immunity-supplements · 5 months
3 Benefits of Lip Serums
Skin serums are nothing new, and they play a crucial role in the skincare routines of millions. But have you ever thought about adding an EWG verified lip serum into the mix?
Lip serums aren't as widespread as their skin-focused cousins, but they're quickly growing in popularity. A lip serum is much different than your average lip balm, offering more active ingredients to keep your lips soft and kissable. Here are a few benefits of using lip serums.
Hydration You Can Feel
One of the biggest reasons to consider lip serums is their hydrating capabilities. Standard wax-based balms provide temporary hydration. However, serums are more like moisturizers.
In addition to addressing issues like dry or chapped lips, these products contain ingredients that create a protective barrier over your lips. The serums seal in moisture while replenishing your lips.
When most people think of anti-aging, they focus on skincare. But it's more than fine lines around your eyes and mouth that can age you. Lips lose plumpness as you get older, leading to thinner lips and the development of wrinkles.
Serums are a game-changer for anti-aging! Many formulas contain proven ingredients like hyaluronic acid and retinol. They give your lips a much-needed moisture boost while improving collagen production to keep your lips looking full and youthful.
Increased Lip Volume
Another reason so many use lip serums is to achieve a plumper look. Like skincare serums, lip serums come in numerous formulas with different active ingredients and goals. While some focus exclusively on hydration or anti-aging, some provide additional benefits like plumping.
Serums that target volume can create a noticeable change in the overall shape and fullness of your lips. They provide that plumped-up look without needing fillers or other potentially invasive procedures. It's a great way to subtly change your look while benefiting from many moisturizing and anti-aging ingredients.
Those are just a few reasons to consider getting an EWG verified lip serum. Skincare serums help you address issues to improve skin health and appearance. Lip serums do the same, targeting the unique needs of your lips to soften, hydrate and more.
Read a similar article about EWG verified moisture activating serum here at this page.
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immunity-supplements · 6 months
Serums vs. Creams
The skincare industry continues to put out products that target specific skin concerns. From combating the signs of aging to addressing issues like dry skin, finding products that cater to your needs is easy. But with so many options available, many need help understanding what everything means and what specific products are for.
Take, for example, serums and creams. Both are crucial parts of a great skincare routine. But what do these products do, and what are the differences? In this guide, we'll give you the lowdown to help you find out.
What is a Serum?
A serum is a light and absorbent skincare product with a higher concentration of active ingredients. They penetrate deep into the skin and typically address specific concerns. For example, an EWG verified anti aging serum can help handle fine lines, wrinkles and other texture issues.
Meanwhile, a vitamin C serum can protect your skin from sun damage while addressing dark spots.
Think of serums as "boosters" for your skin. You can introduce them into your routine based on your unique needs.
What is a Cream?
The term "cream" is a catch-all. It refers to anything with a thick and creamy consistency. Manufacturers produce skincare creams with many ingredients to address aging, dryness, etc. However, they all have that thick consistency to create a physical barrier over the skin that prevents substantial moisture loss.
Creams are thicker and oilier. They're typically better to use towards the end of your skincare routine to lock in moisture.
How to Use Serums and Creams
Serums and creams are just two products you should have in a larger skincare routine. Generally, you apply your serum first after you wash and tone.
Because serums are highly absorbent and have higher concentrations of active ingredients, you apply them early to give your skin the attention it needs. If you're using an EWG verified anti aging serum, you'd apply that first to let the active ingredients get into the skin before applying a moisturizing cream to lock everything in. Creams should be one of the last things you apply to your skin before using sunscreen.
Read a similar article about eye treatment serum here at this page.
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immunity-supplements · 7 months
What is Chlorophyll?
Chlorophyll is quickly becoming one of the most popular crazes in the health food and supplement industries, and it's not hard to see why. This natural compound exists in green plants. It gives leaves, stalks and other green components their distinct color. In plants, chlorophyll facilitates photosynthesis, playing a critical role in a plant's ability to absorb energy from the sun.
There are two types of chlorophyll, and green plants can contain either variety. Both are fat-soluble and have properties that can benefit humans.
If you're considering adding a green superfood supplement to your daily routine, here's what you need to know about the chlorophyll compound.
Where Does Chlorophyll Come From?
This compound is present in green plants and is abundant in many plant-based foods. It's most prevalent in leafy greens like spinach, kale and lettuce. Plants like broccoli, peas, green beans and other green-colored food crops contain chlorophyll.
When you buy a green superfood supplement, it likely contains a chlorophyll-rich ingredient like plant-based foods. However, many supplement makers source chlorophyll through an organism you're less likely to see at your grocery store: Algae.
Algae varieties like chlorella and spirulina are some of the richest sources of chlorophyll available. Manufacturers typically dry and process algae, making it a powerful addition to drink mixes and oral supplements.
The Health Benefits of Chlorophyll
There are many benefits to ingesting chlorophyll.
The compound has antioxidant properties. While not as potent as other antioxidant nutrients, chlorophyll supplements can increase antioxidants in the bloodstream. The compound may help decrease oxidative damage caused by carcinogens.
Several studies also show that chlorophyll is a powerful tool for cancer prevention. Studies involving rodents indicate chlorophyll binds with aflatoxins, carcinogenic chemicals that can cause cancer and damage genes. When binding occurs, the chlorophyll prevents the body from absorbing cancer-causing aflatoxins. Scientists continue to study the effects of chlorophyll intake and its impact on cancers affecting skin, stomach, colon and liver cancers.
As an antioxidant, chlorophyll is promising and can be a fantastic addition to your diet. It's also said to help improve skin healing, promote weight loss and provide energy.
Read a similar article about pre workout energy drink here at this page.
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immunity-supplements · 8 months
3 People Who Should Drink Protein Powder
The best protein powders on the market can give your body all the essential amino acids to thrive. These dietary supplements provide a slew of benefits. They can promote muscle growth, help repair tissue after a workout and even promote better weight management.
Contrary to popular belief, protein powders aren't just for fitness enthusiasts. Here's a quick list of the types of people who should consider drinking protein powder.
Athletes and Fitness Buffs
Let's start with the obvious. Of course, people who love to stay active have a lot to gain from drinking protein powder drinks. Protein is an essential macronutrient for all humans. But people who want to bulk up or maximize performance output can take protein powder to get even more.
These powders can significantly improve muscle size and strength. Plus, they help with workout recovery. Whipping up a shake to enjoy after your workout can reduce muscle soreness. It doesn't matter what your goals are. Whether you're trying to bulk up or slim down, the best protein powders will help you get there.
As you get older, your body will experience sarcopenia. Sarcopenia is the progressive loss of muscle mass and strength. It starts earlier than most think! For many people, muscle loss begins in their 30s!
Muscle loss can affect a person's health in many ways. A lack of muscle increases the chances of injury, so many health care providers recommend increasing protein intake to counteract sarcopenia. What better way to do that than by taking protein powder?
Vegans and Vegetarians
If you live a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle, protein powders can help you maintain good health. While many plant-based proteins exist, they don't always meet your dietary needs. Protein powders can bridge the gap.
The great thing about modern protein powders is that you can easily find vegan formulas. Several brands offer powders with soy, pea or hemp, allowing you to get the protein you need without sacrificing your lifestyle.
Doctors may also recommend taking protein supplements to manage certain diseases or conditions. For example, protein powder can help improve the effects of malnutrition.
Read a similar article about low calorie snack crisps here at this page.
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immunity-supplements · 9 months
Can Vitamins Lead to Anti-Aging?
The anti-aging market in the United States is huge! The market is worth over $18 billion in 2023, and projections show it growing to over $23 billion in the next five years. Millions of people want to combat the signs of aging to retain a youthful look.
Browse any beauty aisle, and you'll find cleansers, creams and serums full of vitamins. But can vitamins actually help with anti-aging?
The Problem with Vitamin-Infused Skincare
Whether or not vitamins help you in your quest to maintain youthful skin depends on how you introduce them to your body. There's no shortage of vitamin-infused topical products, but they may not be as effective as you think.
Topical solutions contain low concentrations of vitamins. As a result, they don't absorb into the skin very well. The vitamins that get into your skin usually only provide a short-term effect.
The Bright Side: Vitamin Supplements
While topically applied vitamins have limited effects, taking them orally may provide better results. Using vitamins you buy through an online supplement store can better protect your skin from damage than most topical products. They work from the inside out, making the vitamins more available to your skin.
Vitamins That Help with Anti-Aging
There are many antioxidants worth exploring, but some of the most powerful for anti-aging include vitamin C, vitamin E and Selenium.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is an antioxidant that's already prevalent in the skin. It does a fine job of protecting your cells against damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals cause oxidative stress and can accelerate aging.
Taking vitamin C supplements offers protection from the sun and environmental stresses.
Vitamin E
Many health care experts consider it the most important vitamin you can take from an anti-aging standpoint. That's because it protects the cell membranes. It may make inactive free radicals less likely to cause damage.
You can get vitamin E from an online supplement store and take it daily to get more protection from the sun. Just 400 milligrams a day can reduce photodamage.
Selenium is a mineral that can protect you from cancer. It's good for anti-aging because it protects against the harmful effects of the sun. Furthermore, the mineral can preserve elasticity in the skin while slowing down tissue hardening caused by cell oxidation.
Read a similar article about blueberry almond protein bar here at this page.
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immunity-supplements · 9 months
6 TikTok Health Trends That Aren’t Anywhere Close To Healthy
If you spend more time than you’d care to admit on TikTok every day, you’re in good company. More than 150 million people in the U.S. (and over a billion worldwide) are on the social media platform, which is chock-full of user-generated content featuring information on just about every topic imaginable. Many of the posts on TikTok are forms of creative expression—people lip-syncing, dancing, and being comedic—but there’s also a great deal of news-based hot takes that delve into the areas of politics, spirituality, and yes, health read more
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immunity-supplements · 10 months
Benefits of Electrolytes
Electrolyte drinks and powders are all the rage these days. There are tons of options available, making them a favorite for athletes. You might have seen people in your gym using a lemon lime electrolyte powder to create a drink they can sip on as they dominate their workout.
Many people know that electrolytes are essential to good health. But have you ever wondered what benefits they provide? Read on to find out!
Better Hydration
Electrolytes are minerals in your body that work to regulate the balance of fluids. Many types of electrolytes exist, but the big players are sodium, potassium and magnesium. Without electrolytes, you'll experience the effects of dehydration. That's why it's wise to drink them whenever exercising or sweating.
You lose electrolytes through sweating. The electrolyte you lose most is sodium, which is why sweat tastes so salty! How much you lose depends on many factors, including how hot it is and how intense your workout is. Either way, you need to replenish those electrolytes stat!
Except for distilled water, standard drinking water does contain electrolytes. From bottled water to tap water, it's there. But it doesn't have much. Fortunately, you can turn to a lemon lime electrolyte powder!
Electrolyte drinks hydrate you better and faster than pure water. These drinks give your body what it needs to stay healthy.
Better Physical Performance
There's a reason why electrolyte drinks are the go-to for athletes. In addition to better hydration, these beverages can improve your physical performance. They replenish what your body loses through sweat and exercise.
Downing electrolyte-rich drinks can keep your mind and body going. Electrolytes improve your focus, fuel your body and boost your strength. Whether you're training for a marathon or playing competitive sports, electrolytes make a difference.
Stronger Bones and Muscles
This benefit comes from the potassium electrolyte and its ability to stabilize pH in the body. Many people eat foods that increase the body's acidity. As a result, the bones can lose density as the muscles waste.
Several studies show that high-potassium diets can lower your risk of acidosis, preserving your bones and muscles. Electrolyte drinks are a fantastic source of potassium, adding yet another health benefit to the mix!
Read a similar article about endurance electrolyte powder here at this page.
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immunity-supplements · 10 months
What is Chromium?
Chromium is a mineral that serves a few important functions in the body. It plays a part in the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. However, it's most known for its impact on insulin. The mineral enhances the action of the insulin hormone, affecting how the body regulates glucose levels.
The body doesn't need a ton of chromium. While it is essential, it's a trace mineral. That said, deficiencies can be detrimental to your health.
The Effects of Chromium Deficiencies
When your body doesn't get enough chromium, you may experience increased blood glucose. The effect of insulin wanes, and your body may become more sensitive to the hormone.
There are many wide-ranging effects of deficiencies. Many people experience a higher risk of diabetes and heart disease. Some will also suffer from confusion, unwanted weight loss and other debilitating symptoms.
How to Ensure You're Getting Enough Chromium
There are many ways to get more chromium into your body. However, staying on top of your chromium intake can be tricky. Unlike other minerals, tracking chromium content isn't easy because natural food products vary based on the growing environment. For example, one helping of broccoli can be high in chromium while another is lacking.
The best approach is to improve your diet and focus on chromium-rich foods. Remember, you don't need much chromium to stay healthy. By prioritizing healthy sources, you have a better chance of getting what you need.
Good sources of chromium include:
Whole grains
Green beans
Another option is to take a chromium vitamin. Taking vitamins is the best way to know you get what you need. With how much chromium levels vary, taking daily vitamins eliminates all doubt that you're getting the fuel to stay healthy.
How Much Chromium Do You Need?
There are no official figures for the recommended daily allowance for chromium. However, "adequate intake" estimations do exist.
Healthy adult males under 50 need about 35 micrograms daily. Females in the same age range require 25 micrograms daily. Once you pass 50, daily recommendations for men and women fall to 30 and 20 micrograms, respectively. Most chromium vitamin products meet or exceed those recommendations.
Read a similar article about mental clarity vitamin here at this page.
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immunity-supplements · 11 months
Tips to Boost Your Immune System
Your immune system plays a critical role in maintaining good overall health. It's your body's greatest line of defense, protecting you from diseases and infections that could otherwise ravage your body. A strong immune system can protect you from life-changing diseases like cancer.
Keeping your immune system strong is crucial. But how do you do that? Here are a few tips that can make all the difference.
Focus on Your Diet
What you put into your body affects how many critical biological functions perform. That includes your immune system! A low-quality diet of junk food and unhealthy fats will plummet your immunity.
Consider making improvements to create a healthier diet of lean proteins, whole grains and plenty of plant-based foods. Changing your diet makes a noticeable difference. It fuels your body better, strengthening your immune system to protect you.
Ditch the Bad Habits
Do you smoke? Maybe you vape or drink alcohol every night. Whatever the case, it's time to make a few changes! Bad habits like that do more harm than good. Smoking increases your risk of immune system problems. Meanwhile, drinking too much can severely damage crucial organs.
Leave the bad habits behind and focus on improving your diet, getting fit and staying healthy.
Take Daily Immune System Defense Capsules
Taking supplements is one of the easiest ways to boost your immune system. High-quality daily immune system defense capsules contain beneficial vitamins and nutrients that directly benefit your body's defenses. They keep your immune system in top shape, ensuring it's ready to take action whenever faced with illness or disease.
Capsules are easy to take, too. Include them in your daily supplement routine, and you'll notice the improvements in no time.
Get Plenty of Rest
Your body needs a full night of rest to reset and rejuvenate. When you constantly get up in the middle of the night or stay up way too late, your immune system will suffer. Furthermore, you can develop various health problems.
Make a habit of getting to bed early. Consider creating a bedtime routine to encourage sleep.
Read a similar article about chlorophyll supplement here at this page.
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immunity-supplements · 11 months
Tips to Help Improve Your Liver Function
Did you know that over 100 million Americans have some form of liver disease? Your liver plays an important role in your overall health. It processes blood, removes toxins, produces proteins and more. Keeping your liver in good shape is crucial in maintaining overall wellness.
From multivitamins for liver health to improving your diet, here are a few ways to improve liver function.
Maintain a Healthy Weight
One of the best things you can do to support your liver is to stay at a healthy weight. It doesn't matter if you're obese or slightly overweight. Being outside a healthy weight range increases your risk of having a fatty liver.
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is one of the fastest-growing forms of liver disease. It's affecting more and more people, and being overweight is a major risk factor. If you're already overweight, take steps to lose those extra pounds. Weight loss can reduce liver fat and enhance the organ's function.
Improve Your Diet
Changing your diet can make all the difference if you're trying to lose weight. But even relatively healthy people can make improvements to avoid liver damage. The key is to avoid high-calorie meals or foods with a ton of saturated fats and refined carbohydrates. Instead of quick junk meals, focus on high-fiber foods like fruits and vegetables. You can also eat meat, dairy products and healthy fats. However, avoid anything over-processed or ultra-fatty.
Avoid Liver-Damaging Toxins
Most people don't realize this, but countless toxins you encounter daily could damage liver cells. The first thing that comes to mind is alcohol. If you drink, do so in moderation. Consult with your doctor to see how much alcohol you can have. If your liver is already experiencing issues, they may recommend you cut it out completely.
Other toxins come from household products like pesticides and aerosol cans. When you use those products, wear a mask and open up a window for ventilation.
Take Multivitamins for Liver Health
Our final tip is to consider taking multivitamins. Supplements that cater to liver health can do many things. They can protect the liver cells from damage, stimulate the growth of new liver cells, improve blood flow and more.
Read a similar article about virtual vitamin shop here at this page.
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Guide to Muscle Pain Relief
Muscle pain is a common issue that plagues people of all ages and activity levels. The cause of aches and pains can vary. In most cases, it's a byproduct of overexertion. In fact, many strength trainers and athletes experience pain as their muscles rebuild and grow.
However, it can also occur due to disease, injury or infection. Whatever the case, you don't have to settle for the discomfort. Read on to learn how to address muscle pain.
Find the Source
The first thing you need to do is identify the source of the pain. Is it localized to one area, or is it more widespread?
Typically, localized pain is easy to spot. The discomfort could be due to strains if you overwork one part of your body. Pain is also common if you work out a muscle that usually doesn't get a ton of activity. Fortunately, localized issues are easy to address with rest and cream for muscle pain.
If the problem is more widespread, you could be experiencing systemic pain. Common causes include fever, infection and disease. When your muscle pain is throughout the body and not localized, consider seeing your doctor to figure out what's going on.
Give Yourself Time to Recovery
The worst thing you can do when experiencing muscle pain is to push through. Pain can be mild. But if you continue over-exerting the affected muscles, the issue can worsen.
Let your muscles rest. Assess and monitor the pain to understand the extent of the injury and give your body the time it needs to repair itself.
Reducing Inflammation
Inflammation occurs after a muscle injury. It's your body's natural response to harm. Unfortunately, it also causes significant discomfort.
To alleviate inflammation, elevate the affected muscle above your heart, apply compression to increase blood flow and use ice to reduce swelling. You can also use a cream for muscle pain. All-natural creams contain pain-relieving ingredients that penetrate the affected area, allowing you to get pain relief without resorting to drugs.
If you take the right steps to address muscle pain, you should return to normal within a few days. However, seek professional care from your doctor if the issue persists.
Read a similar article about online wellness products here at this page.
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10 Reasons Why You Should Consider Using Autism Spectrum Vitamins
As per the CDC data, ASD or autism spectrum disorders affect approximately 1 in every 40 children. It is a chronic condition which impacts social interaction, communication, and language. Children who suffer from autism might also engage in repetitive or stereotypical behaviours read more
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Do Women and Men Need to Take Different Vitamins?
Taking vitamins is a great way to ensure you get everything your body needs to stay healthy. While individual vitamins can help you address specific deficiencies, multivitamins are a catch-all product that covers all the essentials in one convenient capsule.
There is no shortage of supplements on the market today, and you may see different options marketed toward specific demographics. For example, you'll see vitamins for kids, seniors and more. You'll also find multivitamin strips for women and products exclusively for men. So that begs the question: Do men and women really need to take different vitamins?
Differences in Vitamin and Mineral Needs
While you might assume that products catering to men and women are nothing more than a marketing ploy, there are reasons why separate products exist. Men and women need all the same vitamins and minerals to stay healthy. However, men and women have entirely different biological needs. Therefore, the amount of minerals and vitamins required to remain healthy differs.
For example, women typically need fewer calories daily than men to maintain a healthy weight. But when it comes to vitamin intake, females usually require more! Not only that, but they can benefit from certain vitamins and minerals during different times of their reproductive life. Menstruating women need more iron and folate than men of the same age.
On the other side of the token, older men need less iron. Men have a higher chance of dealing with iron accumulation in their liver and pancreas as they age, so multivitamin manufacturers typically leave the mineral out of formulas to avoid issues.
There are many subtle differences in recommended dietary allowances. Men and women need all the same vitamins, but those discrepancies make having different products necessary.
Fortunately, it's easy to find vitamins that meet your specific needs. Multivitamin strips for women can deliver all the essential vitamins and minerals females need to reach their full health potential. Meanwhile, men can benefit from multivitamin capsules that provide energy, avoid iron overload and support numerous biological processes.
Read a similar article about multivitamin body moisturizer here at this page.
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What are the Benefits of Hyaluronic Acid?
Hyaluronic acid is a substance that your body creates naturally. It's prevalent in your skin but also your joints, eyes and more. Biologically, hyaluronic acid wears many hats. It plays a role in cell division and migration, heals wounds, lubricates the joints and more.
Because of its multi-function purpose in your body, you'll see it in everything from oral medications to injections for joint pain!
But it recently became a popular ingredient in skincare products. From a moisturizer with hyaluronic acid to serums touting amazing texture improvements, this substance is a favorite in the skincare industry.
So what are the benefits it provides?
Ultra Hydration
There's a reason why you see hyaluronic acid in moisturizers and body lotions. It holds up to 1,000 times its weight in water! If you deal with dry skin, using a moisturizer with hyaluronic acid is a game-changer. It can help your skin retain moisture, avoiding the pitfalls of dryness.
Even if you have oily skin, hyaluronic acid can benefit you. The added moisture can regulate oil production, making that never-ending shine more manageable.
More Skin Elasticity
Another huge perk of hyaluronic acid is that it improves skin elasticity. As you age, collagen production slows down, and your skin can start to sag. You may notice more fine lines and wrinkles as a result.
Hyaluronic acid helps your skin stretch and flex. The added hydration can make your skin feel more firm and plump. When taken regularly, it can even reduce the appearance of fine lines.
More Vibrant Complexion
Hyaluronic acid can make a difference if you're worried about dull skin. Its ability to hold moisture creates a protective barrier that can promote cell regeneration. It doesn't speed up how fast your cells renew.
But the side effect of all that moisture can make your cells healthier. As a result, you may notice brighter skin and a better complexion.
Reduced Scarring
Products with hyaluronic acid could improve the appearance of acne scars. It's known to promote healing. While it doesn't fill scars directly, hyaluronic acid can improve texture, resulting in a smoother appearance.
Read a similar article about plant protein powder here at this page.
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How Often Should I Take Collagen?
Collagen supplements can do a lot to improve your health and well-being. Collagen is one of your body's most abundant proteins, helping with skin elasticity, joint ligaments and more. Daily collagen packs are a fantastic way to take advantage of the benefits and combat age-related collagen depletion.
But how much should you take?
Determining Proper Dosage
There are no official guidelines on how much collagen you should take as a supplement. It largely depends on the type of collagen you use and the purpose of the supplement.
A couple of primary forms of collagen exist for supplements. These include hydrolyzed and undenatured collagen.
Hydrolyzed collagen is the most prevalent. It typically comes from animal sources like bovine and seafood. Manufacturers break down the collagen into more absorbable peptide particles. It gets into your body more efficiently.
You're most likely to find hydrolyzed collagen in beauty products and supplements. For example, it comes in powder form in collagen packs that you can add to drinks.
Recent clinical studies found that doses between 2.5 and 15 grams are safe and effective. Generally, the lower end of the dosing spectrum is for skin health, hydration and joint pain. Meanwhile, the upper end of the dosing scale is for boosting bone density, muscle mass and overall body composition.
Undenatured Collagen
Undenatured collagen is raw and comes from chicken cartilage. It interacts with the immune system as it moves through your digestive tract. Because it's not as easily absorbed, undenatured collagen is sometimes the form of choice for joint supplements. Thought hydrolyzed collagen can also provide joint benefits.
The ideal dosing for undenatured collagen is around 10 to 40 milligrams.
Follow Manufacturer Suggestions
Ultimately, looking at the manufacturer's recommendations is the best way to know how much of a supplement you should take. Supplement makers produce products based on specific dosing. Follow the instructions to a tee, and you should do well.
Taking more than what you're supposed to isn't a good idea. While collagen is safe, too much could mess up your appetite and cause stomach upsets.
Read a similar article about digestion supplements here at this page.
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Tips on How to Increase Your Vitamin A Intake
Vitamin A is an essential nutrient that can benefit your body in many ways. It can support ocular health, regulate cell growth, stimulate the production of white blood cells and more. There are a couple of forms of Vitamin A, but both can help ensure better health and improve many of your body's biological functions.
The recommended dietary allowance of Vitamin A for men is 900 mcg. For women, it's 700 mcg. So how do you increase your Vitamin A intake?
Eat More Fruits and Vegetables
Of course, improving your diet is the best way to get more Vitamin A into your system. Many fruits and vegetables contain provitamin A carotenoids. After eating them, the body converts the carotenoids into the retinol form of Vitamin A.
What foods should you eat? Here's a short list of vitamin-rich fruits and vegetables to add to your shopping list:
Red bell pepper
Sweet potatoes
Winter and summer squash
You can also get Vitamin A from foods that aren't plant-based. Beef liver is a fantastic source of Vitamin A. The same goes for fish oils, milk and eggs.
Invest in Vitamin Supplements
These days, it's not easy relying on whole foods alone to get your fix of vitamins and minerals. Luckily, some of the best vitamin brands offer products that fill the gap. You can go for a multivitamin containing a collection of nutrients. Alternatively, you can stick to pure Vitamin A supplements!
Both contain preformed Vitamin A and offer a quick and easy way to ensure you're getting what you need.
Try Fortified Foods
Like many of the best vitamin brands, some processed food manufacturers fortify their products with Vitamin A. Usually, processed foods are something you should avoid as much as possible. Whole foods are always better.
But processed goods are often cheaper and easier to access. Fortified foods contain preformed Vitamin A. You can find fortified juices, cereals, dairy products and more. It's the best of both worlds, giving you a supplement and food product in one.
Read a similar article about energy Vitamins here at this page.
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4 Benefits of Doing a Body Detox
You might do your best to live a healthy life, but that doesn't mean you're immune to toxin exposure. Toxins live in the air you breathe and the foods you eat. They're everywhere, accumulating in your body to negatively impact your health and well-being.
Detox supplements are a great solution to living a healthier life. The detoxification process flushes out harmful stuff, helping you live your best life! Keep reading to learn about a few benefits of doing a body detox.
Weight Loss
Here's one reason why many turn to detoxification products. Well-made detox supplements can encourage your body to flush out toxins you have held onto for years. In doing so, you may finally restore your metabolism.
For many people, unwanted weight gain is the byproduct of a plummeting metabolism. Your body becomes less efficient at burning calories due to the many environmental toxins accumulated over the years. Body detox is like hitting the "reset" button, allowing you to lose weight and keep it off.
Less Inflammation
Do you deal with aches, pains, and swells regularly? Whether they occur in your muscles, joints, or even your face, those issues could result from toxin buildup. Your immune system attempts to attack toxins as they enter your system. White blood cells and histamines should fight viruses, bacteria, and infections. But your immune system's focus on toxins leads to unexpected inflammation you can see and feel.
A detox can address that issue, making ongoing inflammation troubles a thing of the past.
Better Sleep
Toxin exposure is notorious for keeping you up at night. It may start innocent enough, but the problem can gradually worsen to ongoing insomnia! Sleep deprivation can ultimately affect your career, personal life, and health. A detox removes any impurities in your system to promote better sleep.
Improved Blood Circulation
Body detox may also help with blood circulation. Your circulatory system plays a valuable role in your overall health, delivering oxygen and nutrients throughout your body. However, Toxins muddy the works, preventing you from reaping the full benefits of uninterrupted circulation. Detoxification flushes toxins away, resulting in better support for all of your body's biological functions.
Read a similar article about supplements online here at this page.
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