#ignazio boschetto imagine
ilvolo-writings · 8 years
Chapter X- Paradiso
You could feel your pulse constantly elevating, as your heart beat faster and faster as the words of Ignazio's letter made their way through your brain and into your soul, filling it with that warmness that you thought you had lost forever.
Your hands unconsciously allowed the letter to drop to the floor, your fingers left almost grasping the ticket that was enclosed within the envelope. You brought it closer to your eyes, firstly in order to actually believe that the moment was real, and secondly to find out what time your flight was leaving.
Your brain, however, didn't bother registering that; the movement's sole purpose was to force yourself out of a dream, if that situation had been a dream; you smiled as you understood it wasn't.
Without caring about the hours you'd have to wait at the airport, you took your suitcase out, throwing in most of your stuff, or at least the part that you felt was necessary to you. Tears were running down your cheeks constantly, but those were certainly not like the tears you'd shed the previous days; the ones making their way down your cheeks then, crashing down on semi-folded shirts and dresses, resembled rivers of bliss.
Packing your stuff took you about half an hour. After that, you wasted no time and immediately called a cab to the airport. You almost laughed at the way you sounded to the person at the other end of the line, recognizing your tone was almost too cheerful, as if you'd just won the lottery.
The taxi arrived precisely 3 minutes after your call. You sighed loudly as you closed the door of the house behind you, leaving the key underneath the doormat. Lucas should be arriving home soon, you thought, and almost smirked as you realized that he now belonged to your past, and Ignazio was your future.
The hours seemed to fly from then on. It felt to you as if only 10 minutes had passed since the moment you'd left the house when the voice informed you:
" Attention, ladies and gentlemen. In approximately five minutes, we are landing in Rome.".
Everything went smoothly, and you exited the airport, holding your suitcase, a huge smile spread on your face.
You checked the time, and frowned a bit as you realized it was still midday. You tried finding the letter from Ignazio, to verify what you remembered; seeing him again would happen at noon. However, you failed to retrieve it, it wasn't in either one of your pockets. You shrugged it off, deciding that the letter probably was in your suitcase, and that it didn't matter anyway; you've always had a good memory.
After some thinking, you decided that you should rest for a couple of hours, 'till noon came. With that in mind, you checked into the first hotel you found, mentioning that you'd only be using the room for some hours. Eventually, however, instead of resting, you ended up spending those hours on getting ready. You wanted to look absolutely stunning, as beautiful as you could possibly look, not in order to provoke him or anything like that, but because he was worthy of all the beauty in the world and you wanted to offer him as much of that as you could.
And you didn't feel tired, not even a single bit, as you walked out of the hotel, when the sun had begun going down and noon was taking place. As your steps got you closer to the Fontana, you felt your heart swelling in your chest, your breath getting caught in your throat and your mind forced you to take smaller steps, while your soul insisted on longer strides.
You recognized the scenery, the sun had almost set, giving everything a sense of nostalgia, of that absolute beauty that only Rome can give to you. You took a deep breath and moved even closer to the monument, now being able to see almost every single person that stood in front of it.
It didn't take you long to spot him. He stood there, wearing a pair of black pants and a white shirt, hands in his pockets, his look cast down. You smiled as you stepped closer to him, even though you felt like running to him.
He raised his eyes, his eyes staring right at yours as you approached, and he wasted no time doing the same. By then, only a few centimeters separated you. You paused, and smiled at him even more. He did the same.
" I... I was afraid you wouldn't come after all...", Ignazio said, and you slightly giggled as you looked down for some seconds.
" I wasn't exactly sure what noon meant.. So I improvised ", you said, and he laughed, which lit those familiar fireworks in your heart.
" I guess that's my fault, but when I wrote that letter I wasn't exactly... calm.", he said, but the moment he noticed you frowning he rushed to explain.
" No, no... I mean I only then realized that the letter would be my only chance to have you back, and I wanted to write so many, so many things (Y/n), but I had to somehow find the most important ones... And use the correct words to make you understand exactly how I feel...", he said softly, and you smiled as you touched his cheek and saw him leaning to your touch, like he always used to.
" Igna, I... I can't tell you just how much I've missed you... This whole story, this huge misunderstanding has been absolute hell for me, I-", you started saying, but his soft voice interrupted you, as he brought your hand to his lips and placed a velvety kiss on it.
" It's been the same for me too, (Y/n). And I'm sorry, I'm terribly sorry that I let all this time sleep away from our hands, that I wasted all those moments we could've had together... But I promise you, I promise that I will never let you go, from now on I will always be here for  you. I just want one favor from you.", he said, his warm eyes gazing at you. You slightly furrowed your eyebrows.
" What do you mean?", you questioned, and he sighed with a grin.
" Make me the happiest man on this earth. Tell me the words you wrote to that letter...", he said gently. You beamed as you threw your arms around his neck, and lovingly whispered in his ear.
" I love you, I love you, I l-".
You didn't manage to complete your words as you felt Ignazio sharply turning you around, a faint "no" escaping from his lips. The next sound you heard was that of a loud bang, and you felt his body slightly pushing itself to yours. You only realized what had happened when you heard the carabinieris shouting, and felt Ignazio's body trembling against yours.
" I-Igna, wh-", you tried saying, and only then you heard his silent grunting.
" No, no, it's okay, it's o-kay (Y/n), I'm fine, don't be afr-aid", he said in between gasps, but you felt tears running down your face as you noticed that his white shirt had turned into a bright red, a bit lower than his heart.
" Igna, don't, don't speak, I know you're going to b-e okay, let's lay d-own for a minute, until the ambulance arrives, okay?", you said, and he softly nodded. You held his head in your lap, your one hand softly caressing his hair while the other held his own tightly. Your eyes scanned the perimeter, and you saw Lucas screaming at the four people that were holding him down, the gun visible some meters away from him.
" I- I s-aw him raising the gun at y-ou, (Y/n)... Lucas, he was going to shoot you, and you know I would never let that h-appen. But it seems that he got me g-ood...", he said, and you shook your head rapidly.
" N-o, Igna, this is nothing, you s-aid it, you're going to b-e okay. Just be patient, they'll come...", you whispered, and your grip only became stronger as you saw his shivering even more.
" B-ut, (Y/n), just in case something happens and I don't get the chance to t-ell you again, I love you with everything in me. And I don't regret anything th-at happened, because right now I have you, and I love you and you love m-e...", he said confidently, before pausing for a bit and then whispering.
" It was all worth it... Our love was worth it.".
" Y-es, Ignazio, it was... We were, w-e are... That's why you need to promise me that you'll be okay, that we're going to live together, grow old together...", you said, and to your amusement he chuckled lightly.
" A-re you asking me to m-arry you?", he asked, and you smiled sadly as you wiped your tears.
" Wh-at if I am?", you said, and he smiled as a tear escaped.
" Of course I want to marry y-ou... I w-ill marry you.", he whispered before letting out another grunt, this time louder, and shivering even more. You saw his face had acquired an expression of fear, so your hands found the side of his face as you spoke to him.
" Shh, don't be afraid, Igna... I l-ove you, you're going to be okay and we're going to have the life we dreamed together.. I promise y-ou, they are coming, they are going to be here in no time, I can almost hear the sirens...", you tried comforting him, and you noticed a long tear escaping his eye.
" I'm s-o ang-...Damn it it's so unfair to lose y-ou just when I found you, it's n-ot fair, (Y/n). And I'm afraid, I'm too af-raid to leave you alone, I don't want to d-..", he said, clearly terrified at the possibility of death.
" So you're not going to leave me, and I'm not going to leave you, okay? Promise me th-at...", you said, failing to contain your tears as he, for the second time that evening raised your hand to his lips and kissed it, this time however you could tell he was putting as much power as he physically could.
" I pr-omise...", he said, and you saw his eyes slowly closing, the moment you heard the ambulance arriving.
    You opened your eyes, understanding you were facing the sea. The sound of its' waves arriving at the shore and then retrieving back always filled your head with memories.
Since that noon at the Fontana, four whole years had passed. You closed your eyes again, and the pictures resurfaced, almost flooding your brain.
You felt almost too afraid to close them again. However, a hand rested on your shoulder, and you smiled as you reached and caressed it, stopping only when the two wedding rings touched. Your eyes met his; his lips met yours.
Aaaand, after all this time, this is the end of the story, the final chapter. Again my apologies for the delay, but I really hope this chapter makes up for it a bit :3.
I would like to thank EVERYONE who commented/liked/reblogged/messaged me on this, honestly it meant the WORLD to me, it was practically the force that kept me updating this :3. So thankyouthankyouthankyou to ALL of you :D
As always, I’d LOVE to hear your thoughts on this, it’s my first story and I feel as if it’s some sort of a digital “baby” of mine or sth :3. So please let me know, and ofcourse any suggestions for imagines are always welcome.
Again, thank you for reading this, I feel I cannot stress enough just how massive your role has been for this story’s existance :D
‘Till the next time,
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ilvologpi · 8 years
Back with another Valentines imagine.
Back at you with another valentines themed imagine. Anon refuted number 3 on the list to be written with Ignazio, so that’s what I’ve done for you.
Really hope you enjoy it!
3)“That better not be a pity rose. Pity chocolate I’ll take, but that’s it.”
You slammed down the dish cloth on the marble counter, a little more harshly than you had intended, though you had intended some level of force, and began to clean the surface. Angrily. Yes, it was possible to wash surfaces angrily, it turned out. You were probably being a little dramatic about it but you were feeling dramatic today.
You sighed, slowing down the cleaning motions a little and applying less force. You rubbed your forehead slightly, suddenly feeling exhausted. Being annoyed always sapped so much energy out of you, but still you insisted on being annoyed for no decent reason. You’d had a stressful few days what with work and a number of other little annoyances piling up in your head and making your pretty much just lose your shit in the end. And unfortunately for Ignazio, and you to some extent, he was the one who was there, causing those slight annoyances, when you got to your breaking point. Like, literally, the pot had over boiled. You had gone pretty crazy. You were surprised Ignazio has stayed so clam, he didn’t even seemed phased by your outburst, and even though that was actually pretty great in reality, at that point in time it just annoyed you more, because you’re ‘super, majorly pissed off’ brain computed that to mean he wasn’t taking you and your anger seriously. In the end you just told Ignazio to leave because he was ‘super irritating right now’ and ‘if you’re not going to understand my frustrations then there’s really no point in you being here’.  Although you could see now, in retrospect, that you had been a little dramatic, he still should have read the signs and not actively tried to wind you up - whether it be in jest or not. It just wasn’t the time.
You dropped the dish cloth back in the sink for washing, drying your hands on a nearby tea towel when you heard the shrill sound of your door bell ringing and echoing through the empty house. You placed the tea towel back where you’d found it and made your way down the hall and towards the front door. Before you even opened it you knew who was on the other side. Your front door had two panels of frosted glass and you could make out a tall, masculine build through it. An oh so familiar build that you had seen so many times before. Despite the fact you were still a little mad, you were secretly relieved to see him there. You breathed in, opening the door.
Ignazio stood before you, a slightly sheepish smile on his lips, a rose held loosely in his strong hands. You looked from his face, to the rose and then back again. “That better not be a pity rose. Pity chocolate I’ll take, but that’s it.” Ignazio laughed, taking a step towards you, close enough to brush his thumb lightly and briefly across your cheek. “It is a rose, indeed, but not a pity rose. I am sorry for annoying you earlier. I should’t have tried to wind you up. I was joking, but I really didn’t read the situation properly. I’m sorry”. He extended the rose towards you and you allowed a smile to form on your lips. “Still not a pity rose, but will you accept it anyway? It is almost Valentines day after all, it’s sort of obligatory that you accept a rose from your lover. It’s what Saint Valentine would have wanted!” You couldn’t help but laugh, he was such a goofball. “Fiiiine, I guess I can forgive you, and I guess I can accept this rose if it’s what the Saints would want”. Ignazio laughed, “you sounds like those people from that show, what is it called, ‘The Bachelor’ and ‘The Bachelorette’?” You laughed, nodding in agreement. “I’m sure the guys on that show would buy the girl chocolate if they wanted it though - I was being serious about that pity chocolate!” “Since I don’t have any with me right now, next time I go to the store you can tell me what you want and I’ll everything twice. How’s that?” You made a face, as if you were thinking super hard about that proposition. “Okay then, I guess that’s reasonable compensation”. Ignazio laughed, bringing you in for a hug and kissing the top of your head. It was literally impossible to stay mad at him. Maybe it was to do with him, or maybe Saint Valentine had something to answer for.
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ificanwriteiscannon · 7 years
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Like I said, I’m obsessed with them, i’m prob gonna write something about this but for now is just this. 
(pictures are not mine just put them together)
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sharedshield · 7 years
Jealousy, turning saints into the sea
Request: Could you write sth that you go out somewhere (on the beach with friends, to the party, etc) and when he sees your outfit he is not "happy" bc he thinks this is inappropriate [I mean too sexy or sth like that] (deep inside he is just jelaous :p)
Notes: The title is borrowed from The Killers’ Mr. Brightside. I gotta say I have rather unpleasnt memories connected to this song, but the line kind of fit. Ignazio’s part got a bit steamier that I intended, but I like it!
So, have fun!
You looked at your reflection in the mirror, rather pleased with yourself. Your hair was shiny and soft, the black make up brought out your eyes in a mysterious way and your red lips gave your exterior a wicked something. You were a femme fatale.
You turned and saw Ignazio standing in the doorway. He cleaned up well, wearing a white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up and a black bow tie, his hair was neatly styled and he looked like a goddamn Armani model.
“Well, hello there, beautiful”, you purred and laid your arms around his neck to pull him in for a kiss.
He went with your movement but gave you only a short peck on your lips. Then he took a step back and eyed up your short black dress.
“This is what you’re gonna wear?”, he asked incredulously.
“Uuh, yeah, I planned to. Why? Is there something wrong with it?”, you turned to look at yourself again. There weren’t any wrinkles or stains, no torn seams and the lace was intact too. You were heading to a birthday party of one of his friends, held in some fancy club. You thought your appearance was appropriate.
“This… Dress is a little short, don’t you think?”
“What are you, the patriarchy?”, you asked him, growing more and more irritated with every word he said.
“No, but you show too much from yourself, this isn’t…good”, he didn’t argue reasonably, you noticed. Whenever he did that, Ignazio wasn’t too focused on the argument itself, more on what had caused it. And more often than not that had something to do with his feelings.
You and Ignazio were always honest about your feelings, but he had the tendency to try to cover up his weaknesses.
You took a deep breath. “What’s really bothering you? I know, it’s not the dress itself, Igna. You know, you can tell me.”
Softly, you cupped his cheeks and looked into his deep brown eyes.
“It’s just… The people there…. The guys, they will see all this, they will see how sexy and unbelievable hot you are! But… You’re mine!”, the last words he growled into your ear. You’d be lying if you said that didn’t turn you on.
A chuckle escaped your mouth and you broke the eye contact for a second to regain your composure.
“Not to be a femnazi here, but I’m not anyone’s possession. You didn’t buy me or something, I chose to love you, Igna. And if it really bothers you so much”, you licked your lips and looked up to him through your long lashes, “We could stay home and I’ll show you something only you get to see.”
You turned away from him and stepped into your bedroom. Then you looked over your shoulder and opened the zipper of your dress very slowly.
“You coming?”
“Hey, Piè, are you ready to go or should I cancel?”, you called. There was some noise in bedroom and Piero fell out of the door.
“What did you do in there? Was it the sunglasses again? I already told you, like a million times, nobody needs so many pairs of glasses. You wouldn’t need so much space for them and you’d be much quicker to de-“
“You should change”, Piero interrupted suddenly.
“What?”, you turned away from the door and looked at your boyfriend. His lips were pressed together and he looked like he was in pain.
“You should change. This”, he made a vague gesture to your outfit, “doesn’t fit.”
Shocked you checked your reflection in the mirror. The bikini was of nice deep red and the see-through tunic did little to hide your body. Yes, it was a little small, but damnit you were comfortable in your body and there was no reason to hide that from the people at the beach.
“Why doesn’t it fit?”, you asked, you couldn’t keep the insecurity out of your voice. Piero’s remark had hurt you.
“You’re practically naked! People gonna talk”, he argued and changed your insecurity to anger.
“Well, Piero, we’re going to the beach, some people there actually are naked! That’s the thing about the beach!! And why do you care about what some random people are going to say?! I’m in a relationship with you, an international known singer, no matter what I do, people will always talk!”, furious you grabbed your bag and stormed out of the door. The beach wasn’t far from the apartment, so you were comfortable getting to the water with only your bikini and the tunic.
You heard hurried steps coming after you, but you didn’t bother to stop or slow your pace.
“Y/N, please wait!!”
“Why should I wait? Why should I wait for a man, who makes me think bad of myself, huh?!”
“I….”, he stood in silence and looked at you, wearing a sorry expression, “I didn’t mean to make you feel bad, I…. I felt bad myself.”
“Why would you feel bad?”, your eyes were still hard and you were still angry at him, but his confession calmed you down a little.
“It’s stupid, I know that, but when I saw you, I got so angry a-and jealous and it felt like my insides were burning, I…. Y/N, you’re so beautiful and attractive and sexy a-and all the other guys-“
“Are going to see it?”, you finished for him. It always amazed you how Piero, so secure of himself and everything what he did, could turn so insecure and jealous when it came to you interacting with other men.
You sighed a little and took his hands.
“You don’t need to be afraid that I want to seduce some guy at the beach, Piero. I won’t. And you know why?”
“Because I have you. And the last thought that could ever cross my mind is the idea of betraying you. You’re perfect, I couldn’t ask for anything else”, you smiled reassuringly, “You’re my Superman, you know? Those abs are made of steel.”
It seemed to help, the tension seeped out of Piero’s shoulders and he smiled a little.
“And you’re definitely killing it with this bikini. I might have to protect the other guys from your hotness.”
You laughed and slapped his shoulder.
“You’re an idiot.”
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ignaziosearring · 8 years
(Belated) Valentine's Day imagine
It's gotten boring I think for me to apologize every time I make long absences both from blogging and writing, so I'll just admit that this will keep up till 14 of June, when I'll be taking the final(!) exam (freedom here I come🎊). At least I hope you'll like this one and i didn't overdo it with the romance. But then again, you know I'm a hopeless romantic and I can't hide it🙈 Whether you celebrated or not, I hope you enjoy this. DON'T FORGET TO LIKE/REBLOG/COMMENT PLEASE! P.s.: imagine this with whomever you want. I wrote it in a different style to shake things up a bit from the usual. ~•~ 7:45 The bell rang as the door opened, letting in a breeze of the cold February wind. The young woman walked inside the small vintage café and breathed in the welcoming scent of roasted coffee. She observed the handful of customers enjoying their morning cup of coffee. An old couple lost in a mental trip to past times, two middle aged women chatting excitedly, the familiar figure of a young man, sitting at the same table as everyday, reading another book. He had heard the bell and turned his gaze from the page to the door, beaming at the beautiful stranger, as he did everyday for the past two months. At the beginning he did so out of politeness, yet soon he realized that the two moments of eye contact they shared were the highlight of his days, the sole reason he wished Saturday and Sunday would slip away as fast as possible. The only information he had about her was the way she savored her coffee, her favorite flowers, thanks to the flower shop across the street, and the place she worked at, having incidentally walked by while she was leaving. Her gaze stayed on him a bit longer than the others. She felt her heart skip a beat when the bright smile lit his face and shyly smiled back. He was reading the book "across the universe", which, coincidentally, she had just finished the night before. His choices on literature had certainly intrigued the young woman. Ever since she had moved in to the city and started working, a couple of months ago, she had been picking up a cup of coffee from the same coffee shop and every day she would find him there, as if waiting for her, in the company of a good book. "Anna Karenina", "Sense and Sensibility", even "Les Miserables" were among them. Afraid she had excited the limits, she forced her look away from him and walked to the cashier to place her order. The sleeve on her cup had a heart drawn on it, honoring the day. Only then did she remember that it was Valentine's day. Thanking politely the barista, she stole a last glimpse of the young man and went on with her routine. He had briefly reopened the book but he found it particularly hard to concentrate. Frustrated, he closed it again decisively and from the window watched her disappear into the crowd. He had to build up the courage and talk to her. Two moments per day were simply not enough for him. He needed to hear her voice say something other than "a cappuccino please", to she her eyes sparkle and her smile decorate her face for more than a few seconds. He didn't know why nor how he had become so drawn to a complete stranger. The only thing he could say for sure was that in here presence, everything seemed a little bit better. The coffee tasted better, the sun shone brighter, the atmosphere was more welcoming. If the prospect of seeing her was the only thing that could help him get through each day, it was the possibility of her disappearance that terrified him beyond measure. What if she stopped buying her coffee from that café? What if she moved to a different neighborhood? What if -god forbid- she moved to a different city? He simply had to do something, to free himself and escape from the maze of what ifs. Her work had begun with a few errands around town and she didn't enter her office till after 9. Everything was in order, as she wanted, yet there was one particular thing that drew a smile on her face and sparked her curiosity. A sole flower was laying on her desk, not any random flower, but her favorite. Muffled, she walked out of the room and asked the receptionist about it. The answer wasn't any helpful, so she returned to her office and decided to think of that as a kind gesture. When she picked up the flower from the wooden table, she realized a small card was tied to its stem. "And in her smile I see something more beautiful than the stars." Her lips unconsciously followed the quoted and her cheeks flushed. She recognized it as an excerpt from "Across the Universe". "It can't possibly be", she exclaimed. The odious voice of logic destroyed every last hope of the at man being behind the flower. The flower she could explain, it wasn't a rarity that she indulged in buying some flowers to brighten up the gloomy office from the flower shop across the café. Yet, the only form of communication they had was those two seconds of eye contact. He couldn't possibly know the place of her employment. For long she reflected upon that, till she heard a knock on the door and saw the receptionist come in with a cup of coffee identical to the one she was carrying that morning. "The boy who brought the coffee asked me to remind you that the sleeves were carrying hidden messages for the beloved customers." Taken aback and with a furrowed brow she took the coffee from him and weighted it in her hand. "What's going on today", he inquired playfully. Honestly, she had no idea herself. The only answer she could give him was a shrug of her shoulders and a I-know-as-much-as-you-do look. He walked out with a giggle, obviously enjoying the mystery. The young lady closed the door behind him and returned to her office, weighing the cup in her hand. The familiar scent awoke her senses. Its taste was perfect. As the caffeine ran through her veins, she brought him in mind, the only person who could make even the gloomiest day beautiful with a flash of his smile. A man who defied all stereotypes and norms of the male sex just by being a genuinely nice person. "The sleeve", she reminded herself out loud. The carton circle slipped away from the cup with ease. There was nothing different on the outer side from the one she had used that morning. On the contrary, the inner side hid what a few moments later would bring her an even wider smile than the flower. "In vain I have struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you." Mr Darcy's famous confession of love. Underneath it he had written "5 p.m. You know where." If not the greatest, it was certainly the most unique pickup line in the history of pickup lines, at least for a fellow book lover. 17:02 The bell rang as the door opened, letting in a breeze of the cold February wind. The young woman walked inside the small vintage café and breathed in the welcoming scent of roasted coffee. She didn't lose time to observe the other customers. Her gaze was fixated only on the familiar figure, sitting at the same table as every day, reading a book. Her favorite flower was serving as his bookmark. He heard the bell and turned his gaze from the page to the door, beaming at the beautiful stranger, as he did everyday for the past two months. His body muscles relaxed. "Across the Universe" was shut closed. The woman accepted the flower with a smile that made his heart skip a beat. They looked hungrily at each other. Two moments would never be enough again.
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bunny-banana · 3 years
ignazio boschetto, gianluca ginoble and piero barone - number 2!!!
God aften, min kære. Tak for spørgsmålet! ☺
Fist fight: Oh Piero without a doubt u probs knew I'd pick that for him anyway😂 also I think I can take him💪
Get drunk with: honestly, Ignazio seems like a sweet guy I think it would be a blast to get drunk with him. Lad seems like good company!
Share a flat with: Gian girl since day one ✊😌 I know my bar is low, but he does look like a man who'd bring out the trash and clean after himself and honestly that's all I need. Also just has overall pleasant vibes I can imagine he'd be nice to live with. Alsoooooo he'd bring a doggo along 🥺🐶
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ilvoloflightcrew · 4 years
Sanremo ~ A Tribute but, to Whom? by Susan
Sanremo ~ A Tribute but, to Whom? by Susan
If Sanremo was meant to be a tribute to Ennio Morricone it certainly didn’t turn out that way. When the guys walked out on stage it was to do a tribute to Ennio Morricone but, when they walked off the stage, they had given the most amazing tribute to Vito Boschetto. Ennio I can’t even imagine how they got through that very touching song. So appropriate! If Ignazio wanted to tell his father how he…
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emmadeforests · 8 years
1. Aminata
The first in a series of works about the Tmblrvision realm of towns. Based off of @fandomfishie's Eurovision Part Of Town. Told from the POV of Eurovision artists who were included in Tmblrvision. 1/5. Disclaimer applies. Do not send this fic to any of the people involved in this fic or in the contest, whichever contest that may be. --- She's content with her life in the Eurovision Part Of Town. She's successful, if a bit busy between the coffeehouse and the modeling agency and occasional stops into the casino to chat with Justs. But lately… Something's been going on. It feels like her heartsong's changing, except not. It feels like a new Part Of Town has sprung up, but she knows that isn't the case. It would show up in the newspaper, because there's always job offerings in new Parts Of Town. It's like there's a new Town, period. Not a Part Of Town, a Town. Aminata is curious. She knows Sergej Ćetković is too. So she calls him on the phone. And they arrange a road trip. Word gets around, not through the newspaper or radio show, but in the coffeehouse, the bar, the art gallery. Have you heard about this new town? Oh, yes. Do you want to come check it out? They gather twenty-one in total. Twenty-one people packed into Daniel Kajmakoski's shady van and Stephanie Topalian's car and a small school bus Boggie somehow commandeered from the school district (no one wants to know how. Most everyone suspects that she got Sandra to steal it. No one is sure. Sweet, soft-looking Boggie could be capable of anything). It's a long way out. Nina Sublatti gets some kind of car-based cabin fever and insists they stop at a fast food place that Aminata can no longer remember the name of. She leans her head against the window, stuck between Ignazio Boschetto and the wall in Daniel Kajmakoski's shady van, and tries not to explode at every single one of them. Tries not to explode at Sanne insisting on country music for the entire drive. At Nina complaining to someone (one of the other Ninas?) over the phone, loudly, probably about Sanne's country music. At watching Tamar and Elina make faces out of their windows every time their car passes the van. Aminata, oddly, has to fight the desire to punch someone. Finally, they arrive in this town, and are greeted not by a bar or tourist information center but by a hotel. A young woman named Namika greets them pleasantly and speaks with Maria-Elena about the rooms. When Aminata looks out the window, she swears she sees goats in the trees. She blinks and they're gone. Kristina flops down on a bed in their shared room. "You can explore. I'm tired," she tells Aminata. Desperate to get away from the same people she's been around for - hours? She's not sure, Aminata nods noncommittally and exits. The first thing she notices when she leaves the hotel are the signs. "Clean up your waste!", they say. "Do YOU want to live in a plastic city?" A stick-thin girl with long hair hangs up another as Aminata passes. She scowls and mutters something about damned tourists. Aminata decides it's best to move on. This town has a beach, Aminata discovers quickly. It explains the decor in the Nador Hotel, certainly. The Eurovision Part Of Town? Has a river. A waterfall. Technically there IS a coastline, the one that the lighthouse watches over, but unless you're Nina K nobody ever GOES there. This town? Has a BEACH. A man with glasses is giving a concert at said beach. Aminata notes Eleftheria among the crowd and is curious. They got here, what, an hour ago and she's already partying? She has to admit, though. It's catchy. The only lyric she can pick out is something about tsunamis. A photography studio catches her eye. She makes a note on her phone to go in there later - later. She wants to explore first. The studio has brightly colored walls. A man in a classy hat is experimenting with backgrounds in the front part, the part Aminata can see. She wonders if this town has a Man In The White Hat, or someone similar. Every town, she thinks, needs a mysterious benefactor. After some exploring, she discover that the mysterious benefactor is called The Girl With The Blue Eyes. She might be a crime boss. She might work for the government. She might just be mysterious and rich. Whatever she is, people are noticing her presence. She hears stories of an art museum robbed and the young owner receiving a new work the next day. A jewelry shop broken into and nothing disturbed except for a hundred Euros in the cash register that weren't there before. A used car dealership receiving six gently used Fiats. What did Sebastian, Olivia, and Alban have in common? A visit from a young woman with long dark hair and ice-blue eyes the day before. Aminata will figure out this town if it kills her. If it makes something new out of her. She has a drive here, she's finding, that in the Eurovision Part Of Town she lacks. Aminata investigates. She talks to Nick in the toy store (why a town full of adults has a toy store she has no idea), talks to Preslava in the makeup store, talks to Amina the local conspiracy theorist. To Alvaro Soler, who runs the Under The Same Sun campaign, a town betterment group. To Karetus and Diogo, who are painting a wall that they call the Wall Of Love. Her questions are simple. Her objective: to find out, who runs this part of town? Aminata does not cease in asking questions, not for the entire two weeks in which they stay there. She receives no answers - so imagine her surprise when, on the last day before they leave, Leila Lanova approaches her. On their second day, Leila had introduced herself as secretary to the mayor (or mayors? Aminata doesn't remember), but had refused to talk with Aminata any further. "I'm going to take you to the mayor," Leila says, and Aminata follows without question. Leila leads her to a large, triangular building that appears to be covered entirely in windows. Inside, it's a lot less well-lit than it appears from the outside, and Aminata blinks for a moment. "We've all gotten used to it by now," Leila tells her. Aminata isn't quite sure how this is relevant, but nods. Finally, after a series of staircases and long tiled hallways, Leila stops in front of a formidable set of double doors. "They're in there," she informs Aminata, and promptly leaves. Aminata takes a deep breath and opens the doors to find… Greta Salome, and a man she hazily recognizes as Greta Salome's ex-boyfriend. Greta gives her a mysterious smile. "I was hoping you'd have figured it out." Aminata blinks. Blinks again. "But… how?" "This is Jonsi's project, really, his and Darri's. I was asked to help with the administrative end - as I'm the only one who's ever run a business. I'm coming back to our Town, don't worry," she adds, smiling. "This is my side project. My summer job, you could say." "But why didn't you tell us?" "Because if I had told you, you wouldn't have come."
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ilvolo-writings · 8 years
Chapter VIII- Letting Go
You desperately tried to fake a smile as Marisa kept her eyes locked with yours, waiting to meet the sheer excitement she certainly felt in them. You tried to keep up with her almost constant nodding and her outburst of emotions as she started telling you about how Ignazio had entered their room last night, almost furious; he was panting, his breathing came out almost forced. Ignazio hadn't even looked at her, she said, he'd just sat on the edge of the bed and stared out of the window for some time.
" I kept trying to get him to talk to me, but he wouldn't respond. But right when I was starting to get worried, he turned to me and simply asked the big question... Right then, I swear, I felt like the happiest girl on earth.", she said, her smile spreading all over her face.
" Oh, congratulations Marisa. Really I'm so happy for you... For the both of you.", you struggled as you spoke, making an attempt to sound as genuine as possible. As you finished your sentence, though, you noticed Ignazio's eyes stuck on you, and something that resembled a frown forming on his tightly pursed lips.
" Yeah, well, it wasn't the most romantic proposal one can manage, but at least it happened. The important thing is that he means it, isn't it? ", she said while slightly giggling, her hand now resting on Ignazio's shoulder. You smiled as widely as you could, and locked your eyes with his.
" Yes, that's absolutely what matters...", and roughly smirked bitterly. Right about then, Marisa looked at him, her smile wide as ever; he smiled back at her, but you could definitely see that it wasn't the same smile he had when you were together. His lips didn't stretch enough, forcing his cheeks up and his eyes to turn into dark, sparkling orbs of joy. Of course, you thought simultaneously, maybe that was your mind playing games on you. He had proposed to her, asked her to be his wife. How much more proof did you need to understand that your story had ended?
" God, I'm so sorry (Y/n)! Really that's what happens when I'm so excited about things, I completely forget about everything else. Tell us, did you need something? Can we help you in some way?", Marisa said, her tone slightly having acquired a tone of concern. You shook your head no, almost too quickly.
" No, no... I mean, it was something unimportant anyways. I wouldn't want to interrupt these moments of  pure happiness between you two. I...", you said as you looked at him once again, forcing the tears to not spill for just a few more minutes. You smiled and completed your sentence.
" I wish you all the happiness in the world.".
You'd turned on your heels almost right after you had uttered that sentence. Having locked yourself in your room, you finally unleashed the tears that you'd been holding back. Everything was too much, it felt as if the world, your world, was crushing around you.
What exactly were you doing there? Why had you followed Ignazio in the middle of the night? You knew deep inside you that you would never be able to resist anything to him, and secretly hoped that somehow you'd manage to find each other again, restart from where you'd stopped. Obviously that wasn't the case.
With tears still in your eyes, you put your jacket on, took a couple of deep breaths and got out of the hotel room. It was time you returned. As you passed outside everybody's rooms, you recognized Piero's room as you spotted the familiar, little suitcase he'd use for his collection of various glasses. You took out the envelope he'd given you, with Ignazio's name written on it. Taking out a small sharpie from your pocket, you wrote : " It doesn't matter anymore", and slid it underneath Piero's door.
You almost ran outside, stopping only to leave your key to the reception, letting them know that the room was free.
You got out, and started walking towards the main road, trying to find a cab that would be available. However, you heard steps approaching you; almost running behind you. You turned and furrowed your eyebrows.
" Why are you doing this?", you asked softly. He shook his head, while his one hand slightly gripped his dark roots.
" I told you, you're not going back to him... I'm not going to let you.", Ignazio said strongly, which only caused a small laugh to erupt from you.
" What makes you think that you have any sort of say in what I'm going to do? It's not up to you to let me do anything, Ignazio...", you said firmly. Noticing he was left speechless, you continued.
" You... Y-ou're getting married. I am no longer the one you need to care for...", you almost whispered the last part, causing Ignazio to quickly wipe his eyes before looking at you and speaking with quivering lips.
" Something had to happen in order to force myself to realize that we're over...", he said and looked down. You cussed under your breath.
" B-ut did you ever, ever think that we could start over? Begin again, try again together?", you said, tears streaming down your cheeks freely.
" Every single moment of this year, (Y/n)... I thought of searching for you, finding you... Hell, even seeing you, touching you would have been enough for me. But then I remembered what you did, how you disappeared without caring for me, without explaining anything. I remembered, and felt, that pain again. It... It ripped me apart, (Y/n), every single time I recalled your eyes or your lips or your hands, your fingers on mine, I felt my heart burning. And I... I had to put it out... I HAVE to put it out...", he finished and sighed as he looked up.
You got closer to him, forcing him to look at you. You took a deep breath, realizing that this could probably be the last time you would see him.
" I... I hurt too, Igna... I still hurt, but I don't hide behind anything. Because you see, I wasn't lying that night, outside that restaurant. You... y-ou think you know everything that happened. B-ut you don't... And it's not your fault, or my fault. It's no one's fault, after all... Just remember and know that you were not the only one who suffered. ", you finished, and saw him looking at you, having completely given up trying to stop his tears.
You reached up to wipe some of them away, and he leaned to your touch, like he used to.
" Tell me what happened, tell me what I don't kno-w...", he mumbled, closing his eyes for a few seconds. You shook your head and softly smiled as you rubbed your fingers on his cheek.
" I-t doesn't matter anymore.... If it did, we wouldn't have ended up like this, Igna... Our feelings would have been strong enough to overcome any sort of silly obstacles fate or luck threw our way. I guess we weren't worthy of our love...", you concluded, and bit your lip as he shook his head, his eyes remaining closed.
" You're wrong, (Y/n)... It's n-ot like that, I know what I fee- felt for you, I remember don't you understand? The hardest part is remembering and knowing that we were worthy of this love... It was our-s... Please t-ell me what h-", he pleaded again, but you shook your head yet again and removed your hand from his cheek. The moment you did, however, his own touched yours, his fingers delicately caressing yours.  
You felt your breath almost getting stuck on your throat, and failed to control yourself as you threw your arms around him, hugging him as tightly as you could. His arms wrapped you firmly in his embrace as well, and you both cried as you stood out of the hotel. Right then, you felt everything within you calming down, your memories, your sadness silencing, your heart beating like it should; you felt at home.
However, as you'd learned by then, those moments never last long. So, you opened your eyes, kissed him softly on his cheek as you whispered.
" I really do want you to be happy, Igna... I wish that you'll be happy with her.", you said, and you felt him shaking his head, weakly trying to keep you there with him as you'd started slowly distancing yourself from him.
" I... I can only be happy if I am with you... P-lease, I don't care if you don't tell me what happened, I... Just don't do this to me... Don't do this again.. Sta-y...", he said, his sobbing not allowing his words to come out clearly.
It took all your power to force his arms away from you, especially since you could clearly see how it was affecting him; you were breaking his heart. Yet, you had to do it, you had to give him a chance in happiness.
" Goodbye Ignazio.".
  WoHOOOO the 8th part of the story is finally here :D. We are approaching the end, dears, remember there’s going to be 10 chapters, so only two left ;D.
As always, I’d ABSOLUTELY love to hear what you have to say about this, especially since the story is coming to an end :3. Do you think it’ll have a happy ending? Or a rather sad one? ;) ;) ;) 
Regarding the next chapter, it’s going to happen, and I give you my word, as soon as possible :3. My exams are going to be over next week, so after that I’ll have much more free time in my hands - therefore the update will be more likely to happen <3 .
‘Till the next time,
<3 <3 <3.
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ilvolo-writings · 8 years
Chapter VII- Coming Clean
Your eyes remained staring at the door that had only closed. Your heart, as well as the entire world around you, felt as if it had stopped. This was the moment you were certain that you had absolutely no idea where to go from there.
A million thoughts rushed through your head, as always, and all at the same time. Your eyes remained stuck on the door, but to you it was almost as if you were watching a movie; a collection of moments, of memories long buried deep in your mind as it tried to keep them away from your heart resurfaced, flooding everything within you. Almost nothing made sense to you, nothing but him.
You didn't even realize how you got yourself to bed, how you forced yourself to close  your eyes and rest; it made absolutely no difference. Your moments were, at that point, the only thing that your brain could focus on, and how everything had changed, how time, luck or even fate had treated both of you.
A silent knock on your door however, forced you to snap your eyes open. You looked around, and acknowledged that it was morning. You checked your phone to make sure of the exact time, completely ignoring the messages and missed calls by Lucas. You yawned, and thinking that the knock on the door was a mistake, tried to go back to sleep. However, the knock echoed again, this time louder.
You stood up, taking a look in the mirror and slightly fixing your hair before turning towards the door. You sighed as you opened the door, completely shocked as you saw who was standing right in front of you.
" Piero?", you questioned, more to yourself. He had changed a bit since the last time you'd seen him, but still he managed to look like he always did; warmly handsome. He was smiling, but not too widely.
" (Y/n), it's... It's definitely been a while.", he said and broke into a bigger smile, which caused you to smile as well, failing to hide your melancholy.
" It has been a while indeed... H-ow have you been?", you said, trying to break the ice, but failing miserably.
" I’ve been...It's been... strange.", he almost whispered as he looked down for a few minutes before continuing, " Would you like to let me in? It feels weird talking to you like this.", he added with a laugh, and you widened your eyes immediately and motioned for him to get in.
" Sorry, I completely forgot you were standing, well, there...", you said, touching the ends of your hair in embarrassment.
You turned to face him and you were surprised to find yourself enveloped in a tight hug by Piero. You felt tears running down your cheeks as you hugged him back.
" This is not what you might think it is, I just have missed you so much, (Y/n)", Piero said softly, and you nodded against his shoulder.
" Me too, Piero, me too. It's just that everything's messed up. So messed up.", you whispered, your tears only multiplying. You felt his fingers slowly running up and down your back.
" I know, I know... Tell me, tell me everything because I have...", he said and then he broke from the hug in order to look at you,"... I have to tell you some things too.".
You quickly nodded, and you both sat on the edge of the bed as you started talking. You spoke of everything that had happened, explaining him all the things you were feeling about the situation with the letters, your relationship with Lucas, the event, the dinner, your encounter with Ignazio, the words you spoke to each other. Piero simply listened, and by the end he released a long breath.
" Well, you must know that what happened that day almost destroyed Ignazio. I, I thought I was somehow helping the situation, but apparently I was only making it worse.", he said, and you furrowed your eyebrows.
" What do you mean, Piero?", and your eyes widened as you saw him reach in his pocket, taking out an envelope, the envelope with Ignazio's name on the outside. He left it in front of you, and stood up, looking away from you. Your fingers touched the paper.
" I returned earlier that day, and found both of them. It broke my heart, knowing that you'd left. I knew, I knew it was over between us, but I was hurting too much, too much to let you and Ignazio be happy. So, when I saw that you'd left him an envelope too, I thought it'd be easier if he thought that you had decided to leave him too. I thought that somehow, that would have been the best thing for everyone.", he said slowly, and took a deep breath before turning to face you, tears now in his eyes too.
" But I was so wrong, (Y/n). He was devastated, he even thought of leaving the band. Nothing could make him whole, make him feel alive again. For some months, he was a ghost. He hardly ate, hardly slept. His eyes were red almost constantly. Practically, he was wishing for death...", Piero said, and sat down again, as if he'd been exhausted simply by narrating the things that had happened.
" Sometimes I wanted to open up the letter, you know? It would have made everything easier, I thought that if I read it, I could maybe help him, maybe you'd have written something terrible, something that would have given him closure. But then I thought of the possibility that you could have written him something wonderful, and my ego wouldn't have any of that. I... I was a terrible friend, a terrible... person.", Piero paused as he took his glasses off, tears clearly flooding his orbs by then.
" So I didn't. I just left it all to luck, to chance. But tonight, when I saw you entering the hotel, Ignazio behind you, I... I thought I shouldn't leave anything to luck anymore. I know it might be l-ate for me to apologize, but I couldn't live with myself anymore, knowing the pain I've caused to both of you can somehow b-e lifted if I...", he tried saying but then broke down completely, his cries filling the walls of the hotel room.
You hadn't spoke a word while Piero was speaking. Your mind was clouded with rage, with unspoken rage at him, at his audacity to rip the happiness you and Ignazio longed for. However at the same time, you understood his heartbreak, acknowledging the reason for his action. It was natural, you had hurt him too.
Therefore, you wrapped your hands around his torso, leaning against him and softly kissing his cheek.
" Piero, I understand... I absolutely understand. I treated you horribly, and you're only human. Humans tend to mess up, especially when hurt. So I understand you...", you whispered, and he looked up to you, trying to breathe normally.
" Forgive me, (Y/n), please... ", he pleaded, and you slowly nodded, tears in your eyes too.
" Of course, Piero, of course. As long as you forgive me too...", you said, and he quickly nodded as he moved and hugged you again, this time tighter than before.
" Thank you, (Y/n). It feels good to have you, even as a friend.", he whispered as he took a deep breath and looked at you, straight in the eyes.
" Now it's  your turn. Go save him.".
" What?", you questioned, and he smiled, for the first time since he'd walked in the room.
" Explain everything, you belong with him... He's not the same as before, (Y/n), he's desperate to show how he's all fine and healed, but he's so broken. Ignazio needs you, only you. Stop wasting time.", he said, and you felt yourself nodding at him as you stood up.
You hugged him again, and rapidly left your room, almost running to where Piero told you Ignazio was staying. You knocked, taking deep breaths, trying to calm yourself.
The door was answered by an extremely happy looking Marisa. Your eyes spotted Ignazio standing behind her, looking down.
" Oh my god, (Y/n), what a timing! I had no idea you were staying here too.", she said, her smile not once breaking from her face.
" Yeah, I'm staying here for a while, I guess... You, you're staying with the band too?", you asked, your eyes constantly looking at Ignazio, who only met your orbs as his girlfriend spoke the words that broke your heart.
" Well, I'll be staying with them a lot more from now on..", she paused as she showed you her hand, " We're getting married.".
HEEEEEY :). There it is, the seventh part of the story :3. It’s almost getting old, but my sincerest apologies for the huge delay, and IMMENSE gratitude to all of you still reading this, despite the delay.
As always, I’d LOVE to hear your thoughts, your reactions or any sort of comment you may have :D.
I promise, PROOOOOMISE to update as soon as possible, I PROMISE. Exams will be over, eventually either way ;D
‘ Till the next time
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ilvolo-writings · 8 years
Chapter VI- Ineffable Ache
" What are you... What are you doing here?", you asked, words escaping from your mouth without even realizing it.
" I... I had to see you again. I couldn't help myself", Ignazio answered, his voice soft. Immediately, however, he furrowed his eyebrows.
" You... You've been crying? Wh-Why? ", he almost stuttered and you widened your eyes as you noticed his landed on the bruise on your arm.
" He did this to you? He hit you?", he said, his voice hardening. You took a quick breath and looked down, feeling even more desperate.
" Ignazio, this is not a good time, really... Just go, there is absolutely no reason for you to be here right now..", you tried saying, but his eyes were stuck on the bruise. You couldn't bring yourself to stop begging him to leave, and your eyes filled with tears again.
The moment he noticed he took a deep breath, and he almost shook as he spoke.
" I... We are leaving, immediately...", he said, clearly in a loss of words himself. You questioned.
" Who is we?".
" Me and you. Right now.", his response was a series of words, almost as if he was unable to form a sentence. You immediately shook your head.
" No, I can't... I can't just go. Ignazio please I...", you tried saying, but he immediately looked at you, his eyes watery as well.
" I cannot leave you here with him... Alone with him. I- I can't... So choose, either you leave with me right now, or I stay here 'till he fucking shows up...", he said, trying his best to keep his voice steady. You felt your heart stop in your chest at the thought of him being a possible target for Lucas, therefore quickly nodded.
" O-okay, but what's going to happen next? I mean, I'm gonna have to ret-", you tried saying, but you heard Ignazio cuss under his breath before softly reaching for your hand and guiding you out of the house in a swift move. He took his jacket off, handing it to you.
" Protect yourself until we reach the car.", he said, and you furrowed your eyebrows, seeing that his white shirt and black pants were both soaking wet.
" I.. I think you're going to need this more than me...", you muttered, and Ignazio simply shook his head while sighing.
" Just do me this favor; please listen to me for once and take the jacket. I don't give a shit about me getting a cold, you... you know that!", he said almost exasperatedly and looked at you. You put the jacket above your head, slowly nodding. He faintly nodded back.
In almost a minute you were both in his car, driving through the pouring rain. You had absolutely no idea what to say or how to act. You were only certain that seeing him filled your heart with unspeakable joy. You wanted nothing but to hug him, whisper into his ear that everything would be okay, that you had found each other again. But that was not the case; you couldn't go down the same road once again. You just had to keep reminding yourself of that.
He kept his eyes on the road, one hand on the wheel one on his tightly pursed lips. You could see his eyes having darkened, his orbs glistening. Even his hyperventilation was, by then, audible.
" You're never, ever going back there... To him. I don't care what you have, I don't give a shit if you two were going to g-et married or something like that, you're not going back...", he said, almost in one breath, and rapidly blinked away the tears. He tried regulating his breath, but then muttered a faint "fuck" as he slammed on the break a bit too hard, stopping at the side of the road.
You let out a shaky breath and tried to calm down yourself.
" You... You don't have to do this, Ignazio... Really what you saw, what you think you saw, it's nothing. Just a moment of tension. I don't want to be causing you any more pain...", you said softly and looked to him, who was staring at you, his mouth half open, tears running by now clearly down his face.
You failed to stop yourself as you reached to him, your fingers touching his cheek softly, trying to wipe some of the silent drops away. He leaned his head to your touch, closing his eyes briefly as he took a deep breath. After some minutes, as if he was craving those few seconds, he softly whispered.
" D-on't... Please don't...", his voice almost trembling, and you felt your heart breaking as he rejected your touch. With much visible effort, he turned away, his eyes remaining closed. After some minutes, he said, trying to sound calm.
" You'll stay in a room at the hotel we're staying, until another solution is found...".
 You silently nodded as the car started again. For the rest of the ride, you kept your eyes on the road, desperate not to meet Ignazio's again. From what you saw, he did the exact same thing.
After some minutes, you reached the destination. Both of you got out rather in quick moves, you still had the pouring rain to avoid. You almost ran to the lobby.
Ignazio went first, arranging your room. He turned to you, handing you the key to your room, and motioned with his head to the elevator.
Both of you got in, Ignazio pressed the button. You kept looking down, still not wanting to make eye contact. When you reached your floor, you almost jumped out of the elevator. You rushed to the room, opening the door. Ignazio followed behind you.
 By then, you were feeling emotionally exhausted, and even mad at Ignazio. You felt the tears burning your eyes again, as you took a deep breath and turned to him.
" You've changed...", you simply said, your eyes meeting his, your tone as steady as it could be.
Ignazio didn't move. His eyes pierced through yours, his response came almost too quickly.
" Yeah, heartbreak will do that to a person...".
His words crushed you. You ached not only for him, but at the same time because of him. It burned within you; the thought that he had not realized how he had affected you too, how you too had gone through that heartbreak. However, you replied.
" Why then? Why bother drive all the way to my house, just because you wanted to see me? If I hurt you that badly, why?", you questioned, desperate to solve at least one of the unanswered questions in your head.
" How can you even ask that, (Y/n) ? I... Despite all that's happened, do you think I'm able to live my life knowing that someone, somewhere is hurting you? H-ow ? Fuck, the fact that you hurt me doesn't mean I can make all those things I... I feel inside me for you disappear!... I..", he started saying, his voice quivering.
" Y-et you don't even want my fingers touching you...", you said softly, your voice almost silent. He shook his head as he closed his eyes, inhaling sharply.
" You don't understand... You have absolutely no idea how much it took for me to get over you. To even try to get over you...", he said heartbreakingly.
It was your turn to shake your head. You took a few steps towards him, forcing yourself to look at him.
" W-ell, at least, did you succeed?", you questioned, looking deep into his eyes.
A silent drop escaped from his eyes as he rapidly turned away, rushing out of the room, leaving you breathless.
HELLOOOOOOOOO people :D. Here’s the sixth chapter :D. Hopefully it makes up for the IMMENSE delay of its’ posting :3. God, I feel really terrible for being that incapable of updating regularly. BUT I do aim to improve myself in matters of punctuality this year :D ( #newyearresolutions :3).
As always, I’d love, LOVE to hear your thoughts on this, and your reactions, as most of you thought it’d be Piero on the door. What’s to come next ? :3
Next update is to be expected during the next week, if everything goes well. BUT it could indeed come sooner :3. It really depends on how fast I can study for the exam I have to take on Monday :’/. 
‘ Till the next time
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ignaziosearring · 8 years
First imagine of the year!
Hello, hello! Hopefully this will be the first in a long series of imagines written this year. I wanted to post it yesterday, but my usual self couldn't stop writing once I got the ideas, so it turned out to be above 1000 words again. (Gosh I can't seem to be able to write anything bellow😯🙈) This one was requested by my beautiful tocaya @luurnasetti specifically with Ignazio. I hope I did it just luv💞 Don't forget to like/reblog and send feedback! ~•~ 22:"please tell me you didn't just drop the turkey" Just a few final touches on the table, the candles to be lit, the turkey to be out of the oven and everything would be ready. Hopefully perfect too. The first Christmas with Ignazio's family. It seemed like a dream. It only felt yesterday when Ignazio asked you out on your first date and now, a bit over one year later, you were already staying together and were ready to welcome his parents and sister for Christmas Day. He had assured you many times that all the Boschetto family had grown really fond of you since the moment they laid eyes on you. He called it the "(y/n) effect". Yet, you always felt your heart beat a little bit faster than usual and the adrenaline rise from the occasional nervousness before meeting with them,or, as in this case, host them at your house. Particularly on that day you had taken extra care to make sure that it would be a smooth, happy and -most importanly- unsurprising gathering. You took a deep breath and stepped back to admire your work. The table was drawn out of a magazine, porcelain plates, crystal glasses, napkins artistically folded. Only the turkey was left unchecked in your mental list. The watch informed you that it was time to get the turkey out of the oven, before it would be too late. "Ignazio", you called, knowing that he'd be at the kitchen and most probably would be tasting the dishes you had prepared, trying not to get caught. "Honey, please take the turkey out of the oven, it's ready." You heard him say "OK" and walked to the living room to make sure everything was ready to welcome the family there. Just as you were about to sit down and relax after all too many hours of running around, you heard the worst, most terrifying sound in the whole wide world. Metal falling on the ground, followed by Ignazio's swearing words. Your eyes went wide. As you stood up, you tried to stop your body from shaking and took small, careful steps towards the kitchen. "Ignazio Boschetto." Your voice resembled the old, wrinkled, scary teacher that haunted Ignazio's dream in his youth. With deep breaths you tried to stabilize your voice and calm your inner beast that was bound to be released and let all hell break loose. The spectacle you met when you entered the kitchen confirmed your greatest fear. Ignazio had his back turned on you. He was nearly throwing the baking pan on the kitchen bench, touching the heated metal with bare hands. The oven was open and sauce had fallen on the floor. He wasn't answering, which only drove you even crazier. "Ignazio why is my beautiful turkey salsa on the floor and not inside the pan?" "Ugh, please don't kill me (y/n)", he pleaded as he turned around. Horror was drawn on his face and his eyes made an extra effort to be cute and resemble a puppy. "Ignazio please tell me you didn't just drop the turkey." The calmness in your voice scared him more than any deathly glare would. He was blowing hard at his palms to relieve the pain from the burn, masterfully avoiding the question. The look of guilt on his face was infuriating, to say the least. "For god's sake Igna get your hands under some cold water and tell me! Did you just drop the turkey? Yes or no?" Despair, terror and anger were now dominating in your tone of voice. He did as you said and avoided looking at you at all costs. "Maybe", he mumbled with a gulp. "WHAT?! Ignazio I have been preparing this meal for days! Days! I searched every freaking recipe on the web for the perfect turkey, I have asked old aunts and friends of my mother for all the secrets behind the perfect Christmas meal, I have been baking this very turkey for god knows how many hours and all this effort, all these countless hours were for what? For you to destroy my meal? To «maybe» drop the turkey?" The fury, the frustration, the despair, the nervousness, all was released as you erupted to tears. You buried your face in your hands, trying to regain composure, but failing miserably. The reaction was something Ignazio never expected when he was planing the prank. He knew you would get angry at him, but he never thought a calm and self collected person like you would burst into tears. Although his intention was merely to release the pressure you felt, with no reason in his opinion seeing that his parents loved you, he now felt guilty and sad himself. He hated seeing you cry, especially when he was the cause of your outburst. It felt like a shot through his heart. He rushed to envelope you in his protective embrace, the "teddy bear hug", as you liked to call it and kissed your forehead, caressing your hair. "Sh sh amore, I was only joking! Please don't cry, I didn't mean to sadden you that much. It's was just a prank." As much as you needed the soothing reassurance and the apologetic tone in his voice, his words made you even angrier. You pushed him away, wiped your tears and threw at him the deadliest glare you could make. "A prank? A PRANK?!?!" You started throwing punches at him aiming at different parts of his upper body, but barely causing him any real pain. After a few vague punches he grabbed your shoulders and shook them in an attempt to calm you down. "Hey, hey relax!" "I just died, went straight to hell and came back and you tell me to relax? How did you think I would react Ignazio? Your parents will be here at any minute and I thought I wouldn't have anything to serve them!" "And what's the other million dishes you have cooked for? Besides, you really need to understand that you don't have to prove yourself every time you meet my parents. They adore you. Especially my mother." He emphasized a bit more the last phrase and gave you that bright, encouraging smile that could mend anything broken. "Yeah, especially when they'll see me all with swollen, red eyes, they'll adore me even more", you joked, trying to release all the previous anger and frustration and lighten the atmosphere. "Amore, the «(y/n) effect» works every time. No need to worry, we the Boschettos are too susceptible to it."
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ilvolo-writings · 8 years
Chapter V- Breakdown
You got inside the car, not bothering to look back. In fact, you wanted to avoid looking into his eyes, his glistening brown orbs, as you'd gotten the sense that somehow he had absolutely no idea of what you were talking about. That scenario seemed impossible in your head, you had left the letter, specifically writing his name on the outside. How was it possible, for him not to have read it? Was he playing a game, maybe? His eyes held the authenticity you could never mistake. But again, it's been a while since the last time you'd looked into his eyes.
Those thoughts kept circling your head, almost causing you to ignore that the ride back home was incredibly silent. Lucas kept staring at the road ahead, lips pursed tightly into a straight line.
The moment you arrived at the house you were sharing, both of you got out simultaneously, slamming the car's doors almost too loudly. You went in the house first, Lucas following slowly behind you. The moment he got into the house, he spoke.
" Do you want to tell me exactly what's going on between you and that jerk?", he said, his tone serious. You furrowed your eyebrows, softly questioning him. That caused no difference whatsoever to his attitude.
" Don't play that game with me, (Y/n). I leave you for ten minutes alone, you start talking to him, apparently having some sort of tense conversation... Oh, or during dinner, the guy kept staring at you the whole time. Tell me exactly what's been going on...", he said, his voice becoming louder.
" I'm not playing any sort of game here, Lucas. I used to work with him, remember? Naturally I have things to talk about with him, I hadn't seen him for so long. I cannot understand why you'd possibly have a problem with that.", you said confidently, while you moved to take your earrings off.
" I tend to have a problem when another man tries to flirt with my girl, straight in front of my eyes.", he almost barked.
" Noone was flirting with anyone, you're becoming paranoid. Maybe the wine's talking...", you said, your tone slightly risen, but yet controlled.
" Damn it, I know what I saw; Don't try to pretend you don't understand what I'm talking about and answer me; What's going on between you two?", he was by now screaming, almost right in your face.
" Nothing's going on between me and him, Lucas. Just drop it... Simply the fact that you dislike the guy doesn't automatically mean that I'm i-", you failed to complete the sentence as he grabbed your arm strongly, and looked straight to your eyes.
" You are avoiding the question... It only makes you look guiltier...", he said slowly, and you desperately tried to free yourself from his grasp.
" You are not a judge of me... We are simply dating, for Christ's sake", you almost yelled the last part, but were still unable to free yourself, Lucas' hold was way too strong.
" Just know that if I find out there's something going on, someone might end up getting hurt... And you know that I would never, ever, hurt you...", he muttered and immediately let go of your arm as he headed towards the bedroom.
For some minutes you struggled to breathe. Lucas had never revealed this side towards you, and in all honesty it had absolutely terrified you. However, even the mere suggestion that any sort of action from your side could cause any type of pain on Ignazio made your heart shrink in your chest. You knew for a fact that you would never allow it.
You sat on the couch, dreading to go in your bedroom and lie next to him. You felt absolutely paralyzed, as you saw a rather big bruise forming on your arm.
 Lost in your thoughts you had almost not even realized that it was pouring outside, and the sound of an unexpected thunder echoed in the walls around you, causing you to almost jump up from your seat.Slowly you looked around, and almost smiled when you heard Lucas' faint snoring. Thankfully, he was asleep, that meant that you were safe. For now.
Suddenly you felt the tears running down your cheeks, and brought your hands in front of your lips, trying desperately to silence your cries. How had you allowed yourself to reach to this point? How could you continue being with that person from now on? And why, why did your heart ache so badly in your chest even at the thought of Ignazio's smile? Why, after so long, your heart was apparently unable to let him go?
Another loud thunder erupted, causing you to let out a small scream, cursing at yourself as you feared that it would awake your boyfriend. The fact that you still called him your boyfriend, even in your thoughts, made you feel even more disgusted with yourself.
After much debate with your thoughts, you decided you were going to sleep in the couch. The moment you decided to get up and find a blanket, however, you heard a knock on your door. Your head turned sharply, first at the door and then towards the bedroom. Lucas still ongoing snoring certified that he was still asleep.
With silent steps you approached the door, and quietly opened it. You came face to face with a completely wet figure, standing in front of the frame, looking at you with that familiar, warms sense, causing your breath to stop.
EXTREMELY, IMMENSELY SORRY for the delay. During the holidays, a favorite sport of mine is losing any sense of time whatsoever, and this is the result :’3. However, chapter V is here :D (finally).
As always, PLEASE please let me know what you think of this :D. Any thoughts on who the person on the door is? :3
I promise, yet again, the next chapter will be posted soon, like, as soon as possible ;) <3. Love you all, ALL of you who still read this ( and keep up with my complete inability to be punctual :3).
‘Till the next time.
<3 <3 <3.
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ilvolo-writings · 8 years
Chapter IV- Unspoken Memories
 Lucas had not stopped talking ever since his fingers touched the wheel of the car. Though he definitely seemed like he was in good spirits before, the moment he started driving he furrowed his eyebrows, letting out loud sighs as words kept pouring out of his lips, most of them guided towards one person alone; Ignazio.
" Seriously, what the hell is that guy's problem? I know he's an artist and all, and artists are supposed to be these weird personas but damn it, he was almost rude every single second he chose to speak! Like, how, why? Damn, that girl definitely has lots of patience to be dealing with that guy all day and all night long!", he said exasperatedly, causing you only to roll your eyes while you kept staring at the road ahead.
" If you're that annoyed by him, why on earth did you invite him out? Literally noone forced you to!", you replied calmly, and he took a deep breath while he gripped at the wheel much harder.
" Because I'm not rude, like him.", he said strongly, and you slightly smirked.
You're nothing like him anyways, you thought, but did not say anything as you wished for nothing more but this night to end as quickly as possible. However, Lucas seemed unable to stop the conversation he was having, basically with himself.
" He was rude to you too, (Y/n)! I mean, that whole "left without saying anything" crap. Damn it, that's what happens when you have an adult job in this world! Unlike him, who's simply singing and traveling the world for free and all!", he said, almost furious, and you couldn't contain the small laugh that escaped from your lips.
" Says the guy who is a professional athlete. Such a regular job.", you said and immediately forced yourself to smile, while softly touching the side of his face.
" You need to calm down. In less than five minutes we'll all be sitting next to each other, supposedly having a good time, laughing, eating, talking. Let's not spoil the fun, let's decide to simply have a good time.", you said softly, and he nodded slowly, visibly relaxed. You nodded as well, and turned your attention back on the road.
 After some minutes you parked your car and got out, only to see that Ignazio and his girlfriend had already arrived and were standing outside of the restaurant. You noticed that, while Ignazio stood straight, hands in his pockets and with a stern expression on his face, Marisa was practically hanging on him, her arm almost gripping his. She, of course, had the same, annoying smile plastered all over her face, and was the first to speak.
" Looks like we beat you, right? Ignazio was driving like crazy, I almost got dizzy at some point!", she said while laughing, and you smiled, mainly because of sympathy; you could tell she was trying to break the ice.
" Well, these streets are dangerous, one should be really careful while driving.", said Lucas, his eyes fixed on Ignazio's.
" If one knows the streets, going a bit faster won't kill anyone.", Ignazio responded on the same tone as Lucas, who was ready to respond but you interrupted him.
" Let's go inside, it's really cold here. And I think we could all use some wine.", you said softly, and turned your eyes to Ignazio's, who tore his from yours while nodding.
You sat at a table for four, since Marisa informed everyone that the rest wouldn't be able to make it, as they had met some people right before leaving, causing them to stay at the party. Across you sat Marisa, and next to you Lucas. You almost frowned as you noticed that Ignazio sat as far from you as possible.
The small talk was enough to get through the first hour. However, things started to elevate after that hour passed, when everyone, influenced by alcohol, started saying stories. And of course, as it almost always happened in such cases, the question of how each couple met was asked.
" Oh, I met him randomly, after a concert in a bar. He totally took my breath away... 'Cause, you know, he looks so cute but also dark, sort of melancholic? And I love, love his voice too. So it didn't take long for me to realize how much I want him.", Marisa said enthusiastically, and you noticed that Ignazio's eyes remained stuck on yours. You tried to ignore his look as you turned to Marisa, struggling to smile at her story, and shook your head, encouraging her to say more.
" And so it happened. Ever since then, we've done so, so many things. Travelled to so many places together. He's simply amazing.", Marisa paused, and rested her hand on top of Ignazio's, who only posed a faint smile.
" Oh but you know what's the one place he refuses to go to with me? ", Marisa exclaimed, and you shook your head "no", as did Lucas.
" Rome! I mean, the city of beauty, Italy's most FAMOUS city in the entire world, and he won't go there with me.", she said, overly stressing the word "famous" in her sentence, her tone almost a complaint.
Your heart almost froze; Rome, his dream with you, the place you'd waited for him. What kind of a joke was this?
" Why won't you take her there?", Lucas asked, his intense gaze piercing through Ignazio, who calmly responded.
" Because I don't want to. That place holds memories for me, memories that I don't want to remember.", he said. His words were enough to make your heart shatter, your breathing to slow down and the walls of the entire restaurant to keep closing on you. You looked at him, wishing for him to understand how his words affected you. But you saw the familiar cloudiness appear.
" See, that's his melancholic side again! He's the kind of guy that gets trapped in his past, and if left alone there, he might even get lost. So, that's what I do; I pull him towards the future.", she finished proudly, and everyone nodded, everyone except from Ignazio. It was clear to you that he disagreed almost on everything his girlfriend said, but it looked as if he didn't have the energy to disagree.
" So, tell us about you two; How did you meet?", she asked, once again excitingly, and you felt surprised at her inability to grasp the tension in the atmosphere. Lucas, apparently, hadn't felt it either, he was simply annoyed by Ignazio.
" Oh, she worked at the marketing team for some of my appearances at certain events. I saw her, and felt my heart beating so loudly, and when her eyes spotted mine, I felt it stop. And that's how I knew, I knew she was the one for me. That feeling is rare, so rare to find, you know? So I believe that when you find it, you cannot let it go. No matter how hard you try, if you try that is, there is something inside you, screaming at you to not let it go.", Lucas finished, and you saw Ignazio looking at him intensely, paying attention to every word that escaped from his mouth. And to your surprise, he was the first to speak.
" And what if you want to hold on to that one person so desperately that you wish for your hands to never touch anything else, but the person simply doesn't feel the same? ", he questioned. Lucas replied calmly.
" You keep reaching out, trying to hold on to that person, or that feeling.", he said, but Ignazio insisted.
" So you reach out, stretch your arms further and further, trying to hold that person, but that person keeps slipping away. And you still try, you reach, and then comes a day when you realize that you have torn yourself apart only for the other person to touch you.", Ignazio said, and Lucas furrowed his eyebrows, as did Marisa. You realized that the only one who knew what Ignazio was talking about was you. His words cut deeper than a knife, but at the same time you felt like screaming at his face, his wonderful face, that you felt exactly the same way, that he too had let go.
" Well, I think you took it too far; It just turns way too philosophical. In the end, it's all about how much each one is willing to fight for what he wants; what he loves. The rest don't matter.", Lucas concluded, something that sounded to you like an absurdity that ignored even the basic rules of human behavior, but you cared too little to disagree.
Ignazio's words kept circling around your head, clouding your mind, so the rest of the evening seemed like a blur to you. You pretended to listen to whatever stupidity Marisa or Lucas said, but you remained for the most part, silent, noticing that Ignazio was doing the exact same thing.
Therefore, after some hours, you all got up and started heading towards your cars. Lucas asked for you to stay in front of the restaurant, as the parking was a bit far away; he didn't want you to get tired. You smiled as you gave him the keys, and watched him slowly walking towards the parking.
You turned around, and saw Ignazio giving the keys to Marisa, as she got out of the restaurant. She smiled at me, said how excited she was for meeting us, how she had a great time.
" Oh, I'm driving this time; Not risking it again. Hope to see you again soon!", she said, and you smiled back, wishing her a safe ride home.
And then your eyes met Ignazio's. He stood there, close to you, yet you felt as if he was so far away from you.
" So, I see you're doing fine...", you said, almost in a mumble, and he furrowed his eyebrows while smirking.
" If you see that, then you have forgotten everything about me...", he said.
" What if I have? You said that you don't even want to remember me...", you said, anger rising within you.
" Isn't it logical? You disappeared, you left when I kept telling you that you were the most important part of my life.", he said, getting angrier himself.
" Apparently I wasn't that important. 'Cause if I were that important, you wouldn't have g-", you started saying but he almost screamed as he interrupted you.
" I gave up? I gave up on us? Really? How can you possibly say that? I- I would have given everything up for you, everything BUT you. Ah, you... you...", he tried saying but he turned around his hands covering his eyes, and you heard him sniffling and taking deep breaths, desperate to calm himself down.
" And I did? I gave up? I... I told you everything, Ignazio. Damn it I told you I loved you, and apparently you didn't care much for it...", you said, and right then you heard the sound of Lucas' car approaching. Ignazio turned around, his eyebrows furrowed, his eyes watery.
" You t-old me what?", he questioned, and you rolled your eyes as you turned to leave.
" You know exactly what I told you... Goodnight Ignazio.".
Theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere it is :3. Late, as always, but I do hope the chapter makes up for the delay. Hopefully it can be considered a Christmas/ New year’s eve present <3 :D. 
As always, please let me know what you think of this, as well as predictions on how it might move on?! :3 <3.
I know it sounds like a joke by now, but I promise you the next chapter will be posted in three days, if not earlier. I promise I’ll keep my word this time :3.
‘Till the next time,
<3 <3 <3.
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