imogenvt · 5 years
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imogenvt · 5 years
Go Away | Alice & Gin
The one perk that Gin had found that had come from quitting her job with the GMFT was that she rarely saw Alice Lark anymore. Of course, it meant that she didn’t see Milo nearly as often either (that was partly her fault, as she tended to avoid him because of Alice). Still, Alice was more easily evaded these days and it made it easy to pretend that Alice didn’t exist at all. Bingley was small, but Gin could manage to go days (if not weeks) without seeing her stupid face. 
Today, Gin decided to stop by Fulton’s Outdoor Emporium. Truth be told, she was in the mood for some company and since her only friend (Milo) wasn’t exactly an appealing option, she decided to say hello to Warner. 
They weren’t exactly close anymore, given the break-up, but it had ended on good terms and she could always trust Warner to be up for a friendly chat, if she wanted one. He was always kind to her (sometimes too kind - it was part of the reason she’d had to break up with him). But today she was weirdly in the mood for one of his awkward conversations. 
She was surprised (although should she really have been?) to see Alice Lark, instead of Warner Fulton. “God, is there a reason you are here?” 
Her eyes flicked to the nametag pinned to her sweater to where Alice was sitting, behind the counter. Was she actually working here now? 
Of fucking course she was. 
God, she’d forgotten how it was so obvious that Warner was in love with her, too. And he’d gone and given her a job (after he had said to Gin that she could come to him about openings in a few months if she was still out of a job. Apparently, Alice was hirable on the spot). 
“So when are you planning to move back to Idaho or Indiana or wherever the fuck you came from?” Gin asked, crossing her arms. She’d been wanting to drive Alice out of town since she got here, but she realized then that Alice just might be the one to drive Gin away.
The thought made her sick. 
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imogenvt · 5 years
ooc | Philip & Gin
Hello!!! So Philip is interested in Gin and Gin is ... less than interested in him HA! So Imogen is honestly a disaster (she definitely has some Ron Swanson vibes tbh??? Like she pretends she hates everyone but she really cares a lot but she shows you she cares by calling you the wrong name????). That being said, she does probably find any attention Philip is giving her annoying but she also doesn’t dislike him as much as she acts like she does??? She just has a “I have everyone except Milo on occasion” reputation to uphold smh 
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imogenvt · 5 years
Still Friends(?) | Milo & Gin
With Milo wrapped in Alice Lark, Gin found that Bingley had lost its charm. 
To be honest, the only thing that was keeping her here anymore was her mom. She wouldn’t have admitted it if you had asked her, but Milo had made life in this small town exciting (so much so, she forgot how lame Bingley could be). Milo was still her best friend (he always would be, whether he liked it or not) but things had been strained lately between them. 
Milo’s infatuation with Alice Lark had driven a wedge (one that Gin was beginning to think was ireservsable). If Milo wasn’t with Alice he was talking about her. It was disgusting (and so goddamn annoying). It made Gin want to throw something at his head (sometimes she did). Gin was often irritable and sarcastic, so her jealous behavior didn’t strike Milo as odd (plus he was an idiot who wouldn’t have noticed how Gin felt about him, even if she had chucked everything she owned at his head whenever he mentioned Alice).
There was only so much of the Alice-obsessed Milo that Gin could take and since the GMFT had had its layoffs, she and Milo hadn’t seen that much of each other. You once rarely saw one without the other, but now Gin found herself needing space and they could go days (sometimes more than a week) without seeing each other. 
Today she’d been sitting outside on the front steps of her apartment building, smoking a cigarette, when she saw him walk up the street towards her. She was somewhat surprised to see that he came alone. Had he been with Alice, she might have gone inside before he could speak to her, but the truth was, was that she missed him, so she stayed planted right where she was. 
“Where’s Alice?” Gin asked, suspiciously, putting out her cigarette. Maybe there’s trouble in paradise, she found herself hoping. 
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imogenvt · 5 years
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Age: 26 Occupation: Unemployed Connections: Milo Cross (best friend/crush); Alice Lark (rival); Warner Fulton (ex boyfriend); Philip Dover (annoyance) Imogen was offered the opportunity to stay on at the GMTF Gift Shop, but wouldn’t even consider it without Milo. With her parents’ money keeping her afloat at the moment, Gen privately feels if she’s just existing with no purpose in Bingley right now. Should she leave? Should she stay? She never imagined living anywhere else but Bingley but lately it seems to be suffocating her. [Cara Delevingne] - TAKEN BY LIZZY
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imogenvt · 6 years
I like saying swear words and being an all around devil
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imogenvt · 7 years
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She loved mysteries so much, that she became one.
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imogenvt · 7 years
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All the paper kids drinking beer some bum bought for them at the paper convenience store. Everyone demented with the mania of owning things. All the things paper-thin and paper-frail. And all the people, too. I’ve lived here for eighteen years and I have never once in my life come across anyone who cares about anything that matters.
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imogenvt · 7 years
*customers walk in* Me: God get a fucking life and stay out of my business
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imogenvt · 7 years
one of these days i’m gonna roll my eyes too hard and go blind
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imogenvt · 7 years
If I’m extra sarcastic with you it probably means I’m flirting with you or you really annoy me and I can’t handle your shit
Have fun figuring out which
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imogenvt · 7 years
*sits down next to you and sympathetically looks into your eyes* i don’t care
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imogenvt · 7 years
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imogenvt · 7 years
ooc | Ruby & Gin
gin (about ruby): she’s the worst person i’ve ever met
gin (also about ruby): i wanna travel the world with her
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imogenvt · 7 years
omg omg but kATE I feel like they would just be grumpy and complain about things together???? and gin would freakin’ love it haha <3 and like if they were friends i can see connor kinda lowkey looking out for gin maybe?? which honestly she needs especially since her dad is an asshole and i feel like gin takes more care of her mom than her mom does of her haha so she needs a Dad Friend since her 1 other friend is milo ;DDD 
OOC | Connor & Gin
ELIZABETH!!!  What would a conversation between these two even look like AM I LAUGHING AM I CRYING <333
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imogenvt · 7 years
omg I agree?????? I mean, I think that gin would def lowkey respect mel but I can also see where she’d think that she was annoying??? I guess it also depends on how long mel was back in town before last time and how long she stayed??? gin doesn’t really like new people haha and interacting with them is honesTLY THE WORST (so she really has a great job working in retail ;D) so like if mel is new to her, she’d be like “ew gross” but she’d be more likely to be friends with her if there’s more of a relationship there???? that being said, I can see where more time with her would make her hate her more hahah but yeah, honestly I’m just not 100%%% sure b/c I agree I can see love or hate??????? or maybe they have a weird lore richards/thea coyle relationship where no one really knows what’s up one minute to the next 
OOC | Mel & Gen
Lizzy!!!1  These two…wow!  I feel like they’d either love or hate each other????  And I’m not even sure which one???????  Or maybe it’s even just straight up love/hate hahah idk??????  Or am I just way off here?????  Thoughts??????
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imogenvt · 7 years
I want to go ahead and apologize for Alice for being sort of clueless and 100% trying to force she and Gin to be friends! Also, she will constantly call her Imogen because, again, clueless.
So Alice doesn’t feel at all like she has her life together and I think once she meets Milo and Gin, she’ll be sort of jealous of THEM becasue they just get to do what then want to do and don’t seem to really have any worries? And she’s never really had friends who are impulsive and adventurous like them, so she’s just sort of overly excited in a way to hang out with them! I do think though, if she realized that Gin was worried about loosing her friend, Alice would feel TERRIBLE. But she’s probably not going to pick up on that? I think she’s just glamorized their no worries, do what you want lifestyle and will get totally caught up in it.
And Alice is the sort of person who just won’t take no for an answer… like Gin is mean? Alice is sure that’s just how she is! Its funny! She’s just so clueless and I am sorry.
ok but omggggg!!!! (i love that she calls her imogen ... gin does nOT ;DDD) 
Also ... just the way that Gin is, it’s honestly kinda hard to pick up if she really likes you or not, because she is just kinda mean to her friends???? She just doesn’t really mean anything she says hahah b/c emotions!!!!!! are hard!!!!!! But yeah she’s also mean to people she doesn’t like???? so??????? (and she wonders why people don’t get the hint???) and like she will say nice things about her friends just not to their face haha so ????? she’s just a mess lol 
but omg i can also see gin at some point inviting alice to come along with her and milo 1 day just to prove that she can’t keep up with them but then she dOES and it only makes alice think that the two of them are friends and brings alice and milo closer together and just ends up blowing up in gin’s face hahah :) 
ooc | Imogen & Alice
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