impala-pies-and-cas · 4 months
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She is right and she should say it
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impala-pies-and-cas · 4 years
If anyone wants to help with dinging the US CW early, even if plans on the long term hard-haul won’t hit till this weekend, please do the following:
- Unfollow the US CW accounts. SPN, or whatever ones you follow. Like right now. All of them. Every platform.
- Stop streaming it immediately. If you’re one of those people that only use netflix for SPN, cancel it, right now, and in the option box to explain why, tell them the deletion of queer content in the US version of Supernatural that was allowed in other countries.
- Stop engaging on any official hashtags on any major media (IG, FB, TWT). Or anything even official-adjacent. SPN, Supernatural, SPNfamily, WinchestersForever, etc. CastielForever is currently housing the LGBT fundraising so continue using it if you must but ONLY that one. That alone is a rebellion statement but once that fundraising is over, desist immediately.
- Only purchase things from fanartists, discontinue swag, conventions, etc. 
- Start replacing official hashtags with #rancidnutwork and #theysilencedyou
- reblog this post, don’t just like, make sure everyone gets on board.
- Stay tuned to the blog for the drop this weekend on how we start hitting the CW on their advertising. Do not go rogue on this. Wait for centralized messaging and signaling. This has to be done meticulously or it’ll fail. Just… wait for it. It’s coming. We’re working on it. Have been for a while.
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impala-pies-and-cas · 4 years
I guess it's time for the nightly reminder, bc I'm seeing more of it, if you actually dig into the keystone of the spn conspiracy arguments (Misha filmed) there's no evidence for it, and there's pretty reasonable evidence to show her didn't (ie, the show, and what he actually said).
Wanting to know what happened and why is a reasonable reaction to feeling hurt! (Also trying to figure stuff out is fun!)
But try to remember that we use the same critical thinking skills in fandom spaces as we do in the rest of the real world. If you want to know how Q and antivax happens, this is the same process (different stakes). Incorrect information gets shared and partially true statements are used to support it, and you get enough information that you believe it! Because look how much there is! Except it all depends on key things being true (they're not).
I guess I'm just asking y'all to think carefully about what you are sharing, because even if you think maybe it's just a fun joke, some people are going to wholly buy into a big fancy made up story. And if you want to believe it..... Fine? That's your choice. But like, consider asking yourself why. What's so important about this particular narrative, that it's better. Does it make you feel better? Does it make you feel like you're in on some special secret?
Also like, perennial reminder to check original sources as much as possible, and keeps a grain of salt for claims with no sources. Things get lost in the gossip chain, and in media reporting--go back and watch the actual videos, and do it without your conspiracy goggles on, and ask yourself if you can interpret it a different way. (I did this, before the finale--the answer is yes, none of it required Misha to have filmed to be true, and he's a smart guy who's good with his words.)
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impala-pies-and-cas · 4 years
Supernatural is bad.
Bye everyone.
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impala-pies-and-cas · 4 years
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impala-pies-and-cas · 4 years
This is your friendly reminder in the light of Destiel becoming “canon” that this isn’t something to be celebrated. Supernatural has a long history in general of treating queer characters poorly, look at Charlie for an example, and overusing the bury your gays trope.
This is also your friendly reminder that they spent eleven seasons queerbaiting the fandom with this ship while banning discussion of it at cons. 
To have a “love confession” that is half baked and could still be twisted as platonic and immediately ends with the death of one member of the ship isn’t some revolutionary progressive content, it’s just further queerbaiting. It isn’t cool or funny or a dream come true, it’s just bullshit. 
Don’t make posts about how amazing it is that this ship is “canon” because it isn’t canon or amazing. Don’t let the writers fool you into thinking that this is good representation, because it isn’t. The LGBT community deserves better.
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impala-pies-and-cas · 4 years
Hi so I haven’t posted anything on here in ages and I haven’t really watched SPN since midway through season 14, but I just want to say: I hate how destiel became canon. Like almost to the point of wishing they hadn’t done it.
Like, honestly, after 12 years of subtext and just straight up text, they’re going to kill off Cas? And Misha isn’t slated you be in another episode right? Cas is just dead. Literally burying your gays.
I’m mad. They could have made this canon at anytime but waited until the last possible second. They’re cowards. The lot of them.
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impala-pies-and-cas · 4 years
I’m sorry but even if you age up the characters if they are originally minors in canon I don’t think you should be able to label smut involving them as “No Archive Warnings Apply” on AO3
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impala-pies-and-cas · 4 years
Anybody else got like,, rlly random connections to famous ppl?? Like my older brothers were friends w Jennifer Lawrence when they were like 12 and I just found out I’m friends w the cousin of the girl who voiced honey lemon in big hero six like, idk what I’m supposed to do with either of these tid bits I feel like I was supposed to live my life in ignorance of them
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impala-pies-and-cas · 4 years
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requested by @chevrolangels
wayward daughters/sisters first and last appearances???
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impala-pies-and-cas · 5 years
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We were robbed of an actual reunion scene for them, so have a lil thing i needed to do to fill the void in my heart
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impala-pies-and-cas · 5 years
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bamf cas protecting his kids on hunts
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impala-pies-and-cas · 5 years
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spnhiatuscreations | week 5 ↳ wayward sister daughters
I am the fire I am burning brighter Roaring like a storm
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impala-pies-and-cas · 5 years
Yo, not to sound anti-j*red p*dalecki on main, but I’m literally not at all surprised he got arrested for public intoxication and assault. He’s tweeted complaints about smLl restraints and individual servers using their name and/or picture, leading to mass harassment from his fans. He often says shitty things about other people, including people in the cast. This is just the next step. I’m actually kinda surprised this is the first time we have evidence of him trying to bribe cops.
But honestly, I’m more upset with his fans that are defending this behavior, with some literally going as far to say this is fake news. Punching people in the face is not okay. And being that drunk is not an excuse. Have a mental illness may be part of it, but that doesn’t get him anywhere off the hook. He already paid the $15,000 bail, and I doubt this is going to have any real affect on his life, but I hope this does. Jared (and his fans) need to learn that being a jack ass isn’t okay and how to not hurt others when you are feeling down.
I hope this will be a learning experience. It won’t be, and nothing will change. But I hope.
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impala-pies-and-cas · 5 years
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Dean’s been watching too much Parks and Rec
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impala-pies-and-cas · 5 years
Does Supernatural Have a Problem with Representation and Diversity: A Mathematical Study
At the end of season 12, another fan favorite minority character, Eileen, was killed. This has come in a long line of favorite SPN characters who were people of color, women, lgbt+, and/or disabled being killed seemingly before their time. This, like other instances with such characters like Kevin and Charlie, sparked outrage from many fans. Some called the move sexist and ableist. Many said it was not inherently bad that Eileen died, but the way it was done was disgraceful and unworthy of such a beloved character. Other fans fought back against these claims, citing that everyone dies in supernatural and that no one should be immune. Besides, others said, with more representation, shouldn’t that mean more death?
But is there actually more representation? And is the death count equal? Are we being persuaded by biases and personal agendas?
After the season 12 finale, I’ve set out to see if there is a quantifiable difference in representation, huge differences that can be backed up by numbers and not just perception. Much of this is going to cover gender and race, as those are the easiest diversity angles to notice, but I will touch upon other areas. This information was not compiled to confirm any set of biases, but instead answer these questions at the heart of the debate and anger. Some of the information complied is quite obvious, but having set numbers is vital in these debates.
The rest, which is a lot, is under the cut:
Keep reading
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impala-pies-and-cas · 5 years
why the fuck doesn't the show explore this as a plot point? I want to know more about Chuck and Amara's gay beardless dad
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