I chose Hazel!!
@jasongracesluvr @piedpip3rrr @shelfthe-reader
5 Favourite Characters Poll (Tag Game)
I was tag by: @star-mum
Rules: make a poll with five of your all time favourite characters and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone's favourite.
Thanks you so much for the tag
Tags <3: @meeks-beas @practically-an-x-man @outer-space-face @trashworldblog @mydearlybeloathed
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I’m probably not the first person to figure this out, but it just clicked for me. Percy Jackson never technically made a decision that would be the rise or fall of Olympus on his 16th birthday, he made one the day before. This is because he never actually turned sixteen. He, multiple times, got stuck in places where time was warped, like the lotus casino, and calypso island. He physically, never turned sixteen.
Instead, at the beginning of SoN, where he finds Juno (Hera) he makes the big choice of going into the water into safety or bringing her to Camp Jupiter. Thats roughly 2months after the Battle of Manhattan, as we don’t know how long went by before he went missing. In SoN, he said he’d been on the run for 2 months. If you go and add up the times where he was frozen in time, like calypso and the casino those two are 3 weeks, probably a little over a month including the Labyrinth.
This is a strong hypothetical, but if you went back and added up all the times he was frozen, my hypothesis assumes that they would add ip to, or near the rough two months between SoN and TLO. Don’t quote me on this, this is a stupid theory I’ve thought about before. Also, First post of Tumblr!
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I genuinely start tweaking 😭 “he’s boring” IM IN YOUR WALLS
is it normal that I have stomach twisting, anger inducing, gut wrenching, and excruciating rage filled swirls in my stomach every time I see Jason Grace slander?
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“Not all men” you’re right. Leo Valdez would never treat me like this.
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this is what the beginning of The Lost Hero sounds like
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made a bunch of these
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To the people saying "Jason wouldn't have jumped into tartarus for Piper, like Percy did for Annabeth" as a way to demean him. Jason, plunged into the sky from the grand canyon to catch Piper in the first few pages of the lost hero without even knowing who she was, and without the knowledge that he could fly. so he basically jumped to his death attempting to catch her. In the first few pages of his journey, he didn't mind dying to save Piper, and ironically, that's also what he did in the last few pages of his journey. Y'all just be making the most out of pocket claims abt jason fr
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My biggest pet peeve abt the pjo fandom is when someone makes a long insightful post about Jason, and there is this annoying comment that goes "well he's dead" like ??? what even was the point? like you tryna be edgy or? is that a poor attempt of dark humor?
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Leo is a past victim of ABUSE.
Calypso yells at him and hits him.
anyways echo x leo could've been cuter than caleo
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For normal guys who are always tense and startle easily
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The superior Romeo & Juliet
The tragedy that is valgrace
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i hadn’t drawn leo in soooo long
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“where’s bianca” vs. “where’s jason”
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Valgrace, Valgrace save me 
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i was angry, you're forgiven and does it get too hard being a good person every day of your life??
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And NOT in the good way 😡
To anyone who hates Jason: Get fucked!
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