imperialmilf · 1 year
Lynariel’s journal - Journey to Ivarstead, Part II
(Part I can be found here.)
The second day of our journey was not so pleasant. It seemed to start off well enough, as we left Valtheim Towers after an excellent night’s rest and a decent breakfast. Soon after our departure, we found an old Nordic tomb, as well as a  Nord fellow named Golldir. He told us that a necromancer had taken over his family’s tomb and was practicing dark magics on his ancestors. It seems his aunt had already gone in alone, but she hadn’t been heard from in some time. As it was still early morning, and we were still in good spirits, Uthgerd and I decided to help the poor fellow. After some time spent laying Golldir’s ancestors back to rest, we found the corpse of his aunt, Agna. Poor, brave woman. I pray she died well. I felt I was honor-bound to assist Golldir in avenging his aunt, and so we delved onwards into the depths of the tomb. Eventually we found the necromancer, and laid him to rest as well.
After ensuring that there weren’t any more of Golldir’s ancestors crawling around, we left him alone to mourn his aunt. It was beginning to get late at this point, and so we planned to stop at Fort Amol to rest for the night. I was rather concerned at the thought of staying the night in a Stormcloak camp, but Uthgerd assured me that I would be under her protection. Such bravado usually has little effect on me... but I must admit, I’m quite pleased to have someone else I can rely upon. Unfortunately, we soon found the fort to be overrun with apprentice conjurers. It was quite dark by now, but even after clearing the fort of its new inhabitants, I could not imagine staying there. The entire place reeked of death and singed flesh. We traveled onward for many hours, hoping to find a decent shelter to rest in. It soon began to rain.
We marched onward in the cold Skyrim rains until we encountered a man who claimed to have been attacked by bandits and separated from his caravan. He asked us to escort him a short ways off the trail back to his camp. We obliged, in hopes that we could perhaps find shelter and good company with his group, but I was naive in my exhaustion. The man himself was a bandit, and we were ambushed by the rest of his camp the moment we set foot into the light of the campfire. By this point in our journey it was nearly three in the morning, and I had little patience for such pesky encounters. All I wanted was a bedroll to lie upon, and some shelter above my head. After fighting off each of the bandits, we quickly took shelter in the old stone tower they had been camped outside of. It was drafty and wet and not a very good shelter at all. Uthgerd and I were forced to huddle together for warmth in the only semi-dry spot of floor. If not for the miserable conditions, I could’ve thoroughly enjoyed her company, but we were both too exhausted and frozen to enjoy much of anything. All things considered, it was a rather terrible day. Praise be to the Divines that we managed to survive it all.
Thankfully, the rest of the journey went quite smoothly, despite the rainy conditions. After a few hours of midmorning travel we arrived in Ivarstead, where I am now gratefully curled up next to a warm hearth at the Vilemyr Inn. Good food, good company, and a real bed to sleep in tonight. After we’ve recuperated a bit, Uthgerd and I have evening plans to scare off a ghost at the nearby Shroud Hearth Barrow. We intend to begin our journey up the Seven Thousand Steps early tomorrow morning. Praise be.
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imperialmilf · 1 year
irene. she/her. imperial. woodcutter/blacksmith.
skeever. they/it. dunmer/dark elf. thief.
lynariel. she/her. altmer/high elf. holy champion.
irene rockbreaker. just wants a simple life but doesn’t know how to say no when people ask for help lol
pronouns: she/her
race: imperial
occupation: woodcutter/blacksmith
armor: light armor
weapons: bows/swords/axes
magic: restoration
follower: faendal
skeever. thieves’ guild playthrough. maybe dawnguard eventually
pronouns: they/it
race: dunmer/dark elf
occupation: thief
armor: light armor
weapons: daggers/poisons
magic: n/a, avid potion user tho
follower: n/a
lynariel. main story playthrough lol
pronouns: she/her
race: altmer/high elf
occupation: dragonborn
armor: heavy armor
weapons: one-handed, mainly swords
magic: destruction/restoration
follower: uthgerd
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imperialmilf · 1 year
Lynariel’s journal - Journey to Ivarstead, Part I
Uthgerd and I have arrived in Ivarstead after just over two days of travel. The first day was very eventful. At the start of our journey, we ran into a bandit camp just west of Whiterun, at White River Watch. We made short work of them, sparing only a blind old man who seemed to be reading a blank book. I read through the bandit chief’s journal after we had killed him; it seems there was a mutiny in the camp a few weeks ago, during which two of the mutineers escaped.
From there, we carried on towards Greywinter Watch, where Aela of the Companions had tasked us with clearing out a trolls’ den. Just before we arrived, we stumbled upon the Ritual Stone, where we found a novice necromancer who seemed to think two large, sword-bearing women in heavy armor would be good targets for her skeletal minions. We took care of them easily and carried on to our troll hunt. This battle was not so easy, but Uthgerd and I managed just fine. I was able to test out a new spell, Firebolt, which I was quite pleased with; I require further practice to use it effectively, however. Further into the cave, we found the corpses of two bandits, who I suspect may have been the escaped mutineers from White River Watch.
After we had taken care of the trolls, we moved on to our next quest. The jarl had tasked us with clearing out a group of bandits at Valtheim Towers, and we did so with ease. By this time it was getting rather late, so we decided to commandeer their camp for the night. Just as it was beginning to get dark, Uthgerd and I climbed all the way to the top of the taller tower and watched the sunset together. It was beautiful. Skyrim is a strange and hostile land, but her skies are truly a sight to behold. Thus ended the first day of our journey-- a long, exhausting, and very fulfilling day.
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imperialmilf · 1 year
lynariel killed a dragon! upon returning to whiterun she received the title of thane. neat! the jarl legally assigned us a new bestie as well. hi lydia :) and now lyn’s off on a quest to prove herself to the companions. lydia and uthgerd weren’t allowed to come :( we’ll be reunited soon after this quest though, and then it’s off to meet the greybeards!
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imperialmilf · 2 years
oh also on our way back to riverwood we ran into a khajiit called m’aiq the liar, but he just said a bunch of totally normal things like “the people of skyrim have so many interesting things to talk about.” so. i guess he thinks skyrim is really boring </3
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imperialmilf · 2 years
uthgerd and i breezed through bleak falls barrow easy peasy no probleeems. found the golden claw, my first word wall, the dragonstone, and my first enchanted item (ancient nord greatsword of cold, which i’m going to disenchant immediately upon our return to whiterun). ran back to riverwood to return lucan’s weird claw thing, and then it was getting late, but the innkeeper was GONE so we couldn’t rent a room >:( we took a nap at the bar for a few hours before getting an early start the next morning. heading back to whiterun to give that wizard this weird rock 👍
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imperialmilf · 2 years
new save! i’ve got a high elf lady named lynariel and i’m gonna use her to actually play through the main story lol. she’s gonna be a paladin build, mostly one-handed weapons (not sure yet) and heavy armor with more magic than i’ve done with my other characters. so far we’ve escaped helgen with the imperial guy, hiked to whiterun to get some reinforcements for the folks in riverwood, joined the companions, and now we’re headed to bleak falls barrow with our new pal uthgerd. let’s do this 🤘
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imperialmilf · 2 years
I GOT ENGAGED???????????
YEEEEAAAAAHHHHH finally made it to rorikstead >:) now we gotta find the dude who got me blackout drunk and make him explain how i wound up in MARKARTH
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imperialmilf · 2 years
ohh the inn in rorikstead is called the frostfruit inn :] that’s so cute...
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imperialmilf · 2 years
HE’S NOT EVEN HERE....... i found some rando who apparently lost his goat??? which i may or may not have had something to do with??? and he was pissed at me so i threatened him and he told me that i’d said (while blackout drunk) smth abt some chick in whiterun. so you’re telling me... i was already IN WHITERUN??????
YEEEEAAAAAHHHHH finally made it to rorikstead >:) now we gotta find the dude who got me blackout drunk and make him explain how i wound up in MARKARTH
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imperialmilf · 2 years
YEEEEAAAAAHHHHH finally made it to rorikstead >:) now we gotta find the dude who got me blackout drunk and make him explain how i wound up in MARKARTH
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imperialmilf · 2 years
ok so. had a few drinks, woke up in markarth, was looking around to steal some stuff and suddenly this dude tries to kill some random chick in the marketplace?? and i’m pulled into this whole stupid conspiracy and then i get ARRESTED for being “involved” in the conspiracy and now i’m having to break out of this big stupid mine >:(
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imperialmilf · 2 years
oh wait it’s spelled markarth… #embarassing
skeever just finished its first job as an official member of the thieves’ guild and then got hired for a job in whiterun. so when some guy in the tavern challenges them to a drinking contest, they agree. why not, we’re celebrating!
…i just woke up in makarth 😐
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imperialmilf · 2 years
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skeever just finished its first job as an official member of the thieves’ guild and then got hired for a job in whiterun. so when some guy in the tavern challenges them to a drinking contest, they agree. why not, we’re celebrating!
…i just woke up in makarth 😐
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imperialmilf · 2 years
skeever just finished its first job as an official member of the thieves’ guild and then got hired for a job in whiterun. so when some guy in the tavern challenges them to a drinking contest, they agree. why not, we’re celebrating!
…i just woke up in makarth 😐
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imperialmilf · 2 years
we’re going to go burn down some beehives now? ok
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imperialmilf · 2 years
btw skeever has officially joined the thieves’ guild >:)
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