imperfectmind · 2 months
the way i logged in here by mistake. @unclejingo have you stopped huffing your own farts and using news articles you cant even be bothered to link to inform your worldview yet
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imperfectmind · 3 months
idk, im comprehending what youre saying just fine, right down to using one singular news article you didnt even link to prove your point... then acting like its a self evident truth unaware that only a pompous tumblr reactionary in all their lobotomite glory would think as such. yet you say im in the "dunning-kruger club". thats cute but it doesnt quite square up to likelihood or how youre trying to twist your previous words in a different light when i can clearly see what you're doing.
this exchange doesnt serve much purpose to me other than wasting the time of people i dont like on the internet. i hope you get sodom and gomorrah style gang raped to death, satan knows you need a cock in your mouth so youll finally stfu, cheers!
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imperfectmind · 3 months
oh him. uuuh you do you i guess. still sucks though
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imperfectmind · 3 months
I don’t see race i only see ass size
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imperfectmind · 3 months
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wrong i can name at least 25
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imperfectmind · 3 months
ii hope all the people who believe in tumblr's baseless SJ dogma perpetuated mainly by by teens who dont go outside and particularly the "queer women" and the transwomen guys all get merced in the most inhumanly evil hate crimes for all the homophobic shit theyve said then hid behind their oppressed labels as a shield from criticism xx
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imperfectmind · 3 months
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imperfectmind · 3 months
thank you, i like brahman and tilda swinton too
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imperfectmind · 3 months
>i'm apparently mentally ill
>you just make shit up about what im saying like youre suffering from hallucinations and have a poor grasp of literacy
and idk bro, you seemed pretty mad at me up until now, and my arguments pretty clearly display mpox doesn't have to be spread via sexual contact despite what it is classified as (but you keep covering your ears going LALALALA FACTS OVER FEELINGS with no sense of irony)
tldr: hope it hurts when jeffery dahmers reanimated corpse (brought back from the dead with my evil demonaic faggot magic!) buttfucks you with a knife
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imperfectmind · 3 months
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imperfectmind · 3 months
The supposed facts you established were drivel. You didn't establish even that you could comprehend what you copied. You don't get sweet fuck all and it is apparent that you are nothing but a laughably clownish dunning-krugerite.
drivel AKA the official sources on the matter including stuff your buddy misinterpreted as proof. and that mpox doesnt have to spread via sexual contact as were many on this thread implied.
Re everyone knows...fucking duh. I said it plainly for fuck sake thickwit, the was a single massive cohort for MONKEYpox. You explain about the dachshund with the pox on its ass in France that had everyone laughing at the articles.
ah yes, one (1) singular article about one (1) singular instance definitely proves its a widespread thing for people with mpox, very good
Denying facts? Really susan? You presented shit to disprove that it is a sexually transmitted diseases. You copied and pasted crap that shows that it is not ONLY sexually transmitted.
I explained it and even typed slowly for your hilariously dim bulb level comprehension...pretty much Aaaaaall diseases classified as sexually transmitted disease can be transmitted via several mechanisms.
be real, what do you think those people higher up in the note chain where implying by what they were saying? they were attempting to make out like mpox can only be spread through sexual contact. therefore people w mpox where molesting children and animals...? i established that, no, mpox does not have to be spread through sexual contact and it is called an "STI" due to the context it exists in and not a fundamental aspect of its being.
so yes, mpox is an sti, i am not denying that is how its classified. but judging by the fact it can also be spead by coughing sneezing or just any type of touch it doesnt mean it spreading to animals or children = rape.
It is just delicious that a creature like you believes it is in the position to insult anyone's intelligence or understanding of any topic...I mean besides rape snuff porn. We all cede the victory to you oh grand wizard of snuff fetishism. You totally take the field.
thank you! please fall victim to a sexually motivated serial killer. at least your corpse will be worth something
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imperfectmind · 3 months
snarking at me wont make your dick any less covered in smegma
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imperfectmind · 3 months
homeboy talking about evil spirit entities on a post about anecdotal exercise = politics 4chan post. i want to be as whimsical as y'all
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imperfectmind · 3 months
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Papi Kocic
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imperfectmind · 3 months
hm. unclejimbo or anyone in his circle lurking my blog this is a sign from the universe that you owe me money. DM me for my paypal xx
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imperfectmind · 3 months
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Imagine finding that your friend wrote these tags about you while trying to be supportive/inclusive
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imperfectmind · 3 months
oh boy, so-and-so's a "sex pest" (this means someone who commits sexual harassment or assault, for the uninformed) for having controversial sex cartoons in his likes and that gives you the right to make intrusive claims about his medical history...?
c'mon, i dont find the fact he's in to this shit appealing but thats just a teensy tiny bit different from being a sexual abuser. there is a difference between looking at gross sex drawing online and being a molester, the fact youre comparing the the two shows me youre motivated more by vindictive disgust rather than helping abused people (and no, for the third time being in to Sex Cartoons aint abuse)
tldr shut the fuck up buddy lmao
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