im-not-the-spy · 3 years
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SPIDER-MAN 2 (2004) dir. Sam Raimi SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME (2021) dir. Jon Watts
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im-not-the-spy · 3 years
some of the westerners out there acting like acknowledging Putin and Russia as a threat is uwu US propaganda and it’s actually Enlightened and Woke to decide Ukraine is in no threat and even if it was, the West shouldn’t intervene because they certainly just want to return to Motherland… you have no idea what you’re talking about. I hate the US but at this point you’re contrarian just to be contrarian to your country while also throwing us under the bus classic style. you’re no better than American imperialists in that you care about us Slavs the exact amount of 0 unless when you can use us as a prop for your narrative. living in Poland, I’ll be clear: Russia invaded us many and many times on. we were only liberated from Russian imperialism, which is far bigger threat for us than American imperialism due to our geopolitical position in 1989, and for Ukrainians it was only 2014. believe it or not, but we want living standards like in the West! we want human rights! Russia literally has laws that forbid being visibly gay (anti “homo propaganda” laws)! Russia is fascism. majority of Slavs actually do want the West to protect us. we’re not fools, we know the West isn’t doing it out of altruism, we know it’s their own imperialism but hey, at least the US is far away and NATO is a good protective measure. the EU is currently the only institution effectively preventing my country’s fall into fascism, and yes Polish fascists’ hearts are with Putin. you’re not helping us whatsoever by supporting or excusing him and Russian imperial ambitions or by acting like we’re paranoid and dramatic by considering them a threat and wanting you to acknowledge it when it’s a threat for us, not for you. just like MAGA types who are safe in Land of the Free and No Healthcare and don’t care what happens in the Middle East, you “leftist” types are safe in America (it’s obvious no war will be fought on your land) and you don’t care what happens to us. you’re literally no different. American is the same
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im-not-the-spy · 3 years
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im-not-the-spy · 3 years
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Matt Murdock and Frank Castle — a relationship summary
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im-not-the-spy · 3 years
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Holy Trinity of hug shaped insane men
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im-not-the-spy · 3 years
the Star Wars universe is great because you read enough you eventually find out things like the fact that the Stormtrooper whose armor Luke stole in Episode IV was gay and in an affair with fucking Grand Moff Tarkin, which is a completely canonical fact that I am not making up.
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im-not-the-spy · 3 years
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im-not-the-spy · 3 years
This is gonna be the hottest take I’ve written in a long while, so here we go:
“Falcon and the Winter Soldier” was the more conservative-leaning show when compared to “The Punisher”
It feels weird writing that out since, at the surface level, it feels like it should be the other way around. Remember back in 2017 when there was a lot of pushback on the Punisher TV series because it was seen as right-wing propaganda? A lot of people just saw “ex-military guy with machine gun” and immediately made the connection to the alt-right movement. It didn’t help that the alt-right loved the Punisher symbolism, especially the military and police.
Meanwhile, there’s “Falcon and the Winter Soldier”, which technically should’ve been the more anti-conservative series. MCU Steve Rogers was set up as being anti-authoritarian and we were getting a black Captain America, something that closed-minded people would classify as “woke-pandering”. 
But if you go past that and actually look at both series’ content, it feels like there’s a clear divide between what people are seeing at the surface level versus what actually happens in the shows.
Yes, the Punisher features an ex-military guy who uses guns because he wants to take the law into his own hands. But the show also features:
1) The military industrial complex as the main villain of season 1 and Christian extremism as the main villain of season 2
2) The whole show was centered on criticism of the Iraq War/War on Terror and how the military treats its veterans. In fact, the criticism wasn’t even subtle since the main plot of season 1 was about how the corrupt CIA officer used the Iraq War for his own corrupt goals. Just switch out “drugs” with “oil” in the plot and you’ll get a good chunk of the anti-Bush criticisms during his presidency. (EDIT: I know he served in Afghanistan as well, I just wanted to focus on Iraq)
3)  The secondary villain of season 1 was a far-right domestic terrorist (they even called him out as a terrorist). The secondary villain of season 2 was an Aryan Brotherhood white supremacist. 
4) When you think about it, the Punisher only exists because he’s anti-U.S. government. He feels that the systems of America have failed the people by letting criminals and corruption run rampant, so he’s taking matters into his own hands. I’m just saying, it’s weird to characterize the Punisher as a conservative-friendly character when the character is basically saying, “Fuck America and all of its corruption”.
Now, let’s take a look at “Falcon and the Winter Soldier”:
1) Very pro-U.S. military. I mean, that’s a given since Sam and Bucky served in the military, but there’s a clear sense of jingoism throughout the series. Especially the opening fight scene. 
2) Tried to redeem John Walker at the end (or at least, tried to show that he’s not that bad of a guy). Remember, Walker is supposed to be the dark, far-right version of Captain America. They deliberately changed that for the show for…reasons. It’s like Marvel was skittish to actually portray John like how he is in the comics. Or at least, they were skittish to portray a version of Captain America as a villain.
3) Despite all the bad things America did, the series’ ending message was that we could do better as a nation. That even though our history is unclean, we can do better because that’s what America does. Just saying, the show’s message that America is still awesome even with its flaws and wrongdoing feels like a conservative talking point. 
4) The villains are anti-government anarchists that want a world without borders. Unlike Walker, they don’t get a chance at redemption. Out of all the Captain America villains that the series could’ve gone with, they went with the explicitly left-wing one.
5) Probably the most anti-American moment in the series would be Isaiah Bradley’s story since that was a direct criticism of the U.S. military. But everything turns out okay because Sam put Isaiah’s statue in the museum. No one is held accountable because that would mean the U.S. government would have to face accountability and we can’t have that in our patriotic TV series.
Okay, I’ll stop there. Just as a disclaimer, I’m not trying to change anyone’s minds about these shows, nor am I trying to say you should like or hate them. I just wanted to discuss how these shows and characters are perceived by the fandom.
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im-not-the-spy · 3 years
As we unfortunately get closer to the release of Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Return to Hogwarts, I'm here to remind you that it doesn't matter whether or not JK Rowling appears in it, anything under the Harry Potter trademark belongs to her and she will make money off of it.
If you're old enough to feel nostalgic for the first Harry Potter movie, you're old enough to figure out how torrents work.
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im-not-the-spy · 3 years
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“There has been discussion after Martin Scorsese made this point about an opposition between ‘cinema’ and Marvel movies. As somebody who is making both Marvel movies and—maybe not movies with Martin Scorsese, I don’t think you’ve worked with him—this kind of arthouse films or ‘serious cinema’, how do you look at this opposition? And have you followed this debate?”
    STELLAN ON MARTIN SCORSESE & MARVEL      Göteborg Film Festival, January 2020
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im-not-the-spy · 3 years
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im-not-the-spy · 3 years
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andrew garfield and tom hardy let me talk to you
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im-not-the-spy · 3 years
there are two wolves inside of you. one wants andrewryan spideypool. the other wants andrewtom spideyvenom. you are gay
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im-not-the-spy · 3 years
Why did I picture a group of Sony executives doing weird little dances in front of Andrew Garfield, like a flock of exotic birds.
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This is how we win
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im-not-the-spy · 3 years
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After the mission
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im-not-the-spy · 3 years
There’s apparently rumors that Sony is already working on several films involving Andrew Garfield’s Spider-man. Tom Hardy DID say he would only play Venom as a villain if it involved him and him only. His influence. Just imagine the chaotic energy between Tom “of course I’ve had gay sex I’m an actor” Hardy and Andrew “my octopus teacher was oddly sexy” Garfield. I’d give my left kidney for this movie.
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im-not-the-spy · 3 years
Andrew Garfield's Peter really did this and I'm living for it!
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