MLQC headcanon #4
Lucien is a tea drinker.
Change my mind.
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So, I know that the MC has different outfits. I generally like the way she dresses, but my mind actually had this idea...
Long story short... My idea hasn't been realised, but I got another one!
Do you like how the MC dresses?
I photoshopped the MC with different outfits of the other female characters... (I'd wanted to do that very cool girl from Chapter something too (It's a spoiler so, people who know who I'm talking about... Please help.) But couldn't find a decent picture).
Which one do you like?
I low-key like the way MC looks in Willow's clothing🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈
ps. I know I forgot Chik's hat.
pps. Did anyone realize how thin Chik is? Like I know she's supposed to be a model, but I really felt bad while editing her body.
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MLQC Valentine
Okay... I just read that Victor date... Not going to lie... I was screaming at the end... My boy... Damn...
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Headcanons MLQC #3
This one is not important to remember.
Victor’s “Home Visit Date” is the date where you play a video game with him. In my head this is 10000% certain “Overcooked”. It’s also on the switch and has even a cat character you can select and when you choose the character, I’m pretty sure you only see the face. 
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Headcanons MLQC #2
Gavin has issues with self-identity. 
He knows who he is, don’t get me wrong, but he can’t express it. He only does so in limited ways. 
I think in his mind he’s still trying to somehow please his father by joining STF. The boy practically has no other hobbies or skills and dedicates his life to his work. He’s already unhappy when he takes more than 2 days to recover (I’m looking at you Chapter 15).
I think his internal struggle that needs to be resolved is the fact that he needs to voice his desires. He needs to express what he wants, because as of now... Gavin’s just walking after his father’s will again...
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Headcanons MLQC #1
I’m going to drop these headcanons here before I forget. I don’t know if they’re really canon so that’s why they’re headcanons.
Start off with the basic one:
Victor sleeps a lot when the MC is around and just in general, because in Time Stop he can’t sleep. It’s not only that he works that hard, but it’s also just that his days are actually longer and take more energy...
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I think I managed to finish Goldman’s page!
I thought that “Goldman is Victor’s personal assistant” was a bit of a shortcoming, but I think I wrote close to too much!
Hope someone reads it!
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I managed to add a little bit of information on Chapter 15! I’m far from being done, but at least I made some progress!
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