imperiuminfinitus · 4 years
†💜 for a starter. Will probably be a bit rusty as it’s been a hot minute since I RPed this trash purple space yam.  
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imperiuminfinitus · 4 years
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   “Okay, Fowlin. Ready to go?”  He teased back, “Okay, maybe I should have given you a low-born name.”
Hunk took notice of Lotor staring at his headband. Resulting in him smiling sadly, “It’s easily identifiable. But, I couldn’t bring myself to leave it behind. It’s my namesake and I have a feeling the Alteans would use it against me if I had left it.” 
“Look down, say nothing, and let me talk.” There’s no turning back now. He walks towards the check point. Having no disguise other than the yellow markings on his cheeks. Making him look Altean. But, one quick look at his ears and he was done for. 
Lotor couldn’t hold back a small chuckle at the other’s remark. “I suppose it would have been more believable with a low-born name,” he started, hands absentmindedly smoothing over invisible wrinkles in the clothes he wore.”  Soon the teasing atmosphere turned somber as he found himself nodding in understanding. With his locks now shorn after his original capture at the hands of the Alteans, the hybrid found the lack of added weight of his hair to be unsettling, especially now as he reached for a few strands, grimacing at the shortened locks. He only hoped that would aid him in not being recognised alongside Hunk.  Scowling slightly, he made one final adjustment to his hood before he joined the Paladin. It took all of his control keeping his claws from extending to their regular length. 
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imperiuminfinitus · 4 years
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    “I’m calling myself, “Rhys Keara.” It’s a dumb name. But, it’s passable. For now. They can change in their names in the coming future, “Yours is Folwin Araqirelle. I’ll let you change your name once we get the hell out of here.”
Hunk hands the card to him, “It’ll let us pass here and into my lion. He’s waiting outside.” The yellow paladin took off the orange bandanna from the top of his head and tucks it away in his pouch behind him, “Stay calm. Altean guards are looking for us.”
His ears drooped again. “Never mind. I stand corrected about the name,” he muttered with a grimace across his face. Still, he supposed it could be worse. Taking the ID, Lotor studied it, checking it for flaws before he deemed it still up to standards.           »»» “Well then, Rhys,” he teased, “I suppose we’ll just have to hope this plan works.” Seeing the bandana removed, the prince found it strange not seeing it part of the Paladin’s usual attire. With a sigh, he only wished there was more he could do with his own appearance, but he’d never been blessed with total control over the shapeshifting abilities like full-blooded Alteans like his mother, could really only change small things such as his eyes and keep the Galran claws at bay. He’d never had the aptitude for full shapeshifting control, and now when he needed the ability more than ever, it still eluded him. 
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imperiuminfinitus · 4 years
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     “I got us fake ID’s.”
This was something Hunk wouldn’t normally do. But fuck it. He has broken a bigger law. Treachery, actually.  And with Lance hot on their tails, it was better to move now than later. He would have preferred to never stop. Sadly, their supplies ran out. 
“Your name is probably a little silly. Sorry, in advance—” 
Lotor’s ears drooped ever so slightly at the answer.            “Oh.”  With a roll of his eyes, the prince held out his hand for the ID. “Please. It could hardly be worse than what my parents originally wished to name me. I believe I can handle a false identity in order for us to get through the checkpoint,” he responded, a small smile tugging at his lips.  At least this could potentially brighten his somewhat sulky mood as his ears perked up slightly. 
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imperiuminfinitus · 4 years
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      “Don’t knock it until you try it.”
Hunk looks past the check point. Previously, he had ventured out only to spot a wanted poster of himself and Lotor. Wanted Alive. The poster said, and a shitton of money if they’re found.
“It’s not like we can barge in lasers blazing, Lotor.”
Pinching the bridge of his nose, he found himself unable to muster the willpower to argue with Hunk; it was a moot point. They were both in pyjamas, and they both looked like they were the laziest beings in the entire galaxy.  Lotor snorted lightly under his breath. “Yes. Of course. That would draw even more unwanted attention, wouldn’t it.”  Taking one last lingering look of disgust at his pyjamas, he sighed and asked, “Well, do we have any sort of plan that will help use sneak past the checkpoint?” 
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imperiuminfinitus · 4 years
I need to actually really revamp this blog, and now I’ll have a bit more time.  This is not how I imagined to end the school year with my smols – we went two months without being in a school, and I’m gonna admit, I have been beyond exhausted, to the point I can barely even get myself on to my Star Wars main RP blog. It’s been an emotional rollercoaster, and I’ve spent probably between 75 to 80 hours a week troubleshooting stuff with students, begging students to turn crap in, and trying my best to get my smols to pass my classes, all of this since March 16th. 
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imperiuminfinitus · 4 years
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   “It’s not that bad.”
It is that bad. 
Hunk covered himself up again, “Once we find work and started getting money. We can get better clothes to disguise ourselves with. Until then, I think we should stick with the pajamas.” That they evidently stole from a clothing line; which he felt bad about.
“Come on, the checkpoint is not that far. Act natural. Don’t draw attention and we should be good.”
         † “Act natural?” he echoed, fixating a deadpan expression on the Paladin. Groaning under his breath, he murmured something in Galran under his breath, a hand pinching lightly at the bridge of his nose. “I’m not sure how to tell you this, but most beings in the galaxy don’t go gallivanting about the place in their pyjamas.”  He didn’t dare want to further burst the other’s bubble; it was quite evident the Prince’s face was plastered about every single planet. Still, he could humor the Paladin. 
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imperiuminfinitus · 4 years
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     “Well, yeah…..” Lotor’s lucky Coran didn’t dress him or he would have turned out even worse than he already is. Besides, he thought the Pajamas looked nice on him—He cackled, nope. He couldn’t think that with a straight face. It looked terrible!
“It’s either that or be totally exposed to the Alteans out there and besides, we’re wearing matching jumpsuits, mines Yellow. See?” Hunk whips around to reveal his bright yellow jumpsuit matching Lotors. Yeah, they were not going to get away with this. 
“Do I look nice?”
Lotor made a face as he listened to Hunk’s failed attempts to keep his laughter stifled. Even his ears visibly twitched to show his annoyance as his face burned even more with open embarrassment.           † “You look just as ridiculous. This is hardly a disguise! We look like training bots with targets painted on us wearing this! For the sake of the stars, we’re in pyjamas!”  Definitely not impressed. 
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imperiuminfinitus · 4 years
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“Clear!” At least, he thinks it is. Hunk had Lotor draped in a purple cape. That was it–they had no disguise and it would be a matter of time before the two of are recognized, “No, no! Don’t take it off!!” He also gotten Lotor and himself new outfits.
Though, they were less than ideal. It was all he had right now, “Seriously, I know you’re embarrassed and all, but we hardly escaped Balmera and Lance could be on our tails any second and now, and I rather not face him again.”
At this, he frowned. No, he hardly got out of there alive. But, that was behind him.
For now.
@imperiuminfinitus· // closed starter
He’d been ready to remove the cape, but found himself pausing when the Paladin had warned him not to remove the cape. An irritated sigh passed Lotor’s lips as he instead carefully adjusted the fabric to further obscure his face.           † “Listen,” he started, “while I do appreciate what you have done, was this really necessary?” His cheeks had since flushed a dark shade of violet as he shifted uncomfortably.           † “To be seen in this is... well, it’s absolutely humiliating!” 
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imperiuminfinitus · 4 years
†So, @goofbcll is basically coaxing me to come back.
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imperiuminfinitus · 5 years
†Pretty much on hiatus until further notice. Like, I’ve kinda got muse for the purple yam, but honestly, the summer was hectic as fuck due to personal things in life, and now work has started back up with a new school year. Barely two days in and I’m beyond exhausted. Like, driving is an honest to god chore for me, plus having a crazy routine for doggo due to her having some kind of skin infection, and house sitting for mum and taking care of the kitties. 
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imperiuminfinitus · 5 years
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imperiuminfinitus · 5 years
†Who wants to mess with the purple yam?
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imperiuminfinitus · 5 years
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imperiuminfinitus · 5 years
-slams front door- WHY DO I FIND SO MANY DOODLES OF LOTOR ON/AROUND MY DESK!? And WHY didn’t I finish any of these doodles?!
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imperiuminfinitus · 5 years
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mafia lotor doodle before I’m going to sleep~! I kinda thought him to look like that in human form…but imagination is free so everybody can imagine their own human lotor :D
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imperiuminfinitus · 5 years
How to make Lotor more cute Add some flowers~
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