im-a-fucking-toaster · 7 months
So I'm actually cis
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*draws myself in a masc way just to try it*
O h 💖💞💫💞💫
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Me: I don't get dysphoric, I just figure I'm a dude with boobs ya know?
Brain while I'm singing: man your voice could be deeper hm?
Me: ....wtf-
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For those of you who are still questioning, still figuring out what gender label best describes you, for those of you that *want* a label but are still searching… it’s okay. You’ll figure it out. You don’t have to know right away.
I’ve been broadly identifying as nonbinary for over a year now, and I’ve been comfortable doing so. In the process of surrounding myself and spreading positivity, I’ve learned more about myself, and over the past few months I’ve managed to find a label that I’m comfortable with.
Don’t fret. It’s okay. You don’t have to have all the answers right now. You still have time!
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no gender november you say? as someone who really can't figure their gender out i'm down to forget about it for a whole month
reblog to make november the month to forget about gender
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are you a “oh, this label feels right! time to switch it out” person or a “oh, this label feels right! guess ill add it to the pile” person
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{This user is not sure of their gender but is figuring it out}
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[Image: Two pastel yellow color blocks stacked vertically, each with black text. The text on the first block reads “Some people figure out their gender identity at an early age. This is normal”. The text on the second block reads “Some people figure out their gender identity at a later age. This is also normal”.]
it’s a myth that everyone knows their gender identity from early childhood. for as many people who do know from that early on there are just as many who don’t figure it out (or even start questioning) until much later. everyone is different and it’s important to remember that the only timeline you’re on is your own. your gender identity isn’t any less valid because you didn’t figure it out in the same way or on the same time table as someone else. 
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how do you figure out if you're trans or just overthinking? asking for a friend
The most common way that I've heard people talk about it is that generally cis people don't spend incredible amounts of energy trying to figure out their gender and wondering if they're trans or not, and so if you're asking the question, there's a good chance you're trans. If you're feeling a draw towards a trans identity, it's probably not an issue of overthinking, it's likely that you are alienated from your assigned gender and your mind is trying to figure out how to process that and how to conceptualize yourself while also grappling with the fact that so many of us have been taught our entire lives to suppress and doubt everything that we feel about ourselves.
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[ID: The Marge meme. Marge Simpson looks at a potato, labelled “people who are figuring out their gender”, and says “I just think they’re neat.”. End ID]
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Made a meme since I’ve mostly figured my gender out and trying to figure out pronouns now :,)
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i got all my genders at the thrift store dollar bin & tbh i’m probably just gonna try them on once n redonate them
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S.o: *says he cuz asked em to try it out for a while*
Me: 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀 *a while turning out alot longer than I expected but I love it too much to stop*
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