gleekidshooray · 2 days
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Season 2 AU wherein Kurt doesn’t transfer to Dalton. Sam’s convinced the best way to protect him from bullies is to pretend that they’re dating.
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hevanderson · 8 months
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heartrender6 · 9 months
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2x04 basically 💀 💀
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and really, it IS crazy that Sam had everybody twisted up in fucking knots because he was like. a good person. during the duet debacle with Kurt. because god forbid somebody isn't constantly parading around in clown shoes.
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cryscendo · 7 months
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kurt hummel in every performance
5x14 - New New York
Downtown - Rachel Berry, Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson, Artie Abrams, and Sam Evans
“Just listen to the music of the traffic in the city. Linger on the sidewalk where the neon signs are pretty. How can you lose?”
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waitformethistime · 9 months
Alternate s2 where Kurt and Sam kiss during 'Spin the Bottle' at Rachel's party (Blaine and Rachel still happens), but now Sam has to deal with the fact that he liked it a little too much and realize that maybe his hurt at Kurt pushing him away in 'Duets' had something more behind it.
Meanwhile, Kurt (who's self esteem is already in the pits) has to deal with the fact that even the one out gay dude he knows would rather attempt to date a girl than him and that stings quite a lot (wish we'd delved into that more), but also had his second kiss with a dude be Sam and he'd be lying if he said he hadn't imagined it at some point before that party.
Sam does try to ask him out because of the party. "idk if I'm gay but the kiss felt really nice" but Kurt kinda freaks out a little because it's all just too similar to what's going on with Blaine ("You were drunk, Sam, of course it felt good.") and he's just so frustrated because it seems like no one is taking him seriously and unlike Blaine and Sam, he doesn't get the luxury of holding hands with a girl like a normal guy and having people believe it. it's not a game to him.
It's not until shit hits the fan in Rumours and Sam gets inadvertently outed by the Muckracker that Sam's like "look I'm stone cold sober now, it's been months since that party, and I really want you to give me a chance" because he's basically been dragged along with everyone else's bidding the whole year and he didn't even get to process his own sexuality before everyone treated him like the town pariah so he might as well just do what he wants at this point.
And what he wants is Kurt.
And they live happily ever after, amen.
(Also, Kurt never gets with Blaine because after Rachelgate, he realized he loved the idea of Blaine more than the boy himself and rejects him later.)
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daisyishedwig · 2 months
@cryscendo and @katyobsesses have been making me think about Hevans today, so I'm gonna share my rewrite of the astronomy room scene from Duets. Will I ever finish this full fic? Who knows.
“I love astronomy,” Sam said, staring up at the planets hanging from the ceiling, “something about all that space makes my problems seem kinda small.” 
Kurt rolled his eyes with a smile. 
Sam pointed up at the red styrofoam ball directly above his head. “That one’s venus, planet of love.”
Kurt laughed. “That’s actually Mars, planet of war.”
Sam glanced back up and bit his lip. “Which one are we on?” he said with a teasing glint in his eye.
“Earth,” Kurt said, brows furrowing. “Which I need you to come back to for a minute. What changed your mind about the duet?”
“Honestly,” Sam took a deep breath, “watching you sing. You were so confident and incredible up there. It felt like you truly knew who you were. I guess, if I’m going to be in this club, I need that kind of confidence. And I need to not let others talk me down.”
“Commiting social suicide doesn’t make you confident,” Kurt said.
“Maybe not, but hopefully, spending some time with you will. No matter the consequences.” Sam’s pulse was racing, waiting for Kurt to reject him, not fully understanding why he did not want that to happen.
Kurt pursed his lips. “Maybe,” he said, “convince me a duet with you will be better than what I just did on that stage.”
Sam grinned. “Okay. Let’s start with choreography,” he said, pulling his guitar strap over his head. “The singing will be easy,” he said with a spin, “so I’ll just start playing.” He started strumming gently before looking back to Kurt. “Get behind me.”
Kurt stared at him in confusion. “What?”
“Get behind me.” He jerked his head to the side with a lifted eyebrow. Kurt took a breath and set his bag on one of the tables, moving to position himself behind Sam. “Now grab my hips.” 
“Sam,” Kurt sqwauked. 
“C’mon, I promise it’ll be good.” Kurt cautiously placed a hand on Sam’s waist. “Closer,” Sam instructed. Kurt huffed but did as he was told until his chest was almost to Sam’s back. “And start swaying.” Kurt pressed his free hand to his forehead with a nervous laugh but followed the movement of Sam’s hips. “Now here’s the cool part, give me your hand.” Kurt lifted it slowly and Sam took his hand gently. “Do you know how to play?” 
Kurt shook his head with a soft, “No.”
“Oh it’s easy.” He guided Kurt’s hand into position on the fretboard. “Just put your finger there, yeah just like that.”
Kurt was making a concerted effort to keep his breathing steady. He wasn’t sure when the last time he’d been this close to another boy that hadn’t been visibly uncomfortable about it. Sam was so relaxed and calm, even as he touched Kurt.
Sam started strumming again, and he looked up to meet Kurt’s eye. He smiled at him, and their faces were so close. Electricity thrummed through Kurt as he stared in shock. Slowly, the tune they were playing started to click in his brain and he pulled away.
“This is a love song,” Kurt said, spinning away from him, pressing a hand to his chest.
“Yeah,” Sam said with shrug, “it’s one of my favorites.”
“We can’t sing a love song, Sam,” Kurt said with disbelief. “The other footballers will crucify you.”
“Because so many of the guys on the team will be watching us sing,” Sam rolled his eyes.
“Maybe! Anyone could look in the choir room and see us. Anyone could walk by right now and see us, and you know what they’ll think.”
“That we’re two artists singing a song?” Sam said.
“That you’re gay, Sam! And people at this school are not that accepting, trust me, I’ve lived through hundreds of locker shoves and slushie facials and being thrown into trashcans. That’s the kind of talk Finn was trying to protect you from. That’s the whole reason I set you free to sing with someone else.”
“And why should I care? Isn’t being in Glee going to get me that kind of treatment anyway? Why does it matter what everyone else thinks about me?”
“You don’t understand,” Kurt pleaded, “yes, everyone else is bullied, but none of them experience the shit I do. They get annoyed and frustrated, but they can all walk away from the club if they want it to stop. But me? I can’t do that. Everyone at this school hates me because of who I am, not what I do. And if they think you’re like me? You will never be able to escape it.”
Sam’s face was drawn tight. 
“I’m sorry, Sam. Thank you for trying, but I can’t let you do this. Just… sing with Quinn or something, it’ll be safer that way.” 
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backslashdelta · 2 years
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Gleeful Paintbox Project #17: Hello ↳ Kurt Hummel + shaking boys' hands when he meets them
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katyobsesses · 2 months
Fight for me from heather's is giving hevans energy to me rn
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aurumjank · 1 year
I need someone to write Glee AU where Pavarotti is alive. I mean, can you imagine the changes this little event could make? Like, Kurt wouldn't sing Blackbird dedicating it to Pav → Blaine wouldn't realise his feelings → Blaine wouldn't transfer to McKinley → Kurt would be more likely to get the role of Tony → Kurt would have more credits for his application and might get in NYADA for the fall semester etc. There's so many possibilities! Any ship could happen and all because little bird stayed alive 🤯
Klaine could still happen, but differently.
Kurt could move on from Blaine and become closer with other Warblers and/or Dalton students and maybe start dating someone else. This could also lead to Kurt staying at Dalton.
Kurt coming back to McKinley single, which opens a lot of opportunities for Hevans, Kurtofsky, Puckurt etc. (for each their own)
When in season 3, there's Kurtbastian and Chandler/Kurt - not necessary romantic relationships, but friendships as well. And Blaine might transfer to McKinley or stay at Dalton (there's also a possibility for Seblaine in the background - I'm not a fan, but for each their own). Kurt might be still in close contact with Warblers or they could go completely separate ways.
Blaine staying at Dalton makes it possible for Kurt to get the role of Tony and get more solos, which means he has bigger chances of being accepted in NYADA.
And then season 4, where if Kurt is single there's Kadam and it can start earlier. And Vogue could or could not happen in this timeline. As well as Kurt and Rachel living together and Santana joining them.
And then Kurt's band in season 5. Elliott and Dani could still be there, but their meetings might change. Kelliott is a possibility. Kurt might impress June this time or still not make her think he has a potential. He could meet Maggie and perform as Peter Pan or not.
And then the 6th season - it could become a completely different story!
I just had to share this thought because it was haunting me for months now 😅 I even made a list of some of the possible storylines up until the end of season 3. But I'm not a writer and so I'm sharing this so anyone could use the idea(s). Just, if someone gets inspired by this and writes something, please send me the link to the story! 💜
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khruschevshoe · 21 days
Every so often I rewatch Duets and think about the way that Sam defends Kurt and looks at Kurt during Le Jazz Hot like he's having a sexual awakening and I mourn what could have been, the actual genuine subversion of stereotypes that football player Sam having so little internalized homophobia and being non-punch-line/non-cheating bisexual representation (also a fleshed-out love interest for Kurt that DOESN'T put him down/harass him/make him uncomfortable/cheat on him) could have been. Then again, with 2010 Ryan Murphy at the helm...maybe I don't want to know how that could have been ruined. Anyway, Stan Hevens for clear skin.
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hevanderson · 7 months
cheerleader x football player x marching band member works so well for kublam and the best part is that kurt, blaine, and sam could easily be any of them
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heartrender6 · 10 months
kurt shouldve ended up with sam as god intended
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starpawedart · 1 year
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Gift for @beshrew-my-very-heart ! 🤓 (Yes I KNOW Kurt would rally for Diet Coke but I was committed to the gray! And I figured he'd approve the aesthetic pop of colour)
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cryscendo · 8 months
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kurt hummel in every performance
5x01 - Love, Love, Love
All You Need Is Love - Blaine Anderson + New Directions, Dalton Academy Warblers, Vocal Adrenaline, and Haverbrook School for the Deaf
“We met right here. I took this man's hand, and we ran down that hallway... And for those of you that know me, know I'm not in the habit of taking people's hands I've never met before, but... I think that my soul knew something that my body and my mind didn't know yet. It knew that our hands were meant to hold each other, fearlessly and forever. Which is why it's never really felt like I've been getting to know you; it's always felt like I was remembering you from something. As if in every lifetime that you and I have ever lived, we have chosen to come back and find each other and fall in love all over again, over and over for all eternity. And I just feel so lucky that I found you so soon in this lifetime, because all I want to do, all I've ever wanted to do is spend my life loving you. So... Kurt Hummel, my amazing friend, my one true love... will you marry me?” - Blaine Anderson
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rachelstrxwberry · 11 months
Sam: From now on, we'll be using code names. You can address me as “Eagle One.” Quinn, code name, “Been There, Done That.” Mercedes is “Currently Doing That.” Tina is “It Happened Once in a Dream.” Blaine, code name, “If I Had to Pick a Dude.” Kurt is… “Eagle Two.”
Kurt: Oh, thank God.
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