imaginematsuno · 3 years
Update to fic stuff - I’m currently revamping Pretty Okay to my current standards of writing, including fixing grammatical errors, adding forgotten-to-write context in certain scenes (there’s literally a chunk in one chapter where I didn’t write like three paragraphs and it sucks), and adding swear words >:3
Hopefully we can get this dead blog off the ground again!
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imaginematsuno · 3 years
I know the post says inbox is open to requests -also welcome back, dude!- but I just wanna be sure since the bio says closed and I don't wanna toss anything that may already be in the inbox. So this is me basically checking if it's okay and to ask about how you been as well.
the box has always said “closed” as long as I’ve been on this page lol. Thank you for the warm welcome!
I’ve been through a lot of life stuff, including starting HRT and getting top surgery soon, meeting and moving in with my current partner and moving to the other side of the country. I’m better than I’ve been in years :) thanks for checking up! Feel free to send me fun stuff!
-Mod Matt
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imaginematsuno · 3 years
Hello guys, gals and nonbinary pals. It’s your old friend Mod Matt :D
After years of lying dormant, my hyperfixation on this show has reemerged! Even to the point where I’m writing a bit on Pretty Okay again! No one else will be active on here, but I think some warmups would be cool. Just don’t be weirdos!~
Anyways, if yall have any questions about why I’ve been gone, any requests you want done, or anything like that - inbox is open! I’m not gonna answer a good chunk of old questions (mostly ‘cause yall were weird. Don’t be weird. Love you guys!), but I will do a handful just to get us back out there and start fresh! Sorry if this hyperfixation wears off sooner than I expect it too, so please be patient with me.
Love you all!! <3
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imaginematsuno · 3 years
Conspiracy theory Choromatsu attracts frogs like Ichimatsu attracts cats
-Mod Matt (used to be Mod Mattie!)
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imaginematsuno · 5 years
Choromatsu meeting his s/o through online gaming? (maybe Minecraft?)
God hi this is SO funny because that’s literally how I met my boyfriend and we’ve been dating for a year and a half so FELLAS propose with Minecraft diamonds or don’t propose at all
Survival Games was a classic, per Choromatsu. A good ol’ time from his early pubescent days. He decided, “Well, I’m bored, so let’s give it another shot, shall we?” 
Choromatsu pulled up his hidden laptop that he kept away from everyone else, due to Osomatsu finding it once and littering the poor thing with viruses among viruses from porn. Secretly, quietly, he went to the attic and turned on Minecraft for the first time in a while.
He logged in as fr0gk1d69, and hopped onto a server. He looked around at the spawn, reliving some past nostalgia, before venturing his way to finding Survival Games. It looked very different, but there were still plenty similarities to what he could remember as a dumb, horny kid.
Round one, died immediately. Round two, died immediately. Round three, died after two others. Wow! Choromatsu sucked horribly at this game. It was a lot harder than he remembered. Why couldn’t he kill anyone? Why, no matter how hard he spam clicked, did he never win? Round four, died again. He could never survive to the finale, huh?
Now, Choromatsu was getting pissy. Like, he was about to throw a fit. Why was he worse than he used to be? What changed?
Round five - 4, 3, 2, 1, go!
Rather than go towards the middle, Choromatsu ran to the outskirts of the map. He went into buildings, collected from chests, and decided a hide-and-wait approach was better than trying to kill other people. And, hey! So far it was working! Out of the 15 who joined the game, 7 had already died, and none of them were Choromatsu!
That is, until he heard footsteps approaching him.
So far, Choromatsu was not lucky enough to find an actually good weapon - just a fishing pole and a wooden sword. So if this person even had like, a stone ax, Choromatsu would be dead. And he knew at this rate, if he died even once more, he would rage quit.
The other player turned the corner, and Choromatsu panicked and began spamming his wooden sword. They began to come at him, full iron armor, with a stone sword. Chromatsu decided it’d be best to try and run and lose them. However, they stayed on his tail, swiping at him every chance they got. They only hit a few times, but Choromatsu was still in full panic mode.
He had ran himself into a corner. The other player was running towards him. In a moment of fer, Choromatsu pressed shift.
Once, twice, three times, but not enough too get sticky keys - the sign of a truce. Of a partnership. The other player stopped, backed up a tad, and shifted as well. They shifted at each other a few more times, and Choromatsu decided they were teammates.
Using the Power of Friendship, they had made it up to the top 3. In seconds, the last remaining few were sent to a different area, an arena of sorts. Immediately, despite his somewhat better-than-usual armor, Choromatsu was still targeted by the third person and died. However, his teammate came out victorious.
Tired, and upset by his defeat, Choromatsu decided that maybe he’d try a different game. However, he got a private message from his teammate: “Discord?”
He messaged back, “Give me a second”.
Little did the other player know, this is only because Choromatsu didn’t actually have a discord, but he made one real quick! He sent them his username, “Choromatsu #3097″ and quickly he got a friend notification. He added them back without a second thought, and they voice called him. Now, Choromatsu hesitated - was he sure about this? What if they sounded creepy? Well, it’s not like you have any real friends, so why not try it? He answered it.
Little did he know, Choromtsu’s relationship would soon blossom with his newfound friend and interest, [Name].
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imaginematsuno · 5 years
Hello~ Could you do Ichimatsu having a fight with thier s/o and he accidentally insults them in the crossfire, causing the s/o to be upset. Ichi feels bad about what he did so he ends up apologizing to them. Ahh sorry if that doesn't make sense, and sorry if it's long. Thank you for running such a great blog!
At first, it was cute. How easily they’d fall over, or how they’d knock off stuff from tables, or how they’d trip and Ichimatsu would conveniently swoop in to help them up. It was still cute when they started dating, especially when he asked them and they went to hug him and tripped on their face immediately after. It became less cute when, for their anniversary, Ichimatsu spent every last yen he had to get them a necklace, and they dropped it down a drain;  from then on it just became less and less cute. They broke his favorite mug. They, literally, stepped on his toes. They broke a window. They knocked his mom down the stairs.
And, though he put up with all of it until now, today was the last straw.
Besides being probably the clumsiest person he’s ever known, [Name] was a very good and sweet person. They made him smile, laugh, and feel love like no other. He wanted to push past his frustrations with something he couldn’t help and show them around to meet his feline friends.
The day started tenderly, feeding the strays and spending time with one another. In fact, the worst they had done was trip a little on the corner of a garbage can.
Near the end, however, he brought them to the very shy strays. The ones that took Ichimatsu an our to befriend - and by Kitty Standard Time, that was a long time, especially in comparison to how easily every other cat loved him. But due to prolonged exposure to love and affection with Ichimatsu, these cats were rather accepting of [Name] because of their involvement with him.
Then, clumsily, they stepped on one of their paws.
The cat meowed in pain, hissed,and ran off, the other few following suit.”O-oh, I’m - I’m sorry, Ichimatsu. I didn’t mean to.” He could her that they were genuinely apologetic, as they usually were, but he couldn’t feel empathy for the words they were saying. Rather, he tried to coax the cats back to him, but it seems as though they no longer trusted him. “I, uh - re they not coming back out?”
Ichimatsu slowly turned to his partner. He must have looked really scary, because the look on [Name]’s face went from worried and apologetic to anxiety and fear.
“I - I’m sorry, Ichimatsu! Please, I-”
“No. Stop it.” Ichimatsu stood up. “No more apologizing. No more.I can’t - this is why I never take you anywhere, you know.” He took a step towards them, and they took a step back. “This is why I keep you at home, because otherwise, you - you ruin it! Every single time I want to do something nice for you, or with you, o-or anything, you  just - you ruin it! Everything! You ruin everything! I’m getting so sick of trying to deal with it,  you know.”
He finally took notice of how [Name]’s face was contorted, and how they were crying. Oh, oh crap. Now he feels bad. 
“I -I’m sorry, I-I don’t mean to. I can, I’m just, I - I’m gonna go home. You don’t have to call me or anything. You don’t even have to be in a relationship with me anymore. I’m sorry.” They sniffed, and walked away.
Ichimatsu screwed up, big time. “[Name]!” He called out, trotting to meet up with them. “[Name], I-”
“No, no, it’s okay! Really, I sh-should, uh, go home. I’m sorry.” They began to pick up their pace.
Ichimatsu knew he had to do something. He messed up really, really bad. He ran out in front of them, and blocked the alleyway exit with his arms. “[Name], please, I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” His hands dropped to his sides. “I didn’t mean that, I - I’ve just been frustrated recently with how clumsy you’ve been. It feels careless, and reckless,and - I do love you. I promise, I love you. I’ve just been getting really, uh, irritated with it though. I know you don’t mean to, so there’s really no way to fix it. I’m sorry.”
[Name] looked at him, in confusion, and began to cry again. Ichimatsu began to panic, thinking he had messed it up, but his partner ran to him and held him close.
“I just - I-I thought you had been falling ou-out of love with me…”
Ichimatsu jumped. “No, not at all.” He held them tightly. “I’m sorry I made you feel that way.”
“Well, it’s my fault.” They laughed sadly. “I’m the one who can’t keep it together, huh?”
“That’s not true.” Ichimatsu held them tighter. “I shouldn’t put so much pressure on you.”
“You just want to be happy - that’s okay.”
“Not at the expense of your happiness it isn’t.” They held each other for a long while, until Ichimatsu perked up again. “Do you want ice cream?”
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imaginematsuno · 5 years
would you ever consider letting someone take over the blog for you?
Honestly, probably! But with me JUST getting that motivation back, I'd probably want a partnership! Message me on my personal (@chubby-robot ) and we can talk :)
~Mod Mattie
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imaginematsuno · 5 years
Hey fans of Osomatsu-san, I have some news!
So, I know it's been like 3 years since I last updated Pretty Okay. A lot happened that started as writer's block, then depression, then no motivation to continue writing it.
But, that's all about ti change!
I reread it after watching parta of Osomatsu-san again, and I'm ACTUALLY gonna continue it! I haven't written a story in ages, though, so for practice, I'll be answering a fair amount of the asks in our inbox!
Thank you guys who have bared with us, with ME, for those many years of "Ugh, am I right?", because those last 2 chapters are going to be amazing, hopefully.
Also, not to tease, but after I finish this story there's been an Ososan AU I've had in my head for ages that I might write a story about? We'll see!
I love each and everyone of you, so stay patient for only a while longer and I'll be with you again!
~Mod Mattie
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imaginematsuno · 6 years
Hi what kind of imagines can we expect in the future?
None lol, we’ve been dead for ages and arent likely to come back. My aplogies!
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imaginematsuno · 7 years
hi i rise from the grave but uhhhhhhh if i were to make Panic into a full-fledged book with original characters and a better, fixed plot would yall buy it
~Mod Mattie
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imaginematsuno · 7 years
bro!!! br o b ro B R O i bloody love you!... and i bloody love this blog!...
bro!!! That’s rad!!!! gracias
and sorry for the inactivity
~Mod Mattie
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imaginematsuno · 8 years
Hey there! If you’re interested in singing demos for PUDC., please audition here!
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imaginematsuno · 8 years
If you’d like to be a songwriter and soundtrack creator for pineapple upside down cake., go ahead and audition here!
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imaginematsuno · 8 years
Kinsley is just a kid who ended up getting these crazy telekinetic powers when someone almost fell from the sky.
Hello everyone!
Finally, the trailer for pineapple upside down cake. has been released, but I am still looking for voice actors!
If you are at all interested, please audition! Don’t forget to read the “about”s on them, though.
Casting Call Club: here or here
Behind the Voice Actors: here
Thank you so much for reading, and have a wonderful day!
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imaginematsuno · 8 years
Chapters: 12/14 Fandom: おそ松さん | Osomatsu-san (Anime) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Matsuno Ichimatsu/Reader Characters: Matsuno Ichimatsu, Reader, Matsuno Karamatsu, Matsuno Osomatsu, Matsuno Choromatsu, Matsuno Jyushimatsu, Matsuno Todomatsu, Hatabou Additional Tags: oh my god here’s this story finally, I’m so hype to write this yall I’ve had this in my head since chapter 14 of panic, American Reader, ichimatsu is a cutie, mattie wrote this, Slow Burn, dude ngl i actually printed out one of those english plot charts and filled it out, once again: GOSH ICHIMATSU IS A CUTIE, That is all, Gender-Neutral Pronouns, androgynous reader, Chubbymatsu, Panic Attacks, Mental Health Issues, both of em tbh, slce of life with the ososan twist Summary:
Ichimatsu gets to go on a sweet vacation with his brothers and Hatabou. He needs to take a dump, and then they forget all about him in the middle of DC. Alone. Thank god this hobo’s here to help him.
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imaginematsuno · 8 years
Chapters: 11/? Fandom: おそ松さん | Osomatsu-san (Anime) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Matsuno Ichimatsu/Reader Characters: Matsuno Ichimatsu, Reader, Matsuno Karamatsu, Matsuno Osomatsu, Matsuno Choromatsu, Matsuno Jyushimatsu, Matsuno Todomatsu, Hatabou Additional Tags: oh my god here’s this story finally, I’m so hype to write this yall I’ve had this in my head since chapter 14 of panic, American Reader, ichimatsu is a cutie, mattie wrote this, Slow Burn, dude ngl i actually printed out one of those english plot charts and filled it out, once again: GOSH ICHIMATSU IS A CUTIE, That is all, Gender-Neutral Pronouns, androgynous reader, Chubbymatsu Summary:
Ichimatsu gets to go on a sweet vacation with his brothers and Hatabou. He needs to take a dump, and then they forget all about him in the middle of DC. Alone. Thank god this hobo’s here to help him.
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imaginematsuno · 8 years
Chapters: 10/? Fandom: おそ松さん | Osomatsu-san (Anime) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Matsuno Ichimatsu/Reader Characters: Matsuno Ichimatsu, Reader, Matsuno Karamatsu, Matsuno Osomatsu, Matsuno Choromatsu, Matsuno Jyushimatsu, Matsuno Todomatsu, Hatabou Additional Tags: oh my god here’s this story finally, I’m so hype to write this yall I’ve had this in my head since chapter 14 of panic, American Reader, ichimatsu is a cutie, mattie wrote this, Slow Burn, dude ngl i actually printed out one of those english plot charts and filled it out, once again: GOSH ICHIMATSU IS A CUTIE, That is all, Gender-Neutral Pronouns, androgynous reader, Chubbymatsu Summary:
Ichimatsu gets to go on a sweet vacation with his brothers and Hatabou. He needs to take a dump, and then they forget all about him in the middle of DC. Alone. Thank god this hobo’s here to help him.
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