watching a movie or reading a novel, I like trying to solve alongside characters and making theories then be shocked with a plot twist :o 3- I'm pansexual :) I got a preference for women tho no matter they all just have me head over heels omg 🤭
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ilovekazuha271 · 1 year
☆ The Library ☆
kazuha x gn! reader
prompt: - you and kazuha attend the same university, him being a english lit major and you being a person in stem😎 your paths never crossed until that day in the library…
*this is an smau so please do expect a lot of twitter posts and messages to read, there will be proper writing too but, it will mostly be that!!*
warning! none <3
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☆ this term. ☆
{a collection of tweets from the whole term <3}
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a/n - and that’s it for the spring section! i hope you enjoyed! honestly i dont really have any ideas for summer yet so please be patient! it might just be that the names of the chapters are released next wednesday or nothing at all! but, i promise once i have ideas the normal wednesday posts will continue!
for now though i’ll post normal fics along with possibly starting and figuring out a schedule for my sigma series! (seeing as he won the poll woo!) i love you all <333
taglist - open! @kazuhaprnt @ryhie @scaraapologist @thissoulisnotok @kazuhalvrr @rifran @sleepyhamster1001 @mccnstruck @micahmxi @whipped-for-fictionals @sashiette @kozumieee @lazy-sanns @mangobee @lez-zuha @kaoyamamegami @hedonesstuff @tobiasdoesstuff @phoenix-eclipses @lisaslittle-helper @serafinaspost @richxelle @ansaturn @neigesprincess @atlaincorrect @ilovekazuha271 @obeythehemmings @4leyn3 @giggles8899 @samyayaya @zomzomb1e @duckyyyx @luminescent-light @scarletttcroww @jasxiao2317 @kanaqwqbear @floating-inthevoid @forget-artemis @fishformaira @hangecanweholdhands @eurekatanya @tamikahoshiko @jan-penakulu @anon-who-cried @qtdenks
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ilovekazuha271 · 1 year
☆ The Library ☆
kazuha x gn! reader
prompt: - you and kazuha attend the same university, him being a english lit major and you being a person in stem😎 your paths never crossed until that day in the library…
*this is an smau so please do expect a lot of twitter posts and messages to read, there will be proper writing too but, it will mostly be that!!*
warning! this is written from a narrative perspective as opposed to one of the characters like always, angst to fluff :)
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☆ the library. ☆
the vibrations of the large oak door resounded throughout the old building. it was late, quiet, not even a soul to whisper.
aside from our two lovers, our twin flames, roaming the darkened halls in hopes of finding their missing half.
one, lacking of hope
the other, hopeful
how can two beings so different be so perfect for one another?
his white locks glistened against the focused light of the lanterns strung up across the building, he was a man on a mission. a man looking for them.
it was a faint disturbance in the otherwise quiet atmosphere of the halls. how could he ignore it? he listened closer, holding his breath, anything to figure out who or what it was
there it was again.
he began to move closer towards the noise, aiming to find the source.
and luckily, or maybe even sadly, he did.
for in the corner of the raggedy old library, sat the person he was looking for, curled up upon themselves, crying into their own knees.
his heart felt as though it had shattered into a million pieces, for what could be worse than finding the one you love, crying, because of you.
“y/n?” he whispers towards their shaking body.
it stops. everything stops. nothing moves. almost as if the whole world is at a standstill, waiting for their reply.
“hi” it’s quiet, a bit hoarse, but there. they’ve replied.
slowly, the young man crouched done towards his old friend, taking a seat next to their frail form.
“can we talk about it please?”
one sentence. one sentence that could both ruin and fix this all, depending on their answer.
a few beats of silence followed the lingering question.
one beat
two beats
three beats
before finally, the crying figure, offered a response.
“i suppose”
finally, after all this time apart, after all this waiting, he could finally hear their voice again, perhaps even hear the laugh that made his heart soar.
“but first” they continued, and he listened.
“where were you? we was meant to meet out there, you was late.” it seemed as though they were holding back from saying something.
perhaps they shouldn’t have held back.
“i was held back by my professor” the young man replied.
“i was unfocused in class, i-“ he stopped, should he really continue his sentence. would they really want to hear this?
well he can’t make if any worse.
“i was too busy thinking about you. what i should say to you, how i can ever apologise for the wrong i have caused you” he whispered ever so slightly, reaching out his hands towards his love.
after all, they need to know what it is they do to him.
“you mean so much to me, y/n” he continued
“more than i’m sure you could ever even imagine, i think of you all day and all night, at all corners and ever second, i am thinking of you. i am thinking of your smile, of your laugh, your voice, and the beautiful words you speak to me. i think of your humour and how you may think, of questions i would like to ask you, things i need to know about you, you plague my every thought, y/n. and i wouldn’t change it for the world”
his friend stares up towards their hope, towards the man they fell for. their eyes travelling down towards his lips, wondering how they may taste against their own, how he may hold them. but, one thought plays through their mind on a loop.
one that started this all.
they pull their hands from his grasp before averting their eyes towards the ground. they wipe a few stray tears from their cheeks, before whispering.
“what about your girlfriend?”
silence fills the room once more. though y/n cannot sit in silence, for y/n knows that silence can only ever be bad
“i don’t think she’d appreciate you telling another person that”
his breath hitched. confusion coursed through his veins, though he knew that he alone would not figure this out, and the longer he waited to answer, the more skittish his love got.
so he replied with the one thought that was consistent in his mind.
now it was their turn to be confused. their head shot up in shock, how could he forget his own girlfriend.
“that girl you was with outside the science block a while back, you kept implying you wanted me to meet her, your girlfriend. i was hurt that you felt as though you couldn’t even mention that you had one, after all-“ they stopped.
they’re already digging themselves a hole, whats the harm in making it a little bigger
“i thought we were close, i thought we had something” their eyes drifted back to the ground as fresh tears blocked their line of sight
they didn’t want to hear his answer, to them, it could only be bad news.
he faltered but, quickly recovered.
“you mean kokomi?”
so that’s her name huh?
they recognise that name, kazuha has spoken that name to them before. but, when?
“she’s my roommate, y/n. she’s been gone for the term, so i figured i’d finally introduce you two, after all, she was who i turned to when i needed to talk to someone about you.”
that’s where they’ve heard it. at the beginning of the term, during their movie date in kazuha’s dorm. he told her all about kokomi.
“are your roommates okay with me being here right now?” i turned to him at he led me towards the living area
“oh they’re fine with it, i mean gorou and kokomi aren’t even here today”
as they had sat on the sofa, they had questioned who kokomi may be, and that was when they realised just how wrong they were.
“kokomi is gorou’s girlfriend, i swear that man follows her around like a lost puppy”
their eyes drift back up to the young man.
“kokomi, as in gorou’s girlfriend?” they asked, they had to make sure they were remembering correctly.
“yeah, that’s the one” he confirmed
their whole world came crashing down, all this time, all this time they had been jealous and upset, over a small misunderstanding? over something that would’ve been fixed had they just answered kazuha the first time he asked for them to meet kokomi?
“kazuha, i am so sor-“ they began, but was quickly cut off, by none other, than the man they was trying to apologise too.
“don’t apologise, y/n” he collected their hands back into his own.
“i would’ve been upset too if i had thought what you did” he pulled himself closer to their form, cautiously raising a hand towards their cheek. wiping away their tears.
“we are close, y/n. we do have something” he confirmed for his love, their face beginning to redden.
“i would like to show you, just how close we are, my dear” his eyes flickered down to their lips, “if you will let me?”
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a/n - PFFT- i’m nice but, i aint that nice. ya’ll got the fluff that you wanted back, but, if you wanna see what lover boy over there means, you gotta wait a week, sorryyyyy :P
i’m kidding, i love you guys but i did have to end it there so that i acc had something to write in the next chapter-
taglist - OPEN! @kazuhaprnt @ryhie @scaraapologist @thissoulisnotok @kazuhalvrr @rifran @sleepyhamster1001 @mccnstruck @micahmxi @whipped-for-fictionals @sashiette @kozumieee @lazy-sanns @mangobee @lez-zuha @kaoyamamegami @hedonesstuff @oliver-s-worlds @phoenix-eclipses @lisaslittle-helper @serafinaspost @richxelle @ansaturn @neigesprincess @atlaincorrect @ilovekazuha271 @obeythehemmings @4leyn3 @giggles8899 @samyayaya @zomzomb1e @duckyyyx @luminescent-light @scarletttcroww @jasxiao2317 @kanaqwqbear @floating-inthevoid @forget-artemis @fishformaira @hangecanweholdhands @eurekatanya @tamikahoshiko @jan-penakulu @anon-who-cried
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ilovekazuha271 · 1 year
would they enjoy being called ‘babygirl’?
kaeya: he’ll probably laugh right at your face. humiliating.
venti: probably, if he’s drunk enough. otherwise, he’ll need to drink more to make himself forget what you just said.
albedo: will play dumb, as if he doesn’t understand what you mean. he does understand. he just has the time of his life when you embarrass yourself by explaining this to him.
diluc: no.
zhongli: is genuinely confused. will ask for your explanation. then he’ll repeat it somewhere in the harbour. you better not visit for a good while.
tartaglia: no, you are! you are the babygirl!
xiao: he won’t understand right form the get-go, but with time he’ll learn to sincerely love it.
thoma: loves it, but if kamisato siblings will know, they’ll mock him until the day he dies. so no babygirl life for him.
kazuha: he’ll just smile at you very kindly. humiliating (2).
itto: he absolutely would. tries to be discreet about it and fails miserably. everyone in inazuma knows. his previous reputation is ruined. now he’s living his best babygirl life.
ayato: he’ll pretend he did not just hear that. the only act of mercy you deserve after your embarrassment. don’t ever say that again. maybe, when others are not around at least.
scaramouche: yes (is ashamed).
tighnari: you are the baby here. stop smiling. this is not a compliment. it’s degrading.
al-haitham: go do your homework.
cyno: yes (is not ashamed).
kaveh: you stole that from him, so he’s equally proud and offended. give him the credit and you good to go.
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ilovekazuha271 · 1 year
characters : Kaedehara Kazuha, g/n reader
summary : It was raining cats and dogs. Thankfully, your boyfriend found and helped you.
note : My friend loved Kazuha so much and she always rambles about how he would be a caring person if he was real.. So I thought of making this. I hope you like it!
You were just walking normally outside the Inazuma city, appreciating the beauty of that Island until the gods decided to make it rain. Why right now of all times? You swore you have checked the opacity and smell of the wind this morning. You ran as fast as you could to find a shelter. There is no use in hiding under a tree, you're just going to get struck by the lightning. Being in Inazuma is just making it worse. The rain was getting bigger. The number of water droplets are increasing real fast. Just how are you going to manage to prevent from getting sick.
You remembered what your boyfriend, Kazuha said about not getting sick especially a few days before adventuring to a far place. Knowing how stubborn you are sometimes, Kazuha even made a note for you on how to predict the weather, what to prepare if there will be rain, some random guide he made named 'Where-to-hide-when-it's-raining'. You knew it was for your own good, but sometimes Kazuha reacts a little too much. Especially when it comes about 'taking care of yourself'.
You finally managed to find a shelter. You sat down and hugged your knees close to your chest. Hoping someone will come to you, brining an umbrella. The sound of the rain splattering on the ground became louder and louder. Loud enough to make you realize you had to meet up with Kazuha in the city and get ready to help Beidou operate the Crux. You looked up to the sky just to see how dark the sky was even if it was still noon. "Are you alright?" Those 3 words, the words that you needed to hear right now. You looked up to see where that voice was coming from. Your eyes widened from the sight. It was none other than Kazuha, bringing a wagasa (the traditional Japanese umbrella) . Why was he here? He looked really worried. Seeing you shaking because of the cold made him even more worried. He handed you his hand that was covered in bandages to help you stand up. "Come here, let's warm up ourselves in the city." He said. He tilted the wagasa to your direction. It made half of his clothes wet. He didn't care. All that matters to him was to make you feel safe when next to him. On the way to the city, you finally felt better. Your nose was really red but your body wasn't as cold as it was before. "I'm sorry," you said. You knew it was wrong of you for not listening to his advices. But all he answered was, "there is no need to apologize." He gave you the most reassuring smile that you have ever seen.
"It's fine. As long as you're okay now, I don't mind." He rubbed your back for more reassurance. He really does mean all his words. You still couldn't believe how this boy loved you so much. He really is the sweetest boyfriend you could ever ask for.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- note : Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoy and feel free to send me requests.
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ilovekazuha271 · 1 year
𓂃 kazuha + just my type .
kazuha hopes he’s your type. but his unhelpful friends think otherwise. inspired by a fushiguro megumi fic on ao3 by @/its_tamajikis (check their works out! 🫶)
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“my type would be someone who can hold their alcohol really well.” venti releases one of his high pitched giggles— the one that makes you want to duck and cover your ears.
xinyan to your right snorts, “so someone can carry you home while you’re passed out?”
the walking christmas tree (read: venti) shoots up his hands in the air in defense as if the other musician’s comment was a false accusation, “i mean— they have to know how to handle me.”
kazuha sighs to himself; he should have known better than to introduce a chaotic person to an equally chaotic person. he knew that he should have never listened to his math teacher’s lesson— two negatives don’t turn out to be positive.
as the two of his friends ramble on and on about their types, the kaedehara looks at you with great observation; the moment he sees you fidgeting and looking down— all signs of being overwhelmed— he’ll take your hand and bolt out of here.
(in the background, xinyan merrily exclaims “i’d like someone who shares the same ideals on music as me!”
“you talk as if you built your morals around music.”
“i did.” she deadpans)
all of a sudden, the pair turn their attentions toward you— as if you were the newest toy displayed on the shelves of a store.
“what about you y/n, what’s your type?” the girl was the first to ask as she looks at kazuha eerily as if she knew something that she shouldn’t.
“i feel like y/n would be into nice, responsible, extrovert guys,” venti butts in, placing his chin on his fingers as if deep in thought.
xinyan immediately lets a sound of disagreement, “you think y/n would be that boring?” she scoffs, “i’m telling you, y/n’s the type to crush on big muscled boys who are always carrying weights.”
kazuha frowns a little at that.
“no way! y/n would definitely love someone like zhongli… although i wouldn’t approve of him. he’s reliable, knowledgeable, and the type your parents would love.” the aspiring bard retorts, highlighting the difference between his and xinyan’s vision.
kazuha’s face turns sour. he was nothing like zhongli; sure, they were both reserved but that’s the only thing that can be placed inside the intersecting circles of their venn diagrams. as far as kazuha knows, he isn’t the most reliable person he has met. never gaining a perfect attendance in his classes at least once in his life, his homework seems to be always missing until last minute and let’s not forget that he almost didn’t get to pass his project on time today! moreover, he’s been told that he’s better company of cats (to which he didn’t take any offense because cats are better companions over humans). he wouldn’t know how to charm your parents— or anyone for that matter.
“actually—” you try to start,
“again, boring.” xinyan stucks her tongue out in attempt to rile the other up, “y/n would love emotionally constipated bastards. y’know? the ones that wouldn’t give you any time of their day, the ones who seem angry at the world but has a soft side for you.”
kazuha’s eyebrows shot up at that. sure, you can say he’s emotionally constipated (he sure hopes he’s not a bastard) since he has a hard time expressing his own emotions, but he’s getting better now! he can manage his thoughts and feelings well through writing poetry that you seem to love. however, his shoulders slump at the second half of what xinyan said; it’s been years since he’s been angry at the world. kazuha has genuinely created a positive outlook on life; now happier and more content.
venti once again disagrees, “maybe you’re the one who’s emotionally constipated here? it’s almost 2023 already, who’d still want a kuudere?”
this starts fury within the female musician, taking full offense from the comment that came out of nowhere. and just like that, the light topic that should have been descended into chaos as the pair broke out in arguments.
kazuha looks at you apologetically; by now you have given up to get a chance to speak up without being interrupted. he smiles at you kindly although it doesn’t reach his eyes, his mind only wandering if you’d ever like him back if any of his friends’ assumption were correct.
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after successfully breaking his friends’ fight (which took a little over an hour), kazuha offers to walk you home. and in his relief, you agree.
keeping you at the inner side of the pavement, in hopes to shield you from any danger, kazuha finally plucks up courage to ask you a question.
“what’s your actual type?”
this seems to catch you off guard as you look at the blond surprised, as if you were taken aback.
“i didn’t know you’d be someone interested in trivial things like that,”
kazuha purses his lips. well, normally he wouldn’t be but he’s trying to find out if he would have to go cry himself to sleep if he ever confesses to you.
“should i give it a guess?” the boy with red orbs ask, to which you nod. “is your type someone who enjoys reading and writing poetry? always using flowery words?”
this brings an immediate smile to your face.
kazuha hums, “i feel like you’re into blondes with medium length hair who has no idea how to tie it on the center of his head.”
you let out a shy giggle at that and the male beside you thinks he must be doing something right.
“you like an environmentalist— an actual one, not the mocking save the turtles type and your type is someone who smells like wood— the wood that tingles your nose in a good way of course.”
“just like sandalwood?”
“just like sandalwood.” he breathes out.
“i must say, you’re a pretty good guesser,” you say and that’s all it took for him to stop. he turns to you, inching closer towards your form so that you could feel each other’s breathing on your faces.
“he’s not the most reliable group mate ‘cause he does everything last minute—” you laugh, and god that sounded heavenly “but he’d always carry an extra jacket around in case you get cold.”
at this, kazuha takes off his jacket after noticing your shivering form earlier before putting it on you. “it’s not an extra, but you get the point,”
“you like guys who aren’t emotionally constipated assholes who’d have you chase after them, because your type will do all the chasing.” he ends, his smile ending up crooked from the attempt to hide his giddiness which proved to be a failure around you.
“you’re kind of on point, nice job.” you smile, showing the whites of your teeth and the crinkles of your eyes— kazuha feels his heart do cartwheels.
“but you missed the most important part— he has to be thoughtful. he’s not the best talker but he sure is a good listener. it’d be a great bonus as well if his name starts with the letter k.” you don’t even hide your teasing and it’s enough for the boy to turn scarlet.
kazuha feints an eye-roll, he can’t help but to tease back, “you should have just told me you had it bad for me,”
“like you’re any better,”
you both erupt into a fit of giggles, finding the entire situation incredibly funny. after months of dilly dallying around your feelings, you finally end up in each other’s arms. kazuha supposes he should thank his friends, after all you’d be nowhere here if it weren’t for them.
breathless from all the giggles, the kaedahara finds himself thinking nonsense from the lack of oxygen. he approaches your face in a slow manner and as if you have received the message, you close the gap between you two; joining your lips together.
there’s one thing you forgot to mention to kazuha: your type was someone who is a good kisser.
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please do not repost or translate without my permission; reblogs are heavily appreciated!
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ilovekazuha271 · 2 years
hello, my dear <3
how have you been? i hope your week has been going well! please remember to take a break to go have something to eat and drink and rest well <33
- fae <3
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faee hi darling! ^^ I've been doing well, my week has been busy but all is well overall! :) what about you dear? hope it's all going well with you <3 thank you for checking up on me fdfsfs that was really sweet of you (/▽\*)。o○♡ you too don't forget to eat well and stay hydrated!! (≧◡≦) ♡
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ilovekazuha271 · 2 years
floral swing. (xiao, kazuha)
notes from tori: hello all, i haven’t written in so long nor have i been active for a reason. i have no excuse for the first, but the second!! i saw taylor swift last weekend and then when i got back from my trip i got covid :( so yeah, very busy fortunately and unfortunately, but i’m back now! this isn’t very good, but i hope you enjoy anyway!
warnings/info: gn!reader, fluff, kissing, short, that’s all, i am obsessed with the floral swing furnishing in the teapot
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“Can’t we stay in here forever, Kazuha?” You breathed, melting into the pillow-soft cushions of a floral swing, your head pressed into the man’s legs. The swing pushed and pulled beneath you like the lull of ocean waves brushing up against the shore. Kazuha’s fingers did the same, weaving through the crisp wind that tickled your skin and stroking over your cheeks, your fluttering eyelashes. He hummed, and the sound harmonized with the chirp of nearby birds. 
“It certainly eases the mind,” The words blended pleasantly in your mind as another cool breeze washed across your face. In the traveler’s teapot,  life was devoid of tribulation. All that existed was the sun, unerringly warm against your skin, Kazuha’s fingers dripping through your hair until you were just on the precipice of blissful sleep, and—
The press of something firm against your lips, ambrosial granules flicking onto your tongue. A fruit. 
“Zaytun peaches, have you had them?” Kazuha always knew what was on your mind. His voice had to be a lullaby, and you welcomed the offering, the peach’s skin velvety against your tongue, it’s flavor sweetened by flecks of sugar. “With a sprinkle of sugar, just how you like.” The follow up statement was laced with self-satisfaction, and you smiled against his fingers, chewing thoughtfully and letting your drowsy eyes flick open to gaze at his features leering over yours. The sun cast a halo around his hair, and your hand rebelliously reached for the scarlet strand nearly brushing against your nose. 
“Do you want a taste?” You murmured, watching a range of emotions flick through his ruby eyes. First: him attempting to read your intentions, your feelings. Second: confusion. Third: realization, and finally, a soft desire that burnt against his cheeks. Within a few seconds, you were wrinkling your nose at the ticklish sensation of his hair finally brushing the tip, swallowing thickly before feeling his words on your lips.
“I suppose a taste wouldn’t hurt,”
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You could only think one thing as you gazed upon the adeptus in your lap, his lashes fluttering, his cheeks flushed a soft, docile pink.
“You’re so lovely, Xiao.” You charmed, words softer than wind chimes. Xiao was favorable to compliments if you whispered them lowly and fervently. He was much like a bird that way, needing to be carried gently into affection, perhaps out of fear that something disastrous would happen if he indulged too much.
And gentle you were; it was hard to coax him into relaxation regardless, and you strived to keep his peace as long as possible.
Xiao hummed, a sign he’d heard while you leaned and pressed yet another featherlight kiss to his nose, moving leisurely to his cheekbone to plant another. His trust in you was intoxicating. Just a few months ago, and the action would’ve made him recoil. Now, however, he barely flinched when you dragged your lips to the bow of his, kissing his upper lip like a breeze. As if to soothe the action, you traced your thumb down his round cheek as you withdrew, scouring his face for any unfavorable reaction. Instead, you earned a pleased sigh, one which you echoed.
The silence enveloped your pair like a warm blanket, the cool grass between your toes, the weight of his head on your lap, the tickle of his hair against your thighs. Your seat — a cushioned floral swing — rocked back and forth, draping vines framing the scene before you, embroidered with white petals. Pressing your lips together, you smiled quaintly, eyes drooping closed at a blissful breeze wafting over your sunkissed cheeks, pretending like the sliver of time was eternal, like Xiao would never leave your side, like he’d be between your fingers until the stars fell from the sky—
The worn fabric of Xiao’s glove against your cheek pulled you from your reverie, and your eyes fluttered open as his thumb smoothed a growing wrinkle between your eyebrows.
“Are you troubled?” The somewhat archaic lilt to his speech, the concerned glow to his golden gaze: it immediately softened your disposition, and you offered a smile, plucking his fingers from your face and bringing them to your lips, adorning each one with its own kiss.
“At your side? Never?”
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ilovekazuha271 · 2 years
Has ANYONE read that one royal au kazuha fic where reader thinks hes a commoner or like villager or something and he sneaks into their bathroom the night before reader has to marry a random prince but that random prince is actually him ??? I’m pretty sure it was on ao3 but I cannot find it for the life of me pls help💔💔
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ilovekazuha271 · 2 years
☆ The Library ☆
kazuha x gn! reader
prompt: - you and kazuha attend the same university, him being a english lit major and you being a person in stem😎 your paths never crossed until that day in the library…
*this is an smau so please do expect a lot of twitter posts and messages to read, there will be proper writing too but, it will mostly be that!!*
warning! jealousy
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☆ why stand when you can sit ☆
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finally, we can finally talk
i’ve missed y/n far too much these past few weeks
but i’m not sure what to say to them
i mean i’m not even too sure what they’re mad about
but, that doesn’t matter. i’ll ask y/n when i see them, there’s only a few minutes left of this class anyway so i’ll just ask them about it then.
we can talk it over, hopefully it’s something i can fix easily but, even if it’s not i swear, i will spend as long as i need to trying to fix this
y/n is the one person in my life right now that i can’t loose.
i won’t let it happen.
they mean far too much to me.
so when i see them i’ll tell them that and we-
“kaedehara kazuha.” a voice booms next to me
“i gave you your warning last time you lost focus in my class, i will not give you another chance” oh shit.
“you will stay here until you understand every part of this lecture, am i understood?” oh shit oh shit. no no. i can’t stay behind, y/n’s waiting for me.
“can’t we do this another time, professor? i really need to get going-“ i started, praying that my teacher will let this go just once
but, of course the world could never be that great
“no, kazuha. now sit back down”
oh shit.
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a/n - omg, im so sorry this was late! i had a lot of things going on but it’s finally here wooo! don’t worry the next chapter will be out on time! i love you all <33
taglist - open! ! @kazuhaprnt @ryhie @scaraapologist @thissoulisnotok @kazuhalvrr @rifran @sleepyhamster1001 @mccnstruck @micahmxi @whipped-for-fictionals @sashiette @kozumieee @lazy-sanns @mangobee @lez-zuha @kaoyamamegami @hedonesstuff @oliver-s-worlds @phoenix-eclipses @lisaslittle-helper @serafinaspost @richxelle @ansaturn @neigesprincess @atlaincorrect @ilovekazuha271 @obeythehemmings @4leyn3 @giggles8899 @samyayaya @zomzomb1e @duckyyyx @luminescent-light @scarletttcroww @jasxiao2317 @kanaqwqbear @floating-inthevoid @forget-artemis @fishformaira
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ilovekazuha271 · 2 years
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for @soleillunne : kaedehara kazuha + “in tune with all our dreams.”
kaedehara kazuha x gender neutral reader.
word count: 2k.
content: heart-wrenching angst to fluff + modern au. suggestive.
this idea occurred to me last night, and because you like angst, i thought, ‘why not?’ it may have come out somewhat messy, but i still hope you like it, aly, love ! <3
reblogs and comments are much appreciated!
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his words crash against you like waves breaking against sharp jutting rocks.
he’s leaving. tomorrow first thing in the morning. he’s departing to study on a whole different country for the next four years, at least.
your childhood playmate, turned best friend, turned boyfriend.
kaedehara kazuha is going away and you can do nothing about it.
your emotions twist nightmarishly inside your heart, venomous ice you didn’t know you were capable of spreading through your bloodstream.
the cruel sentence is out of your lips before you can think about it.
“we’re breaking up. goodbye, kazuha.”
you don’t bother to turn around when your now ex-boyfriend reaches for your wrist, his hold slack when you pull away. you don’t respond when he calls you that nickname he gave you all those years back when you were still hopeful kids.
kazuha is left there, standing alone, a breeze now unwelcome prickling coldly against the back of his exposed neck.
raindrops of shattered dreams start falling from the midnight sky. you are grateful for them, your tears will be less conspicuous that way.
that night silence fills your darkened room. no text messages or calls come through, no beacon of hope awaits you tomorrow either when you awake to a grey dull sky.
it’s better this way, you think, as you start to get ready for your day.
miles above ground, it feels like hell, kazuha thinks.
the boy stares blankly at his phone, screen pitch black. there were no notifications from you today as morning dawned in teary colorless hues.
for the first time in almost two decades, kazuha is at a loss for words.
why did he wait so long to tell you about this? sure, it’s his dream to pursue his passion for literature, but why did he have to tell you something so huge last minute?
he wanted to surprise you with his gift. now it only weighs ominously inside his backpack.
with the ebb and flow of the plane, kazuha closes his eyes. images of you on the edges of shattered mirrors are all the company his dreams can offer.
you miss him. badly.
months have gone by, and you still can’t wrap your head around the reason behind your decision that night.
maybe you wanted to avoid missing kazuha, needing him, like you do now. perhaps you deemed yourself just a distraction for him at that moment.
what you are certain of, however, is that, like this, you are a mess.
on late evenings, you find yourself staring out the window, as if by doing so, the boy you still love would show up out of nowhere.
when taxis stop, you perk up, just to chide yourself internally; kazuha is not magically arriving in one of them, he is no longer your prince charming.
forgetting about kazuha altogether might be for the best, you decide, after tilting your head upwards in the bus for the thousandth time when new passengers come in.
you should focus on the book you have to read for class, right now, you muse internally, directing your gaze back to the pages.
four years have passed since that eventful night. and as time has ran by, new memories have made their way into your mind; new friends, graduation, part time jobs and lovers that didn’t last.
you’ve been well, mostly.
however, the shards of your broken dreams with kazuha are still safely kept behind stained glass doors into the chambers of your heart. every now and then, they like to lodge into the ridges of the unclosed wound, waking you up in starless nights, with his name in your lips the moment your tear stained lashes open.
but as you’ve been doing for years, you dismiss them, trying to focus instead on the titles in front of you.
reading’s been your most trusty companion these last years, your visits to the local bookstore frequent on weekends. searching for new releases or old undiscovered gems, dreaming about laughing, or crying, or both, to the tune of the words… it’s exciting, in a way. it also keeps the vault of bittersweet dreams more or less locked, when your thoughts travel to distant lands on board of book pages.
sighing to yourself, your fingers graze the various tomes of the poetry section.
one of them makes you stop in your tracks.
‘unsent letters to my dove.’
and it’s the last part of the golden embossed sentence that causes for your heart to momentarily stop.
he used to call you that.
but it can’t be him, can it?
with trembling hands, you reach for the volume. the covers are crimson red leather, soft to the touch. golden lettering spells out the title, reminiscent of long gone sunlit afternoons that smell of childhood. an intricate pattern of maple leaves is drawn around the margins.
maple leaves. his favorite.
you breath catches in your throat when you open the hardcover and your eyes land on the dedication written in italics on the first page:
“to my beloved hummingbird, i’m sorry i couldn’t give this to you four years ago. wherever you are now, i dedicate this collection to you.”
that childhood nickname. that’s what he called you. that’s what you didn’t respond to the night you walked away from him.
no. this must be just coincidence.
you’re just being delusional.
you better check the author, yes, that will surely clear things out.
going back to the cover, there it is, in swirling coppery calligraphy: k. isshin.
that wasn’t his name. however, it doesn’t stop your hold on the book from going slack, you and the copy almost dropping to the ground if it weren’t for the person that suddenly stabilizes you with one arm around your waist, and catches the book with the other.
isshin. didn’t he tell you something long ago about a certain art from his ancestors being referred to by that name?
you don’t have time to ruminate on it for long before an all too familiar voice interrupts all train of thought.
“are you okay?” the boy that’s been intermittently haunting your dreams for the past four years asks.
his voice is still as soft as you remember it, though deeper, with a newfound warmth and richness to it.
it doesn’t help your already racing heart.
“i… i-i’m… fine.” you manage, at the same time your eyes meet his.
shooting stars flash before the sunsets of his gaze when recognition crosses his perfectly sculpted features.
you’re even prettier than he remembers. the memories he’s cherished and old pictures in his phone definitely can’t do justice to the you standing right before him now.
for a few instants, you just stand there, the book still held between yours and his hand. you are simply lost in every detail of kazuha, the boy you left standing under the midnight rain once. kazuha, your ex-boyfriend. kazuha, the boy you never stopped loving.
kazuha, who has written a whole book about you, it seems.
“you… ah… you almost dropped this.” kazuha suddenly breaks the awkward silence, pushing the hardcover into your hands, his cheeks a pretty shade of red, like the poppy fields through which you and him used to run.
“i… uh, yeah… thank you.” you make to walk towards the register to pay for it, but a hand gently holds your wrist.
this time, you turn around.
for a second, kazuha hesitates, his body having reacted as if on autopilot, as if his heartstrings commanded his soul to not let go of you ever again.
“are you free after this?” he asks. it’s uncommon, the way he almost mumbles it, eyes of embers not quite meeting yours.
he is aware this question is playing with fire, and flinches after a few moments pass and no reply leaves your lips.
“sure.” you say, nodding. “have somewhere in mind? if not, we can go to my place.”
“sounds good to me.” he smiles, gently.
it’s pouring when you exit the shop. this time, you stay together under his red umbrella.
the trip to your apartment is mostly silent. there are too many feelings to unpack, too many apologies you wish to say, too many questions.
and the book, safely tucked under your coat, protected from the rain as if it was a precious treasure.
“make yourself at home.” you comment, as you open the door to your home. setting the book over the coffee table, you rummage around the kitchen for some snacks.
meanwhile, kazuha loses himself observing how much of you there is in your modest home: some of your favorite books thrown here and there; a spare cardigan similar to the one you always loved to steal from him; pictures with some of your college friends… this little space is filled with the sweet breeze of your scent, one in which kazuha would gladly drown.
when you come back from the kitchen, tea and cookies in hand, to find him standing there, your cheeks heat up.
“i apologize for the mess.” is what your lips speak, yet ‘i’d like for him to stand here every day’ are the true words of your heart.
“not at all.” kazuha offers. “it’s quite charming and cozy in here.”
“ah… thank you.” is all you can manage without excessively stuttering. busying yourself setting the plates, you take your chance to ask:
“that book. you wrote it, didn’t you?”
silence settles between you both again, tension palpable in the air, an invisible wall that didn’t use to be there years ago.
“so you noticed…” kazuha muses, melancholy evident in his tone. “i- that night-”
“i’m sorry.” you snap before he can continue further. “about that night. i was stupid. i hurt and left you, all out of my own impulsivity and egoism.” your hands tighten around the tea-cup you are holding. taking a deep breath, you steel yourself for the words you’re going to say next. “so i understand if you hate me now. i… i was mean to you, kazuha. i don’t deserve your friendship anymore and-”
his warm calloused hand comes to rest on top of yours, the frenzied string of words leaving the mouth he used to kiss, cut off.
“you are right, you don’t.” kazuha pauses, the scarlet lakes of his glance, ablaze with longing. his thumb traces your lower lip. your breath catches at the back of your throat. you want to utter his name, yet no sound comes out. then: “you deserve more than that, my hummingbird.” he almost breathes, in the few inches separating both of your ardently longing lips.
the invisible wall between the both of you has just shattered.
without knowing exactly how or what instant, his lips end up on yours, drinking in every version of you. your hands lose in the now longer strands of his smooth hair, their color, the same as the moonlight that sang the melody of your first kiss years ago.
now, kazuha kisses you with a new ardor, as if he’s trying to memorize you by touch alone, were the stars to fade away.
the cracked edges of the dreams you tore down that fateful night beg to be let out from the opaque case in which you’ve kept them all these years.
and, soon enough, the instant kaedehara kazuha undresses you with a softness you wouldn’t have believed possible even in your wildest dreams, the vault opens.
your hands ridding him of his garments are the wave of magic wand needed to set you and him in tune with all your fervent dreams once more.
“dove” falls from kazuha’s lips again and again and again, the waves of his praise, a mantra that softly caresses the pink sand beaches of a paradise only he is able to bring you to.
the skies no longer cry, you and kazuha, its most wondrous and intricate constellation. formed of stars seemingly apart from each other, brought close by a fate greater than the verses your poet writes could explain.
a sliver of moon illuminates the cover of your lover’s eulogies to you.
you slumber sweetly in kazuha’s arms. in your dreams, he reads you his poems.
maybe, tomorrow, that will become your perfect reality.
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ilovekazuha271 · 2 years
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a/n: reposting from my old account...just now i realised that, it's actually not bad or terrible. i put a lot of effort into this, but i'm just overthinking too much and shutting down everything for no reason ahaha i'm so sorry everyone ! !
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"I love you."
You loved him, you love everything about him. It almost sounds like an oath or something. A vow made with an intense feeling of deep affection, endearment knitting each yarn of affirmation.
"I love your eyes, they're always pretty."
"I love your voice, I could listen to it forever."
"I love your hand, it's warm whenever I hold it."
"I love your smile, it makes me really happy to see them."
"I love to be with you, words can't describe how much I feel."
Sometimes you wonder if your significant other is a flower in secret, attracting many butterflies to come fluttering inside your stomach. His sweet tongue strokes your taste bud with each honey dripped word that falls from your boyfriend's lip.
Each sunrise and sunset, the sights of him were reminiscent of your dearest moment. You cherish it, the intimacy of being so close to him in every tender kiss, giggling every time he chases another kiss, starved to explore every part of your lip.
His body curled into yours, hand grasping at your sleeves. Cradled in his arms as if you are the most fragile thing in the world, he keeps your body close, trying to share his warmth, his hand rubbing a soothing circle on your back. It's a shame really, because you can no longer feel any of his touch anymore.
"So please for the very last time,"
He keeps crying, tears dribbling their warmest drop on your cold skin, his voice was hoarse, throat dry as he gently shake your shoulders. His hold on you got tighter with each second passing, he keeps chanting your name as if it was some sort of prayer.
"please wake up."
"Please open your eyes."
"Please say something— anything."
You wish to hug him closer, if that's even possible as if you two weren't close already. "Why you're this cold? Please, wake up now, we can't stay here." How you wish to comfort him, cupping his face and whispering that everything is going to be alright.
He didn't even dare to blink, his eyes hurt way too much. He was afraid, like a nightmare he was scared that you would disappear for real if he try to close his eyes for a mere second. "Please don't leave me too." You would never leave him alone, you already made a promise, you'll always come back to him.
"Please, please, please, at least, please—"
He halted, forcing the rest of his breath to bunch up inside his lungs. His heart was thumping so fast, aching as if something keeps making his wound bleed. He could swear he can hear his own heartbeat, he can feel it, his heart could burst through his ribcage at any moment. While your heart?
He was desperately expecting a reply, any response or touch, just anything from you, hoping you would return his gentle gestures, but you weren't there. You were no longer there, and never going to be.
"Please say I love you back."
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©sweetflowertofu 2023 - do not repost
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