immortal-clotpole · 11 months
“Merlin" Arthur breathes out as his former servant sits down on the throne that used to be his.
“Arthur" Merlin mutters, looking at the former king, now kneeling in front of him. Arthur's hands are held behind his back by manacles but no one really thinks the misty eyes are at fault for that.
“I don't know what to say....“
“Neither do we" Gwaine walks up right next to Merlin. "You should have him thrown in dungeons“ He looks at the one he used to fight for with face full of disgust.
“Thought you were a loyal knight." Arthur let's out a humourless chuckle.
“I always told you." Gwaine raises his voice. "I was loyal to you because I'm loyal to Merlin."
"Gwaine, enough." Merlin turns to him and the crown on his head almost slides down to the side.
“Of course, My king.“ Gwaine's eyes get that mischievous spark again as he walks back to stand next to Leon.
"So, what will you do with me?" Arthur looks up to the blue eyes that never were nothing else than soft and caring ever before. Now there's hardly any trail of the man he knew in the person sitting in front of him. It's his fault. Arthur knows. “Will you have me executed?"
"I've told you when you find out about my magic." Merlin scoffs. “I would never hurt you, Arthur. As much as you might deserve it"
A small shard of the Merlin he knew before shines for a good second before Arthur's eyes.
Maybe Arthur can fix this. Maybe he can have Merlin next to him again. Maybe they-
Not the knights and definitely not Gwaine nor Lancelot will ever forgive him.
But, most importantly, Arthur can't let Merlin to forgive him. He can't. He can't. He can't...
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