ko-ko-nut-weeb · 4 years
I love this chart
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Red - hatred
Orange - parent/child kind of thing
Yellow - sibling-like
Green - they just know each other
Blue - friends
Purple - ...it's complicated
Pink - romantic feelings
Black - misc
Grey - fear
(mm Jotaro and Kakyoin do not have a sexual relationship imo that's why the light pink)
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ko-ko-nut-weeb · 4 years
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ko-ko-nut-weeb · 4 years
It’s almost 2021 and there’s still no Lavi.
If we are going into the “Allen and the circus” arc from the reverse books and there’s only 4 chapters a year, chances are we won’t be seeing Lavi till 2020
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ko-ko-nut-weeb · 4 years
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meow meow daze
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ko-ko-nut-weeb · 4 years
Pancakes are cool and all but what about homade waffles
this is the definition of being extra af
pancakes bro
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ko-ko-nut-weeb · 4 years
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I just had to do something about this. Yes, Jotaro shopped at Hot Topic
One time Kakyoin joined him and Jotaro felt self-conscious about his browsing
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ko-ko-nut-weeb · 4 years
Sorry that I posted jjba stuff. I thought I was on a different blog
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ko-ko-nut-weeb · 4 years
Words to replace said, except this actually helps
I got pretty fed up with looking for words to replace said because they weren’t sorted in a way I could easily use/find them for the right time. So I did some myself.
IN RESPONSE TO Acknowledged Answered Protested
INPUT/JOIN CONVERSATION/ASK Added Implored Inquired Insisted Proposed Queried Questioned Recommended Testified
GUILTY/RELUCTANCE/SORRY Admitted Apologized Conceded Confessed Professed
FOR SOMEONE ELSE Advised Criticized Suggested
JUST CHECKING Affirmed Agreed Alleged Confirmed
LOUD Announced Chanted Crowed
LEWD/CUTE/SECRET SPY FEEL Appealed Disclosed Moaned
ANGRY FUCK OFF MATE WANNA FIGHT Argued Barked Challenged Cursed Fumed Growled Hissed Roared Swore
SMARTASS Articulated Asserted Assured Avowed Claimed Commanded Cross-examined Demanded Digressed Directed Foretold Instructed Interrupted Predicted Proclaimed Quoted Theorized
ASSHOLE Bellowed Boasted Bragged
NERVOUS TRAINWRECK Babbled Bawled Mumbled Sputtered Stammered Stuttered
SUAVE MOTHERFUCKER Bargained Divulged Disclosed Exhorted
LASTLY Concluded Concurred
WEAK PUSY Begged Blurted Complained Cried Faltered Fretted
HAPPY/LOL Cajoled Exclaimed Gushed Jested Joked Laughed
WEIRDLY HAPPY/EXCITED Extolled Jabbered Raved
BRUH, CHILL Cautioned Warned
ACTUALLY, YOU’RE WRONG Chided Contended Corrected Countered Debated Elaborated Objected Ranted Retorted
CHILL SAVAGE Commented Continued Observed Surmised
LISTEN BUDDY Enunciated Explained Elaborated Hinted Implied Lectured Reiterated Recited Reminded Stressed
BRUH I NEED U AND U NEED ME Confided Offered Urged
FINE Consented Decided
TOO EMO FULL OF EMOTIONS Croaked Lamented Pledged Sobbed Sympathized Wailed Whimpered
JUST SAYING Declared Decreed Mentioned Noted Pointed out Postulated Speculated Stated Told Vouched
WASN’T ME Denied Lied
EVIL SMARTASS Dictated Equivocated Ordered Reprimanded Threatened
BORED Droned Sighed
SHHHH IT’S QUIET TIME Echoed Mumbled Murmured Muttered Uttered Whispered
DRAMA QUEEN Exaggerated Panted Pleaded Prayed Preached
OH SHIT Gasped Marveled Screamed Screeched Shouted Shrieked Yelped Yelled
ANNOYED Grumbled Grunted Jeered Quipped Scolded Snapped Snarled Sneered
I WONDER Pondered Voiced Wondered
OH, YEAH, WHOOPS Recalled Recited Remembered
BITCHY Tattled Taunted Teased
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ko-ko-nut-weeb · 4 years
Hey! I was wondering if you could maybe write a lil something where Josuke is best friends with the reader and he secretly likes her but doesn’t want to ruin their friendship? Then one day, the reader gets shot by the stand arrow and Josuke gets all worried because they don’t wake up right away when he tries to heal them? Umm I not really sure if that made sense, but something with Josuke would be great! Thanks so much, I absolutely love your writing :D
Hi! Hi! Sorry this took so long Mossling! But I finally got it finished! I how you enjoy soft and angst Josuke! Also we are so glad that you enjoy our writing! the grove was so excited to finally write something for this cuite pie of a human!
word count:1k
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The sun had set by the time you were both done goofing around at his place,"gosh I always forget how dark it gets after the sun sets!" The stars were starting to come out above you as you leaned heavily onto Josuke,purposefully putting all your weight on him.
"Keep that up and we'll both go falling!"
You laughed,ah yes your laughter was something that he couldn't help but enjoy! It wasn't some 'perfect' girlish laugh,no your was strong and joyful with a few ugly snort here and there. It was infectious and never failed to spread to him! To him,you were an amazing friend and person. You weren't perfect by anymeans, you swore,got mad,made crappy grades, ignored your school work for something more fun like hanging out with him!
But to Josuke,that just made hanging out with you all the better! He never felt like his friendship with you would ever just abruptly stop or that you'd ever just suddenly up and leave him. He could tell you his secrets and dark desires and fears; You would listen and try to offer the best advise possible! And after months of brewing on a certain thought he could safely say,with a racing heart, that he'd developed a rather large crush on you.
"Hey? Whats with the doe-eyed look for?" You looked to the right,expecting to see a dog or a cat,"what are you looking at?"
"Um nothing! Just saw a really fat squirrel is all..." he lied,stress combing his hair.
"Damn we got obese squirrels now? Where'd it go? We can throw pebbles at it!"
"We're not throwing pebbles at the fat squirrel,___!"
"I ought to throw pebbles at you!"
"Dont you dare!" You picked up a few pebbles from the ground and started pelting them,"___!" He scooped up a handful of sand and tiny rocks,shifting the sand out from between his fingers and started lobbing rocks at your back and legs. Now out of ammo all you could do was laugh and scream as your friend continued with his assault,"Do you give up?!"
"Then you'll never escape!" That was a lie though cause he himself had just ran out of pebbles.
When you stood up your eyes zeroed in on what had gotten logged in his hair,"Hahah! Oh my gosh! Jojo! Your hair! Pffahaha!" You laughed at him.
"What?! Whats wrong with my hair?!" He touched it,expecting something gross to have landed on him.
"N-no wait,your shoving it in deeper hold still! ...Ah!" You started messing around with his hair while Josukes mind started to wander.
What you just said...it was kind of...lewd,his ears and cheeks felt warm. He shouldn't be thinking about you like that! You were a very close friend of his! He could not start catching feeling for you! No matter how fun and cute you were!
You stepped a bit closer,standing up on your tip toes and muttered something about 'its sinking deeper,get back here asshole'. He let his eyes wander while he waited for you to pull whatever had gotten stuck in his hair out. Thats when his eyes landed on your exposed hip,there wasn't much skin showing but there was enough to remind him that you were indeed female and you were indeed still single. He raised his hands,contemplating on if he should go through with his thoughts.
Your hips looked so lonely with out his hands. Josuke bet he could put his hands on them and cover your hips up completely-god he really shouldn't be thinking about it but...a small touch wouldn't hurt right? Just for a moment? You did say that your leg had been giving out on you...besides its not like you hated physical contact or anything...
So,putting on his big boy pants Josuke placed his hands on your,exposed, hip.
'Soft! I never realized how squishy she was!' He unintentionally ran his thump up and down the part where hip and torso met.
Thats when he felt your arms drop to his shoulder but never removed them. It was like you were both slow dancing but without the dancing.
'Why does he smell so good? Is that weird? Am I being weird?! I need to let go but-' his hands felt so nice! His hands were a bit too big to hold your hip but maybe once you were older...a bit wider they would fit perfectly? Oh god what would josuke even look like older? He was already cute! Ohhh God those stupid butterlfys were back and-wait you were still holding onto him!
While Your brain was having a full blown melt down Josuke was having his! This was the first time hed ever felt like this before!
You finally managed to pry yourself from his shoulder,"yo-you had a rock in your hair,sorry about that" but you couldn't get yourself to pull away completely.
He could tell you were trying to burn a hole in the ground but you could still feel his eyes on you. Glancing up at him, his blush worsend,"w-would you stop looking at me like that?" His heart couldn't take it! You were so cute!
"I dont know how else to look at you" it slipped out before you could catch yourself.
"I- you know what? fuck it?"
"Fuck wh-Mmph!" In a flurry of overflowing and bubbling emotions he did what he only felt was the right thing to do,He places the quickest of pecks onto your stupidly cute lips," I-me-you-uh!" You stumbled over your words but he knew what you were trying to say.
"Yes I like you! Can you shut it already?!" He felt so exposed! What if you didn't like him like that? God what if he made thing awkward now!? He shouldn't have kissed you like that! No he shouldn't have kissed you at all! But even after all that he still couldn't get himself to pry his hands off you.
"You- like me? Like romantically?!"
"Yes! Can we drop it now?" He stared at the ground too.
"Um thats good cause...I kinda like you too..."
His head snapped up,"you mean it?!"
You had looked away,hiding your face from his but nodded none the less,"for a while now..."
"Oh! Um same!" Well now what? "Do you um? W-want to go on a date? Like A real one? Tomorrow maybe?" He absent mindedly brushed his hand up and down your hip.
"Mmhm" this was so embarrassing!
"Great so um I guess I'll see you after school right?"
Something splattered across his eyes,blinding him you suddenly dropped to the ground.
"___?!" He violently cleaned his face and what he saw next made him sick to his very stomach.
There was a stand arrow loged in your throat.
You were bleeding,spurts of blood from your wound had gotten everywhere,"___!" Oh god no! Nonono! Shining diamond was next to him at an instant and he immediately tried to heal you after to pulling the arrow out of your throat.
Nothing he did was working,he couldnt heal you! Why wasn't it working?!
"__?!" You weren't moving and he couldn't tell if you were breathing or not! "___!?" Scooping you up and ran back to his home as fast as possible! "Come on,___! Dont you die!" He placed your cold body on the couch and ran for the landline. Punching in Jotaros number he waited next to you,after pulling the phones cable as far as he could go.
"Jotaro! I need you get here! Now!"
"What? What hap-"
Josuke cut him off,"JUST GET HERE ALREADY! IM AT MY HOUSE AND- I-oh my god...___?" He couldnt feel you breathing,there was no rise and fall of your chest! Dropping the phone Josuke immediately went into 'doctor mode'. He started pressing down on your chest,trying to get you heart going again but nothing seem to be working. Not CPR nor Shining Diamond!
He wasn't sure how long he was going until his front door opened.
"Josuke,you have to let her go"
"But- She isn't breathing! What are we supposed to do?!" The high-schooler was sobbing at this point,big fat tears rolled down his angry and hurt face.
"Josuke, this isn't a kind of wound you can just heal with your stand," Jotaro grabbed him by the arm," look,I'll watch over her,go wash the blood off yourself before your mother gets home"
"I- but what if she dosent?..." he didn't want to finish that sentence.
"She won't, so hurry up and get back here" with another,loving, shove Josuke trudged up to his room to shower quickly,"damn,the arrow must have got her good" Jotaro tilted your neck upwards,he could still see how far the arrow had went but atleast the wound itself had closed.
Now all that was left to do hope and pray that you woke up.
"Yare Yare,This is getting out of hand" Jotaro didn't know much about you save for the few things Josuke said,you were a bit of push over sometimes and hated confrontation. He wasn't sure if you'd be able to handle the arrow and he wasn't sure if he should tell Josuke or not. God forbit you died,he didn't know what his nephew would do if you did!
Behind him there was a heavy thud of Josukes feet hiding the floor," Did she wake up?!" He asked,nearly tripping over the carpet.
"No but I cleaned up the blood as best I could but Josuke the stand arrow dosent pick just anyone,if she dosent wake up by tomorrow then-"
"She'll wake up! ___,May not look like it be she's stronger than you think!" He snapped,he leaned down and picked you up,"she's going to be just Jotaro,I know she will" and carried the you upstairs to his room. He didn't feel like leaving you alone,nor did he feel like explain to his mom why there was a massive blood stain on the couch,he'd leave that to Jotaro.
Setting you down on his bed he pulled off your shirt and skirt. Your sports bra had a few blood splatters but it wasn't nearly as bad as your shirt. He swapped it for one of his,which swallowed up but to him,It looked just right on you!
He flopped down next to you,"___,You better wake up ok? Or else!" He held your cold hand in his ,rubbing them together, he knew how much you hated being cold,"we still have a date to go" and eventually the stress had adrenaline wore off,leaving him an  exhausted mess of a boy. He curled around you,opening and praying that once he woke you,you'd be awake beside him.
When he woke up again he could feel something cool touching his cheek.
There was giggling and that cool object went up his left nostril,making him snort and fully wake up.
"HAHAHA! oh man! I wish I had my camera!" You laughed.
"Wha? __? Your alive!!" He pulled you into a eyeball popping squeeze.
"Ack! C-cant breath!"
"Sorry! Are you ok? Do you feel and different?!" He grabbed your face turning it left and right,accidentally summoning shining diamond to heal any wounds that might still be hidden.
"J-josuke?" You must still be asleep or something because there was no way you were seeing a giant floating pink muscle....THING!
"I cant believe you stuck a pencil up my nose- what? Whats got you all-" he looked at his stand,"ohhh yeah that makes sense"
"That we're both hallucinating?"
"My shining diamond is no Hallucination! ___,this," he pointed to his shining diamond,"is a stand"
"A what?"
"A stand! Its the manifestation of the soul and-"
"Why does he look like that? Why does it have all these...pipe thingys in his back?"
"___- I dont know? He just came like that! Anyways,yesterday you got stabbed with an arrow and-"
"Well have you tried pulling them out?" You grabbed onto the things coming out of the stands back.
"I- you get on every last nerve you know that?" He couldnt help the smile that had grown across his face. This was totally you, a one track mind and more curious than a cat you-" Hey! Stop pulling on that! It feels weird!"
"Eh? I'm not even touching you! Hey!" He cupped your cheeks in-between his hands.
"___,don't ever scare me like again,ok?"
You gave him an eskimo kiss,"I promise I won't"
Thats all he wanted to hear.
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ko-ko-nut-weeb · 4 years
Long time no see!
....sorry for not posting for awhile. I’ll try to make a funny DGM meme soon
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ko-ko-nut-weeb · 4 years
D.Gray-Man: Katsura Hoshino’s Instagram Live (with English subtitles)
Sorry this takes so long.  Many thanks to @isthenextchapterofdgmoutyet for the source video. Enjoy! 
(The video quality might be SD for a few hours while it processes)
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ko-ko-nut-weeb · 5 years
Shoutout to my friend’s tumblr! She does DGM OC based posts :)
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ko-ko-nut-weeb · 5 years
Hoshino and Kanda’s bangs (no seriously)
So I want to make a note that according to one of the fan books (I don’t remember which. It was the one where hoshino talks about the cover of each book) hoshino states that there’s a meaning to when a character’s bangs/hair style changes, specifically Allen
But when I look at these two pictures in the latter chapter. The way kanda appears is different when he’s talking to allen about serious tops
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I realized that specifically in these scenes, you can see his forehead and his eyebrows fully
This is super important,
When we can see Kanda’s eyebrows, he’s actually opening up to allen. He’s making himself vunrable. It’s the equiviliant of going up to a homeless dog and letting it lick your hand. He wants the same open ness from Allen like from the second chapter of the series!
Being able to see his eyebrows move gives us more emotions from Yu Kanda than we’ve ever had from the past, and it’s important that we see them to show how far kanda is willing to go to help allen.
(I will do more posts on the hairstyles of kanda throuout the series, leenalee and maybe Lavi)
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ko-ko-nut-weeb · 5 years
Allen with his Good side, Dark side, Past Allen and Nea be like
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ko-ko-nut-weeb · 5 years
Thank you @allcnwalker . I kinda knew this wasn’t sexual assault because I couldn’t imagine hoshino going tha route anyways. I’m not disappointed in the fandom since this is just one person saying something and it spreading like wildfire, but we should treat this as a precaution. When something happens like this, don’t assume the far extreme case. And when one person says something, that doesn’t mean that it’s true. Don’t trust anyone until it’s been confirmed and that goes for future translations and just everything else in life.
so where exactly is all this sexual abuse stuff coming from? yea Cosimo was an abusive fuck but why y'all gotta be so sexual about things? he came creepy close I think he just a sick psycho
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ko-ko-nut-weeb · 5 years
D.Gray-Man Vol.26: Komui’s Lounge (Extended) 5/5 (FINALLY!)
>> Part 1 <<
>> Part 2 <<
>> Part 3 <<
>> Part 4 <<
Keep reading
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ko-ko-nut-weeb · 5 years
The 232 complete raws.
Here’s the raw https://drive.google.com/open?id=1h7-yNhWlOXHheTlhFIYwtqYpf8iQ-LPH
Heres where I got it from: https://mangahelpers.com/forum/threads/dgm-chapter-232-spoiler-thread-next-chapter-out-in-april.3012886/
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