immortalbyfate · 5 months
i think your a homosexual!!!! -your awesome psys
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Ouch, your words truly hurt me so. Perhaps I do dabble in homosexuality sometimes, however. Plus, you cannot talk either, you reek of being gay.
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immortalbyfate · 5 months
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Hello and welcome to my blog. Before you ask, yes this shall be a in character ask-blog about Wilardo Adler. Please feel free to send through any and all asks you have as long as they are appropriate to the public, as we are bodily a minor.
"Wil, why do you say 'we'?" You may be asking
It just so happens we are a DID system, and I am a alter in a system. Please do note I am having somebody type this for me while I say it, as I do not exactly know how to read.
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Homophobes/Racists/Xenophobes etcetc.
'IRLS' of characters
Endogenic Systems
NSFW accounts
If you're going to sexualise us/send sexual-related asks. I will block you.
We are a system, and I will not always be in front so it may take a little bit for me to get to your ask
I may come off as mean sometimes, I promise I do not mean it
I am still learning how to read
We are a minor, bodily
We don't support endogenic systems
I do not care if I am 'your comfort character'. No matter what, I will not front just because you want me to do so. Keep that in mind
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Just a few scrapes. Well, they'll take more than a few licks to heal, though.
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