#I live for Merlin fed up with everything and taking revenge
immortal-clotpole · 11 months
“Merlin" Arthur breathes out as his former servant sits down on the throne that used to be his.
“Arthur" Merlin mutters, looking at the former king, now kneeling in front of him. Arthur's hands are held behind his back by manacles but no one really thinks the misty eyes are at fault for that.
“I don't know what to say....“
“Neither do we" Gwaine walks up right next to Merlin. "You should have him thrown in dungeons“ He looks at the one he used to fight for with face full of disgust.
“Thought you were a loyal knight." Arthur let's out a humourless chuckle.
“I always told you." Gwaine raises his voice. "I was loyal to you because I'm loyal to Merlin."
"Gwaine, enough." Merlin turns to him and the crown on his head almost slides down to the side.
“Of course, My king.“ Gwaine's eyes get that mischievous spark again as he walks back to stand next to Leon.
"So, what will you do with me?" Arthur looks up to the blue eyes that never were nothing else than soft and caring ever before. Now there's hardly any trail of the man he knew in the person sitting in front of him. It's his fault. Arthur knows. “Will you have me executed?"
"I've told you when you find out about my magic." Merlin scoffs. “I would never hurt you, Arthur. As much as you might deserve it"
A small shard of the Merlin he knew before shines for a good second before Arthur's eyes.
Maybe Arthur can fix this. Maybe he can have Merlin next to him again. Maybe they-
Not the knights and definitely not Gwaine nor Lancelot will ever forgive him.
But, most importantly, Arthur can't let Merlin to forgive him. He can't. He can't. He can't...
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lilacmoon83 · 4 years
Dreaming Out Loud
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 129: Baptism of Fire, Pt 1
Snow kissed their small ones once more, as they prepared to depart for Camelot that morning. They were dressed in the formal attire of visiting dignitaries. She wore a white/gold gown and an understated tiara on the crown of her head, while his tunic matched her dress in color and paired with his black leather pants.
"We shouldn't be gone long...at least we hope and with any luck, we'll return with Merlin," David said, he kissed the baby's head and then Alexander's as well.
"Just be careful, please...nothing seems to go as planned lately and with that witch out there…" Ruth lamented, as Seraphina put her arm around her.
"We are so worried...but we know why you both must do this," she assured, as she hugged them both.
"I couldn't love you both more than if you were my own…" she gushed.
"We love you too, Mama Sera and we'll be back," David assured.
"Just be careful...when dealing with a King, any King, take my experience to heart. You must anticipate treachery," James warned.
"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're worried about me," David replied.
"Hardly...but I'll never hear the end of it if you die," James retorted, but they shared a knowing smirk between them. David turned and saw the pensive look on his wife's face.
"Hey...everything is going to be okay," he assured, as he offered his arm to her. She hooked her hand on his elbow and he leaned down to press his lips to hers.
"I can't lose you…" she whispered, as he pressed his forehead against hers.
"And you won't…" he assured, as Emma joined them. Hades, Persephone, and Van Helsing followed them as well.
"Are you sure bringing him along is a good idea? He's a loose canon," Hades complained.
"Ha...you're one to talk, blue hair," Van Helsing retorted.
"Yes, we may need him if things go awry and we have to force our way to the tree to free Merlin and you behave," she said, in a scolding manner.
"I'm on my best behavior," Van Helsing claimer.
"Uh huh...I know you. No instigating a fight unless there is no other choice," she warned.
"You have nothing to worry about from me, My Queen. And your husband isn't quite the menace he used to be," he assured.
"I loathe you," Hades complained.
"And I adore pissing you off," he replied, as they got into the car waiting for them.
"Well...at least we'll get there faster than we would have by carriage," David quipped, as they got in and began the journey to Camelot.
The people of Transylvania looked up at the sky with both wonder and fear, as a strange flying contraption loomed in their skies. None were more interested perhaps than Dracula though and he watched the machine land before his castle with great intrigue. He watched curiously, as a man exited the flying contraption and regarded him with scrutiny. He seemed human, but there was something off about him, both in the way he carried himself and his scent. Smell was very important to a vampire and he could smell flesh and blood over a mile away. But while this man was definitely mortal...there was something very different about him and it was more than just the severe burns he had sustained.
"That is quite a technical marvel you have there," Dracula said with interest. Hyde smirked.
"Yes...and it can travel to any realm you desire," he prompted.
"Most intriguing...but may I inquire why you would want to travel to a place such as this one?" Dracula questioned. Hyde looked around. It was quite dreary and damn right dreadful, to be honest and not at all brimming with life like most realms. It was repeatedly sucked dry by these vultures, faster than the mortals could reproduce their numbers.
"A simple detour on my way to revenge. An acquaintance of mine suggested that I may require a stronger stock of individuals to test my experiments on," Hyde responded.
"I see...you must be seeking an immortal to test upon," Dracula surmised.
"All my live subjects expire under the stressful conditions of my serum. He suggested that someone that is already dead may be a sturdier lab rat," Hyde said.
"Interesting. And what exactly does this serum do?" Dracula inquired.
"It will separate me from my other half. The poor, deluded doctor that I am unfortunate enough to be half the time wishes to be rid of me...his darkness and I would love nothing more than to be rid of the bumbling, canting fool as well," Hyde explained.
"Interesting...have you considered that there may be another way to achieve what you desire?" Dracula questioned.
"I assume you mean through some other way that does not involve science," Hyde deduced. Dracula gestured with his hands grandly.
"Why separate yourself from your other half, who despite his denial seems to have plenty of useful darkness, if you could just remain as you are now," Dracula proposed. Hyde looked extremely intrigued.
"And how could this be accomplished? How can I keep the doctor from surfacing again and keep muddling in my plans?" Hyde asked. Dracula smirked.
"You could become like us and you would never change from how you appear now," he suggested.
"Become an un-dead?" Hyde questioned.
"We prefer immortal," Dracula corrected.
"A worthy proposal, but what do you require in return for the venom that would make me one of you?" he questioned. Dracula smirked.
"Look around...this is a dead land that I have been banished to. My wives and I can barely keep ourselves fed here and we require far more sustenance than available. Plus...if you were to take us to a certain land, then I could get my revenge for this banishment and the denial of the flesh I truly wish to sink my teeth into," Dracula replied.
"Let me guess...you would like to go to a little place called Storybrooke," Hyde surmised. He smirked.
"Then you know of it," Dracula said.
"Quite. These burns were given to me by a nice little family that I would like to repay ten fold," Hyde hissed.
"A family...let me guess. A man with the Promethean fire, his love, the Demi-Goddess daughter of Persephone, and their daughter the Savior?" Dracula questioned.
"Then you have encountered them as well?" Hyde asked with great interest.
"Oh yes...it is Persephone, her husband, and their damned monster hunter, Van Helsing that banished me here to waste away!" he ranted.
"But then they denied me the sweet, succulent morsel that would have been their daughter. Demi-Goddess blood to someone like me is a special treat. And then...there is the blood that courses through her husband and daughter's veins. They can kill us with their Promethean fire...they must die…" he growled.
"Then we want the same things. Revenge and the United Realms can then be our feeding ground," Hyde said, as he looked at the Dirigible.
"In exchange for the gift to make me like you...I will grant you passage aboard the Dirigible," Hyde agreed. Dracula smirked and snapped his fingers, summoning his three wives. Two of his previous wives had been killed in his first encounter with Persephone's family, but he easily replaced them and barely noticed a difference. Like mortals, his subordinate vampires were a cheap commodity.
"Then we have an accord," he agreed, as they shook hands. Dracula gripped Hyde's hand and turned his wrist. The blonde female vampire sank her teeth into his wrist and then pulled away.
"He does not taste like a mortal...his blood is bitter," she commented in disgust.
"Which is of no consequence as he is to become one of us. Our feast awaits us in a new land and he is our means of getting there," Dracula explained, as Hyde fell to his knees and started to scream in agony, as he went through the change.
Frollo finished installing the chains that he had reforged in the trap that they had ready to spring.
"Everything is ready, Your Majesty," Frollo assured.
"Excellent...now conceal yourself before our guests arrive. They must not know of your involvement prematurely," Arthur stated. He bowed and made himself scarce, until the plan was in motion. Arthur would get what he wanted and so would he.
The palace doors swung open, as Queen Snow and King David entered, arm in arm, with their daughter beside them and Hades and Persephone behind them.
"Welcome Your Majesties...I've been expecting you," Arthur said from his Throne. Snow and David stepped forward and bowed curtly, as was the minimal act for the sake of diplomacy and then stood strong before him.
"We won't take up much of your time," Snow stated.
"As you know, the Wicked witch of Oz has returned. She is in possession of the Olympian crystal and stolen all the magic," David continued.
"Yes...we have heard this. Except you and your daughter...how convenient," he said evenly. David clamped down his emotions and met the other King's cold stare.
"Apparently Promethean fire doesn't play by the same rules as conventional power and Emma still has hers, because she was born with her magic. But we cannot put the fight with Zelena all on her shoulders," he stated.
"Why not? Isn't that what she was born to do? Be the Savior?" Gawain asked, as he gestured grandly. David had to root his feet into the floor to keep from pummeling this man and truthfully, Snow wanted to put an arrow in him for it too.
"Our daughter was born, because we wanted her and we love her. She was born with magic, because of our true love and unfortunately, she has had to use in the past to save us," Snow said.
"But we never intended for her to be the only one to stand against evil and we all stand with her. That will be easier to do though if we can get the Olympian crystal away from Zelena and return magic to the realms," David added.
"It seems that, no matter what, your family has the rest of us at a great disadvantage," Arthur claimed.
"It's not like that. We will protect the realms...all of them, including Camelot. But Merlin is the only way that Emma and I can learn to unleash the full potential of our power in order to defeat Zelena," David said sternly.
"I am no fool, Your Majesty," Arthur spat.
"You held my sword once, but you will not steal my Throne from me," he hissed.
"Dammit...I don't want your Throne!" David snapped, as he advanced. Arthur's Knights drew their blades, even though David stopped.
"Kingdoms are already falling to Zelena. We don't want your Throne, but she does. We can protect it with Merlin's help," he insisted.
"If Merlin is released...then my secret will be exposed," Arthur refuted.
"If you refuse, then Zelena might expose it anyway or she'll just take over and it won't matter!" Snow insisted.
"Save your bluster, Queen Snow...we will not be allowing you to release Merlin under any circumstances," Arthur refuted.
"Then I'm afraid we are done asking," Van Helsing said, as he fired his crossbow at the guards and barreled his way toward the doors that led to the garden.
"Stop him!" Arthur bellowed, as his Knights descended on the monster hunter. David stepped into the path and his blade lit with flames, as he began to duel the Knights of the Roundtable. Snow threaded an arrow and assisted her husband, as Emma, Hades, and Persephone joined the fight as well, just as Camelot's army stormed into the Throne room.
"This is an act of war!" Arthur declared.
"It doesn't have to be!" David refuted. The King smirked.
"You have brought this upon yourself, King David. Remember that," he said cryptically and before David could do anything else, chains that seemed like they were alive slithered toward him from Arthur's Throne. The moment they made contact with his ankles, he was in excruciating pain and crashed to his knees.
"Dad!" Emma cried, but in his last moment of freedom, he shoved his daughter out of the path of these bindings.
"Run Emma!" he cried through the pain.
"Dad!" she screamed.
"Go!" he cried, as Van Helsing grabbed her arm and pulled her along, intending to take her to the tree where Merlin was trapped.
"NO...my parents!" she cried.
"They're dead if you don't free Merlin!" he snapped, as he hurried her into the garden.
"Snow!" Persephone cried, as she and Hades were captured by the Knights and could only watch their daughter try to save her husband.
"CHARMING!" Snow screamed, as she reached her husband, as the glowing chains now bound him completely by the ankles, wrists, torso, and neck. Just like in her nightmare. She fell to her knees beside him and cupped his face in her hands, as he struggled with the chains, even through the immense pain.
"Let him go now!" she demanded tearfully.
"I'm sorry, Your Majesty...but I am afraid that you and your husband pose too great a threat to my Kingdom. My people can never find out that Excalibur is broken and that your husband and daughter can wield my birth rite," Arthur stated.
"We don't want your stupid birth rite!" Snow cried, as the chains constricted him tighter and he howled in pain.
"Please! Stop this now!" Snow begged.
"Take him to the dungeon," Arthur ordered. Snow threaded an arrow and guarded her beloved, even as tears slipped down her cheeks.
"You won't take him from me," she said fiercely.
"Please Your Majesty...we can do this the easy way or the hard way," Gawain leered, as he and Tristan approached, with the intent of pulling her away.
"Snow…" David rasped.
"I won't let them take you, my love," she sniffed.
"I know...fight fire with fire…" he said through his pain. She looked at him and saw the tiny flame he had mustered in his palm. She swallowed thickly and lit the tip of her arrow with it, before turning back and firing with expert precision. Knight Tristan heard the thwacking sound of the arrow hit him in the gut. He had suffered worse wounds with an arrow though and growled in pain, as he prepared to pull it out. But what happened next was something no one, even Snow, expected. He was suddenly engulfed in flames and panic erupted in the Throne room. The Knights struggled to put the other Knight out, as he screamed in agony, but the fire was reluctant to die and by the time they put him out, it was too late.
"He's dead…" Knight Kay uttered.
"You...little bitch…" Gawain hissed.
"Don't blame her...I did this and you're next if you touch one hair on her head," David warned, as Snow put her arms around his neck, steadfastly refusing to let go.
"Snow...be careful. I don't want to burn you…" he rasped, his voice still thick with pain. She smiled at him and caressed his handsome face, while gently using one of her dress gloves to wipe the sweat from his brow. She put her hand to the tiny flame in his palm and he watched incredulously, as it did not burn her.
"You'd never hurt me...and neither will your flame," she replied.
"I love you…" he breathed, as her touch somehow eased his pain, if only a little, like a guardian angel.
"But that's why you have to go...you have to run. They can't get you...our babies need you," he rasped.
"They need us both and I will never leave you," she refused.
"That's a promise you won't be keeping, Snow White," Gawain hissed, as he advanced, but flames cut him off, as they shot up around them. David growled, as he tried pulling at the chains with all his might, despite the excruciating pain.
"He's...he's doing it! He's breaking through the chains," Hades said in awe, even as he and Persephone were still being restrained.
"How? It was Hercules that freed Prometheus from his bonds," Hades uttered, but she only smiled.
"Their true love knows no bounds, so Snow will free him," she said proudly.
Emma was frantic, as she and the monster hunter fought their way to Merlin's tree, which rested in the palace garden.
"I have to go back for my parents! I can't lose them!" she cried.
"If you don't free Merlin...you will lose them!" he snapped, as they arrived at the tree.
"What now?" Emma asked.
"Summon the flame…" he instructed, as she trued to summon it, but there were only sparks.
"Focus Emma...you must do this for your parents and your family!" he stressed. Emma took a deep breath and the flame appeared in her hands. She got control of it and prepared to wield it.
"Stop right there, Savior…" one of the Knights said, as they were surrounded. She put her hands up, but not before releasing the flame and torching the tree. She cried out in horror.
"Is that what was supposed to happen?!" she exclaimed. He shrugged.
"No idea," he said non nonchalantly.
"What do you mean, no idea?!" she yelled.
"Hey...no need to yell at me! I've never freed a wizard from a tree before," he yelled back.
"Oh my God…" Emma feared and the Knights chuckled.
"Looks like you just killed the old buzzard instead of freeing him," the lead Knight said, as he pointed his sword at them. But then he became very puzzled, as it disappeared from his hand.
"What the…" he said in confusion.
"Hmm...average craftsmanship and a bit off-balance," a man said, as he examined the sword.
"What…" he uttered, as he and all his men suddenly lost consciousness.
"I would have liked to have a bit more fun with them, but I sense we do not have much time," the man said, as Emma looked at him, mouth gaping open.
"You…" she uttered. He smiled.
"Hello again, Emma," he responded.
"You're Merlin?" she asked.
"Then you remember me," he replied fondly, as she flashed back to a moment when she was just seven-years-old.
"No...give it back! Give it back!" Emma cried, as tears filled her eyes. The boy laughed and dangled the piece of paper just out of her reach.
"Get this guys...Emma drew her parents. Snow White and Prince Charming!" he said, as he and the other kids poked fun at her.
"Wow...we knew you were a twat, Swan...but seriously? Fairy tale characters are your parents?" one mean girl asked.
"Yeah...and of all the fairy tale characters you can pick and you pick the lamest ones," another girl said with an eye roll.
"It fits though...lame Emma Swan and her lame fairy tale parents," the first girl said, as they laughed.
"That's quite enough from all of you," a new voice said, as an adult man stood there. Emma had never seen him before, but a lot of people passed through the school. The other kids dispersed and the man snatched Emma's drawing out of his hand, giving it back to her. Emma sniffed.
"Who are you?" she asked. He smiled.
"A friend...a friend that wants to make sure you always believe," he replied, as he pointed at the drawing. She looked at him strangely and he gave her another smile. She looked down at the drawing of her parents and then back up again, shocked that he was gone.
Seven-year-old Emma giggled, as her father swept her up into his arms. She was in the dreamscape again and Mommy wasn't asleep yet, so it was just the two of them.
"I found you again, princess, but you're getting very good at hiding," Charming said, as he kissed her head.
"Daddy...how come people think you and mommy are just a fairy tale?" Emma asked.
"I don't know, princess...for some reason, we're just silly stories in this strange land. This isn't at all the life that Mommy and I had planned for you," he answered.
"Can you tell me again what life you did have planned?" she asked. He smiled and kissed her head.
"Well...we built you a nursery and I remember the day we started it. Mommy laughed at me, because I kept buying you so many toys every time we went into the village. Then we had your special mobile made," he replied.
"With the unicorns?" she asked. He nodded.
"Mommy always craved cinnamon too when she was pregnant with you and some nights, when you were restless and moving around in her belly too much, only my singing of a lullaby would calm you both," he replied.
"Can you sing it to me again?" Emma asked. He smiled.
"Of course, princess," he replied, as he began singing to her. Some of those mean kids might have thought her parents were lame, but Emma loved them and she was going to believe, just like the stranger had told her to.
"That was you that day...at school. You told me to believe," she said.
"And it would appear that you listened," Merlin replied.
"For a while...I had a rough time in my teen years, but they never gave up on me, even with all the grief I gave them," she said. He smiled.
"I have no doubts. Your parents are unique and special, just as you are," Merlin replied.
"My dad...they trapped him with Promethean chains...I have to save them!" she cried.
"And we will. It is time that Arthur is dealt with and Camelot is freed from his deception," Merlin agreed, as they hurried back to the palace.
Hans gaped in horror, as his remaining brothers lay dead at the demon's feet. Most of their army had easily fallen to Deimos as well and he looked on in fear.
"Please…" he pleaded.
"Your brothers refused to pledge their loyalty to Queen Zelena...but I have a feeling you're a bit more shrewd than your idiot brothers," Deimos said. Hans got to his knees and bowed his head.
"I would love nothing more than to ally myself to the great Queen Zelena," he said. Deimos smirked.
"You remind me of Hermes. Slimy as they come and willing to do anything to save your own skin," Deimos said.
"But I'll let you live for now and let Zelena decide your fate," he said, as he looked over the new Kingdom he had acquired in a matter of hours.
"I must move on to the next Kingdom. Tell me what you know about Arendelle...and I'll tell Zelena that you'll make a good figure head for this Throne," Deimos offered.
"Arendelle is rich with resources and without magic, quite vulnerable. I wouldn't consider invading it if magic was still a thing, but without it, nothing would give me greater pleasure than to see it fall," Hans stated. Deimos smirked.
"Enjoy your new Throne, King Hans and be ready to answer to your supreme Queen when she arrives. I would suggest you have your staff clean up this mess," Deimos said, referring to the bodies of his brothers. Deimos moved out to the harbor and observed the Kingdoms that still stood before him. He was about to board a ship to sail to Arendelle for its assimilation, but Zelena appeared before him.
"The Southern Isles is yours, my Queen," he stated.
"Fine, fine...but Arendelle will have to wait. There is trouble in Camelot," she growled, as her lackey stood with her.
"Let me guess...Charmings," he replied.
"As long as they live...none of the Kingdoms will truly be mine. They inspire hope...it bleeds from their very essence and I want it quashed once and for all!" she said with vehemence. He smirked.
"Finally...and with Persephone and Hades powerless, nothing will stop me from decimating them all," he said.
"Let's go…" Zelena said, as she looked at Liz.
"Except you...go back to Storybrooke and find that pen. Don't bother coming back until you do!" she ordered, as Liz bowed to her.
"Yes, my Queen…" she said, as she boarded a ship as well, intending to use the waterways to get back to Storybrooke, while Zelena and Deimos disappeared in puffs of green smoke.
Regina paced the gardens and Rumple rolled his eyes.
"Stop…" he said.
"I can't help it! They've been gone too long and Snow said she would send a bird back," Regina complained. He smirked.
"Oh how the times have changed, dearie...you worried about the fates of the Charmings," he teased.
"Shut up...you're worried too. You're just better at hiding it," she retorted. He sighed.
"She's right Rumple...we need to go," Belle pleaded.
"Belle...without magic, there is very little we can do," he reminded.
"We have to try!" she insisted.
"She's right...I can't just sit around her anymore," James said. Regina stopped and looked at Annie and her brother.
"I want you two to go back to Storybrooke...and take Henry with you," she requested.
"But Mom...I want to come!" Henry begged.
"No way kid...she's right," Neal agreed, as he tossed them some keys.
"Take the bug...it's parked behind the stables," he said. They nodded.
"Come on kid…" Adrian said, as they left in a hurry. Rumple hobbled to the window and looked out over the horizon.
"This is probably suicide," he warned.
"No...there's always hope," Belle disagreed.
"Not if Zelena has her way," he reminded.
"Then we don't let her have her way," Regina said, as they prepared to depart for Camelot...
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tigerroseblue · 6 years
Seven Deadly Sins Oneshot: Illusions
Hey, here's an angsty oneshot I wrote for something thestarrynightgazer drew. So, hope y'all enjoy it! Warning: Ban's potty mouth. And Meliodas seems to have caught it. Oops.
I still couldn't believe it. Ban was here, really here. In Purgatory. I couldn't decide what I was more amazed by–the fact he was here or the fact that he had jumped right in before finding out if there was a way out of this hellhole. I still felt like he was an illusion, something that would fade away as soon as I touched it and leave me here to become just another shadow of a soul, roaming the landscape.
We had paused in our search to find the exit and had killed another indigenous monster to eat. Even in Purgatory, where the landscape was toxic to anything that didn't belong there, Ban still managed to make the meat taste pretty damn good.
I could feel his eyes on me as I used my bone sword to skewer the meat. "Hey, Cap'n?" He spoke up, wary curiosity clear in his voice. I knew what he was going to ask. My body started shaking before he even opened his mouth. Tears welled in my eyes and started down my cheeks. "What exactly did your old man do to you?"
I didn't answer, trying to control myself. Damn it, I thought, upset. After all these years, trying to get a hold of my emotions so I wouldn't blow up every damn time I lost Elizabeth, I can't even stop myself from crying. What am I doing? Get a hold of yourself!
I could feel Ban blatantly staring at me by now, concerned. He obviously wasn't used to seeing me weak, something completely on purpose on my part. Even as a young child, I had learned to hide any weakness. Being weak led to being hurt. That was all there was to it. So, I did another thing I did all too well: deflect the shit out of the question.
"Aw, the old fart just kept me in a damn cage. Pretty damn boring, to be honest," I said, grinning painfully. Ban was not amused. "Cut the shit, Cap'n. No more lying. Give me the whole story, think we're past the deflecting shit by this point." I flinched. Damn. I had really spent too much time with this guy. Throughout the centuries, I'd been able to have friends, but kept them at arm's length. No one found out who or what I really was. If anyone got remotely close, I'd disappear. It was easier that way. Safer, for both me and them.
I closed my eyes, trying to block out the sight of my best friend. And he was my best friend. The first in almost 3000 years. Right after the Holy War, it was all too easy for people to recognize me and no one wanted the last Demon anywhere near them. And as the years past, any friends I made eventually died. So, not only did I have to watch Elizabeth die over and over again, I also got to see what friends I'd made grow old and die while I remained unchanged. Some never asked why I didn't age. Others never stopped asking. And others grew fearful of the man who couldn't age and who had a past no one knew.
Damn it, I hated my old man.
"Why did you come down here?" I asked shakily. "What kind of question is that?!" Ban growled. "I came to get you!" I shook my head. Damn it...stop crying! You have no right to cry after all you've done! "Why? You could've just left me here," I said, leaning down, elbows braced on my knees. "Would've been a lot better for everyone." Ban snarled. "What?! No it wouldn't! What about Elizabeth?! Or the Sins?! We need you!"
"No you don't!" I yelled suddenly. Ban stopped speaking, stopped moving. I didn't straighten from my hunched over stance. In fact, I curled more into myself, trying to block the pain. Block the pain...? A voice inside me mocked. What pain? You're the Demon Prince, a monster whose killed countless people! You can't feel pain! You have to have a damn heart to feel anything, especially pain. I wanted to scream at it. All I am is emotions! I wanted to argue. I don't have my strength and my self control is shot to hell, as my freaking tears show! But I couldn't argue with that damn voice, cause it was right. Even if all I was was Meliodas's soul, I was him and he was me. I was the sum of his experiences, of his–our–stupidly long life. If he was that heartless, cruel Demon Prince, so was I.
"Twenty years ago," I started, filling in the silence my outburst had started, "a Red Demon attacked the Fairy King's Forest and killed Elaine, your lover and King's sister. I'm a Demon, remember?! I should've sensed it! I'm the fucking Prince of the Demon Clan! How did I not sense one of my own kind?!" I could feel Ban start to speak, but I bowled right over whatever he was about to say. "I let the love of your life die right in front of you! Great best friend I am! And King! King lost his sister, his kingdom, everything! He told me to my face I couldn't be trusted anymore! And how can I blame him?! There's so many things I could've–should've!–told you! But I didn't! Cause I was so goddamn afraid!"
I was shaking, tears running down my face in steady streams by now. I couldn't remember the last time I'd cried like this. The first time Elizabeth died, when I didn't let go of her cold, lifeless body for what must've been over a day, hoping that it was just a nightmare and I'd wake up and she'd be there, smiling down at me with so much love, I could barely believe that it was for me? When her first incarnation told me about the curse and I realized I was doomed to lose her over and over again? After I had been so fed up with everything, I attempted to kill myself in so many different ways, but nothing would work and nothing was going to free me from my hell?
"I was afraid of losing Elizabeth if one of you spilled the beans and she regained her memories. I was afraid of losing all of you, if you all knew the truth. If you knew what I'd done, what I had been, and decided I was just another monster, like the Demon that killed Elaine..."
"And the others?" I continued, my voice low and harsh. "Diane had her memories wiped and forgot everything about the person she loved, for the second time, because I didn't realize Gowther was losing it! Merlin's entire home was destroyed by my father when she was just a child, leaving her with nothing! Gowther has no emotions and lost one of the only people that ever loved him, trying to stop the Holy War that I started! And then lost the other one after he'd woken up after being asleep for almost 3000 years along with the dead body of his father! And Escanor's power that he hates was once a Goddess's that my brother killed!" I shook my head. "And that's just the Sins!"
"Elizabeth has died 107 times! Her Clan betrayed her! Her own mother murdered and then cursed her! Because she had the horrible luck to fall in love with my worthless ass! Britannia itself was almost destroyed by a war that I started! All the Clans were almost eradicated! The Demons and Goddesses were sealed away, the Giants and Fairies were almost annihilated, and the only reason the Humans survived was because they played both sides! And now it's about to happen again! I didn't protect the key to the Demon's prison well enough and now they're back and pissed off and ready to kill everything in their path in order to get their revenge! And all of you are in danger, cause I selfishly wanted to see my ends met, even if it meant sending people who were completely clueless about the situation into battle!"
I took a deep breath, winded from my continuous crying and yelling. "So tell me, WHY THE FUCK WOULD ANY OF YOU NEED ME?!?!" I screamed.
Ban didn't answer. I leaned over more, resting my head on my arms, covering my face with my trembling hands. I couldn't tell if the trembling was a result of adrenaline, rage, sadness, or a mixture of all three. I waited for him to respond. Maybe now he'd see that I wasn't worth it, that all I had done was hurt them.
"You're fucking stupid," was his response. That...was not what I was expecting. I finally looked up. He stared at me, determination burning in his red eyes. "Listen, maybe our lives have been fucked up all to hell. But that's not your fault. Maybe you should've told us what was going on, but not wanting to see the woman you love die for the 108th time is a pretty damn good fucking reason not to say anything, in my opinion. And I'm pretty sure King'll agree with me, he'd do anything for Diane. And whatever your fucking psychopathic family did has nothing to do with you. And the princess would tell you she didn't care what happened, she loved you, if she was here. And maybe you started that war, but the Clans sure as hell helped it along. And maybe you lost that damn key, but it was bound to happen anyway and you protected it good enough," his hand rubbed along the scar I'd given him. "So, your argument is shit. Let's move on to what your son of a bitch father did to you."
I stared at him, taking a moment to comprehend what had just been said. Then, I started laughing. It was a broken, strangled laugh, but it'd do. "Oh, you know, the usual. Just created illusions of my worst damn fears and tortured me with the fact that I'd fucked up in so many different ways, it's a damn miracle anyone gives a shit about me." I laughed again. "What the fuck did I do to deserve all of you?" He shrugged. "The fact that you dragged all of us out of our shit and gave us a purpose again?"
I shook my head, choosing not to address that comment yet. "At first, I was pretty damn confident, you know? Telling him I was getting out of this dump and making it back to you guys and we were going to kick his Commandment's asses. But he knew exactly what buttons to push. With his magic, he created illusions of all of you. The Sins, Elizabeth, even Little Gil... I knew all they were were illusions, but that didn't matter in the end. I still heard all the accusations. Of how I'd ruined your lives, how much I'd fucked everything up, how so many people would still be alive if it wasn't for me. And I did exactly what that bastard father of mine wanted: I cracked. Then, he didn't have to worry about me escaping, I was too mad with guilt and rage to do anything."
I closed my eyes, remembering all the illusions had said. "Elizabeth asked why she'd fallen for me, a monster who after all these years, still hasn't done what I'd promised. All you guys told me I'd destroyed your lives and threw you into a war that wasn't yours to begin with and that I was going to get you all killed. Little Gil blamed me for Zaratras's death and Hendy and Dreyfus's possessions. Zaratras's dead body then blamed me for leaving his son fatherless and forced to go against everything he stood for to protect the person he loved. Baltra blamed me for bringing his kingdom and family into a fight they had no chance of winning. My brother blamed me for starting the war and betraying them. And all those countless people I couldn't save...I saw all their faces again. I heard their screams. All the while, my father just had to chime in with his little tidbits and remind me of my days as the leader of the Ten Commandments and how much death and destruction I had left in my wake back then."
I pressed my palms against my ears, trying in vain to shut out the memories. "I hate who I was back then. I was a true monster that didn't care about what atrocious actions I was committing. Not a day goes by that I don't regret my past. I can't believe Elizabeth ever stuck with me. She should've seen a lost cause when she saw me, but she didn't care. She loved me anyway and I'm so lucky to have her. And you guys. After everything I've done, how I hid so many things from you, things that could've saved lives, how can you sit there and tell me this isn't my fault?!"
Ban sighed. "Damn, Cap'n. I'm not used to being the voice of reason. Listen, when you found all of us, we were nothing but broken bastards who didn't have the will to fight anymore. After Elaine died, I didn't want to do anything. We both know I could've escaped from that prison they had me in after Elaine died. But I didn't, cause I didn't have anything to live for anymore, but I couldn't die either. And while I don't exactly see eye to eye with the others all the time, I know they're the same. We might've not liked you dragging us from our shit at first, but you did it and made us get back up and start fighting again. If we die in this war, at least we'd die fighting for something, instead of just laying down and waiting for death to come."
He got up and walked over to me, slinging an arm around my shaking shoulders. "So, let's get out of this dump, save our women, end this damn war, then drink enough alcohol, it sends even you into a fucking coma, agreed? And I'll make sure to tell your father to go fuck himself while we're at it." I laughed, sounding slightly choked. "Only you, Ban. Only you." He laughed with me and stood up. "And after this is all over and done with, we'll open the bar again with all the Sins! And Elizabeth and Elaine too!" He said, walking off.
I stood up and wiped away the tears. "Yeah," I said, grinning. Maybe he's right, I thought, following alongside Ban. Then again, maybe they're just all idiots and I've screwed up for the last time and they'll hate me when we get back. But first of all, we have to get out of this damn place. The rest can just fall into place as it will...Though, cussing out my dad sounds really fucking fantastic right now.
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morganlegaye · 7 years
Hi there. Anything you could tell us about your original book?(the setting or a vague summary of the story and/or the characters maybe) Really excited about it. : )
Bear in mind I haven’t entirely mapped everything out yet, and my thought process is more…. webbed, then linear, if that makes sense. Why I’m a tiny bit frustrated with it since I’m not seeing as clear of a picture as I wish I did. One day it’ll all come together I’m sure, but right now I’m like *shakes fist at it*
It’s an Arthurian novel, with the focus being on Niniane and Morgaine who will eventually have a romance. Niniane is a faerie who was cast out of the Otherworld for bringing her former lover Merlin into it, who ended up stealing magick from them and creating the druids in order to take fate into his own hands (instead of relying on the creatures who could naturally preform magick) and save his brother. Niniane is bitter af that he used her, and spends most of her time on Avalon as an outcast from her own realm wanting to get revenge on him and earn her way back to her home.
Morgaine and Morgawse are daughters of Vivienne, who was the only faerie who left the Otherworld (although willingly) with Niniane. They are both half, however both have different fathers and grew up separately. Morgaine’s father is Uther, but is believed to be Gorlois, and thus she has another ‘half sister’, Elaine, from her assumed father’s side who had her before his first wife died. Both Morgaine and Elaine are servants in Uther’s castle, as since Vivienne had already died (due to Uther’s desire to bear a son with his ‘true’ wife, and magick has a price a life for a life blah blah) by the time Gorlois fell in war, they would have become orphans if not for Uther’s ‘kindness’ to see them fed and clothed since Gorlois had died honorably in the war, and Uther did not want to see any of his knight’s children starve.
Morgawse’s father however is unknown; some man that was passing by in the woods once that Vivienne seduced and laid with for the purposes of reproducing as she was feeling lonely. Morgawse grew up in Albion because of that, and has always been surrounded by magick and is therefore very skilled unlike her younger sister. She becomes very close to Niniane after her mother’s passing, and helps her with her quest to get the Holy Grail.
Alriiiight so, the Holy Grail! It’s basically what motivates both sides (Niniane and Merlin). Both have had visions that the cup would only ever be found from one of the knight’s in the ~true ruler~ of Camelot’s court. Merlin believes that to be Arthur, Niniane believes it to be Morgaine as she is the older sibling, despite being unknown to most people. The cup has the power to sustain life, and as the druids had been dying out early due to the “curse” (which I will explain in a second) Merlin believes it will save his people and in turn, save the old religion as he believes both religions are meant to exist harmoniously, and not that one will wipe out the other eventually.
See, the Druids have about half a human lifespan (30-40), save Merlin who was granted an extended (although not immortal) life by Niniane – before he had stolen the magick, of course. The reason for the half existence is the “curse” the faeries put on the magick (per Merlin’ s side of the story) although the truth is that humans are just not meant to wield fae magick. Since Merlin already had an extended life, the magick merely disfigured him and made him always look like an frail old man for the rest of his days, but he kept watching the people around him die, and that made him angry and vengeful.
There’s two separate druid clans btw, The Sapine Druids and the Camelot Druids. Camelot Druids follow Merlin, yet the Sapine Druids live in the Sapine Forest and mostly live off the land. They understand that they stole the magick and seek to make amends. They are rather humble and simple folk and accept their “curse” and seek to do good with the gifts bestowed upon them. Unlike the Camelot Druids, they do not seek quarrel with the faeries and mostly try to stay away from them.
Niniane, on the other hand, believes the cup will allow her to return to the Otherworld without dying in the process, as one cannot cross over without dying unless they have been invited, which she has not been as she had been banished. She wants to return a) so she can take it over so that b) magick doesn’t end up dying out, which it is the longer the faeries stay in hiding in order to only preserve themselves from the inevitable spreading of Christianity.
Annnnnd that’s about all I got for now, lol.
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drarry-lover · 7 years
OH MY WORD! Guys! I managed to reach 5000 followers! Like seriously, that is amazing, oh my word, thank you all so much for following this little blog, you’re all so great!! ^^
I really want to do something to show you guys how honoured I feel, but I am rather poor and I lack any talents. Will you guys accept a rec-list of my all time favourite fics in a reblog-able format?
Rec will be in the cut below if anyone is interested in it, otherwise you’re all so amazing, please stay you and thank you so much!
Adrift by Cheryl Dyson 
This was supposed to be a swashbuckling pirate story. It sort of took a turn into Whaaaaa? but it's now my favorite, so I guess it's not all bad... Anyway, Auror Harry takes a vacation and runs into Pirate Draco. This fic contains MATURE content. (One-shot | 14k | M)
​All Our Secrets Laid Bare by firethesound 
Over the six years Draco Malfoy has been an Auror, four of his partners have turned up dead. Harry Potter is assigned as his newest partner to investigate just what is going on. (Multi-chapter | 140k | Explicit)
An Issue of Consequence by faithwood
Draco has woken up in an alternate universe. Or he has woken up utterly insane. Nothing else can possibly explain why Harry Potter suddenly seems to think he’s Draco’s boyfriend. An eight year fic. Post-DH. EWE. HPDM. SLASH. Mature content. (Multi-chapter | 21k | M)
A Slytherin in Gryffindor Clothing by mahaliem
Draco hits his head and wakes up in a world where he's a Gryffindor and Harry is a Slytherin. (Multi-chapter | 43k | M)
Azoth by zeitgeistic (faire_weather)
Now that Harry is back at Hogwarts with Hermione for eighth year, he realises that something’s missing from his life, and it either has to do with Ron, his boggart, Snape, or Malfoy. Furthermore, what, exactly, does it mean when one’s life is defined by the desire to simultaneously impress and annoy a portrait? Harry has no idea; he’s too busy trying not to be in love with Malfoy to care. (Multi-chapter | 88k | Explicit)
Bitter Honey, Green Night by faithwood
 An inn, an Auror, a criminal, a mystery. (One-shot | 14k | Explicit)
Black Truth by InferiorBeing
And, with bated breath, Draco traced the silver line down one more step in the family tree. Draco Lucius Malfoy... the third full blooded Veriae in the Malfoy family... and future life mate of Harry Potter. HD SLASH No HBP spoilers (Multi-chapter | 100k | T)
The Boy Who Only Lived Twice by lettered
 Harry Potter is an Unspeakable. Draco Malfoy is the wizard who shagged him. Adventure! Intrigue! Secret identities, celebrities, spies! It's all right here, folks. (One-shot | 54k | Explicit)
Chaos Theory by Tessa Crowley (tessacrowley)
Chaos: when the present determines the future, but the approximate present does not approximately determine the future. One gene varies, one neuron fires, one butterfly flaps its wings, and Draco Malfoy's life is completely different. Draco has always found a certain comfort in chaos. Perhaps he shouldn't. (Multi-chapter | 102k | Explicit)
Checkmate by Naadi
Draco has a plan to get Harry Potter, and challenges him to a game of Dare Chess. But is it love, or betrayal, he has in mind? A real game of chess is played throughout the story. A seventh year story based on canon through Goblet of Fire. (Multi-chapter | 250k | T)
Dismantle Repair by shamrocker531
How a random meeting in a coffee shop can change everything. Non-magical. Draco/Harry, some Draco/Cedric, Harry/Oliver - Warning: Explicit sexual content. (Multi-chapter | 160k | M)
Draco the Cowardly Lion by Lomonaaeren
When Draco is Sorted into Gryffindor, everything changes. For the, uh, for the better? (One-shot | 5k | Teen and up)
Eclipse by Mijan
Draco swore revenge on Harry for Lucius's imprisonment, and for once, he keeps his promise. The old rivalry turns deadly when Draco abducts Harry for Voldemort. But when Draco’s world turns upside down, the fight to save himself and Harry begins. (Multi-chapter | 309k | T)
The Fall of the Veils by lettered 
This is the fic where Muggles find out about wizards, wars are fought, Apparition is abolished, political conspiracies abound, Draco is asexual, and Harry has Legilimency sex with him. (One-shot | 60k | Mature)
Freudian Slip by jennavere 
Two years after graduating from Hogwarts, Draco Malfoy is still obsessed with Harry Potter. Fed up, his father makes him get therapy. (One-shot | 10k | M)
Friend Like Me by LadyVaderWrites
Draco's rendition of the Love story that never was. (One-shot | 11k | M)
Gilded Soul by Digitallace 
It’s one thing to hear about the daring tales of Harry Potter but quite another to be living in the middle of one. But the danger Draco is destined for seems trivial once he finds himself falling in love with Harry. (Multi-chapter | 94k | M)
Greenhouse Lessons by Cheryl Dyson
Harry and Draco have detention in Hogwarts greenhouse. Dangerous plantlife and several varieties of euphoria ensue. It was complete, but I continued it... This fic contains MATURE adult content. (Multi-chapter | 14k | M)
Gumption by Roozette
In which there are biscuits, poisonous snakes, nefarious ploys, and, oh yes, Harry is slightly mental and the heir of Gryffindor. (Multi-chapter | 6k | M)
Harbinger by Copper Vixen
Harry is a demon with a mission. His assignment? To locate and retrieve his target before he runs out of time or irreparable damage is done to the mortal plane. (Multi-chapter | 96k | T)
Harry Potter and the Children of the Future by Ahja Reyn
In Harry's 7th year, children from the future suddenly appear at Hogwarts and one of them claims to be Harry's son. Problem is, Harry isn't the only father...DMHP [NO male preg] (Multi-chapter | 83k | M)
Here’s The Pencil, Make It Work by ignatiustrout
Harry thinks "Why is Malfoy working in a coffee shop in muggle London?" is a much simpler question than, "Are you going to accept that auror offer and, if you don't, what will you do?" (One-shot | 49k | Mature)
High Priced by Cheryl Dyson
I referred to this as My Stupid Veela Fic until I decided it was fairly good. Harry is a Veela, for a change, since I was tired of Draco!Veela stories. This fic contains MATURE adult content. (One-shot | 17k | M)
How Potter Turned Malfoy Gay by Galadriell
The whole truth and nothing but the truth. And a bit of weirdness. (Multi-chapter | 36k | M)
I’m a Slave For You by BecauseIHurtSo
After being sold into Ministry enforced slavery to one Mr. Harry Potter, Draco is simply trying to find his lot in life. (One-shot | 6k | M)
In Pieces by Cheryl Dyson
Harry returns to Hogwarts as the new DADA instructor, only to find his teaching efforts thwarted by a very familiar ghost. This fic contains mature content and the necessity of one of our boys not being alive. Exactly. *grin* (Multi-chapter | 87k | M)
In the Company of a Rubber Duck by Anonymous
War makes for strange bedfellows. However that doesn't fully explain how Harry ended up sharing his bath with Draco Malfoy... nor why Malfoy was a rubber duck at the time. (One-shot | 34k | Explicit)
In Which Draco Malfoy Treats His Classmates To Bad Poetry Over Breakfast by giggly!RurouniHime
How does Draco love thee? Let him count the ways… (One-shot | 0-1 000 | G)
Letters by Galadriell
Harry inadvertently becomes penpals with Draco. Here are the letters! Harry/Draco slash. Chapter 17 contains the full story: edited, updated and with more letters. So read that instead of the first 16 chapters! COMPLETE! (Multi-chapter | 51k | M)
The Mistletoe Incident by Naadi
A story in limerick verse. HxD slash. Draco commandeers the mistletoe and Harry sets out to put a stop to it. (One-shot | 500 | T)
Must Love Quidditch by dracosoftie
Through a series of emails from an online dating site, Harry thinks he's found his perfect match. Will the bond they've forged survive after their identities are revealed? H/D. Warnings for slash, language and explicit sexual content. (Multi-chapter | 107k | M)
Nevar by Aoiika
AU. Lily and James are murdered, leaving behind their seven-year-old son. The little black bird has a hard time fighting his way through life on his own. Especially when he's found by a darkness that has followed him, and swallows him whole. HP/DM. Violence and serious abuse later on. Slow romance. (Multi-chapter | 127k | M)
Obliviation by Cheryl Dyson
When Harry decides to quit Auror Training in order to care for young Teddy over the summer, he has quite enough to worry about without Pansy Parkinson dumping a mute Draco Malfoy on his doorstep. (Multi-chapter | 27k | M)
On a Clear Day by Sara’s Girl
Draco Malfoy is waiting for his real life to begin, and it appears that he's not the only one. Coffee, charity, and the wisdom of the elderly. HPDM. Oneshot of epic proportions. (One-shot | 43k | M)
Order of Merlin by Cheryl Dyson
Draco is sent to retrieve an out-of-control Harry Potter from a local nightclub. Written for Alaana-Fair's birthday on Livejournal. MATURE ADULT CONTENT, ETC. (Muti-chapter | 13k | M)
Paradigm by Cheryl Dyson
In my quest to conquer all possible Harry/Draco cliches, I present my Rentboy!Draco fic. *evil smirk* Harry is an Auror and Draco is a Rentboy. This is not a typical rentboy story. (Muti-chapter | 59k | M)
Phantom Orchid by Cheryl Dyson
Auror Potter goes to Seattle in search of a smuggler and discovers a very familiar person in a quite unfamiliar setting. Is Draco Malfoy really who he is pretending to be? (Multi-chapter | 22k | M)
The Pure and Simple Truth by lettered
Harry, Draco, and Hermione go to a pub. Harry, Draco, and Pansy go to a pub. Harry, Draco, Pansy, and Hermione go to a pub. Harry, Draco, Hermione and Ron go to a pub. Harry, Draco, Hermione, Ron, and Pansy―you guessed it―go to a pub. I could go on. In fact, I did. Harry, Draco, Hermione, Pansy, Ron, Blaise, Luna, Goyle, Neville, and Theodore Nott go to a pub. In various combinations. (Multi-chapter | 65k | General audience)
Renaissance by Cheryl Dyson
Harry awakens after a long sleep to find things terribly changed. He's not in an alternate universe... it just seems like it. (Multi-chapter | 34k | M)
Starts With a Spin by Maxine
It started with the spin of a bottle, and now Harry and Draco have gotten themselves so far into their own game there's almost no way out again. Except to keep playing. (Multi-chapter | 129k | X)
Sealed with a Kiss by faithwood
Harry Potter will fall in love with the first person who kisses him. Draco knows what he must do. A Christmassy Hogwarts kissy fic, this. An eight year fic. Post-DH. EWE. HPDM. SLASH. HUMOR. COMPLETE. (One-shot | 48k | M)
Second Chance by DreamingInColour
Of all the possible ways he could die Draco never would have thought a single olive would lead to his demise. But when he is offered a second chance at life he eagerly accepts. Too bad his second chance comes with an unexpected condition. (Multi-chapter | 17k | M)
Secrets by Vorabiza
Beginning with Draco's unexpected arrival at the Dursleys, Harry's summer becomes filled with activity and many secrets. He generates several unexpected allies as he finds himself actively becoming the leader of the Light side. H/D post-HBP (Multi-chapter | 411k | X)
The Slytherin Gryffindor by Cheryl Dyson
This is my response to JKR's horrific epilogue. It's a dual novel with one part Albus Scorpius and one part HarryDraco. Deathly Hallows compliant! The Slytherin Hufflepuff is the Albus Scorpius portion. This fic contains MATURE adult content. (Multi-chapter | 40k | M)
Sparkle Sparkle Princesses by Cheryl Dyson
One of Draco's random pranks gets out of hand and creates a roomful of pretty princesses. Crackfic FTW! OMG it's only PG13! *gasp* (One-shot | 2k | T)
Stigmata by InferiorBeing
Harry isn't the Dark Lord, so he cannot be with a Death Eater's son. This is the first time the BoyWhoLived ever asked for something and he cannot have it. So he takes matters into his own hands. Post HBP! Evil!Harry, Dark!Draco (Multi-chapter | 47k | T)
Storm in a Teacup by faithwood
For reasons he'd rather not think about, Draco is obsessed with Potter's hair. This cannot end well. (One-shot | 8k | M)
Synthetic Bonds by mypetelephant
Harry has always been the golden boy of Malfoy Corporation, earning the respect of Lucius and the resentment of his high school rival, Draco. But Lucius has a business proposal that involves Harry becoming a Malfoy..by marrying Draco. Non-magic AU (Multi-chapter | 125k | M)
​Tea and No Sympathy by who_la_hoop
It's Potter's fault, of course, that Draco finds himself trapped in the same twenty-four-hour period, repeating itself over and over again. It's been nearly a year since the unpleasant business at Hogwarts, and Draco's getting on with his life quite nicely, thank you, until Harry sodding Potter steps in and ruins it all, just like always. At first, though, the time loop seems liberating. For the first time in his life, he can do anything, say anything, be anything, without consequence. But the more Draco repeats the day, the more he realises the uncomfortable truth: he's falling head over heels for the speccy git. And suddenly, the time loop feels like a trap. For how can he ever get Harry to love him back when time is, quite literally, against him? (Multi-chapter | 70k | Explicit)
That Which Divides Us by oldenuf2nobetter
Three years after what would have been their seventh year at Hogwarts, the war between the forces of light and Voldemort's minions grinds on. But even within the ranks of the Order of the Phoenix there are vast disagreements over what is good for 'the Chosen One' and his volatile relationship with Draco Malfoy has many on edge. Sometimes even the best intentions can reap disaster. (Multi-chapter | 126k | Explicit)
Then Comes a Mist and a Weeping Rain by faithwood
It always rains for Draco Malfoy. Metaphorically. And literally. Ever since he had accidentally Conjured a cloud. A cloud that's ever so cross. SLASH. HPDM. Humour. Metaphorical angst. Hufflepuffs. A peacock. An eight year fic. Post-DH. EWE. (One-shot | 22k | M)
This Side of Me by cherrycola69
Saving his mortal enemy in a moment of insanity Draco is suddenly labelled a hero. Floundering in a new life and hiding from Death Eaters with Harry he finds that his allegiance isn’t the only thing that’s changed. (Multi-chapter | 56k | M)
Tick Tock by fireflavored
Draco Malfoy is in serious danger of becoming an old maid. (One-shot | 11k | NC-17)
Turn by Sara’s Girl
One good turn always deserves another. Apparently. Epilogue compliant/AU. HPDM slash but some canon het along the way. Please trust me - I promise the epilogue will not bite you. (Multi-chapter | 321k | M)
Twist of Fate by Oakstone730
Draco asks Harry to help him beat the Imperius curse during 4th year. The lessons turn into more than either expected. A story of redemption and forgiveness. Pairings: HP/DM (Slash) Timeframe: 1994-2002 Goblet to 4 yrs post-DH EWE Rating T for language, high angst, content. (Multi-chapter | 302k | Teen and up)
The Undeserved Hardships of Draco Malfoy by Bullied
It was all an accident, helping that annoying Potter! But now the wizard extraordinaire, Draco Malfoy, is in a bind. He’ll need all of his intelligence, his wits, his looks and his sneers just to make it through Hogwarts! (Multi-chapter | 88k | T)
Valentine’s Day Repeated by bananacosmicgirl
It’s not a happy Valentine’s Day for Draco. Then again, he might get a chance to do it over… (Multi-chapter | 18k | T)
Want by Cheryl Dyson
Draco seeks out Harry in order to assist his family. And then he has second thoughts. This fic contains MATURE adult content. And Harry on a motorcycle. GUH. (One-shot | 4k | M)
We Are Young (I’ll Carry You Home Tonight) by Femme (femmequixotic)
Harry and Draco have been falling into bed on and off again since the last election five years ago, much to the amusement--and financial gain--of their circle of friends. But when Harry agrees to work with Draco to put Kingsley Shacklebolt into the Minister's office, they can't work side-by-side again every day and sleep together; that would be courting disaster. Wouldn't it? (One-shot | 68k | Explicit)
The Way Down by lettered
Malfoy’s all, “Come out of there,” the way you say to a cat who is badly behaved. And Harry’s all like, “No, what, I’m a hermit! And I have a chest-monster! And I am crazy magically powerful!” and Malfoy’s all, “We all have problems, bub.” (thoughtfully) “You are crazy though. I’ll give you that.” (Multi-chapter | 70k | M?)
We, The Kings by MissPronounced
A medieval tale of ancient prophecies, chivalrous duelling and a forbidden love between a Slytherin Prince and a lowly knight. Eventual Harry/Draco. (Multi-chapter | 191k | M)
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