ilvolo-writings · 7 years
New imagine alert <3
Hey loves :D. Keeping my promise, here’s the prologue of the new imagine I have in mind . I will let you know that it will deal with some sensitive subjects( depression mostly), so if anyone feels that it might cause them any sort of inconvinience, please stay away. Although I do promise it won’t be too grim or sad, the message I want to give is different.
So with all that said, and with much excitement in my heart, here is the prologue of my new story. Feel free to let me know your thoughts, your reactions, if you think it’s a good idea and generally speaking ANYTHING you might want to say about it. I know it’s rather small, but it’s only the prologue. The next chapter will be posted, probably and if nothing unexpected happens, on Sunday. <3 <3 <3 .
Your eyes circled around the room you'd found yourself into, a single question plaguing your mind.
" How can they all be so happy?"
All the men wore expensive suits, and all the ladies wore those extremely luxurious dresses, that were similar to the long, dark blue one you were wearing but at the same time so different. You watched their eyes, how confidence oozed out of them, how even the simplest nod seemed as if it was the most effortless thing in the world.
And then your eyes spotted your boyfriend, his behavior holding no different characteristics compared to any night before, his moves revealing that he felt absolutely comfortable right where he was; surrounded by important people, who possessed money, fame; power.
It was simply another one of those events you had to accompany him to. Him, a record label CEO, and you; an undergrad student with nothing in common with the rest of the people in that room. Right then you felt that you'd had enough; enough of this life you felt was not meant for you, a life ,maybe, you didn't even deserve.
So you excused yourself, tears in your eyes as you rushed to find the quickest way to the roof of the building. You cared little for the bottom of your long dress that was slowly being torn, or for one of your heels that seemingly got lost as you were making your way up.
When you eventually reached your destination, you took a few deep breaths, and your steps became slower. This was it; this was the end.
Your hands touched the edge, you breathed in and out a couple more times more, enjoying the quiet that surrounded everything around you. Your lips formed a faint smile as your legs prepared to take the leap. However, right then, a calm, warm voice behind you pleaded.
" Please, don't do it...".
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ilvolo-writings · 7 years
After All This Time...
FINALLY I am almost too excited to let you all know that I AM returning, fully active, on my blog. :D. I know I’ve been away for almost too long, but I definitely sense that a favorite saying of mine is “ better late than never” . 
My absence was the result of my university’s EXCRUTIATING exams, that have now thankfully ended, allowling me to relax and, most importantly, find time for WRITING again :D. I sincerely hope that there are still people around interested in reading all the things I’m planning to write during the months to come.
I would like to thank EVERY single one of you for commenting on my previous story ( some months ago...), and I want you all to know that I appreciate all your kind words, they certainly made my days brighter during the exams period, and of course did not let me forget the promise to myself to one day return here <3.
And, as a finishing touch, I am informing you that I have a certain idea for an imagine, inspired by multiple received requests, and I am 90% sure that this time it’s going to feature Piero <3. Anyone interested, be ready for the first chapter/prologue this evening :D <3.
‘Till the next time,
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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ilvolo-writings · 8 years
Chapter X- Paradiso
You could feel your pulse constantly elevating, as your heart beat faster and faster as the words of Ignazio's letter made their way through your brain and into your soul, filling it with that warmness that you thought you had lost forever.
Your hands unconsciously allowed the letter to drop to the floor, your fingers left almost grasping the ticket that was enclosed within the envelope. You brought it closer to your eyes, firstly in order to actually believe that the moment was real, and secondly to find out what time your flight was leaving.
Your brain, however, didn't bother registering that; the movement's sole purpose was to force yourself out of a dream, if that situation had been a dream; you smiled as you understood it wasn't.
Without caring about the hours you'd have to wait at the airport, you took your suitcase out, throwing in most of your stuff, or at least the part that you felt was necessary to you. Tears were running down your cheeks constantly, but those were certainly not like the tears you'd shed the previous days; the ones making their way down your cheeks then, crashing down on semi-folded shirts and dresses, resembled rivers of bliss.
Packing your stuff took you about half an hour. After that, you wasted no time and immediately called a cab to the airport. You almost laughed at the way you sounded to the person at the other end of the line, recognizing your tone was almost too cheerful, as if you'd just won the lottery.
The taxi arrived precisely 3 minutes after your call. You sighed loudly as you closed the door of the house behind you, leaving the key underneath the doormat. Lucas should be arriving home soon, you thought, and almost smirked as you realized that he now belonged to your past, and Ignazio was your future.
The hours seemed to fly from then on. It felt to you as if only 10 minutes had passed since the moment you'd left the house when the voice informed you:
" Attention, ladies and gentlemen. In approximately five minutes, we are landing in Rome.".
Everything went smoothly, and you exited the airport, holding your suitcase, a huge smile spread on your face.
You checked the time, and frowned a bit as you realized it was still midday. You tried finding the letter from Ignazio, to verify what you remembered; seeing him again would happen at noon. However, you failed to retrieve it, it wasn't in either one of your pockets. You shrugged it off, deciding that the letter probably was in your suitcase, and that it didn't matter anyway; you've always had a good memory.
After some thinking, you decided that you should rest for a couple of hours, 'till noon came. With that in mind, you checked into the first hotel you found, mentioning that you'd only be using the room for some hours. Eventually, however, instead of resting, you ended up spending those hours on getting ready. You wanted to look absolutely stunning, as beautiful as you could possibly look, not in order to provoke him or anything like that, but because he was worthy of all the beauty in the world and you wanted to offer him as much of that as you could.
And you didn't feel tired, not even a single bit, as you walked out of the hotel, when the sun had begun going down and noon was taking place. As your steps got you closer to the Fontana, you felt your heart swelling in your chest, your breath getting caught in your throat and your mind forced you to take smaller steps, while your soul insisted on longer strides.
You recognized the scenery, the sun had almost set, giving everything a sense of nostalgia, of that absolute beauty that only Rome can give to you. You took a deep breath and moved even closer to the monument, now being able to see almost every single person that stood in front of it.
It didn't take you long to spot him. He stood there, wearing a pair of black pants and a white shirt, hands in his pockets, his look cast down. You smiled as you stepped closer to him, even though you felt like running to him.
He raised his eyes, his eyes staring right at yours as you approached, and he wasted no time doing the same. By then, only a few centimeters separated you. You paused, and smiled at him even more. He did the same.
" I... I was afraid you wouldn't come after all...", Ignazio said, and you slightly giggled as you looked down for some seconds.
" I wasn't exactly sure what noon meant.. So I improvised ", you said, and he laughed, which lit those familiar fireworks in your heart.
" I guess that's my fault, but when I wrote that letter I wasn't exactly... calm.", he said, but the moment he noticed you frowning he rushed to explain.
" No, no... I mean I only then realized that the letter would be my only chance to have you back, and I wanted to write so many, so many things (Y/n), but I had to somehow find the most important ones... And use the correct words to make you understand exactly how I feel...", he said softly, and you smiled as you touched his cheek and saw him leaning to your touch, like he always used to.
" Igna, I... I can't tell you just how much I've missed you... This whole story, this huge misunderstanding has been absolute hell for me, I-", you started saying, but his soft voice interrupted you, as he brought your hand to his lips and placed a velvety kiss on it.
" It's been the same for me too, (Y/n). And I'm sorry, I'm terribly sorry that I let all this time sleep away from our hands, that I wasted all those moments we could've had together... But I promise you, I promise that I will never let you go, from now on I will always be here for  you. I just want one favor from you.", he said, his warm eyes gazing at you. You slightly furrowed your eyebrows.
" What do you mean?", you questioned, and he sighed with a grin.
" Make me the happiest man on this earth. Tell me the words you wrote to that letter...", he said gently. You beamed as you threw your arms around his neck, and lovingly whispered in his ear.
" I love you, I love you, I l-".
You didn't manage to complete your words as you felt Ignazio sharply turning you around, a faint "no" escaping from his lips. The next sound you heard was that of a loud bang, and you felt his body slightly pushing itself to yours. You only realized what had happened when you heard the carabinieris shouting, and felt Ignazio's body trembling against yours.
" I-Igna, wh-", you tried saying, and only then you heard his silent grunting.
" No, no, it's okay, it's o-kay (Y/n), I'm fine, don't be afr-aid", he said in between gasps, but you felt tears running down your face as you noticed that his white shirt had turned into a bright red, a bit lower than his heart.
" Igna, don't, don't speak, I know you're going to b-e okay, let's lay d-own for a minute, until the ambulance arrives, okay?", you said, and he softly nodded. You held his head in your lap, your one hand softly caressing his hair while the other held his own tightly. Your eyes scanned the perimeter, and you saw Lucas screaming at the four people that were holding him down, the gun visible some meters away from him.
" I- I s-aw him raising the gun at y-ou, (Y/n)... Lucas, he was going to shoot you, and you know I would never let that h-appen. But it seems that he got me g-ood...", he said, and you shook your head rapidly.
" N-o, Igna, this is nothing, you s-aid it, you're going to b-e okay. Just be patient, they'll come...", you whispered, and your grip only became stronger as you saw his shivering even more.
" B-ut, (Y/n), just in case something happens and I don't get the chance to t-ell you again, I love you with everything in me. And I don't regret anything th-at happened, because right now I have you, and I love you and you love m-e...", he said confidently, before pausing for a bit and then whispering.
" It was all worth it... Our love was worth it.".
" Y-es, Ignazio, it was... We were, w-e are... That's why you need to promise me that you'll be okay, that we're going to live together, grow old together...", you said, and to your amusement he chuckled lightly.
" A-re you asking me to m-arry you?", he asked, and you smiled sadly as you wiped your tears.
" Wh-at if I am?", you said, and he smiled as a tear escaped.
" Of course I want to marry y-ou... I w-ill marry you.", he whispered before letting out another grunt, this time louder, and shivering even more. You saw his face had acquired an expression of fear, so your hands found the side of his face as you spoke to him.
" Shh, don't be afraid, Igna... I l-ove you, you're going to be okay and we're going to have the life we dreamed together.. I promise y-ou, they are coming, they are going to be here in no time, I can almost hear the sirens...", you tried comforting him, and you noticed a long tear escaping his eye.
" I'm s-o ang-...Damn it it's so unfair to lose y-ou just when I found you, it's n-ot fair, (Y/n). And I'm afraid, I'm too af-raid to leave you alone, I don't want to d-..", he said, clearly terrified at the possibility of death.
" So you're not going to leave me, and I'm not going to leave you, okay? Promise me th-at...", you said, failing to contain your tears as he, for the second time that evening raised your hand to his lips and kissed it, this time however you could tell he was putting as much power as he physically could.
" I pr-omise...", he said, and you saw his eyes slowly closing, the moment you heard the ambulance arriving.
    You opened your eyes, understanding you were facing the sea. The sound of its' waves arriving at the shore and then retrieving back always filled your head with memories.
Since that noon at the Fontana, four whole years had passed. You closed your eyes again, and the pictures resurfaced, almost flooding your brain.
You felt almost too afraid to close them again. However, a hand rested on your shoulder, and you smiled as you reached and caressed it, stopping only when the two wedding rings touched. Your eyes met his; his lips met yours.
Aaaand, after all this time, this is the end of the story, the final chapter. Again my apologies for the delay, but I really hope this chapter makes up for it a bit :3.
I would like to thank EVERYONE who commented/liked/reblogged/messaged me on this, honestly it meant the WORLD to me, it was practically the force that kept me updating this :3. So thankyouthankyouthankyou to ALL of you :D
As always, I’d LOVE to hear your thoughts on this, it’s my first story and I feel as if it’s some sort of a digital “baby” of mine or sth :3. So please let me know, and ofcourse any suggestions for imagines are always welcome.
Again, thank you for reading this, I feel I cannot stress enough just how massive your role has been for this story’s existance :D
‘Till the next time,
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ilvolo-writings · 8 years
2 weeks...
:(, SO, so sorry yet again. Thankfully, the wait is over. The finale will be posted tonight :).
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ilvolo-writings · 8 years
Your torturing us ... we're all waiting for the final chapter ... what will happen???
Deear, honestly the torture was not my intention, I promise you that. It’s just that this semester will definitely demand so much work and effort :/. BUT, the torture ends tonight ;D. The final chapter is going to arrive soon :3.
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ilvolo-writings · 8 years
I'm waiting with baited breath ... how will this story end?
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ilvolo-writings · 8 years
That envelope whoa whoa whoa i didn't expect but i loooove it and i don't think i'll be able to wait til Monday ugh😄 such a great story though. Never keep on writing dearest! Hugs from Turkey❤❤❤
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ilvolo-writings · 8 years
The Return (finalmente)
HELLO everyone, I hope I haven’t disappointed you TOO much with yet another disappearance of mine, but my classes have been kinda hectic, plus I really wanted to dedicate as much time as possible to writing the final chapter, as I outmost desire for it to be as well written as possible. 
Having said all that, I am happy, REALLY happy to inform anyone who’s interested that the final chapter of the story will be posted tonight. SO, stay tuned ;) ( and prepare yourselves :3 ).
<3 <3 <3 .
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ilvolo-writings · 8 years
Omg, tomorrow. I can't wait. But tomorrow afternoon, evening, night...?
Lovely anon, the new chapter has just been posted
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ilvolo-writings · 8 years
Chapter IX-Enveloped Anamneses
 Ever since the last time you'd seen Ignazio, you felt as if time itself had stopped. Everything from then on either moved too fast or seemed not to move at all. It was almost as if your physical self had indeed left him behind, but your mind, your soul was left behind, your essence intertwined with his.
You could faintly recall stepping in the apartment you shared with Lucas, finding him staring at you, his eyes widened. He had demanded explanations at first, almost screamed at you all the questions that had been travelling through his head all the hours you were gone, claimed that he even thought of calling the police at some point.
Soon, however, his tone softened, he almost started crying as he pleaded you to never leave him again, assuring you that he never meant to hurt you and that it would never happen again. Of course, Ignazio's name was mentioned by him repeatedly, as he accused him of being the reason for his own crazy behavior.
" Please, don't involve him into our business... He has nothing to do with it..", you said, your tone almost giving away your vulnerability on anything related to Ignazio.
" He has though! I'm telling you, maybe you, women, fail to pick up on the signs that a guy is into you, but guys understand guys. So I know exactly what I'm talking about when I say that the guy was hitting on you all night... And you know damn well just how possessive I am of you. So to think th-", Lucas started rambling, but you cut him off.
" The guy is getting married, Lucas! So clearly your thoughts and comments are all wrong. Stop embarrassing yourself, it's enough. ", you erupted, and noticed him furrowing his eyebrows.
" And how do you know that?", he questioned. You shrugged as you looked down, lightly sighing.
" He told me, outside the restaurant. That's what the talk was about, the one you've been feeling so paranoid over.", you murmured, still avoiding eye contact.
" I don't believe you one bit, tell me exactly what's happened between you and him...", he muttered, anger evident in his voice. You felt your heart beating faster, your breath getting caught in your throat.
" Nothing, I told you, nothing!", you said strongly, and heard yourself letting out a scream as Lucas pushed you against the wall, his hand slamming loudly against it, right next to your face.
" Don't you lie to me. Have you been seeing each other in secret? Have you been playing with me? All this time?", he kept saying, his eyes wide and staring right at you. You felt tears running down your cheeks as you pleaded.
" Let me go, please let me g-o....", you said, and in response he let out a shaky laugh that sent chills down your back.
" Be careful, (Y/n). If I find anything that would suggest you two are involved, I'd like to inform you that I intend to keep my promise... I really hope you remember it.", he sneered.
" You are in-sane... Completely insane, Lucas.", you whispered, to which he simply shrugged.
" Maybe, just maybe, I am...".
Hours had passed since then; Lucas had left you alone in the house, disappeared to wherever he'd wished; you couldn't care less. Your mind certainly was on figuring out a way to escape from the situation you had put your own self into.
You decided to turn on your laptop, trying to find something to distract you from everything. However, the first thing that popped in your screen was an advertisement for the Il Volo concert, that  would be taking place in Rome, the next day. You immediately turned it off, feeling the familiar sense of heartbreak presenting itself firmly within you. At least, you thought, Ignazio was definitely away from the crazy person you were trapped with.
In all honesty, though, all you felt was a sense of numbness. It was as if everything within you had decided to stop functioning, leaving only your heart to beat carelessly against your chest, and your mind to be devoured by your memories and your nostalgia.
A quiet sound from the living room managed to bring you back into reality. It was as if someone was playing with the door. You remembered you'd locked, but still felt very much afraid of entering the room. After some seconds, though, the sound stopped, and you felt comfortable with checking what's been going on.
To your surprise, you noticed that a white envelope had been slid under the door. You felt your heart almost stop when you picked it up and turned it around, reading;
Come Back To Me.
You opened it almost too quickly, hands trembling as you read.
 " Dear (Y/n),
I know this letter might cause you to think I'm going insane, that I've lost every little bit of sense I once had. I hope, however, that with these words I can make up for all the time I lost and, God, I wish I'm not too late.
I really don't want to waste any of your time, or any more precious words.
 Piero has told me everything; explained himself fully, without trying to make himself sound good or escaping his responsibilities. I cannot lie and deny that it didn't hurt me, but, like you, I understand his reasons. And I will forgive him, one day I will; I promised that much to him.
However, honestly (Y/n), none of that matters anymore. I know in my heart that what I feel for you is love; pure, unconditional, absolute, real, perfect love. And I cannot bear denying my own feelings to myself any longer.
So, inside the envelope, besides this letter, you'll find a one-way ticket to Rome. I will be waiting for you, tomorrow, at noon, in front of the Fontana.
Please, please, make my dream come true.
I love you. Come back, come back to me...
Hellooooooooooooo :33. It has definitely been a while, I feel EXTREMELY sorry for keeping you all waiting, but hopefully you’re still up for reading this late,LATE chapter of mine :/ . I must admit, I have missed being here, with all of you, and definitely missed writing as well, but the academic future certainly demands a rather large percentage of one’s time.
As always, I’d love LOVE LOOOVE to read your thoughts, especially now that there’s only one chapter left. Share with me your ideas, if you’d like; I would like it so so immensely much if I got to read any of your predictions, and any thoughts, really, ANYTHING <3 <3 <3.
 I absolutely promise you that the next, and final chapter of this story, will be posted on Monday. Half of it has already been written anyways, so keep an eye out for it ;).
‘Till the next time,
<3 <3 <3. 
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ilvolo-writings · 8 years
When will you post the next chapter? You're leaving us hanging again ;-)
I knoooow, I’m so so sorry I’ve neglected you all, but really studying has been killing me these weeks :( . However, dear anon, next chapter will be posted tomorrow
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ilvolo-writings · 8 years
Piero Barone, if you don't give him this envelop this time I am going to punch you in your beautiful face.
OH I will do my best to protect his beautiful face
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ilvolo-writings · 8 years
Stop trying to kill me 😂😭
Or no? :p
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ilvolo-writings · 8 years
I just read the new chapter. OMG I'M IN TEARS. so good yet so sad.
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ilvolo-writings · 8 years
Update Alert :3
Hello everyooone :D! Extremely sorry I’ve been MIA for so so long, but exams+beginning of new semester kept me away from, basically, everything apart from uni itself :/. 
However, I’m pleased to let anyone who’s interested, that the ninth chapter will be posted tomorrow :D :D. So stay tuned :3 <3 <3 <3.
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ilvolo-writings · 8 years
Yyaayy, I cannot wait
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ilvolo-writings · 8 years
Give ❤ this ❤ to ❤ the ❤ twelve ❤ nicest ❤ people ❤ you ❤ know ❤ if ❤ you ❤ get ❤ five ❤ back ❤ you ❤ must ❤ be ❤ perfect ❤
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