ilovespritesedits · 5 years
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More eevee evolutions! Leafeon got a blueish hue to its plants, and the brown was replaced by a forest green. and glaceon got a far darker coloring, like black ice, with a purple sheen to its coat! Overall, these arent my favorite shinies... but theyre a lot better than the origional in my opinion!
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ilovespritesedits · 5 years
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just some miscellaneous sprite edits that I won’t be making a full post on- though i might re-post the alolan evolutions in their own post once I am done the set. Anyway, just some cool shiny edits for each of them that i liked and want to share~ might do this more often.
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ilovespritesedits · 5 years
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And for a new series of sprite edits- fully custom sprites! Anyway, to go with the grass/ghost owl bird thing that this pkmn has, I went with a black n white theme- specifically, based on a certain type of owl. It’s a bit messy but hey, I still like it enough to post it on here.
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ilovespritesedits · 5 years
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This one was fun to do- and it makes it look so awesome! Just changed the flames to match the original shiny in gen 2... aka, purple flames! Which looks awesome!!! And i wished more fire pkmn with actual flames got the fire to change color because, dear god, does it look awesome! And it goes with the red back pretty well too. Just, overall, this would have been SUCH an awesome shiny!!!!!
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ilovespritesedits · 5 years
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As much as i LOVE Eevee, their line has some of the worst shinies to ever exist. Saying that, for these first edits i don’t want to stray too far from them, so I propose a simple solution... just add blue! No I’m serious. The best Eevee evolutions have blue in em already, and it gives the shiny line a theme. Plus it just ties together the shinies pretty well! Normal shiny Eevee wasn’t touched at all, but the rest obviously were. Vaporeon, despite having a pretty recognizable shiny, gets deep blue fins to reference it’s water typing. Jolteon got an electric teal blue coloring... which actually goes well with it’s green coloring and makes it looks decent now! And Flareon got a ghostly blue coloring to it’s fur to compliment the burnt orange that it is, which gives it an eerie feel... All in all this was a pretty cool experiment, and i think I’ll do the same to the rest of the Eevee line shinies once I get to them!
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ilovespritesedits · 5 years
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I’m going to skip ahead just cuz i can.. and who’s gonna stop me??? huh??? anywho, oh poor gengar, you were begin set up to be a cool blue shiny and yet... you were cheated!!! Anyway, so i made gengar the same blue as the rest of his line to give him a big old difference, while making his eyes the faded purple he was once. And Haunter got the faded purple treatment and kept his blue mouth, because admittingly that is pretty cool. Admittingly, I did go with the faded purple coloring for all of them, rather than the bright purple that gastly had, but mostly because i wanted to keep that ghostly look. I might do an alternate version of this with Gastly’s shiny coloring instead, we’ll see!
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ilovespritesedits · 5 years
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Caterpie next, and yeah I was inspired by the anime’s pink caterpie... though this one is more of a light red! Anyway, the original shinies did a good job of changing the shinies enough to make it easy to spot it, especially with Metapod, that orangish-red is so eyecatching! I just simply edited Caterpie to include a more pinkish-orange color in it’s pallet, and I edited Butterfree to resemble it’s pre evolution’s coloring scheme more!
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ilovespritesedits · 5 years
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Squirtle line next! Yeah, I skipped Charmander since hey, it’s already a perfect shiny line... though i might do a shiny edit of their gen 2 shinies instead, since Charizard had a purple shiny in that generation! Anyway, squirtle’s shiny was always my least favorite just because of how little it changed! So I brightened the skin up considerably and gave it’s belly the same green shade as it’s shell to further set ti apart from it’s normal variation!
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ilovespritesedits · 5 years
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Another batch of shiny fixes, this time from the first generation! I actually have a bunch of edited shiny sprites from the first generation, since i feel like too many were dull. Anyway, this next series of sprite will be based on the Heartgold/Soulsilver shinies since they’re like, my fav versions of the first generation pokemon. i didn’t do a lot with this line, just made Bulbasaur’s eyes gold to match the rest of the evolution and changed the leaves to a dark fern color to compliment the gold and bright green skin, since before it felt like the bright leaves was too much with these colors.
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ilovespritesedits · 5 years
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And skipping ahead quite a number of Pokemon here comes the mascot legendaries! Now I made a very simple change to this line- I simply changed the golden coloring to a silver, which does WONDERS for this line!!! First of all now cosmog actually has a difference that isn't just the dumb cheeks... alongside some white eyes just cuz. Honestly with cosmog there isn't much that can be done, considering just how difficult it would be to change the base color of the pokemon, though there was no reason they couldn’t have changed the metallic... thing it wears. But hey, the rest of the shinies get a massive boost thanks to this silver coloring now, and even the coollaid lion actually looks pretty good now that it has a complimentary color instead of competing with the yellow. and Lunala... oh geeze, why didn’t you get this shiny in game??? Such a wasted opportunity, and they could have been the best looking legendary shinies, like EVER with such a simple color change! Alas, this is a great example of how changing the hue of a secondary color can really improve a shiny...
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ilovespritesedits · 5 years
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Salazzle is next, and this is one of my fav edits so far! The original shiny had a nice idea, turn some of the black white, yet it lacked any other changes which really made it a wasted opportunity. With Salandit I have the remaining black a blue-ish hue, and I changed the eyes to a blue as well, aaannddd changed the red stripe to a hot pink to match the evolution’s pink fire. And with the evolution, I kept with the blue hues, changing the purple belly to yet again a blue hue, and changing the hot pink flame pattern to a turquoise color that still keeps the warmth and beauty of the original. And the eyes turn to a baby blue yet again! All in all, despite how wonderful this shiny looks, i did use the most generic shiny tricks there are (changing the hue of a color ever so slightly and slapping some blue onto it), but for salazzle it works wonders with it’s white pallet! Too bad this is only going to exist in my dreams though....
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ilovespritesedits · 5 years
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Oh boy, i did not know how much trouble this fish was gonna be.... First of all, I hated how the blue did not change at all (except that it got more saturated...?) so the first thing I wanted to change was that, and I wanted a warm color to match the gold, so turquoise was the obvious choice. Grant it, this is more of a soft green, but the color matches the gold spectacularly well. But oh boy was the big form a PAIN to color in! So many different hues.... i am never editing this sprite ever again, lemmie tell ya! But for all the work I put in, I’m super proud of this! the green matches the gold so well.... and the saturated blue was an eyesore that didn’t even stand out on the 3d model!
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ilovespritesedits · 5 years
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Ah, and then comes THIS line. Honestly, I love the switch from blue gloves to red, and the yellow hair changing to a salmon pink- as I’ve said before, it’s great when a shiny changes primary colors, and little touches like the hair can make all the difference. But the body staying the same purple really bugged me, so i simply changed it to a more blue-ish purple, to accent the reds. And that blue-ish purple changed to a turquose since.. idk really, it just felt right. The only other way to make this shiny different would eb to change the white on Crabomination, though white’s don’t change often sooooo.... Anyway, a very simple change, but yet again hue changes like so always adds to a shiny!
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ilovespritesedits · 5 years
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i will say that right off the bat, Vikavolt’s shiny is by far my favorite of the whole gen 7′s lineup. It’s such a radical change that looks equally good and somehow fits the theme of the original so well! So it should be no surprised that i didn’t even touched the final evolution, it’s just that good. As for Grubbin, I simply changed it’s back to a slight green so that it stands out just that bit more from the original. As for Charjabug I did the same green for it’s mouth, and I changed it’s orange feet to a lime green similar to it’s final evolution’s shade, and the eyes changed tints ever so slightly. I love little touches to a shiny like that, and even with such a drastic color change it’s appreciated since it helps the shiny stand out that much more!!!
Link to the original shinies: https://www.rebornevo.com/forum/index.php?/topic/24410-gen-7-sprite-pack/
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ilovespritesedits · 5 years
So this account is barely ten minutes old as of making this post, but I plan to do several series of shinies. My first one is basically “Better Gen 7 Shinies” and i was wondering, should I include a tag that says what ‘series’ a sprite is from, that way it’s easy to sort through them? I’m terrible at tags, so any suggestions as far as sorting out my posts is appreciated! Just thought that i should think of how to organize everything BEFORE I get like a 100 sprite edits on here....
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ilovespritesedits · 5 years
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I am here again! Oh, poor yungoos, you were so close to having a good shiny! Didn’t do much, aside from turning it’s brown fur to a rose color, which really works with the pink stripe! Again it’s the little things that makes a shiny, and this is one example where it makes all the difference for the shiny! 
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ilovespritesedits · 5 years
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Pikipek is next, and while I LOOOVVVEEEE the beak of the final evolutions, I hate the first one with a passion! Mainly cuz the black never changes, which is a missed opportunity. Luckily, I fixed it simply by making it a pinkish-reddish-rose color, which makes the pink stripe and the green eye stand out while complimenting the multi-colored beak later down the line! And I made the eyes actually green, as well as the leg since it’s the same color, and I was curious as to how that would look. Anyway, this little experiment shows just how big of a difference a simple color shade makes to an already good shiny! And as always, the link to the origional creator for the sprites is here: https://www.rebornevo.com/forum/index.php?/topic/24410-gen-7-sprite-pack/
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