imdb1990 · 3 years
Will there still be love after 7 generations or may I say, after 300 years?
Co the people I see around me are so materialistic. They live there entire life in denial of being happy whereas they know they lack that very thing.
Love is the most basic thing that we need. If the cup isn't full them how can you let others drink from it? Let your self love fill you up so that it's never empty.
This gives me an idea for a book..
I will start working on some of its excerpts starting today
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imdb1990 · 3 years
“In fairy tales, the princesses kiss the frogs, and the frogs become princes. In real life, the pricesses kiss princes, and the princes turn into frogs.”
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imdb1990 · 3 years
““Without music, life would be a mistake.””
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imdb1990 · 3 years
“I thought I would be understood without words.”
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imdb1990 · 3 years
“If you love deeply, you’re going to get hurt badly. But it’s still worth it.”
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imdb1990 · 4 years
Please help me find out what’s wrong with me! Since the past 2-3 years, I’ve been having these itch around different parts of my body, and all the spots are round. It is not ringworm because it does not spread. Also, i can feel my body vibrate, constantly. There are no tremors but the vibration just makes me sit still. Thirdly, at times there’s this sensation on my palms, feet, and pelvic area which feels like an ant crawling under my skin.
And I’ve been experiencing this since 3 years, and now it has increased. My body does not shake, but i can feel my entire leg, and spine vibrate at light speed. I am not on any drug, except for my allergy medication, which is completely safe.
Does anyone display similar symptoms, and do you know what the cause can be?
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imdb1990 · 4 years
Hi tumblr friends,
Today was quite weird. I woke up fresh, and then had my meds. Normally, I start to feel kind of numb due to drug in my allergy medication but today it didn't have any effect. Moreover, my mind wanders a lot on normal days, but today, it didn't. And then, there was a peculiar network issue on all devices under 15 m of my range.. My television runs on wifi but coz it's about 25 m from my room, there was no network issue on that.. That's why it's so strange.
Can anyone tell me what it could be?
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imdb1990 · 4 years
“I think it’s important to realize you can miss something, but not want it back.”
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imdb1990 · 4 years
“She is a beautiful piece of broken pottery, put back together by her own hands. And a critical world judges her cracks while missing the beauty of how she made herself whole again.”
— J.M. Storm
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imdb1990 · 4 years
Tumblr media
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imdb1990 · 4 years
Hello Tumblr,
Is it okay? not have your life figured out at 31? why do i lose interests in something so soon? I know I want to be a writer, but scaling this, isnt possible. So, I may be a billionaire if i am ever able to sit on my ass and complete writing a book.
What would the subject be? It obviously has to be fiction, but what? I need to start somewhere and for that i need time, and money. And i dont have both right now.
If i focus on making money, then I would run out on time, and coz death may come knocking at any time, i can’t be sure of the time I have left to find my true self.
What do you do when you know you, yet you do not do anything about it? Coz you just do not have the time, you are not ready? But then why does the universe keep signaling that I am ready? Coz i definitely am not
So many thoughts at once, not enough words to write still!
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imdb1990 · 4 years
Welcome me,
Finally, the world wins. I have been reduced to joining tumblr to express my feelings coz I know I won't be judged.
These voices in my head grow louder when I start questioning things and the answers are just so damn confusing
I am not depressed coz there's I don't feel suicidal but these noises, they give me a headache.
Just so many questions... God!! What do I like, what do I want to do, do i move away with my children, would that be fair to my parents, how do I help people, why do i get tired so fast, what am I going to tell my children, are they going to be fine when they grow up, how do I increase my revenue, there's so much I can do so why don't I do it, why don't i feel creative enough, why am I so ill willed, why don't people understand me, if I talk about starseeds world they think I am a lunatic, what is the universe signaling me about? Why do i see repeating numbers so frequently, what do you want me to do? Am I ready to explore new the real me? Does that mean entering different dimensions? Why dont I feel that I am ready, why am I afraid of the dark? Why do reptiles creep me out? Why am I able to find solace in wierd music and mysterious people? Do aliens exist? Am I one of them? Why don't I feel at home? WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH MY LIFE?
These are just a few to begin with!!
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