Does anyone know the artist of this charm??
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I’ll get to requests in the morning, but does anyone know the artist of this? A friend is interested in it, since I have it, but I didn’t buy it directly from the artist;;;;
- Mod Ruby
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Hey, it’s been a while!
So sorry for just up and abandoning this blog;;;; A lot has happened in my life in the past year or so, so this blog just got forgotten.... But I’m seeing how much it was loved by the notes and followers!!
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1000 FOLLOWERS?!?!? That’s crazy!! I never thought this blog would reach that number ever!! (some may be p*rn bots but still!!) Thank you all so much!!! <3
I would love to do a giveaway, but with the current pandemic, that might not be possible..... Either way, start sending some requests in and read the rules!! <3
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- Mod Ruby (formerly Mod Blake)
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Happy Birthday Akechi Goro!! 💖💖🥞 Wish this boy happiness!
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Are you guys still here?
Yes!! I’m just dealing with personal things in life and popping in every once in a while when I can. I don’t know about Mod Delta though.
- Mod Blake
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Can I ask for Goro having a nightmare and his S/O comfort him? I need something fluffy, and comfy and lovely bacause I almost close of his fight. I need to see Goro being happy ( ´༎ຶㅂ༎ຶ`)
I’m pretty sure by now you’ve already gotten to that fight ahdshjsdkaj so sorry this is late!! 
- Mod Blake
- The first night they slept together, sharing his bed, is also the first time they experience these nightmares of his that have been getting worse and harder to manage. Goro got to sleep fairly well, with S/O in his arms and their arms around him, but it was in the middle of the night that it hit hard.- S/O's sleep is distrubed by him squirming beside them. He's mumbling something, not loud enough for them to hear but loud enough that they could hear the distraught in his voice. Then he suddenly kicks, sending them rolling to the other side of the bed. - S/O was pretty much awake now, that kick being very strong for one done in slumber. Looking over, they see Goro, curled up, body trembling, and his mumbles now audible to them.- "N-No, please! Don't... Don't go!! Don't leave me...!" Tears are streaming down his face, flowing relentlessly from his eyes, squeezed shut. - "Goro?" But he doesn't respond or awaken. His body continues to tremble as his body sprawls over the bed and he starts to toss and turn. - "P... Please!! I-I-I'll do anything!! Just don't... don't do that! A-Anything but that!! I'm begging you!" Sobs rise from his throat and echo in the darkness of his bedroom.- S/O grabs his shoulders and shakes him. "Goro!" He becomes more restless, burying his face into the mattress. "Goro, wake up!" Their shaking gets intense, trying to fight his body's tremors. - "Goro!" He jolts awake, letting out a scream, his eyes snapping open and his lungs taking a loud, deep intake of air. His breathing is fast and heavy, his heart is pounding, body sweating, and tears continue to stream down his face. - This is by far the worst nightmare he's had in a long time---and the most distraught S/O has ever seen him.- When he remembers S/O and their presense, he curls back up into a ball, turns away from them and begins sobbing. - "Goro..." They whisper, gently touching his shoulder only to have him jump at their touch. "Goro, what's wrong? Did you have a nightmare?"- He doesn't respond, but he continue to cry and attempt to hide himself from them. - "Do you want to talk about it?" Still no response. "I don't mind listening..." They wrap an arm around his waist, spooning him, and rest their head on his shoulder as they curl up next to his trembling body.- S/O deduces that talking won't help in the moment and just takes him fully into their arms and cradle him. As much as it broke their heart to see him so upset and broken, they were determined to be his strength.- "There, there..." They whisper to him, rubbing his arms and shoulders. "It's okay... It's going to be okay... I'm here..."- Then, he speaks. It's soft but it's audible to their ears. "Don't leave me..." He sobs to them, tears still pouring down his flushed cheeks.- "I won't leave you, Goro..." They assure him and give him a couple smooches behind his ear. He hasn't started to calm yet, his reaction to their words of comfort only making him cry harder, but they wipe each and every tear that comes down away with their thumbs, then all of their fingers.- S/O turns him to face them and holds his face in their hands, looking at him with immense love, their heart pounding as they try their hardest to calm the detective, the one they loved the most.- "It's okay..." They repeat again, inflicting tenderness and kindness into their tone as they look into his eyes. "You can let it all out when I'm around... I'm here for you..."- He's calmer than he was minutes ago, but his body still shook with immense fear and sadness, still trying to convince himself that the nightmare was just a nightmare, that it wasn't real. And so did S/O.- "It's just a nightmare... I know it's scary and seems very real to you, but I promise you, it's not..." They squeeze him tight, holding him as close as they possibly could.- "I love you, Goro..." They whisper into his ear once his anguish has ceased, only short and quite sobs remaining. - For the rest of the night, they cradle him, whispering words of love and tenderness as Goro burried his face into their chest, holding them tight as if they would vanish if he let go. Soon, he was back asleep in their arms, softly breathing. Knowing that he was going to be okay helped him and helped S/O too.- With the sound of the detective's soft and gentle heartbeat closeby, S/O too dozing off and back to sleep.
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Changed the theme so it’s (hopefully) better to read <3 Let me know what you think!!
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May I request perhaps a scenario where Goro finds out his s/o is pregnant and maybe becomes cold or just completely loses it out of fear? Sorry as weird as it sounds , I have always been curious to see a full scenario on this topic :O
No it’s not a weird topic at all!! I think it’s one that needs to be touched upon since Goro himself was born under dark(ish?) circumstances and probably doesn’t feel he’s set to be a father. It’s something I feel he would definitely not take lightly, whatsoever. 
Warning for mentions of termination but there’s a happy ending don’t worry
- Mod Blake
- Goro's reaction would depend on whether they are married or still dating.- If S/O and him are still dating and this news breaks, Goro is a complete mess. - He always made sure to use protection any time he could, even days when S/O was safe to go without. Either the condom broke one time, or during the few unprotected times, the two of them misjudged the day being safe.- S/O didn't even tell him themselves; Goro himself pieced the clues all together: pregnancy test package his bathroom trash can, S/O complaining of an upset stomach, occasionally excusing themselves to vomit. - When Goro confronts them, they admit to the test coming back positive. When they try to calm him by saying they'll take another test or visit the doctor, it doesn't help. He just breaks down.- This is exactly how he came to be: his parents having intercourse out of marriage and having a slip-up. He's was just like his dad, getting someone pregnant without having married them first.- S/O knows him well enough to give him space, but they fear he'll do something irrational so they don't let their eyes leave him as he tries to collect himself. - After a while, S/O listens to his fears, his anger, his regret, all of it. - "This won't be like your childhood, Goro. We've got a strong, unbreakable love between us." "You don't know that. You didn't grow up like I did."- "We've talked about marriage before. How about if I get past 10 weeks, we tie the knot?" "...Do you really want to spend your life with someone like me?"- His mind is just all over the place. He suggests rather farfetch'd things, such as the child having to deal with what he had to if they were to keep it, bringing up the suggestion to terminate, all this other stuff that makes the both uneasy.- S/O really wants to keep the baby if they can. Its a product of the love between the two of them. Carrying his child means a lot to them.- S/O themselves are pretty scared and nervous themselves, having not planned to have children any time soon nor were the two of them engaged yet. But they knew that this ordeal was meant to happen. They were meant to raise a child together.- It's hard to convice Goro this, of course. He feels he wouldn't be a good father due to never having a good father nor a good childhood all togehther and his psychological damage.- He's really dreading the thought of being just like his father, no matter how many times S/O tells him he's nowhere near like him and never will be. - Eventually, he just breaks down into a mess of tears and screaming, torn between giving his child a better childhood than he had or just begging for S/O to terminate because god he doesn't want to mess this up. Especially, since he is nowhere near ready to become a father.- Days and weeks go by. Goro is distant, but doesn't fail to bring up the pregnancy almost every time they talk. - There wasn't much time left. As each day passed, you were getting further alone, morning sickness waking you up every morning, and soon, it would be too late to go back. Then Goro would feel really bad if he couldn't own up and raise his child, unlike his father.- S/O is reaching 9 weeks and them and the baby seem healthy as ever. He went with you to the first ultrasound and the whole ordeal changed him (not completely).- Even though there wasn't much to see that early on, hearing the gentle heartbeat of his unborn child made his heart soar and his eyes break into tears. This settles it all: Goro cannot wait to meet his child.- If S/O and him are married, it isn't a whole lot different of a reaction. This time around, the pregnancy is planned and the two agreed that they were ready to start a family together.- But Goro cannot contain his fears and nerves when he hears the news that he's going to be a dad. - Although he said he was ready for this, deeper in his heart, he felt he wasn't. He felt so ill-equiped for this. He didn't know how he was going to give his child a good life if he never had a good one himself til he was an adult.- (applies to both situations) He does a lot of research, trying to find out how he can be the best father possible, how he isn't alone on this whole fatherhood thing, and how to parent all together. He researches day and night til he feels a lot better about all of this.- All in all, despite the rough beginnings, Goro will do anything in his power to give his child the best life possible.
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Heya! First I wanted to say I absolutely love your work! May I request an awkward Goro proposing to his s/o scenario? I wish only happiness for this precious boy Thanks!
AAAAAAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! You guys are really too kind... ;;w;; I don’t know why I haven’t been motivated for the past few months. You guys are giving me so much support!! I hope I can be back for a bit longer soon! :’p
Anyways, here it is!! I’ve been thinking about this scenero a LOT lately so this is really long and self-indulged ahsdjak;;;; Enjoy!!
- Mod Blake
- Marriage is something both foreign and a big decision to him. His parents were never married nor truly loved one another; saying "I love you" to S/O for the first time was a hard enough decision.- But, regardless, he knows in his heart that they're the one he wants. S/O saved his life, after all. He wouldn't be alive today if they hadn't spent so much of their time and energy helping him recover and discover what it means to live.- He's deeply in love with S/O and S/O are deeply in love with him, so he knows that there's not a chance they would reject him. The love between the two of them is as strong as ever and can only get stronger from here.- ...But he cannot help but be a nervous wreck.- He thinks he's ready and buys the perfect ring for S/O, one that he knows they'll love (not as much as they love him though), but once he's home with his purchase, nerves are already starting to kick in.- He's doubting himself. What if they say no? What if they don't actually love me? What if this was all just a dream? What if this was all fake? So many doubts. This boy cannot calm himself.- His nerves are so strong that S/O see his behavior change and you question it, only making him more on-edge and suspicious to the surprise he had waiting for them whenever he got the guts to make it happen.- He wants the moment to be perfect. He wants it to be a moment they'll remember. And even if S/O would say things like "it doesn't have to be perfect" and "i'll always remember it no matter what" if they heard his doubts, he still cannot help but want to make it that way.- It's months after he bought the ring. He has it hidden away in a place S/O would never think to look, one they wouldn't think of being a hiding place for something so important and special. Even so, he hasn't forgotten about it. Not even for a moment.- The proposal has gotten into his head so much that it interfered with his detective work. He couldn't focus on anything at all. So he put his foot down, that winter day, that he was going to finally do it.- The weekend rolls around and he tells S/O that he's got something planned, just for the two of them, Sunday evening. This is out of the blue to S/O, since he has been swamped with work, spending long hours at the precinct, ever since he re-entered the police force a few years back. But they don't mention it to him and keep their suspicions a secret.- What he decided on was a bit cheesy but endearing. He took S/O to Tokyo Tower, a place neither of you had been despite having been in Tokyo for around a decade now. A decade since you two met. He then takes you to the park, despite the chilly, frozen winter air. - By the time you two reach a serene, romantic spot in the park, Goro's heart is pounding in his chest. He's surprised they hadn't said anything yet, since they were in his arms and very close to his chest. He wasn't going to back down. It was time and he was going to do it tonight.- The two of you share each other's warmth, kissing under the clear night sky, far away enough from the busy city that cars could hardly be heard. It was as if everyone else in the world just disappeared and it was only him and you. - He wasn't planning for the time in the park to be so long, but they letting out a soft sneeze made him realize: it's been 20 minutes since they arrived. It was getting late and cold. S/O were definitely going to catch a cold at this point.- The tremors in his body grow, going from what was just a reaction to the cold to the nerves about to boil over. S/O bring it up, suggesting that you two should head home before you both freeze. But a yelp of disagreement from him makes them jump and stare at him.- He's got their attention and curiosity. He has to do it now. He cannot just let this slip by, rack in his mind any longer.- He unwraps his arms from S/O's body and takes both their hands into his, standing before them with a constantly shifting expression. He doesn't know where to start since there is so much he wants to say, so much he wants to tell them. But he just lets the gate of emotions open and pour out his true feelings.- "S/O, I..." His trembling increases and he messily intertwines his fingers with theirs, stage fright kicking in. "I-I... I, uh.. I...!" He cannot keep his hands still with theirs, constantly fidgeting and moving.- "Yes, Goro?" S/O urges him to continue speaking, showing him that their attention is all his, but they have no idea how hard this all is for him.- "I love you!!" He blurts out and they let out a giggle, causing his face to turn even redder. "I love you, too," They reply, oblivious to everything going on in his head at that very moment.- He's silent for another minute, eyes averted from them and his body still unable to keep still. But he's gotten this far. He's got to keep going. For the both of them.- "S/O, I... I didn't know there was anything... any chance in this world that I would be loved as much as you love me, l-let alone be alive today..." Tears are threatening to streak down his face, but he sniffles and lets it come out as snot.- "I didn't think much of myself. Not ever in my life. It wasn't till you came into my life that I started to realize... M-My life meant more than just getting revenge on my father, more than being worth something to a world that didn't cared regardless, more than just- m-more than just a waste of space..."- "It was you who made me realize what I wanted. I... I wanted to live. I wanted something beyond my revenge, beyond my days as the high school detective prince. I-It... It was scary, thinking about how my involvement with you could've made your life a living hell. How someone could harm you. How much I would hurt you if I just, one day, left without a word or.... o-or even died..."- "For once, I knew someone not only needed me but wanted me. Someone in this dark, cold world actually loved me, someone who's own parents didn't care to love or... or raise... In a world that rejected me just for being who I was, despite not asking to be the me they had so much hatred for."- He gives a short laugh and sniffles. "I'm dragging this on and on, saying things I'm sure you already know and have heard me say before. But... I wouldn't believe in any of this or myself if it wasn't for you. If you had given up on me like everyone else had, I don't think the world would have remembered me after I was gone... I would have... died without knowing my true worth..."- "S/O..." Their name from his mouth puts them further on the edge of their seat. "From the moment you saved my life and stayed at my side in the years that followed, helping me recover, helping me find myself and find happiness, I knew that I... I..." The stumbling was returning and his tremors from before returned immediately.- "I, hmm... With this life you saved, I... I...!" He squeezes their hands tighter than ever and looks them straight in the eyes.- "I want to spend it with you!" He blurts out, practically shouting at them as the tears finally started to come down. S/O's eyes widen in shock at the words but isn't sure they heard him correctly, so they stare at him, completely surprised.- He didn't care that there was an inch or two of snow on the ground, he was going to do it the traditional way. He got down on one knee before them, the snow and cold seeping into his leg and knee, stumbling at both the sudden drop in the temperture of his skin and his nerves completely controlling his body. S/O steps back, hands covering their mouth and staring at it him with water in their eyes.- "S/O..." He murmurs, his breath visible before him. He pulls out the special item from his pocket and opens it up for them to see. "Will you marry me?" Inside was the ring he bought those many months ago, shimmering in the moonlight and park lights. - S/O is beyond elated, murmured under their breath "Oh my god," several times. Tears were now pouring down their face as well, looking into Goro's deep red eyes that too watered and cried.- "Yes! A thousand-! No, a million times, yes!" They start making small jumps, kicking up a bit of snow with their boots. "Oh Goro...!"- Goro's eyes immediately go wide, more tears pouring out as a wide, joyful smile spreads across his face. He stands up and they jump into his arms, catching him by surprise and almost making the two of them fall into the snow. They squeeze him tight, wrapping their arms as much as they could around him.- They pull apart and Goro slides their glove off their hand. Their hand was cold, despite being protected from the cold with the wool of their glove. It probably wasn't very smart of Goro to choose such a cold, winter night to pop the question.- Their foreheads are basically touching as Goro removes the ring from its box, takes their hand in his, and, with a shaking hand, delicately and slowly slides the engagement ring onto their ring finger.- The two of them, still in happy tears, give an awkward yet endearing laugh as they both stare at the ring that now adorned their finger. It's a perfect fit.- Goro looks up at S/O as they cover their mouth with their other hand, trying to muffle their crying of joy, and his heart just soars.- He cannot believe it. S/O is going to be his for the rest of their life. For the rest of time.- S/O places both hands on his cheeks and pulls him in for a smooch, causing him to give a muffled gasp, followed by a chuckle as he kissed back, wrapping his arms around them and putting his hand on their back.- They stood there for a few minutes kissing, the cold no longer a bother to either of them. It was just as he wanted: Just him and S/O.- Of course, the two of them got sick days after. But that just means they can cuddle and share each other's company as they sipped soup and watched trashy crime shows.
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Hey hey! I'm a new imagines blog and I was wondering if I could trouble you for a quick shout out? Thank you!!
(OMG sorry for taking so long to respond;;;;;)
Sure thing!! I’ve read some of your imagines and I just LOVE them aaaaaa!!! Everyone go check them out!! Sorry for my absence;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
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Hello :) I just wanted to tell you that I'm so glad that I found your blog! I recently joined the Persona fandom, my favourite character is Akechi and I'm so glad to see there are many people out there who love Akechi as much as I do! :) btw I also created a side blog for headcanons and short scenarios about boys from various anime, manga and games. It's animeboyfriendscenarios and I was wonderin if you could help me with a promo :)
AAAAA i”m glad you like it even though it’s been barren as of late!!! ;;;w;;; I really feel at home with other Goro lovers it’s so great omg
But sure!! Everyone go follow animeboyfriendscenarios!! I love all that you’ve done so far aaaaa!!!
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The Goro Akechi Protection Squad (G.A.P.S.)
In lieu of our one year anniversary as a server as well as the release of the Persona 5 anime, we’re posting our invite link again! Come talk to us about Goro, shuake/akeshu, or Persona 5 in general. To join, click here!
If you have any questions about the server, feel free to reach out to myself, @coffeol, or @xblackrequiemx.
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“…-scouring the perimeter, all clear. No sign of Crow, sir.”
He tries not to scoff at the terrible security, why are they always like this? You’d think they’d learn a thing or two after all the times they let him get away. 
“Ah well–
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“Let’s get this over with, I’m a busy man after all.”
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Could you do a scenario where Goro's s/o learns he is responsible for the mental shutdowns and decides to stay with him even after learning that?
Aaaa I love this!! Goro def needs somebody to be there for him through all this strife
Under the cut because SPOILERS!!!!! 
- Mod Blake
To put a twist on this scenario, I'm going to make them a non-Persona user.
- The two of them have gotten closer and more personal since they started dating almost a year ago.- Goro invites S/O into his apartment from time to time. Whether things go down between the two is up to your imagination.- For this, they did end up in his bedroom at the end of the night and they ended up staying the night at his apartment.- When they wake up the next morning, they're a bit confused as to where they are. This isn't their bedroom ceiling. Who's-? Oh yeah, it's Goro's.- They get a fluffy feeling in their chest, recounting the night before. All this excitement makes them eager to wake up their sleeping prince.- ...But when they roll over and feel for his body, there's nothing. - Opening their eyes, they come to fully realize that he wasn't there. He must have gotten up earlier or maybe he had to go into work suddenly.- S/O doesn't take much mind to it. Goro is a busy body with his job and all. They were just surprised they could get him to sit still for some quality time together yesterday.- Once fully awake after lying there for a few minutes, they get up and throw on their clothes from yesterday (which just happen to be scattered across the bedroom floor), and head out of the room.- "I see. So you're ready for me to put this plan in action?"- S/O stops when they hear Goro's voice. Sounds like he's on the phone. The conversation sounds serious, so they wait in the hall for him to finish.- "Of course. You can count on me to get the job done."- Sounds like a normal conversation about work, doesn't it? Maybe they don't have to worry about entering the room.- "So the first target..." (pause) "Ah starting small, I see. That makes perfect sense to me. We wouldn't want to rouse the public's attention too soon..."- What in the world is he talking about??? 'Target'?? And what does the public have to do with this???- "Ok. Expect the psychotic breakdown to occur in a few business days." (pause) "I can assure you that, Shido-san." Goro hangs up the phone.- 'Psychotic breakdown'...??!? And who's this 'Shido-san'?!?- Before they can even begin to process what they just heard, Goro's gaze meets theirs.- "S... S/O?!" the tone of his voice is a mix of shock and growing anger.- They were at a loss for words. They were unsure what to do, what to do with this new information. If what they heard was true, then there wouldn't be any use trying to inform the police. Goro WAS the police.- But they couldn't just let it go. They had to know the truth.- "Goro... W-What was that all about?"- A pause is present before he speaks. "Oh that? It was just a business call. Nothing to worry about, my dear."- "B-But... You mentioned the psychotic breakdowns..."- A look that was panic and fury mixed together formed on his face. This... This wasn't supposed to happen. They weren't supposed to know. They weren't supposed to get involved.- His silence told them so much. "Please... Tell me the truth, Goro."- He clenches his fists. "This doesn't involve you, S/O. It's nothing you need to know."- "Yes, it does involve me! I'm your significant other! If you're getting yourself into something too dangerous, something much bigger than yourself, I need to know!"- "S/O, I said-!"- "No! At this point, there's nothing you can do to stop me from being involved! I'm making it my duty to stay by your side, even if what I heard is true!"- Goro is a bit taken aback, his silence once again telling a whole lot.- "Even if you didn't tell me the truth, it's written all over your face. You're... doing bad things. Things that the people outside this door haven't a clue you've done."- He tilts his head down, his expression going blank. "Then just leave,"- "No. I won't. Not at a time like this."- Goro keeps his head down. They keep talking.- "At a time like this, the last thing you need is another person giving up on you. And even if that was an option, I wouldn't leave you alone." Their breathing is getting raspy from all the emotions. "You may be doing this willingly on the surface, but the way you talked to this 'Shido-san' over the phone... It obvious he's got you under his complete control."- Their heart is breaking into a million pieces, seeing him so defeated before them.- "I'm right, aren't I?"- He whips his head up, a look of anger on his face, yet tears were forming in his eyes. "So what if you're right?! What difference does it make?! I'm...! I'm...!"- "You're in danger. You need someone there for you. To stand in your corner."- The two of them keep going back and forth, Goro giving reasons for S/O to have resentment over him while they just respond with reasoning as to why he's not what he's done.- It ends with Goro being defeated, his reasoning meaning nothing towards them as he falls to his knees and cries.- "Goro, it's okay. I'm not going to leave you."- He clenches their shirt and sobs as they rub his back in comfort.- After this, Goro spends the time to slowly tell S/O everything: how the murders weren't his idea, how his life would be over if he dared disobeyed, how he had nowhere to run, how much his anger and resentment towards Shido ran through him, etc.- He asks them as he's about to leave to cause the breakdown he mentioned earlier if they were serious. And of course they are.
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Akechi thinks their very affectionate soon-to-be s/o just wants to get together with him to satisfy their own needs (like physical affection etc. since they never had a romantic partner before) but s/o catches up,sits him down and talks to him about even though they're good with words,sometimes words can't express how much they love him so they have to talk through actions or sth like that?
I’m so sorry that I haven’t been on here like... at all. Work has me stressed and crashing as soon as I get home and just how many unique requests that I want to make sure I fulfill just right is a lot to handle;;;; But I’m slowly going to try and work through them, one by one. I promise!
(I’m also more on twitter nowadays than tumblr, so that plays a part ajsdjkadsa;;;)
In the meantime, here is the feels!! TYSM FOR YOUR PATIENCE!!!!! 
- Mod Blake
- Goro started acting strange around S/O after something they said while giving him attention didn't seem to set well with him.- S/O didn't understand why though. They were always like that towards him. Super affectionate and loving, never letting him doubt for a second that he isn't loved.- For some time, perhaps a week, they don't find out why until they hug him from behind one day and start telling him how much they adore him that the truth comes out.- "What do you want from me this time..."- S/O is taken aback. The tone he spoke in was a rare one. One that he only ever used when he was really stressed.- Asking him what he means only makes the situation worse.- "You're only with me to get something out of me, aren't you?" His tone is almost chilling to the bone.- They think for a moment, then they start to stutter. This situation was way too intense for them to speak their mind out.- When S/O has yet to make any cohearent sentences, Goro scoffs and turns away from them.- "I knew it."- They try to protest, but yet again, the words still won't come. - They reach out a hand to touch him, but miss as he starts walking forward. All they can stand to do is watch him starting to walk away from them.- "Goro, wait...! I...!"- He doesn't respond.- So much is building up inside them. They know the feelings they have for him are true. They aren't a lie. It isn't infactuation. It's true. It's all true. But how do they get those feelings out???- They feel like their about to explode, watching as Goro is slowly slipping from their hands. They don't want him to leave. They... They...- "I love you!"- Goro doesn't stop walking, his head turned down to the ground.- "I-I mean it! I really do!"- He keeps walking.- S/O dashes over to him and grabs ahold of his wrist. His head turns around to them in a fury, his expression not-so-pretty as they're used to seeing.- "I'm not saying that to get something out of you! I just... I just..."- His maroon gaze is burning into them, but not as harsh as it was before. It has sofened a bit at the sight of S/O struggling and starting to get emotional.- They let out a heavy sigh, releasing as much tension as they can before speaking again.- "I don't know how to explain it... There's just... something about you that makes me undoubtedly happy. It's as if your presense alone is all I need to get through the day."- "Just knowing that you care about me... That too makes a world of difference. Not because your famous or because your attractive... But because..."- "Because you're... well, you..."- Their words are met with silence from him, but his expression has turned from a sharp one to a sympathetic one. They can just see him processing the words.- "With you, I feel like I can do anything. I hope that's how you feel about me, too."- They give a weak smile, trying to hold back tears.- "If not, that's okay. I'll still be on your side, cheering you on. No matter what."- It all makes sense to him now. There are only so many words that mean 'I love you'. And they must all come at once when they see him.- S/O is surprised by the sudden hug he gives them. His grip is tight and firm, but not enough to hurt. Just enough to comfort and express his own feelings to them.- "Could you please teach me how to love, then?"- This inquiry has them raising a brow. But they can feel the temperature of his body rising after he gets the words out.- "I'm afraid I... I don't know where to start..."- Tears well up in S/O's eyes and a smile spreads across their face.- "You can start with me."
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More Persona 5 Badges!!
Following sharing my Yusuke sets last week, here is, as promised, new badges for Joker and Akechi!
All available from my Etsy, £5 (~$7/€6) for a set of three, or discounted special double/triple packs. Low cost worldwide shipping!
I almost made three Akechi sets - I bet you can guess the theme of the third- but I didn’t think they were quite good enough. However if any of you were to buy a set I’d give the prototype away as a freebie to the first person leaving me a note asking. I might give it another go if the inspiration strikes. 
I only made a single Joker set, because I’ve already made a general Shujin set, which would include most of what I would have made for a Akira/Ren set.
Ann and Futaba are next on the list so keep an eye out!
Reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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𝐼𝓉 𝒾𝓈 𝐼, 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝟤𝓃𝒹𝒹𝑒𝓉𝑒𝒸𝒾𝓋𝑒 𝓅𝓇𝒾𝓃𝒸𝑒- 𝒢𝑜𝓇𝑜 𝒜𝓀𝑒𝒸𝒽𝒾!
                                                𝒜𝓈𝓀 𝒷𝑜𝓍      𝑅𝓊𝓁𝑒𝓈
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I’m here to answer anything you need! 
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