imfuckinghungry1 · 2 years
oml i haven’t posted in a while but i got some inspiration last night at 3 am for no reason at all bc i couldn’t sleep and i was left alone w my thoughts and oh my GAWD IM RAMBLING-
anyway… i present to you something rlly bad bc i haven’t written in like 6 months
summary: two-bit steve and sodapop bring home a dog
-so its a work day so steve and soda have to go work at the DX and darry sends two to bring them lunch although he new he would fvck it up somehow
-he would’ve sent ponyboy but he also thinks he would do smth stupid
-he didn’t send johnny bc he would prob get jumped (bless his soul 🙏🥺💗)
-and he didn’t send dally bc he would prob get into a fight with a lamppost bc it “looked at him weird”
-also bc all of them didn’t want to leave the house
-anyway, twobitt is gone for the rest of the day and they all start to freak out a little bit
-ok not a little— the boys are freaking tf out
-but everything’s ok when the three of them come through the front door
-darry feels relief for 1.02 seconds until he sees a tiny fluffy blonde potato on a leash
-pony johnny and even dally practically fangirl over the puppy while darry sits in the corner fuming
-soda just looks at him completely knowing what he’s doing laughs “h-hey darry- say hi to switchblade 😃”
-yes, her name is switchblade. tf did you expect
-darry warms up to her eventually. eventually as in when switchblade walks up to him and starts licking him
-darry: i’ve only known switchblade for 2 minutes, but if anything happened to her i’d kill everyone in this room then myself.
soda: can i hold her plea-
-so yeah they all like the dog 👍
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imfuckinghungry1 · 3 years
Dally watching a scary movie
Johnny dating a male soc reader
Being the gangs best friend
lmao it looks really sad right now so SEND ME REQUEST 😭
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imfuckinghungry1 · 3 years
oh em gee, do u think u can do johnny cade x male soc reader?? pretty pls
-y’all met at the drive in
-you were sitting by yourself, and Johnny just sat down next to you
-the whole time you were just sitting there like (>\\\\<)
-at one point your knees bumped, and both of you just kinda muttered “sorry” and then looked away and didn’t talk 😳
-until dally started teasing you about it
-it went on for a while until johnny snapped, and was all like “shut up motherfucker”
-after that, he asked if he could walk you home, and y’all just talked on the way back
-when he found out you were a soc, it was after he told you about the fact that he was jumped. you reassured him that you weren’t gonna hurt him in any way
-he seemed more chill after that
-you started meeting up after that
-you give him money so he doesn’t have to steal
-you don’t want to tell anyone, since if anyone found out a greaser was dating a soc shit would go down pretty fast
-so you keep it to yourselves
-you giving him you jacket when he sleeps in the lot but he tries to fight back
-him: “it’s not that cold”
-you: “oh my god your shivering 🙄”
-him: “ok so?”
-he ends up taking it lmao
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imfuckinghungry1 · 3 years
hey can we do dally x reader hcs for watching a scary movie? and like dally is scared but he won’t admit it but there’s this one jumpscare and he full on screams? love you and your work so much! 🥰
-so… let’s get some things straight
-but then he thought to himself “it’s fine dallas. you eat pissed off revenge seeking ghosts for breakfast”
-in reality he eats chocolate cake which does match up to evil ghosts at all
-so he says yes just to sound like a badass and shit
-and your like “ok mr. hotshot” 🙄
-so you put on the scariest movie you can find by the name of… *ahem* ur mom
-(im sorry.)
-so anyway, y’all start watching the movie (movie of your choice)
-and of course it’s starts with a jump scare, which makes him jump and you start giggling
-and he pretends he didn’t jump
-this continues throughout the whole movie
-until this one jump scare where he legit screamed and chucked his pillow at the TV
-and you start laughing your ass off
-“yOu sOunD LiKe mY niECE ASDFGHJKL-“
-(pretend you have a niece lmao)
-when the movie ends he’s like “pfft i wasnt that scared” while digging his nails into your arm 😐
-you never let him live it down
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imfuckinghungry1 · 3 years
have brown almost black hair that reaches about to my chin and brown eyes and wear glasses. im understanding and caring, and yet i can act like a mean person who doesn’t care about you, but i care, sometimes. i get confused easily. i like drawing, talking to friends, reading and so on. Im also near sighted and have a slight depression
boyfriend: sodapop
-you guys are the perfect balance of sweet and sour
- i hate the way i said that but i couldnt find anyother way to say it
-it’s funny to see yall together
-bc one of you is like 😀 and the other is like 🙄
-he knows you care though
-if you draw somethin, at first he’ll be like “hOLy sHit yOu maDe thAt?”
-and then he’ll use that against everyone
-darry: soda can you empty the dishwasher?
-sodapop: no because im dating a professional artist
-and THAT ends in him getting his ass kicked by darry
best friend: dally
-you both like messing with the cops
-more like he will drag your ass out of the house and then slash the cops tires while you complain, but that’s not what he tells people
-he‘ll find you reading be like ”why”
-and then you roll your eyes at him and he walks away
(also if your gonna do ships tell me your pronouns and if you prefer to be shipped with a boy or girl)
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imfuckinghungry1 · 3 years
ship pls and ty! im a 5’6 indian girl, medium length black hair and brown almost black eyes. im pretty sweet and oblivious but when i get mad people say i can get pretty scary. my hobbies are watching anime, hanging with my friends stuff like that. (my favorite anime is hunter x hunter) thank you so much!!!
boyfriend: johnny
-he likes playing with your hair
-like he’ll just come up to you and be like “turn around” and then start braiding your hair
-he finds your hunter x hunter obsession rlly cute
-so… when ur mad- 😐
-he can sense it from like a mile away
-so let’s say you stub your toe and be like “mOtheR trUckER”
-he will legit sNiFF the air and his eye will twitch
-and then dally will be like “bruh wtf ”
-and then johnny will be like “i sense a disturbance in the force” 🧐
best friend: sodapop
-k so since y’all are both so fucking sweet youll have like “mom battles”
-you’ll bring him food to the DX
-and then he’ll be like “gAme ON”
-and he’ll say “tie your shoes kiddo”
-and you’ll be like (aggressively) “how was ur day honey?”
-and everyone watching will either be rlly into it or be like wth
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imfuckinghungry1 · 3 years
can you do a ship for me pls? im a 5’8 female, average weight, bleached blonde hair and glasses. im quiet and shy and have a lot of anxiety, but that’s only when i’m not with people i know. with my friends, im a smart ass but also dumb ass at the same time. feel free to ignore this! 🥰
boyfriend: two-bit
-he thinks it’s cute af when you get all quiet and shit
-y’all are the crackhead couple
-you like watching mickey mouse together
-one time y’all were sitting in front of the tv and he shoved some chocolate cake in ur face
-aS a jOke
-but it pissed you off so you took his beer and dumped it on his head 💅
best friend: johnny
-y’all met in kindergarten
-you both were sitting on either sides of the bench bc you were both to shy to play with anyone
-you never talked, but you both kept showing up at the bench everyday
-he eventually worked up the nerve to ask you to play hide and seek
-both of you wanted to hide, so you just ended up talking lmao 💀
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imfuckinghungry1 · 3 years
Tumblr media
Random gang bsf head cannons
-dally loves messing with you
-like he’ll see you sitting on the couch and just walk up and sit on you like ur not there
-and it practically suffocates you because he’s like twice your size 💀
-steve and soda like teasing you to
-there was this one time you were rlly mad and they were like “whats wrong” 🥺
-and you were like “shUt uP” 🙄
-and they were like “hehehe” and steve does the got ur nose trick while soda fuckin pokes ur cheek just to piss you off more
-when you and two-bit are together it’s bad
-bc you guys will do the most crackhead things
-like two will be standing straight up and you’ll be on the couch getting ready to try to jump over him
-and then darry will walk in and be like 👁👄👁
-“don’t u do it”
-and then you’ll be like
-“im gonna do it”
-but then he thinks to himself “i’m to old for this shit” and walks away
-ofc you just end up collapsing on top of each other
-you and two-bit decide to stay there until someone trips over you
-that someone happens to be darry
-this mother fucker forgot y’all were there
-and then he immediately got a pillow from the couch and starts beating your asses
-then steve and soda walk in and screeched “piLLow FigHT”
-but soda hit steve to hard so this man SwipEd HiS fEet out from underneath him and that’s when shit got real
-while all this shit was going down, johnny and pony walked in, looked at y’all for a second then walked away
-bc they thought y’all were high and didn’t want to deal with that 😐
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imfuckinghungry1 · 3 years
ship please? i’m a 5’2 girl, a little underweight, dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes. i like sticking up for what’s right and hanging out with my friends, and on occasion, watching scary movies. i have a bit of a short temper, but if you know me well i barely ever get mad at you. tysm
boyfriend: dally
-he likes that your a lot shorter than him, he teases you about it a lot
-him: “you want me to get you a booster seat?”
-you: “you want me to kick your knees in?”
-when you want to watch scary movies, he’s fucking terrified. he’ll never admit it, but he is
-he admires how you always stick up for what’s right
-when you try to hang out with your friends he will be all passive aggressive and shit and try to guilt trip you to stay
best friend: johnny
-dally’s super jealous of him lmao
-he randomly comes up to you and starts ranting about his parents
-your low key proud of him like “yEs jOhnNy yOu go gURL”
-because when he rants his inner badass comes out
-you think it’s great
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imfuckinghungry1 · 3 years
hey y’all
i finally got sucked into the void that is called tumblr. yay. i’ll be writing hcs and ships for the outsider. if you want another fandom you’ll have to ask me if i know it first. STAY GOLD
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