#biodegradable cleaner
How Often Should I Take Collagen?
Collagen supplements can do a lot to improve your health and well-being. Collagen is one of your body's most abundant proteins, helping with skin elasticity, joint ligaments and more. Daily collagen packs are a fantastic way to take advantage of the benefits and combat age-related collagen depletion.
But how much should you take?
Determining Proper Dosage
There are no official guidelines on how much collagen you should take as a supplement. It largely depends on the type of collagen you use and the purpose of the supplement.
A couple of primary forms of collagen exist for supplements. These include hydrolyzed and undenatured collagen.
Hydrolyzed collagen is the most prevalent. It typically comes from animal sources like bovine and seafood. Manufacturers break down the collagen into more absorbable peptide particles. It gets into your body more efficiently.
You're most likely to find hydrolyzed collagen in beauty products and supplements. For example, it comes in powder form in collagen packs that you can add to drinks.
Recent clinical studies found that doses between 2.5 and 15 grams are safe and effective. Generally, the lower end of the dosing spectrum is for skin health, hydration and joint pain. Meanwhile, the upper end of the dosing scale is for boosting bone density, muscle mass and overall body composition.
Undenatured Collagen
Undenatured collagen is raw and comes from chicken cartilage. It interacts with the immune system as it moves through your digestive tract. Because it's not as easily absorbed, undenatured collagen is sometimes the form of choice for joint supplements. Thought hydrolyzed collagen can also provide joint benefits.
The ideal dosing for undenatured collagen is around 10 to 40 milligrams.
Follow Manufacturer Suggestions
Ultimately, looking at the manufacturer's recommendations is the best way to know how much of a supplement you should take. Supplement makers produce products based on specific dosing. Follow the instructions to a tee, and you should do well.
Taking more than what you're supposed to isn't a good idea. While collagen is safe, too much could mess up your appetite and cause stomach upsets.
Read a similar article about digestion supplements here at this page.
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mutantenfisch · 11 months
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Baldito is enjoying the many benefits of a sheepskin that's twice as old as him but still comfy
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shayerid · 3 months
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Embrace Eco-Friendly Living with Lilystinyeco's Sustainable Kitchen Cloth in Aurora
In the quest for a more sustainable lifestyle, every small change matters. If you're in Aurora and looking to make a difference in your kitchen routine, look no further than Lilystinyeco's sustainable kitchen cloth. With our eco-friendly alternatives, you can embrace green living without compromising on quality or performance.
Our sustainable kitchen cloth is designed to replace traditional paper towels and synthetic cleaning cloths, offering a reusable and eco-conscious solution for everyday tasks. Made from premium natural fibers, including organic cotton and bamboo, our cloths are gentle on surfaces yet durable enough to handle tough messes. Say goodbye to single-use disposables and hello to a greener, more sustainable kitchen.
At Lilystinyeco, we're committed to reducing waste and minimizing our environmental footprint. That's why our sustainable kitchen cloth in Aurora is not only reusable but also biodegradable, ensuring that it won't end up polluting our planet. By choosing our eco-friendly alternative, you're taking a meaningful step towards a more sustainable future for generations to come.
But sustainability isn't the only thing that sets our kitchen cloth apart. With its superior absorbency and quick-drying properties, it outperforms conventional options, making it a practical choice for busy households. Whether you're wiping down countertops, cleaning up spills, or drying dishes, our cloth is up to the task.
Make the switch to Lilystinyeco's sustainable kitchen cloth in Aurora and join the movement towards a greener, cleaner world. With each use, you'll not only be saving money but also making a positive impact on the environment. Visit our website today to learn more and start your journey towards eco-friendly living.
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cleancitypro · 4 months
Effective Strategies on How to Remove Graffiti
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Graffiti can be a pervasive issue in urban environments, defacing public and private property alike. The presence of graffiti not only affects the aesthetic appeal of a space but also poses challenges for property owners and local authorities. However, removing graffiti doesn't have to be an arduous task. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore various effective strategies on how to remove graffiti, ensuring a clean and graffiti-free environment. For professional and efficient graffiti removal services, trust Clean City Pro to get the job done seamlessly.
Understanding the Type of Surface:
The first step in graffiti removal is understanding the type of surface you're dealing with. Different surfaces require different approaches. For non-porous surfaces like glass or metal, removing graffiti is relatively easier than from porous surfaces such as concrete or brick. The porosity of the surface determines the penetration of the graffiti materials, influencing the choice of removal methods.
Immediate Action:
Prompt action is crucial in graffiti removal. The longer graffiti remains on a surface, the more it adheres, making removal more challenging. As soon as graffiti is noticed, take immediate action. This not only improves the chances of successful removal but also sends a message that graffiti is not tolerated.
Graffiti Removal Techniques:
Pressure Washing: For non-porous surfaces, pressure washing is highly effective. High-pressure water can remove most graffiti without causing damage to the underlying surface. Adjust the pressure according to the surface type, and use appropriate detergents for enhanced results.
Chemical Cleaners: Chemical cleaners are specifically formulated to break down graffiti materials. Choose a cleaner that is suitable for the surface and graffiti type. Test a small, inconspicuous area first to ensure compatibility and avoid potential damage.
Paint Over: Sometimes, the simplest solution is to paint over the graffiti. Match the color and type of paint as closely as possible to the existing surface. This method is particularly effective for surfaces like walls or fences.
Graffiti Remover Gels: Graffiti remover gels are designed to cling to vertical surfaces, allowing for better penetration and extended contact time. These gels are especially useful for intricate or detailed graffiti.
Blasting Media: For tougher surfaces like concrete or brick, abrasive blasting media such as sand or baking soda can be employed. This method effectively removes graffiti without causing harm to the underlying structure.
Safety Precautions:
When engaging in graffiti removal, it's essential to prioritize safety. Use protective gear such as gloves, goggles, and masks, especially when working with chemical cleaners or abrasive blasting media. Ensure proper ventilation in the area, and follow manufacturer guidelines for all cleaning products.
Seek Professional Help:
While many graffiti removal methods can be executed as DIY projects, certain situations may require professional assistance. Complex or extensive graffiti, historical surfaces, or valuable artwork may necessitate the expertise of a professional graffiti removal service.
By understanding the type of surface, taking immediate action, and employing appropriate graffiti removal techniques, property owners and communities can effectively combat the impact of graffiti. For those who prefer a hassle-free and professional approach to graffiti removal, Clean City Pro stands ready to provide expert services. Trust us to restore your spaces to their original, pristine condition. Clean City Pro - Your Partner in Graffiti-Free Environments.
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jcmarchi · 8 months
3 Questions: A roadmap toward circularity in the footwear industry
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/3-questions-a-roadmap-toward-circularity-in-the-footwear-industry/
3 Questions: A roadmap toward circularity in the footwear industry
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In March 2022, representatives of global footwear brands gathered with sustainability experts and other academic researchers on the MIT campus. The mission? To kick-start a discussion on addressing the waste produced by the footwear industry. An MIT research project arising from the Circular Shoe Systems Summit has now resulted in a white paper titled the Footwear Manifesto. The report is co-authored by Yuly Fuentes-Medel, as MIT’s Fabric Innovation Hub manager and now program director of textiles at MIT Climate Grand Challenges; Leslie Yan ’22, who majored in mechanical engineering and design; and collaborator Karo Buttler, who graduated last year from the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York.
In the months following the summit, the team conducted in-depth interviews and a broad survey of the industry to bring the Footwear Manifesto to life. The report aims to provide a global overview of current barriers and challenges to achieving a more sustainable and circular footwear industry — that is, one that incorporates reuse, recovery, recycling, and regeneration to cut down on waste. In a conversation prepared for MIT News, Fuentes-Medel, Yan, and Buttler reflect on their findings. Fuentes-Medel also suggests an opportunity for pre-competitive collaborative research to move the needle on climate action and circularity in the footwear industry.
Q: What are the main findings in this report?
Fuentes-Medel: In building this report, we spoke to more than 15 footwear companies and numerous external stakeholders about the status quo of sustainability in the sector. The document identifies opportunities to steer the industry towards environmentally sound solutions across several aspects of the business: materials management, post-consumer infrastructure, consumer behavior, and implementation of circular business models. Our survey, interviews, and analysis identified several key findings:
Today, the complexity of shoes — the design complexity, manufacturing process, and temporal use — is the biggest challenge to circularity at scale.
Companies have the will to change, but there is little strategic alignment on circularity across the footwear industry, and no common means of measuring progress.
Collaboration is vital for scaling circular systems — not just within the brands, but with a multitude of stakeholders including suppliers, infrastructure investors, government, academia, and entrepreneurs.
Building a circular dynamic system will require diverse solutions that open opportunities across sectors and communities.
Q: Why shoes? What are the unique challenges facing the footwear industry?
Fuentes-Medel: Everyone wears shoes. Whether it’s for protection, comfort and support, performance, or self-expression, footwear plays a major role in getting us where we need to go. Most people, however, have no idea what happens to their shoes when they’ve finished using them. The linear take-make-waste model of the footwear industry is deeply unsustainable from a social, economic, and environmental perspective.
A fundamental barrier to achieving a circular shoe system lies with the complexity of shoes themselves, as reflected in their design, material utilization, and manufacturing processes. For example, the intricate multi-material construction of shoes, consisting of dozens of individual components, makes it nearly impossible at present to recycle and reintegrate used shoes back into the supply chain.
However, the challenges faced by the industry extend beyond the shoe itself. Achieving greater sustainability in footwear necessitates a dedicated commitment to resource stewardship. A shoe designed to be recyclable or biodegradable cannot genuinely be considered “circular” unless there is a robust logistical infrastructure that oversees the collection, sorting, processing, and disassembly of the shoe at the end of its life. This infrastructure is essential for enabling the reuse, recycling, or composting of the finished product. Achieving progress in sustainable manufacturing and consumption requires extensive coordination among a wide network of suppliers, buyers, and material management entities. If such system existed, it could create new jobs and opportunities for value creation.
I have continued to collaborate with a group of participants from the summit to advance that vision by establishing — outside of MIT — a consortium of brands and industry partners that will be known as The Footwear Collective, which will exist to tackle some of these challenges related to circularity under the sponsorship of the nonprofit EarthDNA. Embracing the circular economy will require an inclusive shift in behavior from mere sharing to active participation. All footwear brands are invited to participate.
Q: Leslie, Karo, as students working on this project, what were some of your biggest takeaways?
Yan: Coming from a design and engineering background, I was initially drawn to investigating the sustainability challenges inherent in the way shoes are constructed and produced. However, it became evident that the environmental burden of the industry is also a product of barriers posed by the complex system in which shoes are made, sold, and consumed. Still, this complexity opens up multiple pathways towards greener practices, ranging from materials to consumer behavior — each of which we outline in our report. It was truly exciting to see the determination and enthusiasm of many in the industry towards taking meaningful steps towards a more sustainable future for footwear.
Buttler: Our goal for this report was to curate and centralize already-existing information for the footwear industry. During that process, we recognized the necessity of collaboration among brands and various industries. As a young designer, the excitement for more sustainable practices was very inspiring, and I can’t wait to see where the footwear industry will be in 5-10 years.
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seoservicesfatweb · 1 year
Environmentally Friendly Cleaners | Eco Friendly Cleaning Products NZ | Citrus Based Cleaner NZ
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Environmentally friendly cleaners, Eco friendly cleaning products nz - Citrus Based Cleaner is NZ’s most trusted biodegradable and environmentally friendly cleaning product. call us today at 0800 424 878.
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uss-edsall · 1 year
Fun fact
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Dr. Bronner's 18-in-1 Pure-Castile Soap is the only soap on the American market that is considered safe to use as a cleaning product for sex toys. It hits all the boxes for being a recommended toy cleaner product in the European Union, which is basically the only government in the world that regulates sex products
it's one of the only ones that you can use in the grand canyon because it biodegrades or something
don’t ever try washing your hair with it tho
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you-need-not-apply · 2 months
bad straws
pros and cons about straws
Plastic straws:
CONS: can never be properly recycled, last for centuries, never fully degrade, single-use, pollution, harmful to wildlife, plastic poisoning / micro plastic have a direct route to body
PROS: single use so slightly more hygienic, good for some disabled people who have issues with motor skills
Paper straws:
CONS: cant be recycled, sometimes contain plastics, emit greenhouse gas when they break down, can be bitten through by those with issues with motor skills, can go soggy fast
PROS: biodegradable, renewable, safe, hygienic and durable
Metal straws:
CONS: can conduct heat and become very hot if used with hot beverages, stiff, hygiene issues,
PROS: highly durable, can be cleaned 100% via boiling (cleaner then plastic!!) non toxic, long lasting, reusable, recyclable if broken
Silicon straws:
CONS: sometimes have a plastic taste similar to single use plastic, food can stick to them, sometimes aren't bendable,
PROS: non toxic, very easy to clean, long lasting, non plastic, reusable, safe, come in all sizes and shapes
wood/bamboo straws:
CONS: can spoil and rot, not as safe, deforestation especially if not bamboo, least hygienic, stiff, greenhouse gas when it breaks down
PROS: reusable, can break down, if bamboo it will be naturally antibacterial, so they're hygienic.
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rongzhi · 1 year
seattle. idk why but u give me seattle vibes
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New York — Nope, but I visited NYC for a couple days when I was in ... middle school? Maybe. My mom lived there for a bit when she first came to the U.S on a student-work visa and she kept saying how much cleaner it was lol.
Seattle — Nope~ But I live in WA now so that's true 😒. The Ohio of the PNW in my opinion (disclaimer: I have never been to Oregon).
I grew up in the midwest tho (NOT OHIO)! And actually my hometown did have a randomly pretty big Chinese/Asian community which was really nice and which I definitely took for granted LOL. But hey! No internalised racism! 🕺🏻 (no internal rage either but that's because I made the executive decision as an adult to have a superiority complex and so all my rage turns to derision, which is 100% biodegradable 😌)
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blubushie · 8 months
explain the soap
I assume you mean Dr Bronner's Pure-Castile Liquid Soap.
Ok, so this shit is THE traditional backpacker's soap. It has 18 uses and then some: face cleanser, bodywash, shampoo, bath soap, shaving cream, toothpaste, decongestant, foot bath, dishwasher fluid, laundry detergent, mopping liquid, cleaning spray, window cleaner, toilet cleaner, produce wash, dog shampoo, plant spray, and bug spray.
It's also the soap I use when I'm not using Hartz Ultraguard shampoo. (The only time I actually use Hartz is when I've been in the bush and get worried about ticks on me.) I buy the 3.78L eucalyptus jug and use it for bodywash, shampoo, dish soap, laundry, and dog shampoo. It tastes terrible (though there is a peppermint flavour) so I don't use it for toothpaste.
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And it's biodegradable! That said you can't use it directly in water. I collect water from a water source in a bucket and then I walk 200m from the source of the water and bathe with a sponge so it doesn't leech into the water (no soap, biodegradable/eco friendly or not, should be used at a water source--you need to be 200yd/185m from the water source AT LEAST). Really I typically just use the shower in Matilda since she's got an outdoor shower.
Anyway. Best soap on the planet. I use it for everything.
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pellucidletters · 2 months
8 Sustainable Brands In India Embracing Earth Day’s Mission
The 54th Earth Day which falls on 22nd April 2024, is focusing on tackling “plastic pollution“. The theme organizers are focusing on their goal to slash plastic production by 60% by the year 2040.
They’re not just asking nicely; they’re calling on everyone, from big-shot companies to sustainable brands, to roll up their sleeves and get serious about kicking plastic to the curb.
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The **luxurious products of sustainable brands are more than just shelf items; they represent a shift towards a greener and cleaner future. From biodegradable packaging to energy-efficient gadgets and organic clothing, these brands are leading the way in promoting a sustainable lifestyle. **(I am calling them luxurious because any product that’s contributing to Mother Earth is meant to be luxurious, not in terms of just money.)**
In the realm of plastic-free living, these eight plastic-free sustainable brands are just the tip of the iceberg. A plethora of online stores, brands, and physical shops are embracing the plastic-free movement. It’s about actively looking out for them and backing them as dedicated patrons.
For added community support, following influential plastic-free influencers can be transformative. The real question is:
Are you ready to commit to a plastic-free lifestyle with these sustainable brands?
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majorshatterandhare · 10 months
The yarn I purchased for the Drumbot doll came in the other day. It is the only one from that brand, the rest of the skin and hair tones are going to be from a different brand. I don’t have everything I need yet to make even just Brian; I need some felt to create the shape to embroider over for the eyes. I have felt, but my goal is to make these dolls from 100% natural fibers, so I need to order some wool felt. Luckily I know a place I’ve been interested in ordering from anyway, I only need one color because I’m going to be embroidering over it with the correct eye color, and I love embroidering on felt so I know I’ll use the rest for something else; it just feels weird to purchase 100% wool felt for such a small bit. The yarn for Brian is 70% bamboo, 30% cotton and very soft. I am excited to use it and am already thinking I’ll get more from this brand for other projects. It’s fingering weight, which is my favorite weight, and I’m going to hold it double for the dolls. I’ll probably talk more about it once I’ve actually used it.
I just need to get the felt and some cotton balls and I can at least make Brian’s body. The internet told me that cotton balls are mostly synthetic, but my local pharmacy’s store brand says they are 100% organic cotton. I’m not concerned about having to wash the dolls, but I did find an informative trio of blog posts on natural fiber stuffing. Not gonna end up using that info for this, but still good to know I suppose. I’ll pull the cotton balls apart before stuffing them in the dolls. Hopefully I won’t hate the texture too much. Hopefully it’ll be fine in the dolls.
I plan to use crochet cotton thread and perle cotton for the clothing, because the thinner fabric will reduce the bulk, for example, under the arms, meaning they won’t stick straight out like they do on my tester doll. I have also decided to switch the pattern I’m going to use. There was nothing wrong with the previous one, I just think the new one will be easier for me to adjust to create different body types.
I am planning on making an Aurora of the same size as the Mechs, because I think that will be really cute, and I will probably end up making Carmilla as well, although those two are planned to be last. I am not currently planning to make Scuzz, but I can always add them later if I so desire.
I am planning on making little compartments with a heart and lungs for Jonny and Ashes, but I’m not sure how complex I want to get with that and therefore, who, if anyone else, would also get that for their mechanisms. I need to get wire. The pattern uses pipe cleaners but that fur is definitely synthetic, floral wire would be an option but I think that’s wrapped in plastic…. Wire will likely be used in the skeleton of Raph’s wings as well.
The natural fibers is personal preference on my part. I typically prefer the feeling of natural fibers when working with them and I obviously like the biodegradable aspect. Synthetic fibers have their place and I do use them as well, this is just, sort of, an extra challenge I’m imposing on myself. And there’s so much planning going into the dolls anyway, these materials will cost more, but I know I’ll also like the dolls better if they are made from natural fibers.
I’m very excited to start these boys (gender neutral) but I currently do not have the funds for all the supplies and also have a million other projects I need to finish.
Sorry for the long post. IDK if anyone is even going to care about this, but I wanted to update and this was my second attempt and it still came out very long and there was something else I think I forgot? Maybe that I had considered doing secondary outfits for the dolls of the characters they play, but we don’t get descriptions of those so it’d be a bit difficult and definitely a separate, secondary project, but while writing this I had the idea of making Jessica’s angel outfit for TS she wore before the Toy Soldier’s costume. TS is getting “wood” colored skin though, and IDK what I’m gonna do for its hair, but it’d still be very cute!
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divinedomesticity · 2 months
Creating a Safe Haven: The Importance of Natural Cleaners in Our Homes
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Hello dear homemakers and health enthusiasts! Today, let's dive into a topic that's close to my heart as both a homemaker and a naturopathic geek: the importance of using safe and natural cleaners in our homes. In our quest to create a clean and welcoming environment for our families, it's essential that we prioritize not just cleanliness, but also the health and well-being of our loved ones. Let's explore the impact of conventional cleaning products on our health, particularly on cognition and toxicity, and discover the transformative power of natural alternatives.
First and foremost, the hidden dangers lurking in many conventional cleaning products. From harsh chemicals and synthetic fragrances to toxic fumes and irritants, these products can wreak havoc on our health, compromising indoor air quality and posing risks to our respiratory system, skin, and overall well-being. But perhaps most concerning of all is the impact of these chemicals on our children, who are particularly vulnerable to their effects.
You see, kids have a knack for getting into everything—including cleaning products. Whether it's curious toddlers exploring under the sink or adventurous preschoolers mistaking colorful bottles for toys, the risk of accidental ingestion or exposure to harmful chemicals is all too real. And the consequences can be dire, ranging from mild irritations and allergic reactions to more serious health issues such as respiratory problems, neurological effects, and even poisoning.
But fear not, dear friends, for there is a solution: the transformative power of natural cleaners. By harnessing the cleansing power of nature's bounty—think vinegar, baking soda, essential oils, and plant-based detergents—we can effectively clean our homes without compromising our health or the environment. These gentle yet effective alternatives not only leave your home sparkling clean but also provide peace of mind, knowing that you're creating a safe and healthy haven for your family to thrive in.
Moreover, natural cleaners offer a myriad of benefits beyond their safety profile. They're environmentally friendly, biodegradable, and free from harmful chemicals and toxins, making them a sustainable choice for eco-conscious homemakers. Plus, they often boast antimicrobial, antifungal, and antibacterial properties, helping to combat germs and pathogens without the need for harsh chemicals or synthetic additives.
Let's make a pledge to prioritize the health and safety of our families by embracing the transformative power of natural cleaners. Let's banish harmful chemicals from our homes and replace them with gentle yet effective alternatives that nourish both body and soul. Together, we can create a clean, welcoming, and truly safe haven for our loved ones to thrive in. Here's what I'm using and loving here in the cozy little cabin.
Here's an amazing recipe I created to make your own homemade cleaner at home:
Lavender Lemonade Sparkle Spray:
1 cup distilled water
1/4 cup white vinegar
10 drops lavender essential oil
5 drops lemon essential oil
1 tablespoon witch hazel
1 teaspoon liquid castile soap
In a clean spray bottle, combine the distilled water and white vinegar.
Add the lavender and lemon essential oils, along with the witch hazel and liquid castile soap.
If desired, add a splash of rubbing alcohol for extra cleaning power and sparkle.
Secure the spray bottle cap and shake well to mix all ingredients thoroughly.
Your Lavender Lemonade Sparkle Spray is now ready to use! Simply spritz onto surfaces and wipe clean with a cloth for a fresh, sparkling finish that leaves behind a delightful aroma of lavender and lemon.
Enjoy the unique blend of calming lavender and refreshing lemon as you clean your home, turning chores into a fragrant and uplifting experience.
Love, Kimmi
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earthdivas · 3 months
Eco-Friendly Jute Bags: A Sustainable Choice from Earthbags
Jute, often referred to as the “golden fiber,” is a versatile and eco-friendly material that has gained prominence in the world of sustainable fashion. Earthbags Export Private Limited, based in Kolkata, India, has been at the forefront of creating eco-friendly jute bags that combine style, functionality, and environmental consciousness.
The Earthbags Story
Established in 1995, Earthbags Export Private Limited is committed to “Mother Nature.” Their mission revolves around manufacturing and exporting jute shopping bags that are biodegradable and environmentally friendly. Let’s delve into why these jute bags are making waves:
Natural Jute Fiber: Earthbags design sturdy and functional eco shopping bags using the highest quality natural jute fiber produced in India. Jute, a plant-based material, grows abundantly and requires minimal water and pesticides.
Biodegradability: Unlike synthetic materials, jute bags decompose naturally, leaving no harmful residues behind. When discarded, they return to the earth, contributing to a circular economy.
Craftsmanship: Each Earthbag is a testament to skilled craftsmanship. Artisans weave, stitch, and embellish these bags with care, ensuring durability and aesthetic appeal.
Versatility: Earthbags offer a variety of jute bag styles—totes, shoulder bags, crossbody bags, and more. Whether you’re heading to the market or a casual outing, there’s an Earthbag for every occasion.
Why Choose Eco-Friendly Jute Bags?
Reducing Plastic: By opting for jute bags, you actively reduce your reliance on single-use plastic bags. Carry your groceries, books, or daily essentials in a reusable jute bag and contribute to a cleaner planet.
Supporting Fair Trade: Earth friendly bags commitment to fair trade ensures that artisans receive fair wages and work in safe conditions. When you choose their bags, you support livelihoods and empower communities.
Fashion with a Purpose: Jute bags are not just functional; they’re fashionable too. Earthbags infuse creativity into their designs, making each bag a style statement.
Caring for Your Jute Bag
Spot Clean: If your jute bag gets dirty, gently spot clean it with a damp cloth.
Air Dry: Allow your bag to air dry completely to maintain its shape and prevent mold.
Avoid Excessive Moisture: Jute is susceptible to moisture, so keep it away from prolonged rain or damp environments.
Remember, when you carry an Earthbag, you’re not just accessorizing; you’re making a conscious choice—one that aligns with sustainability and supports ethical practices. Let your jute bag be a symbol of your commitment to a greener future.
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rsklyjanjan · 4 months
INNOVATE & ELEVATE II: AJ's Persistent Journey Through Cutting-Edge Ventures
In relation to my first blog, drawing from insights gained during our interviews, we've collaborated to introduce our newest innovation: the "Sensor-Based Segregating Trash Bin." This cutting-edge bin is designed to effectively sort various waste types—both biodegradable and non-biodegradable—through the utilization of advanced sensor technology.
Presenting a groundbreaking waste management solution: the sensor-based segregating trash can! In our sustainability-focused era, these bins mark a revolutionary leap forward. Say goodbye to tedious trash sorting. With these intelligent bins, featuring state-of-the-art sensor tech, waste sorting becomes a breeze. Envision a trash can that not only gathers your waste but also sorts it automatically. Thanks to built-in sensors, these bins precisely identify general trash, organic waste, and recyclables. This leads to cleaner recycling streams and streamlined processing at recycling facilities.
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Our group is embarking on a venture to develop a sensor-based waste bin for segregation purposes. To gather valuable feedback and insights, we plan to conduct interviews with potential target customers and end-users. Our main objective is to gain a comprehensive understanding of their viewpoints, criticisms, and reactions regarding our innovative prototype as it progresses through the development phase.
We have formulated three questions as follows:
1. Do you perceive our product as needed and feasible for widespread deployment across various establishments?
2. Do you endorse the advancement of our product?
3. Should you become the proprietor of an establishment in the future, would you contemplate procuring our product?
Without hesitation, we leaped into conducting interviews and engaged with 25 individuals. This proactive approach enabled us to swiftly gather valuable information and receive immediate feedback.
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After conducting interviews with a diverse group of twenty-five participants, including the Head of student housing, dorm managers, Laboratory Technicians, CASSCO Officers, and students majoring in history, political science, OA, and Elecom, we conducted a survey. Almost all respondents, with the exception of one, agreed that our product is adaptable to various establishments, including educational institutions. Regarding the second query, unanimous support was expressed for our innovative product due to its efficiency and relevance in today's technology-driven era, especially in streamlining waste collection processes, thus reducing labor and time. Lastly, the majority, 22 out of 25 respondents, expressed their intention to procure our product if they venture into entrepreneurship in the future.
Generalize Feedbacks:
The feedback provided by the participants vividly demonstrates the importance and tangible advantages of implementing a sensor-based segregating garbage receptacle. Beyond mere convenience, its adoption holds the potential to fundamentally transform daily routines, sparking enthusiasm among individuals eager to embrace this innovative solution. The automated efficiency of the bin instills confidence in individuals regarding waste segregation, easing concerns about proper disposal. This advancement marks a departure from traditional waste management methods, improving environmental well-being and simplifying tasks for sanitation personnel. The adaptability and potential of this product to enhance waste management practices across various settings, such as public areas, corporate environments, dining establishments, retail outlets, and educational facilities, are apparent. The validation of our product among customers has been a profoundly rewarding experience, motivating us to refine our offering to ensure wider accessibility to potential clients.
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you-need-not-apply · 2 months
Ngl your take on straws is kinda off. I get the intent but cleaning silicone ones properly actually is really fucking hard and they grow mould on the inside so easily if anything is missed. They become a health hazard so quickly even when properly cleaned. A lot of single use plastic straws are made of biodegradable plastic nowadays anyway. Genuinely why go after disabled people when we could get rid of almost all other single use plastics and let people have the disability aids they need without making them feel like shit for needing them?
Biodegradable plastics are worse for the planet as they break down into smaller pieces. source 1 2 3
Buy a straw cleaner, they're like $3 AUD so way less USD.
Full deep clean is so easy too, for health risks:
1- Submerge the silicone straws in the sink filled with hot water and dish soap.
2- Soak the straws for five minutes
3- rinse with warm water.
4- Use a bristle brush to clean the inside of the straws.
Do you genuinely think that if we made single use plastic straws only for disabled people that it would be used that way? Do you honestly think people would be like "oh yeah they're for disabled people not for me"?
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