imaginekurt-blog · 11 years
Who knows, maybe we can bake some together sometime and they'll not be burned.
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Martha banned me from the kitchen...
Anytime, love, anytime. I would say I’d bake you some cookies then, but we both saw how that ended.
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imaginekurt-blog · 11 years
Yeah, it would.  You can just tell me anytime you feel like watching a marathon of Downton Abbey and I'll be up for it!
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Martha banned me from the kitchen...
Really? That would be great. 
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imaginekurt-blog · 11 years
I agree with you on that.  Having a small imagination is just so boring.  Yeah, of course.  We can watch Downton Abbey together, I don't mind.  It'll be fun.
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Martha banned me from the kitchen...
Nothing wrong with having a wide imagination. Well, if you don’t find a partner to watch Downtown Abbey with, then I would be more than happy to sacrifice some time for that.
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imaginekurt-blog · 11 years
I was about to say the same, but I let him have a fun imagination.  If you really want to, all you have to do is ask!
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Martha banned me from the kitchen...
Though that sounds like an awesome ending, something doesn’t sound too right about the royalty getting in contact with the aliens. Where does one sign up for that list?
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imaginekurt-blog · 11 years
Actually I did.  Sam came over because he wanted to escape his siblings.  It was nice.  We didn't make it through downton abbey because he got lost, so he just made an "alternate" ending.  Something to do with aliens, I believe.  Maybe I could find someone who'll actually watch next time.
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Martha banned me from the kitchen...
I doubt you’ll find someone soon. Oh yeah, that’s right. The cheesecake. Did you found someone a few days back for that downtown abbey marathon with cheesecake?
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imaginekurt-blog · 11 years
You're right there.  I have yet to meet someone who doesn't have a weakness to food.  Even I do, with cheesecake.
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Martha banned me from the kitchen...
Good. Well, I guess there is some truth in it when they say that a man’s love goes trough his stomach.
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imaginekurt-blog · 11 years
If you insist, I won't down-grade my ability to cook anymore than it already has.  A hero?  That's an interesting term.
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Martha banned me from the kitchen...
Hey hey hey, don’t speak that way. Everyone who can put a decent plate on the table is a hero in my book. 
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imaginekurt-blog · 11 years
Shh, it was one time.  You could say that.  It's nothing marvelous, but I can cook.
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Martha banned me from the kitchen...
Aha, I knew it! Looks like you’re more the cooking prince at home, then. 
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imaginekurt-blog · 11 years
It's okay, I'm sure you'll remember next time.  Well I have burned a cake, but that was only once.  My dad has burned so much food I've lost count.
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Martha banned me from the kitchen...
Nah, they probably would’ve turned out okay if I hadn’t forgot about them… Don’t tell me you or your parents never had something like that.
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imaginekurt-blog · 11 years
I would think you'll need a cooking lesson.  Yeah, I'm guessing that's why they invented timers.
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Martha banned me from the kitchen...
I think the latter is closer to the truth… This is why they invented those kitchen clocks, isn’t it? 
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imaginekurt-blog · 11 years
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Happy father's day to a great dad!
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imaginekurt-blog · 11 years
Are those cookies or rocks?
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Martha banned me from the kitchen...
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I think I understand why.
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imaginekurt-blog · 11 years
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imaginekurt-blog · 11 years
Downton Abbey Time || Hevans
Who: Sam Evans and Kurt Hummel
Where: Hummel household
When: June 12, 2013
What: To get away from his siblings, Sam goes over to Kurt's to have cheesecake and watch some Downton Abbey.
Kurt set down the pan with the delicious masterpiece, cheesecake, on the side table as he plopped down on the couch. Kurt was going to start or rather restart his Downton Abbey marathon. He had just finished it and since he had nothing to do, he decided to rewatch it. Kurt thought he would watch it alone, but then after bringing up that he had cheesecake, Sam volunteered to come over to watch the show and devour the food. Deciding he'd better wait for Sam, Kurt connected the blue-ray they had connected to Hulu to Downton Abbey. He then waited for Sam to come and knock on the door so they could start. Kurt wouldn't admit it, but he was happy that someone else actually wanted to spend time with him. There was coffee with Blaine and Cooper's party, but Kurt felt like otherwise there wasn't anyone else. Maybe he could, as Adam put it, educate Sam about the fake British Royalty drama. Sam: Even though Kurt had given Sam the address to his place Sam had still gotten lost on the way so a walk that should have taken him five minutes actually took him nearly half an hour. When he finally reached Kurt's place he knocked on the door and waited for him to come to the door. Even though it was to watch a strange TV programme Sam was glad wanted someone to come over. He had been feeling a bit out of a limb lately since Cooper was always business with Quinn and to Sam it seemed like Blaine preferred Rachel's company over his now. He figured it would all work itself out in the end though. Kurt heard the knock on the door and sighed. Sam had finally made it here. Kurt got off the couch and went straight to the front door. He opened it and greeted Sam with a pleasant, "Hello." He opened the door more to let Sam in. "Come right in. My dad's working right now, so it's only us here. So you can cry when all the sad parts are on, or when we run out of cheesecake. Either one." Kurt said jokingly to Sam and chuckled lightly. Kurt thought about how it seemed that everybody had they're "crowd" to be around, but there were always those people who could bounce around freely like Sam. To Kurt, it seemed like he could be with Cooper and Quinn, and the next minute Sam would be around Kurt, people who weren't high up on high school popularity. Kurt liked that. Sam: nodded his head as she stepped into the house. From what he had heard about Kurt's dad he hadn't really expected the house to be so neat and modern like it was. He frowned when Kurt said he would cry when they were out of cheesecake "I totally wouldn't cry when that happened. I would just go to the store and get some more." Sam then quickly added in "You'd have to like draw me a map or something because I kinda got lost on the way here and I'd probably get lost on the store." Sam had no idea how he seemed to just work so smoothly with everyone. He liked to think it was probably because he was into spots but he was also a huge dork. Plus he wasn't smart that smart so he could slip in with those people as well. Kurt noticed Sam's slightly surprised look as he entered the house. "I keep badgering my dad about cleaning up, but when he doesn't I have to and then it seems I go a little OCD with the cleaning." Kurt explained and then pointed to where the living room was. "The living room is that way, do I need to draw you a map for that as well?" Kurt teased and then waved it off. "Anyway that sounds nice. I'll draw you a map to the store so you won't get lost. We do need our cheesecake." Kurt started toward the room where the show was going to be playing and then sat down on the couch in the same spot. He looked over to Sam and said, "You can sit down, I don't bite." Sam: nodded his head looking around himself at the different areas of the house that he could see from his spot in the doorway "It really does look like that you've gone a little bit overboard." Sam followed Kurt from the doorway into the living room. "You can lead the way to it and i'll be alright. Though for the store run we do need a map." Sam nodded his head. Once in the livingroom Sam chuckled a little bit as he went over to the couch and sat down next to him "I'm sure you don't bite. I mean I'm a dude." Sam was still completely oblivious as to Kurt's sexuality. Kurt chuckled at Sam's comment and nodded. "Um, yeah I did go a little overboard now that I think about it." Kurt said as he looked around the very clean room. He grabbed the remote and pressed play as he listened to Sam talk. Kurt then flicked his eyebrows up quickly at Sam's comment. Kurt was still in the closet, but he was sure about his sexuality. He knew he was gay, he's just never been comfortable enough to tell anybody. Well besides Cooper and Frannie, they were accepting. Pushing aside what Sam had said, Kurt looked over at him and smiled. "Now it is time to eat cheesecake and watch fake British drama." Kurt told him with a small chuckle. He reached over and grabbed the pan of cheesecake off the side table and handed it over to Sam. "Here you go." Kurt offered. Sam: licked his lips as he took some of the cheesecake from Kurt "This looks so good" Sam couldn't help but moan quietly when he'd taken his first bite "Yumm" He was licking his lips still at the cheesecake as he made himself more comfortable on the couch. He looked at the telivision screen trying best to take in what this programme was meant to be about "So wait why did that just happen." Sam asked as something happened on the programme that Sam didn't understand. The programme was just a little bit confusing but he was just trying to understand what was that was going on. "Cheesecake is just so awesome." Sam added as he had another bite of the cheesecake. Kurt laughed as Sam moaned after taking a bite of the cheesecake. He glanced over at the other and said, "Well it's a good thing that the cheesecake is delicious, I made it." Kurt rolled his eyes in a playful manner and shook his head. "This is why I prefer watching shows like this with people who've already seen it." Kurt muttered under his breath and then explained what had occurred quickly. "I'll be right back." Kurt told Sam as he paused the show and got off the couch. He ran over to the kitchen and got himself a fork, wanting some of his own cheesecake before Sam ate it all. He returned and sat back down, played Downton Abbey and grasped the pan, taking it from Sam. Kurt drove his fork in and took out an impressive bite out of the dessert. He handed it back to the blonde. "There you go." Kurt said. Sam: was a little bit shocked when he'd heard that Kurt had made the cheesecake himself "You made this." He asked looking at the cheesecake that was still in his hands until Kurt took it away from him to eat some himself "Right so that works better." Sam said when Kurt had explained to him what it was that was going on. "Thanks." He said as he took the pan back from him when Kurt was done with his share. Sam was still getting confused by the programme but it was way better than having to deal with younger siblings and playing board games. Kurt nodded but didn't take his eyes off the screen. "Yup, why do you sound so surprised?" Kurt asked in return. Kurt chuckled as Sam finally had the knowledge of what was happening and said, "It's does work better when you know what's happening. No problem." Kurt pursed his lips and continued to watch, but couldn't get the thought of Sam's comment earlier. Should he tell him? But how would Sam react? Kurt was worried if he did tell him, Sam would be freaked out. Then again, he barely knew the blonde. For all Kurt knew Sam could also be accepting and just say 'okay.' There were so many possibilities and only one answer. There was also only one way to get that answer. Kurt rubbed his hands together in his nervous state and sighed. "Sam, could I tell you something?" Kurt asked cautiously. Sam: tilted his head looking at Kurt. He was curious about what was going on "You want to tell me something." Sam couldn't help but wonder what it was that Kurt wanted to tell him. Sam didn't think that the two guys were really that close so that Sam wasn't sure what it would be Kurt wanted to say. Sam was someone who liked to know what was going on with his friends though "Go ahead and tell me it though." Sam ended up adding in "No judgements dude." Kurt sighed and looked over to Sam then quickly said, "I'm gay." He cringed slightly after, afraid even though Sam had told him no judgement was there, that maybe now there would be. Some people thought that sexuality didn't matter, but Kurt didn't know Sam all that well to know if he cared or not. Kurt averted his eyes back to the television and bit his lip lightly, anticipating the other's reaction. Sam: blinked. He took in those two words that Kurt had told him. He couldn't believe that he had told him that "Then that's who you dude." He shrugged a little. He didn't as such know what else to say about it. He was pretty cool with the idea of Kurt being into dude "I mean guess that explains why your so into fashion." Sam didn't have much of an idea about gay guys other than they mean ya know into guys and most of them were into fashion and we a bit sensitive as well. Kurt smiled a little as Sam shrugged off what he said. Kurt sighed and nodded, "Um, thanks. You're only the third person I've told and it makes me glad that so far no one has been a homophobic jerk." Kurt chuckled at Sam's comment on his fashion. "I could also be very fashionable just because I am." Kurt turned back to the show and then his eyes averted to the cheesecake. "You better not eat all of that by yourself." Kurt mumbled and reached over, taking another bite out of the dessert. After a moment, he sighed and said, "Thanks Sam." Sam: To Sam there was something about being one of the first people to know made him feel kind of happy. It made Sam think that maybe he and Kurt were better friends that they thought "Well, you love you who love dude." Sam told him "Like you can't control the feelings you get for people" Sam knew from experience what he was saying. It was like he couldn't help that he liked Rachel "True you could be. I'm sorry though man. This cheesecake is mine." Sam thought he might tease Kurt a little bit so as to lift the mood back to one of fun rather than seriousness. Kurt tried to hold back his smile but couldn't and let it take over his face. He chuckled and tried to take some more away but failed then sat back down in his spot. "Fine you win, this round." Kurt said and turned back to the show. He groaned and threw his head back. "I'm going to have to explain what happened, aren't I?" Kurt asked jokingly and shook his head, running his hands through his hair then turned his attention back to Downton Abbey. Sam: chuckled at that happened "Of course I win. I'm am like the master of keeping delicious food away from people." Sam had made sure to add that he was enjoying the cheesecake. He looked back to the screen and once again didn't understand something "And you would have guess right there Kurt Hummel." Sam really didn't know why he was still trying to even watch the programme any more. Kurt shook his head as he set down his fork on the side table. "I'll get you next time, Mr. Evans." Kurt teased and was about to explain but waved it off. "I'll just let you make up what happens." Kurt told Sam as he turned off the program. "I am a pretty great cook, if I say so myself." He mumbled and turned over to Sam. "You know what? Thanks for coming over, even if it was for the cheesecake. You're a good friend, Sam." Kurt said and smiled at him. Sam: "Oh will you now." Sam teased him back "I don't think so." He couldn't help but be relieved when the television was turned off "Can i pretend that a alien invasion came along and sucked out everyone's brains." Sam asked Kurt hopefully but as he looked at Kurt he smiled "You said you wanted company and I needed to get away from my siblings for a little while. It was a win win for both of us. Your a cool dude Kurt." Kurt chuckled and replied, "Yes, I will. Don't underestimate the NERF gun war god." Kurt let out a laugh as Sam asked about his alternate ending and nodded. "Yes, you can believe that. A little vile, but good enough." Kurt listened as Sam talked about his siblings and getting away. "And I thank you for that. As I promised, no board games. You're a cool person as well." Sam: smirked a little looking at Kurt "No way dude." Sam loved him alternate ending that he had come up with "Well, I did go with the better of the two that was floating around my head. I mean the other one was a meator crash landing into the house." He explained to Kurt "Your welcome. You did hold up your end of the deal." Kurt nodded and stood up. He glanced at Sam, then at his phone. "Well it seems that you've been here for quite a while. Can you get back to your house without getting lost, or do I need to drive you?" Kurt asked Sam teasingly. He noticed that there was some cheesecake left and then gestured to it, saying, "You can have the rest if you want. I can also give you the recipe." Sam: thought about taking the recipe from Kurt but then realize he was no good at cooking so he responded with "I'll have the rest and you'll just have to make it again for me some time." He was thinking about how to get home and Kurt's comment about getting lost was very likely since it was getting dark outside so Sam probably wouldn't end up getting horribly lost "I'll take you up on that lift." Kurt was about to get the recipe for Sam, but didn't when he refused. "Okay, you'll just have to tell me when you want some more." Kurt also noticed that it was getting dark out and nodded. "Alright, I'll give you a lift. Just let me get my jacket and keys. Then we'll be set to go." Kurt told Sam and quickly went to the kitchen, remembering that's where he placed his keys last. He picked them up and then went back to Sam. "My coat's over at the entrance, so I'll just get it when we're heading out." Kurt lead the way to the entrance and grabbed his coat then turned to Sam. "Ready to go?" He asked, making sure Sam had the cheesecake. Sam: "I am." Sam nodded his head as he stood up with the rest of the cheesecake in his hand, well the dish in his hand not the actual cheesecake. Sam followed Kurt into the entrance hall and then out of the door. Even though he hadn't understood the show he had had a pretty good time with Kurt.
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imaginekurt-blog · 11 years
Doll face now?  I would have to admit it's much better than 'Lady Hummel.'  Really?  What do these uniforms even look like, if I may ask.  Sure, we can hang out until the school year starts.
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Not a problem, doll face. I’m sure you would of looked quite dashing in a Dalton Uniform but i guess we could hang out until then.
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imaginekurt-blog · 11 years
Wow, that's very impressive.  It's a shame that McKinley could never compare to such great achievements.  Are you sure?  Because after looking at it, the expense is quite steep.  It does look wonderful, trust me when I say that.  Uh, thanks :)
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It’s the number one school in the state with the highest test scores and graduates. It is indeed a great school. You know what Kurt, I think, giving your style, that you’re to good to be going to that little public school.
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imaginekurt-blog · 11 years
Frannie!!  You're back :)
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You went to New York?  I'm jealous now.  How was it?  I don't think that there needs to be another WWIII.  The world's better off without one.
Obviously, not you…
But me, the fabulous Francesca Fabray.
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I just spent the most marvelous five days of my life enchanting the Big Apple with my splendid persona. And… I almost provoked WWIII at the junior United Nations, but that’s another story. And totally not my fault.
Anyway, how has Cowtown been?
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