immakingaplanet · 3 years
What is this blog?
This is a blog dedicated to documenting my fictional planet with the placeholder name Alpha. Why did I decide to create a fictional planet? Because I wanted to I guess. I was reading The Left Hand of Darkness and was inspired by Ursula Le Guin’s worldbuilding (please read Ursula Le Guin, she’s so good even if you don’t care about worldbuilding). I’m not planning on using this planet for anything, maybe someday I’ll write a sci-fi story set on Alpha but that’s not the reason I’m making this. The reason is simply because I like worldbuilding. I’m starting with the basic construction of the planet ─ its atmosphere, its gravity, all that jazz ─ and then if I continue going with this I will add a map and individual countries and languages. Knowing me I will probably quit before I finish, but hey. I’m basing a lot of this on Artifexian’s videos on worldbuilding. Expect things to change as I continue. I’m not documenting everything, just the things I find personally interesting about my planet. I have a spreadsheet about it, I might share it later. Ideally I’ll make one post a day. Will I do that? Probably not!
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