scp073-blog · 7 years
Pt.1- Tack pulled a pencil out from the inner pocket of his ouji coat and made a circle next to Caym's choice with his mouth. Taking out the pencil he said, “splendid I can't wait to see what performance you would put on Caym! Oh is that so? Hm I guess these costumes would probably not be considered proper dress for the dress code here… But secret dance shows are always more exciting to be at anyway, so don't forget to send me an invite when you're ready.” Tack grinned playfully at them both.
Pt.2- “Oh that’s a good choice Cain! Those style of sashes and veils would work with what you have in mind. They’re normally lightweight and with the right flourish of movement can be quite a sight. Like a betta fish swimming with their beautiful fins!” Tack said. “Hm you two seem to want show off movement in your dances… Would you like to have embellishments like beads on your costumes? On mine I have lots of beads and stuff to catch the light as well as show off the movement of the dance.”
Caym did an okay sign with his hand. “I’ll definitely invite you to a dance show! Can’t always perform in front of a mirror.”
“Oh, this gives me an idea,” Cain said. “Beads would be a very good addition! Perhaps some iridescent material too, you know, something that shimmers in the light.”
“That would add to your metallic charm! You’d be even more shiny,” Caym chimed in and took Cain’s hand and squeezed it. Cain smiled at him.
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scp073-blog · 7 years
Caym put his fingers together repeatedly as if slow clapping with no sound as a smile crept across his face.
"I only get jealous when all the new lab assistans get too touchy with Cain! They think they can just touch him everywhere," he said and let out a muffled chirp, like a bird trying to poof up to look more menacing.
Cain nodded and smiled too. "Yeah, the newcomers can be a bit clingy."
"Anyways," Caym spoke up. "I don't know what Cain wants, he's his own person, but I like kisses! When girls meet they always hug and kiss each other! Why can't guys do that? It's fun!" He chirped.
"I think it's a nice way to greet your friends, a little moment of affection," Cain said. "I do not mind kisses!"
Caym approached Tack and gently placed his hands on Tack's shoulders, the same way he saw people do when they meet each other. He gave two soft smooches on each cheek.
"Is this a good mistletoe kiss? A little greeting from me," Caym chirped.
Cain joined in the mistletoe kisses.
Caym was pleased with the ordeal, holidays always put him in a cheerful mood. For once he and Cain were allowed to act like real people - interact with others, form friendships. To Caym it was especially important that Cain came out of his shell and talked with others in a more organic manner, without all the formalities of the Foundation.
Granted, Tack and Amets were a secret but still, a friend is a friend. Each one was important to both Caym and Cain.
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scp073-blog · 7 years
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(pixiv)→ http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=57961309
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scp073-blog · 7 years
Pt1- With new resolve you decide that around the cottage could be the best bet for a metal object to trade with the vines. There had to be some sort of tool, like a rake, that the dweller used to tend the garden nearby. Looking around the garden area yielded nothing that was suitable for your plan. Thinking about the shed you head over there to search for a possible tool to use. Your search came up empty once more… Could it be that all of the tools were locked up in the shed for safekeeping?
Pt2- Or could the well have any tools nearby it? Or maybe the pond might have something? You sigh while pondering these questions, and gaze back at the cottage again like it would give you the answers you need. Once again your eye caught a subtle movement of the curtain in the same window as before. How odd… Investigate the window? Search the well area? Return to the pond? Knock at the door again? (Lmao guess who’s alive and kicking again from under the college workload – CYOA Anon)
Cain concluded that any tools must have been locked away, which was understandable - most people wouldn’t leave any valuable items out in the open, especially if metal-loving vines would capture them. Maybe the garden is tended with non metallic tools, if it’s tended at all.
His head spinning with ideas, Cain glanced at the pond, then at the well. He pondered whether someone would toss coins in the well but, knowing how deep wells tend to go, realized it would be a waste of time trying to look for coins there. Would anyone even toss coins on their own estate? This didn’t look like a tourist location.
Cain was on edge and this time the movement behind the window distressed him. He composed himself, took a deep breath and decided to approach the window for a quick peek. Maybe that would give him some inspiration, or lead to a new encounter. Whether that would be for better or for worse, no idea.
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scp073-blog · 7 years
Pt.1- Tack giggled and said “Oh don't worry Cain, I made sure that all the candies I brought were safe for you two to eat. After all I wouldn't want my dear friends to pay a visit to the nurse because of a tummy ache... I'm glad you like those super sour candies Caym, I'll have to remember to bring more next time~” With that Tack happily showed off the various clothing designs in the sketchbook and made notes of which ones were possible candidates. He was excited to see who would pick what.
Pt.2- “Oh that one? Oh yes that one would be an interesting one for you Caym! Are you planning on doing a belly dance routine or something?” Tack asked with a tail wag. Hearing hesitation in Cain’s voice Tack was quick to reassure. Cain was more modest than Caym was after all. “Oh Cain it doesn’t have to be exactly the same outfit for both of you. Whether it be for personal style or comfort alterations can be done for you to suit whatever needs you have.” (lol Caym’s ready to be a sexy showbirb)
“See? Trust our friends, they know what good candy is,” Caym chirped.Cain nodded. “Alright, alright, I’ll trust you not to eat in excess,” he conceded.
Caym scratched his chin and closed his eyes as if deep in thought. He glanced at the drawing, then at the ceiling.“I’m imagining myself dancing and I think it would be great! The supervisors probably wouldn’t like me getting out of the clothes I have to wear but I can always host secret dance shows!” 
Cain pointed to a design that covered most of the body and had silken sashes incorporated in it. “This one is nice. Lots of fabric to add intricate drawings and I like the loose fabric elements. I could do a sort of wind dance, you know? Swoosh the sashes around,” he did a wave motion with his hands.
Caym chirped. “Whoa! Now that’s an idea! I’m more of a snake dancer, I’ll go waves with my own body.”
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scp073-blog · 7 years
A rubber ducky with a bow on it with a note sits on the table. It looks a lot like Caym's duck form from the last time around... "Happy April Fools! P.s That was a fun time wasn't it?" the note read.
Cain picks up the duck and reads the note. He chuckles to himself and takes a good look at it, squeezing the duck to make sure it squeaks. It does. Cain brought the toy to Caym who accepted it with glee.
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scp073-blog · 8 years
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When a subject is pictured with SCP-978, the photograph that develops shows not what the subject was doing at the time of the photo, but rather what the subject wanted to be doing.
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scp073-blog · 8 years
Spill it, what did you two do for Valentine's Day? I bet it was something romantic...
We had a date! Caym got me flowers.
Knitted flowers! From real wool! Well… Iris helped me with making them… and stealing the wire to make the base…
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scp073-blog · 8 years
You're a birb nerd Caym~ tee hee
I can’t believe… me… a nerd….
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scp073-blog · 8 years
Happy Valentine's Day you nerds~
Thank you darling!
Nerds?! Only Cain is a nerd! 
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scp073-blog · 8 years
Mm I like how you're so enthusiastic Caym~ Get ready cause I'm gonna try and match that with my own! *Passionately kisses Caym's faces all over before leaving a big smooch on the lips* Cain your turn now~ *gently kisses Cain's face all over and smooches the corner of his mouth* Hee hee now you two look like you were in a blizzard of kisses~
Incredible! Very nice kisses! I feel revitalized!
Oh... this was really nice. Um, thanks?
You don’t just thank for kisses! That’s real awkward! You just beep a lil’!
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scp073-blog · 8 years
Pt.1- “Oh is that so Caym? Well then I'll make sure to give you more chocolates in the future! My weakness is the candies you'll find at carnivals, like cotton candy, lollipops, and rock candy.” Tack giggled and pushed forth the candies that were up for the trade. “Take what you like, and I'll pick out what I like to have that's ok to take.” The trade went without any issue. He had to admire the care that Caym was showing for it. Tack took what he was allowed and asked if he wasn't 100% sure.
Pt.2- In the end Tack received his favorite candies including a small vial of rock candy syrup he spotted. He was overjoyed when when Caym gave it to him in exchange for some super sour candies. “Thank you Caym I'm glad you liked what I brought, you had a lot of good stuff in your stash too. Now come see what I have for you!” Reaching into his bag he pulled out what looked like a large sketchbook. He flipped it open and show his friends a series of sketches featuring what looked like clothing.
Pt.3- Looking closer at the sketches they appear to be different styles of performance costumes. A few of them ranged from cute modesty to quite sexy. “It's been a while but do you remember when you both said something about performing? Singing I believe it was… Anyway I visited Zhenya some time ago and had them design some concepts for you to look at. I would have shown these to you much earlier but I… was sort of forbidden to visit for a while due to a huge misunderstanding.” Tack shrugged.
Caym gave Tack a thumbs up and tasted one of the super sour candies. His face scrunched up and he peeped and beeped. “Ohh! Great!”
Cain giggled. “Caym, don’t get a chemical burn or something. The nurse won’t like you getting in trouble from candy.”
To that Caym answered with a hand wave. “Listen, Cain, darling, sweetie! I am fine, let us look at what Tack has for us, ok? I’ll let you taste the crazy candy later... we can go to the nurse together.” Cain nodded and agreed to placate Caym.
Cain and Caym gave their full attention to the drawings Tack had brought. Cain, calm as always, nodded and let out some polite “ooh”s and “aah”s meanwhile Caym pointed excitedly at his favorite designs and beeped. Cain lightly tapped his hand to remind Caym not to touch the drawing and be respectful.
“Listen, listen, I want this one,” Caym pointed at one of the designs that was closer to the sexy style. “Look! It’ll show my awesome belly!”
Cain for once showed emotion, he was unsure. “Uhh, do we have to get matching costumes?
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scp073-blog · 8 years
Pt1- If half of a clue was found by the pond then the other half should be nearby you deducted. Looking about you saw the well was located the closest from the pond where you were now. With that in mind you stroll over there to search for the missing clue you needed. If there wasn’t anything there you’ll move on to the fire wood pile and finally the front yard. With time passing by you silently pray to yourself that you’ll find what you’re looking for quickly. Time felt like it was running out.
Pt2- Carefully searching around the well and its area yielded the missing half of the clue! Finally things were going right for you. You put the note together and read it out loud. 'To tame the garden vines gardeners should use metal rods, tools, or trinkets to distract it while gardening. Garden vines love metallic objects and have be observed to sneak things like keys and coins from unsuspecting people...' It seems that metal was the key to get the key from those strange vines in the garden.
Pt3- Now you knew what you have to do... Look around the well for any metal objects to use? Go back to the pond again? Search for any suitable metal objects around the cottage? Use your hands instead? (Ayee CYOA anon is back from the dead to continue this! Sorry about that! College buried me and made me forget about this until now when I stumbled onto it again lol.)
Cain wondered whether the plants were crossbreeds with magpies, not that they looked the part but being attracted to metal, which is very shiny most of the time, seemed like something a bird would do.
For a moment he glanced at his hands but decided against it - if he used himself as a distraction he’d either get entwined in magical vines whose strength he didn’t quite know or worse: rip the vines apart while struggling, which would render this whole clue seeking process useless.
Cain decided to look for a rod or rake or even a shovel in the cottage - gardening tools must have metallic parts to them, right?
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scp073-blog · 8 years
Of course you can drink it Cain! Silly why ya think I got two glasses to go with it~ Enjoy and share to your hearts content!
Oh, then I will gladly join you in drinks!
Yes! We must celebrate together!
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scp073-blog · 8 years
You did Caym? Oh hohoho how lucky for me, you've clean up pretty nicely~ And don't you worry Cain I heard it's gonna quite the flurry~ So who wants to go first into it hm? *puckers lips*
*Caym waves his hand eagerly* Me! I always go first!
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scp073-blog · 8 years
RP Starter: “I hope Cain and Caym are gonna love what we got them for Christmas!” Tack whispered quietly to Amets, who was helping Tack up from the rabbit hole.
“I’m certain they will appreciate our gifts for them Tack.” Amets quietly replied while gently lowering Tack until his paws touched the ground. He then brushed himself off and straighten his outfit some. Dressed up almost like a sugar plum ballet dancer, Tack had on a white and plum colored romantic tutu embellished with sparkles in ornate patterns and matching corset-like basque, white heavy wool sweater, and his matching ruff bracelets and collar. Amets was also wearing something festive for the holiday. Amets’s Venetian half mask and veils had the Christmas nature theme of holly and snow, along with the travelling cloak they have laid aside with Tack’s long coat.
“Oh I hope so…Hmm I wonder where they are today?” Tack looked around before heading to the bed. While Tack checked for a note under the pillow, Amets picked up a sack which held the said gifts and begun to place them on the desk. Each one was beautifully wrapped with a ribbon that reflected Cain and Caym’s favorite colors to tell them apart.
“Hmm nothing under here… Perhaps they’re both in the living room?” Tack mused. Creeping over towards the door, Tack paused for a moment to listen. Sure enough he heard his friends voices speaking quietly in the other room. He waved Amets over and cracked the door open just enough to see them sitting on the couch talking about some holiday gifts they had received already. Tack happily wagged his tail seeing how adorable it was that Caym was sharing some of his candy with Cain. They are so cute together! Tack thought. Then he had an idea…
Reaching under his hat, Tack pulled out some mistletoe that Evgeniya and Yevgenity gave to him after many kisses under it. Motioning Amets to hold the door just enough, Tack tossed the mistletoe in his friends direction. It bounced against Caym’s leg causing him to jump a little and landed next to him. They both looked at it unsure what to make of it, and then towards the bedroom door.
With two somewhat confused faces now looking at him, Tack giggled joyously and waved hello while Amets waved a little as well.
Cain and Caym were sitting on the couch in their living room space, chit chatting and gossiping about the past Christmas events at Site-17.
“I think it’s amazing how they managed to talk Guy into getting all the presents,” Cain mused.
“He totally outdid himself! And we even got the right Guy back!” Caym chirped.
The two were lost in discussion when something touched Caym’s leg, instinctively he jumped and pulled his legs together, followed by a confused chirp. Cain looked at whatever was tossed - it seemed to be a plant. He pointed at it so Caym would pick it up.
Caym instead was too busy staring at who was responsible for this plant-assault and there he saw it, peeking through the bedroom door - it was none other than his friends Tack and Amets! Caym’s wishes to investigate disappeared and he waved eagerly. “Hi guys! Look Cain, look!” Caym waved back at them and pulled at Cain’s sleeve. Cain nodded with a smile. “Let’s go talk to them.” He said and got up. This time Caym picked up the mistletoe and dashed first to the bedroom.
“I know of your evil plan now! Don’t worry, we won the Holiday kisses contest so now we can show off our superior smooch tactics,” Caym chirped and talked.
Cain chuckled. “No need to make a show out of it. Just be careful with the mistletoe.” Caym, being very careful with the mistletoe, put it over Cain’s head and gave the always worried man a little kiss on the cheek.
“Don’t be such a serious bird! We have friends over!” Caym chered.
Cain nodded, a bit flustered. He turned his attention to Amets and Tack. “Hello, friends, I am really happy to see you here.”
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scp073-blog · 8 years
*Gives a lovely tin of holiday candies* Merry Christmas!
*Caym devours most of them and gives some to Cain*
Merry Christmas!
Merry Crimbus!
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