impossibleleaf · 1 year
Funny enough, I decided that the Dumbledores’ home and the Potters’ was one of the same in my fic very early (Chapter 4 ‘The Potters live at 7 Hallow Street in Godric Hollow. t’s the correct adress, isn’t it? I wouldn’t want to kill the wrong family by accident.”/ Chapter 18 ‘With a sigh, Aberforth took his suitcase and headed to Hallow Street (...) he reached number seven and knocked.’).
Also Bathilda was pretty close to the Potters considering she was invited for Harry’s first birthday, even though they were hunted and supposedly couldn’t trust anybody. In a way, I find it likely that, like Mrs. Figg, she was asked to keep an eye on Harry/the Potters and warned Dumbledore about what happened,  as soon as their house was destroyed, allowing him to ask Hagrid to retrieve Harry.
True, this is fanon, but I like to believe that there are events so important that they echoes thorough the centuries and that this specific place was always meant to be the house of secrets.
Have you talked about the fact that the potters house in godrics hollow was most likely the dumbledores first. Like with them both having batildha as a neighbour and whatnot.
I haven't, but that's mostly because there's no canon information about anything to do with the Potters' safe house. We don't know anything about it, just that it happened to be in Godric's Hollow and the Dumbledores also lived there almost a century earlier. It would be interesting if it was the same house, but we don't know 100%.
As for Bathilda, I've never lived in a house before but it's kind of like how people who live in houses call every homeowner in the immediate vicinity their "neighbor" even if they live five houses away and never talk to them a day in their life. *shrug*
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impossibleleaf · 1 year
And it’s not taking into account the fact that, in most time period the ship can work, gay relationship was straight up illegal. Like,  homosexuality in Scotland was illegal until 1980 and Albus lived through Oscar Wilde’s trial.
Albus is trying to find a difficult balance between being his flamboyant self and at the same time not getting sent to Azkaban (and, if he already started teaching, being accused by some parents of pedophilia). Fanfic authors can pretend that the wizarding world is more open-minded, I think it was regarding homosexuality just as bad as muggles (hence why Gellert and Albus wanted their revolution). Harry however wouldn’t want to be in the closet (ah), but Albus would know that this is just not possible.
Past the first fights, I can see Harry reluctantly accepting the fact that they will never be out. No, the real fights will be about whatever wizarding war they’re going through and sort of secrets Albus is keeping regarding Gellert/Tom. Who’s a spy and who is not, whatever scheme Albus is cooking and how Harry refuses to let him sacrifice anybody/keep vital information secret from him ever again.
time travel harrydore and secrets
Potential lines of conflict between Harry and Albus lie in how differently the two handle secrets/keeping information quiet.
Albus grew up having to put on a brave face and lie about his home life from a very young age, and if we take Aberforth’s word for it, he took to it more naturally than others in his family besides Kendra. This magpie-like hoarding of information carried on even after Ariana died, as Albus frequently found himself as the holder of sensitive or essential information that would be disastrous in the wrong hands. There’s also the fact that Albus kept his sexuality secret for the better part of a century. By the time we meet him in canon, Albus is a natural secret-keeper and it’s difficult to get a read on who he truly is, and what all he truly knows.
By contrast–if Albus grew up keeping secrets, then Harry grew up being secret. His early life at the Dursleys relegated him almost permanently to second-class citizen status compared to Dudley, who used both his friends and his own parents to keep potential allies away from his cousin. Harry’s personality wasn’t stifled, but his connection to a normal childhood was. His heritage was kept from him for a decade and he literally lived in a cupboard, the kind of space you put things you aren’t intending to interact with very much. By the time he makes it to Hogwarts, Harry blooms like a flower and we see him make a subconscious effort to shine and be seen–and he has a healthy distrust for secrets and closed lines of communication.
Putting the two of them together, you can already see troublesome sparks in the making. Albus’ tendency to keep secrets and hide information would immediately get Harry’s hackles up; Harry’s brashness and openness would either inspire admiration or frustration from Albus depending on what stage of life he was in. If the two of them decided to enter a relationship, it would have to be public knowledge, or at least known to their intimate friends, because Harry would not want to be kept secret. Although he dislikes getting certain types of attention because of his fame, being relegated to a corner is even worse in his eyes. He would probably rather weather Rita Skeeter’s horrid articles and his friends’ judgmental looks rather than pretend he wasn’t involved with Albus.
On the other hand, Albus has more than enough valid reasons to keep a romantic partner secret. Whether it’s pre- or post-1945, Grindelwald would not take kindly to hearing about his old flame shacking up with someone else; and just because he’s imprisoned doesn’t mean all his followers were too. Voldemort is also known to target families and loved ones, and even his fear of Albus Dumbledore might not keep him from taking a swing at the professor’s mysterious partner… especially if he finds out how important that partner is in his own future.
That’s just a few fascinating paths and problems to sort through. ^^
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impossibleleaf · 1 year
To think that one of Peter B Parker’s advice was to use baby powder...
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this made me laugh out loud in the theater BUT THE RATIO???? 😭😭😭
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impossibleleaf · 1 year
I never thought I’d ever say this, but the anarchist was the sanest person in this spider-society. The only person who could see how fucked-up everything was and who was smart enough to see where everything was going and the best way to help his friends.
Then again that’s the point: a spider society is built and the anarchist is able to see past the propaganda to see how messed up the ‘canon’ was (a word that, funny enough, comes from religious canon). We have to respect the canon, some event have to always happen and we must be sure they always happen... Spiderpunk was the only one who could see everybody had joined a sect. He knew the other couldn’t see the mess they got into yet so he ‘joined’ the group and insured his friends had a mean to escape when they finally did.
SORRY LONG POST, scroll for atsv spoilers
thinkin about spiderverse movie and it’s soooo smart the way hobie acts and talks. when he realizes who miles is he’s already formulating how to work the entire situation out in miles favor. it’s not just the palms trick, hobie tries to get miles out of spider society IMMEDIATELY.
when jess drew says they’re all coming with her hobie says “i don’t follow orders, neither does he” which is funny! and you don’t initially understand why he would say that other than the fact that hobie has demonstrated he’s a non conformist for even the silliest things, so of course he would say that right? but after miles goes along anyways hobie puts his head in his hands because he was giving miles AN OUT.
hobie knows who miles IS he knows why miles is being called in and he’s already planning to get miles out.
he then subtly hints that things are a little less cool under the surface. hobie warns miles when no one else does, when he’s stealing parts for gwen’s watch (because once again, he already knows what’s about to go down) “bet you’ve got a nice set up, nice parents” Hobie KNOWS what canon events are and knows miles is before the big ones. miles says he’s in a fight with his parents and hobie says “that’s a bloody shame, cus you’re not ready for everybody else”
all of this while he knicks tech out of the wall and flaunts it to miles. once again it’s funny, an audiences first reaction is most likely to pick up that hobie is alluding to something, but be distracted by the comedy of his charismatic personality. it’s so smart, because even while he’s taking things he says “bet this doesn’t even do anything” (HES TALKING ABOUT DISRUPTING CANON EVENTS) miles replies talking about the tech “maybe it did before you ripped it out of the wall” to which hobie says “it’s propaganda bro”
and it IS. spider society as a whole is propagandized as a necessity to the stability of the multi-verse. they push that canon events MUST HAPPEN, but hobie doesn’t believe it or care. he’s purely looking out for miles, who is the little guy in this situation and an ‘anomaly’ from the moment they met hobie was looking out for him.
all of this culminates before the chase where hobie gives him the means to escape, visibly calms miles down and holds up his palms to remind him how to break out. then quits and disappears to wait for gwen so they can group back up. so good.
and anyways i have more misc thoughts about why hobie is in spider society anyways but that’s based on speculation so it’s going under the cut
okay the more you see that hobie is truly an anarchist punk who opposes authority and authority structures you have to think, why the hell would he join up with a spider society????
i think that’s it’s probably because of gwen. in the same way that hobie recognizes miles is at a disadvantage, he would definitely recognize that gwen is in a bind.
gwen has a trans narrative in this movie, she’s essentially been kicked out even if it wasn’t explicit, because she’s spiderwoman. she was taken in by jess drew and miguel and i assume she mostly stays on earth 928 with them or with hobie on his earth. that’s why her toothbrush and her sweater are at his place, because he lets her crash there since she’s essentially homeless.
i have to add that gwen’s position in spider societal is shaky. jess drew may have let her join up, but it’s shown many times that jess is unwilling to defend gwen to miguel. gwen KNOWS this, when she answers to jess drew she begs her not to tell miguel when she’s messing up and jess is largely unsympathetic.
gwen’s last interaction with her father ended with him pointing a gun at her. it’s not a stretch to say that gwen is really unsure of whether or not her father would’ve hurt her. she desperately does not want to go home because of that, and also because she doesn’t want to trigger the canon event that she KNOWS will end in his death.
gwen desperately, desperately, does not want to go home.
as for hobie, hes clearly shown to be someone gwen likes a lot, her inflection when she talks about him and the fact that she stays so often makes me believe that hobie has clearly taken gwen under his wing. i think he’s done the same for pavitr as well!
pavitr opens up his intro by saying being spider man is easy. once again the truth of the statement and it’s meaning is somewhat obscured by comedy, considering being spider-man is really difficult for the protagonist, miles, who we’ve seen struggle with his parents for most of the movie until then.
but pavitr says this because it IS easy for him, he hasn’t gone through any canon events. he’s been spider man FOR 6 MONTHS ONLY!
hobie is shown to really love pavitr, they have a brotherly and playful friendship and play fight excitedly when they see each other. i don’t think it’s a stretch to say that hobie has taken both gwen who is balancing on a tight rope, and pavitr who is ignorant to the larger system that will soon press him down, under his wings.
so why would hobie join spider society? probably to look after kids like gwen and pavitr!
and this is also more speculation that gets looser as i go on, but i wouldn’t be surprised if hobie was waiting for miles specifically to cause some chaos in spider society.
i don’t have the exact line but when he realizes which spider-man miles is, he refers to him by his dimension number of 1610. (this line is the basis of my belief that hobie planned to help miles out from before the beginning) but anyways, doesn’t it follow that if hobie doesn’t believe in spider society, doesn’t believe in canon events, and is allied with them anyways that he is looking for the opportunity to oppose them?
it’s his ideological code to oppose oppressive power structures, and he clearly likes miles as a person and what miles represents.
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impossibleleaf · 1 year
I agree with everything you’re saying :)
Another important point is Harry’s strong moral compass. We may all like reading dark Harry fics from time to time, we all know deep down that this boy/man will always make the right choice/understand why somebody did something, even if he disagrees with them. Saint Potter, the boy who treats a house-elf like an equal, who once he gets all the important data will always pick the right moral choice, even if that means walking to his death. For somebody like Dumbledore who got too arrogant and paid the price, that is what he admires, the quality he holds as the most precious. The same way, the second Albus crosses the line and does something dark, we knows that Harry will stand up against him.
For somebody who sees himself as a monster, I think there is something liberating about knowing that there’s somebody who will do everything to stop you, should you ever cross the line. Harry would be his moral compass, the one person he actually believes when he tells him ‘you are not a monster’ or ‘you went too far, stop’. Perhaps he is not as magically gifted as Albus, and he may not be as powerful, but Albus knows that, somehow, Harry will be able to stop him, should he ever follow Gellert’s path.
For Harry now, I think we all agree that the man respect Albus a hella lot and even -dare I say it?- admires Dumbledore for being himself, so flamboyant and not giving a damn about what others say about him. If Albus Dumbledore wants to wear his PJs in the Great Hall, nobody will say a damn thing and Albus will look fabulous with that blue robe and its sparkling stars. The same way, what Harry is looking for in a relationship is somebody who can make him laugh, somebody who has the same moral values and who is able to make him forget, if only for one night, how cruel the outside world is. No matter what horror he is forced to see, he knows that the second he is in his arms that he is safe.
okay @kazuza-art I’m back on a separate post because tumblr apparently has a fucking character limit for text posts. trust my rage.
last time we covered why for me personally gr*ndeld*re has more holes in it than swiss cheese. now we’ll cover why I think time travel harrydore is superior and respects both characters.
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Keep reading
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impossibleleaf · 1 year
I love how you added the butterfly 😂.
Honestly, I’m so honored that you made fanart for my fic. Honestly, I could see it happening right after Chapter 21, with Harry being happy after a day of training and Albus staying in the stands pretending to be here to support Aberforth and studying outside even though he’s actually here to get an eyeful of the boys and reading The Picture of Dorian Gray.
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A fanart from one of my fav Harrydore fic!
Time travel and great adventure! It is a veryyyyyy slow burn and it is amazing!
(I could not reach the author of the fic to get their consent about fanart so if anyone knows if they stated they don’t want fanart on their work please let me know 🥺❤️)
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impossibleleaf · 3 years
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impossibleleaf · 3 years
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Dyslexia Friendly Ao3 Skin (or at least an attempt at)
I've been slowly working at a dyslexia friendly skin following the design suggestions I've found in the British Dyslexia Association Style Guide.
You can find it here with all the instructions to install it
It is still a work in progress and I'm begging for feedback so that I can make it better for everyone.
To Do List:
A dark mode is on the way. I'll post it on the link I've just posted, so if you find this post in a few months you'll be able to find it.
As soon as I can I aim to make the code more ordered, with lots of comments and a guide to change stuff for people who know nothing about css, so you can personalize it for your needs.
More color combinations.
Implement more stuff you ask me. I'm designing this by just following a guide, but it might be wrong in some areas and there might be more stuff that's good to add.
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impossibleleaf · 3 years
Here’s the entire scene for those who want to see it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ua3wlssr6rw
You are not young, but with age comes wisdom.
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impossibleleaf · 3 years
Secret society meeting
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impossibleleaf · 3 years
crime shows are like “this character is being obnoxious and causing problems by not letting police enter somewhere without a warrant, you know, like what the law says” and everyone just lets them
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impossibleleaf · 3 years
forget MuskBot behold Chocolate Robot Chef! 🦾
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impossibleleaf · 3 years
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Mutaz Essa Barshim and Gianmarco Tamberi decided to share the title in the men’s high jump.
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impossibleleaf · 3 years
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impossibleleaf · 3 years
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impossibleleaf · 3 years
A lot of publicly accessible Google Drive links will no longer be accessible later this year unless their owners opt out of new security enhancements. These enhancements are being brought to Google Drive on September 23rd, 2021, the company announced in a blog post today.
Once this change goes live, Google says that users will need a “resource key” to access a publicly shared link. However, users won’t need an updated link with said resource key appended if they’ve already accessed that file before in the past. As a result of this change, we can imagine that lots of Google Drive links shared online on forums and other sites will no longer work as their owners neglect to update them, leaving them only accessible to the people that have already clicked the links before. This comes after Google also announced similar changes to YouTube’s unlisted videos earlier today.
According to the post made on the Google Workspace blog, this won’t affect all files. Users who have shared a file that is affected by this change will get an email from Google informing them of this change and how to opt out of needing those files from being updated. These emails will be sent out to users starting on July 26th. Google shared a copy of a sample email to show end-users what the message they’ll get will look like. The company doesn’t recommend opting out all files and says that only the files that you want publicly accessible should be opted out. Users have until September 13th to decide if they want the update applied, so if you have no files that are publicly accessible, then you won’t need to do anything.
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impossibleleaf · 3 years
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