Hey! I saw your post and I was wondering if you could do an imagine for Ienzo and sora (or only Ienzo if you only write for one at a time) finding their s/o in a terrible state from doing something that they were warned not to do. Maybe going to a fight and they were told that it wasnt worth it but they go anyway and return in bad shape so they have to be healed up. Thank you!
Hiya thanks for being the very first person to send me a request. I am happy to do both characters, but I decided to do just Ienzo for now and do Sora a bit later. When reading that I had a sudden idea, based from a kingdom hearts character I made back, and altered it to fit with the idea. The story is based around/in whichever way to say it in kingdom hearts three, which I hope won’t be a spoiler for you, but I thought I might alter a scene, which I hope is alright. I do hope you enjoy reading it and hopefully it was something along the lines of what you expected. If you liked it or not please tell me and if you want a part two or another request on something else, I will be happy to do it for you. It’s been a while since I got back into writing scenarios and this one was fun to write.
Ienzo x injured s/o
They should have listened. They weren’t strong enough, they weren’t a keyblader, though that didn’t stop them from wanting to find him. Ever since the day, kingdom hearts was opened and the nobodies who decided not to join Xehanort had turned to somebodies. Ienzo’s significant other wanted to know what had happened to him. To Even… Vexen. While you had all been in the organisation you were chosen to help Vexen create a living puppet, due to their ability in forming puppets out of clay. Their skill could have helped the scientist further and from what they remember it did, but it was still foggy in their mind what truly happened, during that time though they had grown to hold a sort of connection to the long blonde-haired man, and they were determined to find him, even if it meant sneaking out of the castle in radiant garden in the middle of the night, hiding from Aeleus and Dilan, who might have dragged them back, knowing that their ability they once had, had weakened, once an impenetrable fortress of clay figures had become just ordinary clay lumps.
“It’s not safe S/o.” Ienzo was looking through the computer as the group stood around having a discussion on Ienzo significant other going on a search for Vexen.
“But he could be there!” His significant other continued, before Dilan, who leaned one of the walls beside the door spoke up himself.
“He could still be part of the organisation.” He pointed out.
“And you think he would hurt me?” They signalled to themselves. “I’ve spent so long with him when I was a nobody, on the same mission. He wouldn’t do that.”
“That may be so S/o, but outside twilight town itself at this time, there are swarms of heartless there.” Ienzo tried to reason. His s/o was now the weakest one out of the room.
“I still have magic abilities.” They defended themselves moving closer to Ienzo. They didn’t really care if Aeleus or Dilan disagreed, but they wanted the go-ahead from Ienzo himself. “If Pence and his friends can get to the mansion with no powers then, I’m sure I can do it.” They tried to reassure.
“It is still dangerous. You were skilled in defence and your defences have gone.” He was being honest with them, which they would always appreciate and respect, and they both knew he was saying this out of worry. Ever since they met as nobodies, they seemed to have spent most of their time together, if his s/o wasn’t helping Vexen.
“S/o. no one can go with you, We have duties here.” Dilan spoke again.
“I don’t need someone to go with me.” They looked over to him. “I can take on those weak heartless, without my puppets easily.” They held confidence in their skill, against the heartless in Twilight Town, which she had scouted multiple times, during the year Ienzo and Aeleus both faded. His s/o never liked thinking back to that time. “What use I am here, just sitting on the sidelines.” They brought up. “My memories. Their too foggy to help with the reconstruction, we need Vexen, not me.”
“You are perfectly capable of helping with the construction, it was a joint effort.”
“He was the head of the operation. I just helped him with skill, which we have already pointed out are too weak as of now.”
“S/o you are not going to Twilight Town.” Dilan spoke in what seemed like an order.
“I can decide my own choices, it would be nice to have some faith in me, that I can survive one trip out of the castle.” His S/o let out, frustrated before heading towards the door annoyed.
“Wait...S/o...” Ienzo started, but it was to late as they were already gone.
They felt bad for leaving behind their back, but they had magic, and they weren’t planning to get into a fight if there was no reason to. They were smart, they know when it was a lost cause. They needed answers and they wanted to see him again, it had been too long. Apart from Dilan, who they never really interacted with until after the organisation, they were left alone. All of them had perished in castle oblivion, it was only them for so long, or it was what they remembered. They knew the pang in their heart would be there until they had spoken at least to Ienzo again, but it wasn’t going to stop them. She was determined to find him. Luckily for them, they managed to get away from the castle quite quickly, thankful to the rare stories Lea had told them how he and Isa could sneak into the castle. Dilan and Aeleus didn’t know they knew. They couldn’t stop now, they thought as they head to the world that held a lead for them to go on, Twilight Town. 
What they didn’t expect once they arrived though, after meeting Hayner, Pence and Olette, was to encounter both Ansem the wise and Xehanort’s heartless. Out of the four of them, Ienzo significant other was the strongest, and while they had planned to keep their promise about not getting into a fight they couldn’t win. Ansem was important, more important than them, so they thought. They chose to be the distraction, even if they knew they weren’t strong enough to go against the seeker of darkness.
“Have you seen S/o? They couldn’t have gone could they?!” Panic was in Ienzo’s voice as he had gone to look for his S/o. 
She couldn’t really have left to go. He should have known once they were passionate and determined about something then they wouldn’t hold back, but every second he thought about them being gone worried him more. They weren’t really much of a fighter back in the organisation and mostly always hoped to get recon instead of missions going head to head with a heartless. He felt the need to contact Pence, he needed to know they were there. He knew he wouldn’t be able to convince them to come back now, he just hoped that she was alright. Though it seemed he had reason to worry. When a portal suddenly opened from behind in revealing his old master, and while he would be surprised to see Ansem, he was more focused on the person in his arms. It seemed that Vexen was there and was able to save them in the knick of time, for a final blow, only it would have been better if he was quicker. It was easier to see the fear in his eyes when he first laid eyes on them. He wondered if everyone wasn’t against them going, would have changed things. They may not have gone as quickly as they did missing Xehanort’s heartless. Anything that he was going to plan on doing today, finding ways to create a body for Roxas all took backstage. S/o was his main focus as of now.
They didn’t know what happened but the next thing they knew they were laying in a familiar bed in Radiant Garden. They began to move, only to feel stiff and weight on one of their knees. The stiffish coming from what seemed to be bruised that traced their body. It seemed even with healing magic wouldn’t heal all of it. It looked like they needed another dose of Curaga.  As they remembered where the bruises came from, their eyes looked down to where they noticed a glimpse of purple and they felt part of their heartbreak even more, when they understood what had happened. They didn’t mean to get hurt and realised what they had done. Maybe they weren’t used to having their heart back yet. Being alone for almost a year without the people they were close too, they had forgotten just how bad the repercussions could be. Whenever they were last injured within the Organisations it seemed like they didn’t care, apart from one… one, there was someone in the back of there mind, but couldn’t pinpoint it. Guilt flowed within the emotions, maybe they shouldn’t have been rash and stubborn, even if they got what they wanted. He was there, though he now didn’t seem to be the focus for them. They placed a hand gently on the males head. Fingers brushing his bluish toned lilac locks. It looked like he hadn’t slept for long, which only caused more guilt to build up. They had to get use to being a somebody again, away from the cult that was never the same once they were gone, when he was gone.
~Master Ankh~
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Kingdom Hearts Requests Open
1. Imagine/Scenarios Please be clear what you want or it will take longer. I will push a request that just says’[character name] Fluff please’ To the back of the line, if there is a more clear one, or If I have another request that enters that genre then I will just put them together.
2. Headcanons The more character you request may end up giving you fewer bullet points than just one or three characters.
3. Match-ups If you request a Match-up, please also request in a different ask another choice listed in this list. I don’t want my blog full of match-ups and not any of the other choices.
You don’t have to fit all info in one ask, they can be over several. You can message me with it if easier, but they match-up will still go onto the blog and not in the message.
I will take anonymous, but please have a codename for the match-up so if you send multiple I can match it up.
The more information you give the more you will get. To the point if you give me very little I will only give you one romance match-up, not any could be, friends, people to avoid. For a good experience give me detail.
Please include things like your
Love Language if you have that, it could be very helpful
Looks though I will focus on the other information more than this.
Sexuality, if you one sexuality but are curious in general of who you would be matched with regardless of gender, sex, or sexuality then clarify. If you don’t tell me you sexuality then I will go for any character regardless anyway.
4. Ask your favourite character a question
5. Gif reactions
6. Texts I will create a text conversation between the reader and a character of your choice.
Rules may change if new Mods are added.
(It’s just Keyblade Master Ankh - me at the moment, so it is altered to my preferences.)
1. I can say no to any request I receive if I feel uncomfortable writing. (That being said, I am open to writing most things.)
2. Depending on what you are requesting, I may ask you to give me more detail. (The only reason being is so I can make something to the closest thing you have requested)
3. I will make sure that the ask box is always open, but please be patient when it comes to receiving. (I do have a busy life, Dyslexia, and may need moments away, but I hope that I will always get to them.)
4. When it comes to Scenarios, I only write gender-neutral, unless it is NSFW, which you will have to confirm which gender or it will default to either heterosexual, or a female reader. (Mostly due to being female myself.)
5. I will write NSFW, but only with people over the age of sixteen. (Sixteen because it is the legal age for consent where I reside in the UK.)
6. There isn’t a limit to how many time you request, and how many characters, but please know the more characters the longer it will take. Also, I won’t be writing for the union leaders or KHUx.
7. Before requesting, please look back to these rules again, in the chance that they may have changed.
0 notes
Kingdom Hearts Requests Open
1. Imagine/Scenarios Please be clear what you want or it will take longer. I will push a request that just say ’[character name] Fluff please’ To the back of the line, if there is a more clear one, or If I have another request that enters that genre then I will just put them together.
2. Headcanons The more character you requests, may end up giving you less bullet points then just one or three characters.
3. Match-ups If you requests Match-up, please also request in a different ask another choice listed in this list. I don’t want my blog full of match-ups and not any of the other choices.
You don’t have to fit all info in one ask, they can be over several. You can message me with it if easier, but they match-up will still go onto the blog and not in the message.
I will take anonymous, but please have a codename for the match-up so if you send multiple I can match it up.
The more information you give the more you will get. To the point if you give me very little I will only give you one romance match-up, not any could be, friends, people to avoid. For a good experience give me detail.
Please include things like your
Love Language if you have that, it could be very helpful
Looks though I will focus on the other information more then this.
Sexuality, if you one sexuality but are curious in general of who you would be match with regardless of gender, sex, or sexuality then clarify. If you don’t tell me you sexuality then I will go for any character regardless anyway.
4. Ask your favourite character a question
5. Gif reactions
6. Texts I will created a text conversation between reader and a character of you choice.
Rules may change, if new Mods are added.
(It’s just Keyblade Master Ankh - me at the moment, so it is altered to my preferences.)
1. I can say no to any request I receive if I feel uncomfortable writing. (That being said, I am open to write most things.)
2. Depending on what you are requesting, I may ask you to give me more detail. (The only reason being is so I can make something to the closest thing you have requested)
3. I will make sure that the ask box is always open, but please be patient when it comes to receiving. (I do have a busy life, Dyslexia, and may need moments away, but I hope that I will always get to them.)
4. When it comes to Scenarios, I only write gender neutral, unless it is NSFW, which you will have to confirm which gender or it will default to either heterosexual, or a female reader. (Mostly due to me being female myself.)
5. I will write NSFW, but only with people over the age of sixteen. (Sixteen because it is the legal age for consent where I reside in the UK.)
6. There isn’t a limit to how many time you request, and how many character, but please know the more characters the more longer it will take. Also I won’t be writing for the union leaders or KHUx.
7. Before requesting, please look back to this rules again, in chance that they may have changed.
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