imightaswellforget · 3 years
Dear you,
Of course I miss you, not because I chose me first it means I won't miss you every fucking day of my life, you are like the one I always go back to. I wish I was certain you’ll come back to me, I love you so much and I hate that I never got to tell you because I was scared It would scare you away, turns out it didn't matter because you never felt the same way, You made sure I knew how much you cared about me, but you never loved me, eight months went by and you really did nothing, you did the bare minimum to keep me by your side and I had fallen already so I stayed.
There are so many things I wish you didn't say so I wouldn't have to forget them, I shared so many songs and now I hate how many times I want to call you cause you know exactly how to calm my anxiety, you make me laugh and make me love life. Still, you were not what I want for me, the uncertainty kills me more than the way I'm missing you.
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imightaswellforget · 4 years
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i’m so lost in you already
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imightaswellforget · 4 years
everything feels better when I’m with you
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imightaswellforget · 4 years
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same omg
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imightaswellforget · 4 years
you know when you feel this strange state of nothing, like you know you are not sad ot angry or irritated, nor salty or sweet snacks will do the trink amd not a voice in the world has the power to make you crack a smile, the love song dont make you swoon and the heart break ones just don’t break no more.
The state of nothingness that makes yoy doubt that live is not but a brush of casual events mixed into one great blob of not happenings.
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imightaswellforget · 4 years
Ad astra per aspera.
My boy you were menant to shine like the satars.
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imightaswellforget · 4 years
I can feel the love fading as we speak.
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imightaswellforget · 4 years
Quiero que hables de mi como Felipe habla de su novia.
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imightaswellforget · 5 years
—Falsamente tuyo, Charles Bukowski.
“Querida, encuentra lo que amas y deja que te mate. Deja que consuma de ti tu todo. Deja que se adhiera a tu espalda y te agobie hasta la eventual nada. Deja que te mate, y deja que devore tus restos. Porque de todas las cosas que te matarán, lenta o rápidamente, es mucho mejor ser asesinado por un amante”
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imightaswellforget · 5 years
He’s never looked at me that way before.
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imightaswellforget · 5 years
Que los segundos duren horas y que tus abrazos sean eternos
Que los silencios se vuelvan dulces en tus labios
Que las canciones de amor siempre hablen de ti
Que los rayos del sol siempre nos calienten
Que las tardes en coyoacan se conviertan en tradición
Que las promesas no sean vacias nunca
Que tus tatuajes siempre esten llenos de mis besos
Que tus ojos nunca dejen de ver los mios
Que bailemos hasta cansarnos
Que siempre sea tu mano lo que tome de la mía
Que sean tus palabras la melodía mas bonita
Que las risas sean exageradas y los llantos acompañados
Que seas tu lo que encuentro siempre en mi camino.
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imightaswellforget · 5 years
Hoy nos saludamos desde lejos, como dos conocidos que no se acercan ni a darse un abrazo.
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imightaswellforget · 5 years
Extraño coyoacan contigo
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imightaswellforget · 5 years
I wish I hadn’t washed your sweatshirt so it woyld feel like I was hugging you.
I can remeber how you gave it to me, how one day you brought your lotion so you could spray it again, how you always find it sexy when I use it.
I miss you.
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imightaswellforget · 5 years
Hoy te veías bien guapo. Te extraño
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imightaswellforget · 5 years
Tu voz en la oscuridad.
Tu peso en el espacio a lado de mi.
Tus pensamientos desbordando en palabras.
Mi almohada hueke a ti, ymi alma siente menos frio.
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imightaswellforget · 5 years
qué dolor perder esa conexión especial que tenías con una persona
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