immersedinfrench · 1 month
i love when i go back to a book or comic or drama that used to be too hard and........actually understand it. nothing gives me a better sense of progress or improves my motivation more. a million times better than passing a test for me.
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immersedinfrench · 1 month
Anybody else watching Drops of God / Les Gouttes de Dieu ?
It’s a tv show based on a manga and I recommend it if you’re learning French and/or Japanese!
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Drops of God
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immersedinfrench · 1 month
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LA HAINE (1995) dir. Mathieu Kassovitz
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immersedinfrench · 1 month
I deleted all mine :) a decision I’m not regretting at all :)))
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Help I’m drowning
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immersedinfrench · 1 month
how I feel every time somebody uses the formal you when talking to me in the online language learning spaces:
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immersedinfrench · 1 month
redownloading tandem feels the same as redownloading bumble/tinder. you know it’s not going to work out well, but you try again anyway
also people use it like a dating app which is absolutely not what i’m looking for!
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immersedinfrench · 1 month
If Arabic was on this list it would be no question but because it isn’t, I’ve just been staring blankly at the screen unable to decide
*This poll was submitted to us and we simply posted it so people could vote and discuss their opinions on the matter. If you’d like for us to ask the internet a question for you, feel free to drop the poll of your choice in our inbox and we’ll post them anonymously (for more info, please check our pinned post).
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immersedinfrench · 1 month
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(This post came about because I’ve been reading a lot lately and coming across lots of fabric vocabulary that I don’t know. Hopefully this is useful to some of you as well!)
Le Tissu  Fabric
le coton  cotton
le crêpe  crepe
le cuir  leather
le denim/le jean  denim/jean
la dentelle  lace
le élasthanne  spandex
la laine  wool
le lin  linen (note: use, «le linge» if talking about bed/household linens)
la mousseline de soie  chiffon
le nylon  nylon
le polyester  polyester
le satin  satin
la soie  silk
le velours  velvet
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immersedinfrench · 1 month
7-day-langblr challenge!
Just thought of some prompts to practice your target language. Start with this 7-day challenge anytime you want. Please tag the challenge as "7daylangblrchallenge". Also tag your target language and add if you want to get corrections! Have fun!
Go on a book review website and read a review in your target language. Write a response to that review. Do you agree with it? Explain.
Choose a picture and describe the picture in detail. You can take a picture from the internet or a personal one. Bonus: write down the vocabulary to describe a picture.
Write your opinion on the following topic: Staying in your own country during the holidays or going far away? What is better?
What is your ideal day like? Describe it in your TL.
Find 5 words that you didn’t know before and explain them.
Go to Wikipedia, choose a category and read an article in your TL. Then summarize the article. Bonus point: write down the vocabulary you didn’t know before.
Search for any fandom that you’re part of/ any book/ film/ any person/ current event on tumblr. Read one of the first posts that come up. Then explain (write down or tell yourself/ record it) what the post was about. Give your opinion about it.
(If people like this challenge, I might do another one with 7 more prompts)
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immersedinfrench · 1 month
circumlocution: the use of an unnecessarily large number of words to express an idea (according to Merriam-Webster)
Circumlocuting through a conversation means you're able to make yourself understood! It's such a good skill, one I definitely need to work on
the weirdest thing about learning a language is not knowing a specific word.
not sure what a puddle is called but i can say little ocean in the road !
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immersedinfrench · 1 month
It's been sooo long since I last was active! The end of college, the job search process, finding housing, moving, and starting a new job took a huge toll on me. Even coming on tumblr felt like a chore and that's absolutely not what this started out as nor what I wanted it to be!
I want to get back to fun language learning and connecting with others in this little community!
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immersedinfrench · 1 month
Would it be awful if I revived this account two years later at my big age of 24?
Anyone still out here learning languages?
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immersedinfrench · 2 years
applying to jobs in a place I’ve never even visited will be the death of me
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immersedinfrench · 2 years
As someone who has been part of the langblr community here for some time now, I want to let you know it's okay to slow down. It's okay if you did not fulfill your goals for this week. It's okay your language learning is not going as planned. You're teaching yourself a whole new language! You know how cool that is?
You don't need to do a big challenge to "make up for the fact" that you did not fulfill your goals. You're trying your best, and that is all that matters. Don't let your hobby be turned into a chore. You're doing so well, and I'm proud of you all.
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immersedinfrench · 2 years
je blorbe / tu blorbes / ils blorbent
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immersedinfrench · 2 years
French party vocab
Je veux rentrer chez moi - I wanna go home
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immersedinfrench · 2 years
German and French Adventure Vocabulary
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(Day 5/50 days of immersion : original post here -> I decided to do it for 50 non-consecutive days and to post every one of those days.)
As usual the vocabulary is in German - French - English
In the French vocab : (f) means the word is feminine, (m) that it’s masculine. It’s only noted as such when the gender of the word can’t be deduced from the article (”la” or “le”)
das Abenteuer - l’aventure (f) - the adventure
der kompass - la boussole - the compass (that tells you where the north is) !!! le compas in French means (most of the time) der Zirkel - the compass (you use to draw a circle!)
die Karte - la carte - the map
der Wald - la forêt - the forest / the wood
die Wüste - le désert - the desert
auf Abenteuer ausziehen - partir à l’aventure (f) - to go on an adventure
der See - le lac - the lake
die Höhle - la grotte - the cave
das Zelt - la tente - the tent
der Dschungel - la jungle - the jungle
das Lagerfeuer - le feu de camp - the campfire
das Floß - le radeau - the raft
der Schutz - l’abri (m) - the shelter
das Baumhaus - la cabane dans un arbre - the tree house
das Packeis - la banquise - the ice floe
die Forscherin, der Forscher - l’exploratrice (f), l’explorateur (m) - the explorer
der Rucksack - le sac à dos - the backpack
die Taschenlampe - la lampe de poche - the flashlight
die Abenteurerin, der Abenteurer - l’aventurière (f), l’aventurier (m) - the adventurer
der Wasserfall - la cascade - the waterfall
die Aufgabe - l’expédition (f) - the expedition
das Fernglas - les jumelles (f) - the binoculars
das Basislager - le camp de base - the base camp
das Unbekannte - l’inconnu (m) - the unknown
die Unbekannte , der Unbekannter - l’inconnue (f), l’inconnu (m) - the unknown person
die Leiter - l’échelle (f) - the ladder
As usual, if something can be improved, feel free to tell me :)
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