imanaila · 6 years
Breathing. I try my best to inhale the hardest part of life to swallow the challenges which come and try to tear me apart hurts,but worth the wound Exhale. Let all the pain out. bit how unfortunate when the happy bits of life are accidentally spilling out covering the floor with rainbow and leaving the dark in the inner part of the body
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imanaila · 6 years
When you cant' stop thinking what to think
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imanaila · 6 years
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imanaila · 6 years
I wonder
is there anyone out there, flying without any wings?
wandering all night long,finding fun and friends
like an owl, he stares the sky
waiting for someone to come and play
I hate starring out the window
at night
when it is dark
when only white teeth can be seen
when only evil eyes are starring
hey lil’ Pan!
How high can you fly?
How miles can you survive?
He answered,
I fly high every night
especially when the moon is big and bright
I fly anywhere I can, whenever I want
not like you
I am free
from those grills and steels
not hiding behind the iron bars
up in the sky where I belong
But hey I tell you miss,
Free your mind
let it wander around
never keep your thoughts
in the closet of boundary
cause I can tell miss
how bad you need to be free
by the sorrow eyes of yours
i can tell how much you miss the breezy wind
during the times we were flying
But look at yourself!
You are now full of wrinkles
Sitting on the rocking chair
Knitting and waiting
not only for freedom
but also for me!
Who you might guess
I am?
Wendy is my name.
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imanaila · 6 years
*me right now
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imanaila · 6 years
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This cat is comfortable.
Lorraine became very sick recently and we’re trying to handle the quickly rising costs of keeping her comfortable and healthy. Any help would be wonderful. We love her so much and want to get her the best care possible. ❤️ https://www.gofundme.com/thiscatiscomfortable
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imanaila · 6 years
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my bestie since i was 10
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imanaila · 6 years
I’m not alone..I’m just SINGLE... >_<
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imanaila · 6 years
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*me talking to a mirror
EID 2018 without him again :’(
Be strong,girl..be strong..
You can do this!
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imanaila · 6 years
How to REACT when people blame you for a mistake that you never make
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imanaila · 6 years
Dating Myself
'I want to date someone...😍😍'
'Wow..who Ima? '
'U meet someone? A guy? The RIGHT guy?'
'Nope. I don't find him. Not yet.'
'Then,who are u dating??? Tell me...!!!'
'What the...😑😑😑'
'Going to spend the whole time with myself..kind of some 'me' time..oh no..no..not me time but 'our' time..😂😂😂
-some monologues in my head...enjoy!😝😝-
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imanaila · 6 years
What about girl like me??
Nahh..prefer being single 😎😎
I 💙 myself
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imanaila · 6 years
Hi! Been a long time. Never know whether people do visit my blog or not.
If yes, i am very grateful but if not, hey what do i need to worry about? Right?
Man..who doesn’t want to get known right?
Become famous..many people follow you on Instagram,Twitter..
What a perfect life!
Well that what most people think.
Me? Everyone who is normal will surely have the sense to become famous. Everyone in the world would love people to notice them. To know their existence on this one and only Earth.
But hey, a quick question:Is being famous will satisfy you?
If you do something that makes you happy, and you are famous because of it, then go on..
But, what if you do something that way out of your ‘likes’ list and just ‘satisfying’ your ‘fans’ or your ‘followers’.
Think about it.
It is not wrong to have the sense of wanting to being known by others but watch your steps.
One wrong step could make you fall..
Afraid? Yes you should be.
It is not a fault if people in society don’t know you so well..But make sure important like your teachers in school..your friends..your colleagues..Make sure they know you. Why? Not to catch their attention, but to let them know that you can be a good student, a good friend or a good colleague. 
Be kind
Be good
Be generous
Be humble
Bye.. :D
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imanaila · 7 years
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imanaila · 7 years
Chilling myself
Hi guys! Yup just chilling around. Enjoying my last week of school holiday. Man..I have so much fun this holiday..u know that u have lots of time to discover new things outside of school right?? That is what I feel..having a few penpals from another country is kinda great..meeting my beloved cousins n aunt is a blessing this holiday..n can u believe me that I watched jumanji welcome to the jungle 2 times in 10 days in two different cinemas!! How crazy is that!! Gtg guys ciao
Keep in touch..😋😋😋
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imanaila · 7 years
sooo true..but it’s not difference..it’s called unique!
when you text somebody for the first time and their texting style is completely different from yours 
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imanaila · 7 years
hey there..u saw my profile pic..cute right.as cute as i am..trust me..haha..just kidding around..not knowing what to write..find out that i have 4 followers..*never thought about it but tring my best to stay active on tumblr..guess what i almost in despair to work this tumblr..so make sure u read this post..kayy..help me guys to keep alive!!
keep in touch..
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