POV playlists are thriving BUT we have so many “You’re the side character”, or “You’re the side character in love with the main character”, or “You’re the main character”, or “You’re the main character(/hero) in love with the villain” - now don’t get me wrong, I love these but where is the “You’re the main character in love with the side character” playlist.
THIS IS WHAT I NEED IN MY LIFE! (if there are any then please send them to me)
The main character always has all of this life, but what if that's not what the mc wanted at all?
Playlist Prompt: When you're the main character in love with the side character; when you can't have who you love, what's the point of bringing peace. You do it anyway, to make sure they're safe, whether you are with them or not. You’ll make sure they can be happy even if it’s not you that’s making them smile, laugh or cry tears of joy. Why? Because a princess is what you 'deserve'. To save the world is what you’re expected to do without a complaint. To give up everything and leave your home to make a home for others. Your future is not yours to decide, but decided for you instead; Nothing. Not even your love. This is the sacrifice of a hero. Is it truly worth it?
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Sometimes we have no control over what happens, but we stay quiet and live with consequences that we didn't deserve.
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Are you that used to faking your emotions, that sometimes you have trouble telling if what you're feeling is real or fake?
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