Hello! What are Scorpio moons like? Thank you!🌻
you know the stereotypical emo kid in every single teen movie ever released? they were scorpio moons
they overthink almost as much as gemini & virgo moons
constantly analyzing everything: even the smallest occurrences and gestures are getting analyzed by scorpio moons
very very emotional but likely struggles to express and accept this
probably frequent breakdowns/depressive episodes
tends to absorb other’s emotions and may be easily affected by psychic vampires if they aren’t careful
(but they also can very easily become psychic vampires)
depending on other placements: probably extremely secretive about their feelings and emotions
takes a very, very long time for them to open up
trusting people? what’s that
intimacy issues let’s go
just as bad as capricorn in terms of holding grudges and acting out revenge
likely craves power and to be in control- but it doesn’t have to be obvious, these people are usually happy with “behind the scenes” power
much like the other fixed signs, they have a giant ass ego
easily jealous
can be overly possessive and manipulative if they aren’t careful/self-reflecting frequently
an investigator !!! probably super interested in things like crime shows, law, spirituality, philosophy, psychology, etc
also probably very interested in the occult/paranormal
very very intuitive: the type to dislike someone based on their energy or vibes (but they end up being right about that person being shitty/shady)
again, can be Very Vengeful
petty petty petty
literally cannot take criticism ever even when they desperately need advice because they tend to take everything to offense
gets upset, refuses to say they’re upset/why they’re upset, then gets more upset that the people around them haven’t noticed and comforted them
extreme loyalty when they finally attach themselves to someone
can be very stubborn and close minded at times
crave deeper connections with people, they don’t like casual friendships, relationships, etc.: they want all or nothing commitments in the bonds they form
however that being said, they may form a lot of “throwaway” relationships and friendships to occupy their mind/needs/etc while they look for people they consider “the one”
often take everything personally/deeper than it really is
so so passionate, creative and driven
very high expectations in a relationship, often unfairly so, and don’t realize they aren’t giving as much as they’re expecting from people
the type to take two weeks to text you back but then get mad at you for taking a day to respond to them in return
can be really bad for ghosting people and cutting people off out of nowhere and seemingly with no feelings about it
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🌙✨ MOON SIGNS. the breakdown.
element: fire (intense, open, friendly, powerful)
modality: cardinal (self-starting, initiator, leader)
key words: strength, drive, determination, inventive, innovative, bold, reactive
struggles: concealing emotions (specifically anger, upset), mood swings, mood easily affected by small things, can’t take criticism even when constructive/kind, innate power struggles, tendency to overwork, issues with reacting before thinking, anger issues
emotional aspects: feels all emotions at a max level - nothing is felt “normally” and all emotions are very intense, emotions tend to be very fleeting and don’t last for long, refuses to ask for help when in dire emotional need, feels a need to constantly be the “happy/strong friend” which can lead to emotional repression, very reactive and has a habit of acting before thinking
recommended emotional outlets: physical activity (boxing would probably do y’all some good), channeling energy into work/projects, writing things down before actually doing them/letting all your feelings out into some sort of safe platform
strengths: self-starting and motivated, high energy levels (usually), very funny, always honest with people/people view them as very real, the person that motivates others to get things done, tends to speak up for the underdog when other’s won’t, often not afraid to say what needs to be said, unmatchable passion
element: earth (warm, stable, hard-working, thoughtful)
modality: fixed (stubborn, persistent, passionate)
key words: luxury, beauty, art, creativity, persistence, stubbornness, goal-driven
struggles: self-worth, body image/self image in general, understanding other’s point of views, developing god complex, too independent, opening up to others, emotional repression
emotional aspects: represses feelings, does not open up easily, tendency to shame self for feeling things, slow to anger but the anger is permanent/tendency to hold grudges, emotions generally last a while and are not fleeting, a very romantic heart with an unwavering loyalty to friends and loved ones
recommended emotional outlets: partaking in some form of art, (healthily & carefully) treating self to material items, re-doing/re-arranging your home, changing your wardrobe/aesthetic
strengths: high levels of creativity, natural appreciation and good eye for art + aesthetics + beauty, stable and warm personality that makes many people feel comfortable within seconds of interacting with them, persistent in their goals, hard-working and committed
element: air (open, social, friendly, intelligent, logical)
modality: mutable (constantly changing, chameleon-like, open-minded)
key words: change, intellect, restlessness, insomnia, anxiety, communication, learning, sarcasm
struggles: understanding the big picture, memory (tends to only remember off-handed comments, random details/facts, etc), anxiety, insomnia, indecisiveness, commitment, mood swings, pessimism
emotional aspects: intellectualizes emotions, represses feelings, turns negative feelings towards humour/memes, discomfort around upset people/can’t handle emotional people, seeks rational and logic in everything
recommended emotional outlets: writing, public speaking/communication, niche hobbies/unusual hobbies, using a journal or even a private vent social media
strengths: communication, natural wit, learning-abilities/intellect, sarcasm, good sense of humour, easily likable/relatable, fits into a large variety of crowds, innate ability to see all sides of an argument/situation, fair and open-minded
element: water (emotional, intuitive, sensitive, warm)
modality: cardinal (self-starting, initiator, leader)
key words: sensitivity, moodiness, initiative, drive, nurture
struggles: moon is at it’s highest potential here - a double edged sword that can result in an overwhelming amount of emotions at all times, extreme sensitivity to other’s moods, frequent mood swings, cannot accept criticism, absorbs other people’s emotions, overindulges in bouts of nostalgia and struggles to let go of people/places/things, over-attachment to the home and possibly the mother
emotional aspects: tends to feel anything and everything all at once, emotions are like waves that drown them, frequently absorbs other people’s moods and emotions and can fall victim to psychic vampires easily, love harder than anyone else; often balls of loving sunshine
recommended emotional outlets: writing (specifically fiction/poetry/similar), meditation, listening to music/writing music
strengths: innate understanding of people’s feelings, amazing at wording things relating to their feelings and emotions, (depending on other placements) good with emotional expression and comfort, an ability to romanticize nearly anything (can also be a bad thing at some points though)
element: fire (intense, open, friendly, powerful)
modality: fixed (stubborn, persistent, passionate)
key words: passion, creativity, romance, drive, commitment, leadership, energy
struggles: developing god complex, hiding emotions, overreacting/being overdramatic, angering too quickly, extreme sensitivities (especially to criticism), self-confidence issues hidden behind an overconfident sometimes pushy attitude, tendency to overwork
emotional aspects: quick to react; slow to forget (in comparison to other fire signs, not so much in comparison to a taurus or scorpio moon), easily upset and very sensitive, emotions are felt at the highest level at all times and tend to last for a lot longer than the other fire moons’ intense emotions, try to always be very bright people and feel a need to keep the mood up wherever they go/tend to take on a lot of emotional burden
recommended emotional outlets: creating art (especially art to be shared/admired by others), writing/telling stories
strengths: natural born leader, can make any person feel welcome and comfortable around them, naturally lovable, great storytellers, extremely creative, driven and committed, hard-working
element: earth (warm, stable, hard-working, thoughtful)
modality: mutable (constantly changing, chameleon-like, open-minded)
key words: flexibility, critical, communication, health, work, anxiety, caregiver
struggles: letting emotions flow / just feeling things without questioning their validity and reasoning, being overly critical of both themselves and others, falling for people who need to be fixed but who treat them badly in return, giving too many second chances, has a hard time in standing up for themselves, has a tendency to be a bit too blunt and critical towards others, tends to worry too much about their own and other’s health, often struggles with nervousness and anxiety
emotional aspects: they want to talk out their emotions but they don’t want to feel them or have others view them as weak, they constantly help others / fix others but won’t ever ask for the help they need in return, a tendency to analyze and/or repress their emotions over just feeling them, ‘conceal don’t feel’ is an earth moon motto but esp virgo moons
recommended emotional outlets: writing (!!), turning to bright/uplifting people and letting them help you/cheer you up instead of the reverse for once, staying at home and just watching an entire tv series instead of working for once
strengths: helping others work through their problems and emotions, making others feel loved and comforted, being there for people during their worst times and never making people feel like it’s a bore/job, directing/leading in work, communicating honestly and straightforwardly 
element: air (open, social, friendly, intelligent, logical)
modality: cardinal (self-starting, initiator, leader)
key words: fairness, justice, romanticism, love, beauty, aesthetics, art, judgment, indecision 
struggles: indecisiveness is the worst among any moon sign (maybe tied with gemini), frequent issues of giving people too many second chances, has a tendency to let people get away with emotionally draining them / treating them wrongly, tries to help others and nurture others more than they can handle, can become very fake / detached from their own opinions sometimes as they try too hard to consider all sides, can get too caught up in the beauty/aesthetics of things and people and result in an unfortunate shallowness, a dependency on romance/love and validation from others
emotional aspects: much like the other air signs libra moons want to intellectualize and rationalize all their emotions rather than feel them; however they do not do this as well as the other air moons and tend to frequently get overwhelmed by emotions, tend to be empaths who absorb other’s moods and emotions which can easily bring them down, very easily moved and emotional especially by beautiful and sentimental things, frequent frustration over their own sensitivity and emotional nature
recommended emotional outlets: anything emotional yet beautiful such as poetry, something aesthetic based like painting or drawing, retail therapy is a good outlet for libra moons ; especially if it involves changing their hair/fashion/etc (aesthetic based changes tend to uplift this beauty-appreciating sign)
strengths: amazing ability to see all sides in a situation, the best mediators, always able to calm people down, makes people feel loved welcomed and included even upon first meeting, people immediately feel comfortable around libra moons and trust them very easily, very likable and usually have a very strange but liked sense of humour (lots of puns), usually a very great sense of style and a natural ability towards arts
element: water (emotional, intuitive, sensitive, warm)
modality: fixed (stubborn, persistent, passionate)
key words: depth, overthinking, intimacy, sensitivity, intuition
struggles: objective thinking, taking criticism, opening up to others, trusting others and letting people fully into their lives, overthinking and taking everything personally, holding grudges and feeling a constant need for revenge, struggles with jealousy, can have god complex/big ego and be very stubborn
emotional aspects: being a water moon their emotions are constantly something they’re drowning in, tendency to feel everything including other’s emotions which leads to them being the target of psychic vampires (very common with water moons), they’re extremely emotional but similar to earth moons they actually struggle to express it despite being a water sign - scorpio moons are critical of their own emotions and are worried revealing their problems will make them weak (so they tend to bottle), tend to be prone to depressive episodes / upset spells
recommended emotional outlets: POETRY (im begging all of you scorpio moons to just write poetry you would be so good at it you just don’t realize it), getting involved in music (be it just listening or actually writing/making music), just writing in general- get your emotions out for once and stop bottling/feeling guilty for speaking your emotional mind
strengths: unwavering loyalty for others, the ability to follow things through and get things done, amazing levels of creativity, tend to be amazing at sensing out people and knowing if someone is a good or bad person even upon first meeting them, extremely passionate about the things and people they care for, very driven and hard-working people (scorpio work ethic is really underrated), a wonderfully investigative mindset - would be amazing working as something like a detective/lawyer/psychologist/etc
element: fire (intense, open, friendly, powerful)
modality: mutable (constantly changing, chameleon-like, open-minded)
key words: philosophy, open-mindedness, change, travel, freedom, communication
struggles: tend to forgive & forget very easily and way more than they should which results in heartbreak and being taken advantage of, sometimes a bit too blunt/honest for their own good, not the best at paying attention to the little things/tiny details, extremely flaky at times, tendency to ghost people / ignore others, can develop really awful god complexes, issues with commitment especially in career/school, impulsiveness
emotional aspects: as a fire moon; emotions are always amplified and nothing is felt at a basic level - they’re either very happy or very sad or very angry, emotions are intense and tend to change frequently, sag moons have probably some of the worst mood swings of all the moon placements due to the mixture of both fire and mutable nature, emotions easily affected by their environment and the moods of those around them, they prefer to come off/be very easygoing and nonchalant but they tend to get overwhelmed by feelings easily which in turn frustrates them (they also tend to ghost, isolate, escape to somewhere new, etc when overwhelmed - escapism is a big coping method for sag moons)
recommended emotional outlets: t r a v e l (even just getting out of the house to go on a walk in nature is a good outlet for a sag moon), exercise & exploration are good outlets for fire moons, studying something new (especially languages, philosophy, etc), writing but on a bigger platform where you can reach others
strengths: always the funniest people in a room, very witty and quality sarcasm for days, very honest and blunt, can be very energetic, often good at (even if faking it) being super enthusiastic/bright/uplifting, open-minded and easy at adapting to change and new situations, amazing ability to see the bigger picture of things/life in general, can be very optimistic and has a natural ability to cheer others up
element: earth (warm, stable, hard-working, thoughtful)
modality: cardinal (self-starting, initiator, leader)
key words: repression, hard work, initiation, leading, stability, balance
struggles: handling emotions in general, expressing feelings thoughts and emotions to others and even accepting their own feelings to themselves, trusting others, letting others in, tendency to overwork themselves and take on more than they can handle, refuses to ask for help even when they really need it
emotional aspects: a tendency to repress emotions and shame themselves for feeling things, tends to try to always be the “strong one” and criticizes themselves for having emotions and being upset by things, emotions are a backburner thought to capricorn moons - they hate that they feel things and view themselves as very weak when they get upset/depressed/hurt/etc, they constantly want to find logic and reason behind their emotions and struggle to accept that sometimes you just feel things without much reason, very hard on themselves and want to always be strong for others, deep down they want to be very bubbly and optimistic but they feel like they aren’t allowed to be that way/weren’t meant to be
recommended emotional outlets: stop working for once and take a break focusing on your hobbies/creative interests, do something that connects you with nature (going for a walk/hike, etc) as it’s a natural comfort for earth moons, just watch an entire tv show or something okay relax for once pls
strengths: the hardest workers; the most driven people you will ever meet, usually the parent friend who always cares for and helps others when they need it; humanitarian without needing to be, always hypes up and supports their friends dreams/goals, natural born leader and initiator, very good at starting up and creating things, a very warm person who makes people around them feel very comfortable and safe when developed, usually very stable balanced people
element: air (open, social, friendly, intelligent, logical)
modality: fixed (stubborn, persistent, passionate)
key words: intellect, humanitarianism, logic, music, art, isolation, repression, overthinking/overanalyzing
struggles: accepting and feeling their own emotions, expressing emotions (in words - they’re good at expressing emotions through their works such as art pieces), wording things properly (they tend to struggle with communicating things “correctly” aka they tend to misspeak and say things how they didn’t intend them to come off as), dealing with change, god complexes, tendency to overthink and overanalyze everything (even things that don’t need to be analyzed), can have issues with truly connecting to people (they don’t trust easily/they doubt everyone and the things people say ; it’s just generally very hard for them to form deeper emotional connections) 
emotional aspects: all emotions are critically analyzed and thought through a billion times, if they cannot make rational sense of an emotion it is usually repressed; shamed and/or ignored, tends to beat themselves up for feeling things and not always being “strong”, they don’t understand their own emotions and really struggle to accept them as is, usually bottle things up and don’t (seriously, they might post depressing memes tho) express how they feel until they hit a point where they just have a giant breakdown, tend to be very prone to depressive episodes, extremely hard on themselves emotionally, tendency to isolate when emotional
recommended emotional outlets: making music/listening to music, creating art of literally any form, focusing on something to distract yourself from your frequent overthinking (movies/shows are especially great)
strengths: tend to be naturally inclined artistically and musically, creativity for days, able to view situations and frustrations with rational logic rather than just viewing everything through an emotionally biased lens, gives the best advice, very strong drive and determination (especially in work/hobbies), naturally very humanitarian and quick to help others/be there for people even though they don’t always have the emotional capacity for such, way with words and very good at making friends/being social/the life of the party (even though they tend to actually be very introverted/prefer isolation)
element: water (emotional, intuitive, sensitive, warm)
modality: mutable (constantly changing, chameleon-like, open-minded)
key words: emotions, intuition, change, warmth, omniscience
struggles: tend to always be only “half there” when around people (always daydreaming/stuck in their mind), tendency to be very flaky and cancel plans/ghost people/etc often, can romanticize things too much (again that constant daydreaming) and too frequently give benefit of the doubt, issues with committing to things (especially the area of life relating to the house their moon is located in), probably the most frequent victims of psychic vampires (people that use you/drain you emotionally), gives too many second chances because they have a very softhearted and forgiving personality, when undeveloped - huge victim complexes
emotional aspects: someone who absorbs the emotions of everyone and everything (if a room has a certain “feel”, they will start pulling in that emotion - they literally feel *everything*), constantly overwhelmed with emotion, feelings can be very fleeting for them but heavy nonetheless, require a lot of alone time to process emotions and recover from the weight of holding everyone else’s emotions for them, because they absorb AND reflect other’s emotions so frequently they often have trouble figuring out what they’re actually feeling and going through
recommended emotional outlets: something relating to the arts or music (listening to music, making music ; making art; drawing/painting/etc), written outlet (reading/writing ; especially poetry or fiction novels)
strengths: amazing levels of sensitivity that allows them to pick up on/feel other’s emotions and thoughts before that person even knows how they’re feeling themselves, great intuition with a good ability to sense out bad people from far away, constantly nurturing others and making them feel warm/safe, pisces moons have a very “omniscient” energy in the sense they come off as if they know everything (which in turn makes them very likable, admirable, etc), very adaptable people, high levels of creativity
[ ko-fi 🌷 twt 🌷 all posts ]
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Uranus in the Houses
Uranus in the 1st House: frequent abrupt intuitive insight on how to change or disrupt your individuality
Uranus in the 2nd House: frequent abrupt intuitive insight on how to alter your self worth or material intake
Uranus in the 3rd House: frequent abrupt intuitive insight on how to sharpen and transform the intellect
Uranus in the 4th House: frequent abrupt intuitive insight on how to understand your emotional foundation and alter domestic life
Uranus in the 5th House: frequent abrupt intuitive insight on how to improve and grow creatively
Uranus in the 6th House: frequent abrupt intuitive insight on how to disrupt or alter the daily and work life
Uranus in the 7th House: frequent abrupt intuitive insight on how to change and mentally understand relationships with others
Uranus in the 8th House: frequent abrupt intuitive insight on how to understand the repressed parts of yourself, mysteries and sexuality
Uranus in the 9th House: frequent abrupt intuitive insight on how to change the life path you’re on, sudden flashes of enlightenment
Uranus in the 10th House: frequent abrupt intuitive insight on how to gain a reaction from the public, to understand what holds the most freedom for them to grow into
Uranus in the 11th House: frequent abrupt intuitive insight on how to understand the masses, the thoughts of the collective enter the unconscious mind very suddenly, intuitive understanding of the progress of society
Uranus in the 12th House: frequent abrupt intuitive insight on one’s spiritual path or lack thereof, feelings of individuality may be tightly coiled due to weighed down feelings of guilt brought on by collective unconscious
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“Life isn’t all what you’ve seen.”
Channeled quote
They say astrology is the map of your life- everything that occurs within it can be explained by the stars. Today, July 22nd, 2019, I’ve channeled messages for each zodiac sign. To read yours, simply scroll down, find your sun, moon, or rising sign, and read. Even if it isn’t July 22nd when you read this, whatever message you see is the message designed especially for you, however the timing ends up working out. 
Keep your patience and your temper balanced, Aries. Some of you need to pull yourself together, and some of you need to keep yourself together. You’ve been working hard to follow a more spiritual path, or to find your purpose so to speak, and you’re currently in the mode of finding what it is that you want to be putting your work and energy into. The divine is leading you towards what it is that you should be manifesting, but you need to be dedicated to it. I feel like whatever it is that you’re going towards needs to be something that grants you freedom, though, so keep that in mind. Don’t bow down to any concept or any religion if it doesn’t feel right for you. 
Don’t go with the crowd, Sagittarius. Your ideas are preciously unique and meant to be shared- just don’t share them with people that won’t have the best intentions. By that, I mean, some people might not completely understand your ideas, but know that that’s okay. Your ideas are still valid. And, gosh, at least they’re different. Hold on to what you have and don’t let anyone change it with their (somewhat unhelpful and therefore worthless) opinions. In regards to finances, don’t give away money to people who can’t pay it back. Follow your intuition in that regard as to who you’re spending money on. 
Go with the flow, Leo. If someone decides to walk away from you, let them. If someone or something wants to leave your life, let them. They’re unsatisfied with where they are with you (especially if they’re a water sign) and you need to not let that effect your ego but respect the other person for doing what’s right for them. If this is in regards to a situation rather than just a person, let it go.
A scorpio in your life is being defensive, you have to leave them be. In regards to whatever situation you’re questioning about, someone was holding on too tightly to someone, and it’s your time to decide who you should let go of. For the other Virgos here, I feel like you need to understand the role that fate plays within your life. I feel like you’re being put into situations where fate is being tested and coming out on top, and I feel like this is a life lesson for you to recognize that fate is real and is currently effecting you. For some Virgos, you need to understand that there’s someone better for you than the person that’s currently on your mind. (readers note- I’m not even sure what all of this means, but this is just the sort of message that I’m channeling, so hopefully this applies and helps you)
You need to wait for what you want, fam. You need to understand that you are co-creating your reality with the universe, and just because you aren’t seeing results right away doesn’t mean that they aren’t going to come. Continue to focus on manifesting! It’s your time to do so. Especially if you’re someone who has another Leo placement in your chart. 
Blessings are on their way as a result of your hard work and your dedication. Accept them! Celebrate the fact that your ship is sealed in the right direction and that you’re going to be receiving a great amount of recognition soon. If you’re having trouble gaining your sea legs, take a break, breathe, get up from where you’re sitting, you will feel settled again soon. 
There’s an aspect here of subconscious self-hatred that you need to let go of in order to move forward. Your mind is a beautiful thing- don’t let it become toxic thinking of things that don’t really matter. Your luck will change very soon, with you being at the top of the wheel of fortune. I feel you’ve gone through some very toxic things and are coming out the other side stronger than ever. You will be rewarded. Good luck!
You’re literally magic. You radiate such a positive energy and are continuing to do things that lift up your vibration. Keep in mind your intentions are what effects your aura, so keep them good! Look up good ways to lift your vibration and continue to do them. Wish you the best, Libra. 
I feel like you’re in the process of deciding something. I feel like it has something to do with your future- as in, you’re trying to decide which option will get you farther and to a better place in the future. Decide wisely, and decide with your inner knowing. I wish you the best!
You’re resting right now, so don’t rush yourself. Don’t be afraid to stay a homebody for the remainder of July if that’s the sort of mood that you’ve been in lately. The rest of the world can wait!
You’re going through a transformation. Especially in regards to how much of yourself and your time you give to others. I feel like you’re in the process of discovering something new, like a new door just opened for you spiritually or perspective-wise, and you’re moving forward into trusting the unknown. Trust that moving forwards you will be receiving the guidance and the knowledge and resources that you need as you go along. I wish you the best, Pisces. Don’t be afraid to make yourself more important.
You’re moving very quickly- take some time to stop and admire the flowers. Spend more time with your family and friends and share part of whatever it is that you’re pursuing with them. They’ll be very appreciative, and you’ll find you feel better after spending time with some people from your past that you sort of forgot about. I wouldn’t be surprised if a past romantic interest hit you up soon, so be on the lookout for you, because whoever this person is is totally someone you should try again with. Blessings!
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famous musicians + songs most like their moon/venus sign
Beyoncé: Scorpio Moon - “Jealous”
Lorde: Virgo Moon - “Hard Feelings”
Hozier: Aquarius Venus - “Movement”
Azealia Banks: Cancer Venus - “Luxury”
SZA: Leo Moon - “Normal Girl”
Sia: Gemini Moon - “Elastic Heart”
MARINA: Virgo Venus - “Believe In Love”
Amy Winehouse: Capricorn Moon - “Love is a Losing Game”
Freddie Mercury (Queen): Sagittarius Moon - “We Are The Champions”
Frank Ocean: Scorpio Venus - “Pink Matter”
Mitski: Capricorn Moon / Virgo Venus - “Nobody”
Rihanna: Aries Moon - “Kiss it Better”
Lana del Rey: Leo Moon - “Brooklyn Baby”
Kehlani: Pisces Moon - “Butterfly”
Zayn: Pisces Venus - “Too Much”
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rising signs and the energies they give out
aries: masculine energies. very physical, body oriented. touchy-feely. fast pace of movement. very upfront. perky and zealous. loud laughter, but you know when they’re upset because the heat and irritation radiates off them, hard to ignore
taurus: stable and centred. empathic. slow pace of movement. grounded, calming presence. a face you want to tell all your problems to. very still, can be lazy languid at times. funny and charming, deep laughs and kind eyes
gemini: two styles - dark, introverted, hard shell, may come across intimidating at first. once part of their trusted inner circle, they are excellent conversationalists, able to engage in complex conversations with the blend of empathy and rationale, feeling and thought. second are more extroverted, easily connects with all sorts of people, (sometimes superficially). high energy either viscerally through body or intellectually through speech
cancer: calm, still and contemplative. the moon’s pull of the ocean can draw you in to an embodying embrace, or pull you under if the mood befalls them. communicates in feelings, can change the energies in a room unconsciously
leo: brazen and gregarious. loud laughter. energy and joy radiates. expression, vivacity. warmth. shares passions ambitions and encourages you in your own. feel energised after being around them. fun and authentic, no pretences 
virgo: quiet…may come off as reserved or even hard to get to know. hard shell. however, when you speak to them, they are kind, prioritise kindness over niceness. they see through superficiality, and will waste no time on those they regard as inauthentic. 
libra: graceful, light on the feet. balanced. elegance to their movement. quiet, but balanced. still and contemplative. conflict averse, harmonious, easy to talk to. easy to feel comfortable around. similar to pisces, but libra ascendants tend to be a bit more aloof
scorpio: enigmatic and charismatic. mysterious and seductive, draws people in. a quiet, strong intensity emanates from them. masters of persuasion and charm, eyes that see past lies, sarcastic humour
sagittarius: visceral , always moving, hard to stand still. enjoys throwing themselves into the heart of the action. experience things through the body, feelings are not hidden, but drawn out through physical experience. engaging
capricorn: bit of the outsider looking in, carries out things diligently. blunt communication style. slow movement but very reliable…rooted in realities, once behind a cause (whether person, or conceptual) it is hard for them to budge. stable and clear cut
aquarius: can be slightly blunt. quirky and aloof. very observant, unafraid to voice oppositional or different views. rebellious free spirited and channels energies through creative and/or intellectual endeavours……literally a breath of fresh air, see things in a different way around them, curiously
pisces: adapts to environments. good listeners. quiet, deep eyes. contemplative. sympathetic, soft. feel at peace with yourself when you are around them…..matches energies in room naturally, genuine care and can get lost in intimate conversation
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it’s heart-wrenching to watch someone you love walk away from you, so don’t. when they leave, turn around. take a look in the mirror. realise that their absence hasn’t got anything to do with you. learn that it was their time to leave. tell yourself you deserve someone who will stay and believe it. look at all the amazing qualities and features you have that they can’t see. see them and appreciate them for yourself. know that it doesn’t matter if they don’t think you’re worth it anymore. look at yourself and realise you have always been worth it and that you always will be worth it. focus on your healing. focus on yourself. when they walk away, let them. turn your back on them too and choose yourself and your healing. it’s not selfish, it’s brave. let yourself grieve and then grow from this experience. become a better version of yourself. and thank them. because you never would have had the strength and willpower to change and grow if they had stayed.
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The human personality encompasses a nearly infinite number of variables. There are 12 astrological signs.
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✨ astrological observations ✨ part one
{ aries placements (sun/moon) often feel the need to assert their opinion in any given conversation/argument. they are opinionated and can get emotionally invested in petty arguments.
{ a lot of people with cancer in sun/moon belong to a single parent family where the mother is the dominant parental figure.
{ leo placements have an extravagant sense of fashion. think noticable hair, a lot of jewellery and a celebrity-like vibe.
{ mutable signs, especially sagittarius and pisces, tend to have a constant relationship with spirituality throughout their whole life, and consider it as a key value in their life (however, being mutable signs their beliefs are often ever-changing and evolving).
{ when a capricorn venus falls in love, they fall hard. they are steady in their feelings but these feelings are intense and deep. if a capricorn venus likes you, they are in it for the long run.
{ mothers with their sun in scorpio are fiercely overprotective of their child(ren) and are vengeful if anything happens to their family
{ more often that not, the signs you are “supposed” to have the most compatibility with, are the signs that you regularly do not get along with. compatibility with someone is more than astrology, and you can never tell how well your relationship will go with someone with astrology in mind.
{ libra men can either be players or “go steady for the long run” type, no inbetween. those with libra suns are more often than not the players, whilst libra in venus tend to be more loyal.
part two
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8th house mystic mausoleum 
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sun in the 8th: the the black swan blooms from the dew of darkness and creates the spectrum for the light of life to exist at all
moon in the 8th: great great great granddaughters of the witches they tried to banish
mercury in the 8th: a voice for the dead, a coroner, ghost writer 
venus in the 8th: the kiss of ego death, hades and persephone aesthetic 
mars in the 8th: becomes adept and qualified in surviving, it’s learning how to live that presents a greater challenge
jupiter in the 8th: solicits, fills, and publishes manuscripts that the author never got to finish
saturn in the 8th: karmic debt collector, sometimes these people hear ‘you will be the death of me’ too often
uranus in the 8th: have flashes of themselves near death or dying that belong to other people
neptune in the 8th: repetitive dreams about dying, death offers relief
pluto in the 8th: the confessional that people unconsciously call to reveal and repent secrets and sins
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Moon to Mars Synastry
Conjunction: Instant crush? Maybe. The Moon person is drawn to Mars energy. Mars finds someone they want to get to know in the Moon. They may share desires or intense feelings. Mars brings passion that the Moon can understand and the Moon brings depth Mars can relate to. Mars can show a volatile side that confronts the Moons emotional needs. The Moon can smother Mars and show Mars how their assertion can sometimes be too much or too extreme in some sort of way.
Trine: One person’s emotions mesh well with another’s energy, will, and assertion. Mars can be aroused by the Moon’s inner self. The Moon relates to Mars’s desires and is attracted to their heat, passion, drive. Intimacy is more about emotions than the physical. Hurting each other can be a long battle or something that really sticks with them. Moon can find it hard to let go and Mars can be easily triggered or alarmed.
Sextile: Harmony exist and conflicts or arguing is likely not frequent in this relationship. Both or one partner is cooperative towards the other. Moon can comfort and sooth Mars, Mars can encourage and maybe empower Moon. Emotional support is big here. Hurting each other can be a long battle or something that really sticks with them. Moon can find it hard to let go and Mars can be easily triggered or alarmed.
Opposition: There can be strong attraction emotionally and physically however many of their needs are very different. There is going to need to be a lot of understanding, acceptance, and good communication to bridge those differences.
Square: Moon can easily take offense to Mars, Mars can feel threatened by Moon. Mars can be physically attracted to Moon and Moon emotionally attracted to Mars but there can be a conflict with this - different expectations, wants, and desires.
Inconjunct/Quincunx: Impatience, paranoia, and distrust can happen in this relationship. Mars and Moon step on each other’s toes. They might want to get to know each other more but there are struggles when getting close. Moon could try to drown Mars while Mars may burn the Moon.
Semi-sextile: There can be hesitance to express themselves which is challenging because this aspect is all about the Moon (emotions) and Mars (energy/will/assertion) relating to each other. It could take a while for both to open up to each other. With patience and love this might not hinder the relationship but indicate a slower forming one.
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Moon to Pluto Synastry
Conjunction: Emotional depth and magnetism is REAL. Even with this deepness can come possessiveness, jealousy, and smothering. Healing in facing demons together could happen. Moon to Pluto is known for heavy emotions and with the conjunction aspect there is a sharing of intense feelings but also past trauma, which can give a window to overcoming and healing but also further damage.
Trine: Might have that soulmate feel due to how powerful of a connection they make. Intimacy and emotional sharing is certainly part of their bond. They can help each other overcome past challenges and pain. There is a sense that the Moon cares for Pluto and Pluto gets attached to Moon. Can be highly protective over each other. Over protection and smothering can be a risk. Moon can easily feel manipulated by the Pluto person, Pluto can easily feel slighted or wronged by Moon.
Sextile: Tattoo on each other’s heart and not afraid to go into each other’s deep waters. With all this emotional sharing and intensity, watch out for possessiveness, unreasonable restraints, and control issues. There is bravery and transformation in the emotional sphere. Feelings and pain can easily get heavy.
Opposition: Watch out for each person’s past baggage coming into the union. There are lessons revolving around past pain and trauma. Maybe this relationship triggers some, maybe it isn’t healthy. This relationship can easily become toxic and has a connection to repeating past experiences. But this relationship can also be an opportunity to face past pain and overcome it.
Square: This aspect is known for manipulation, possessiveness, jealousy, control, revenge, and abuse. Trauma and pain can come from this aspect. But relationships are complex and so is this aspect. With easier aspects in a chart this can be an area of great transformation. They see darkness in each other and may bring that darkness out but can work through it, change each other for the better (not the type of change where one is forcing the other, both partners have to be willing to change and grow for themselves).
Inconjunct/Quincunx: Emotions can easily get messy and heavy here. They can drain one another trying to deal with each person’s depth. Unintentional manipulation can exist here that is wrapped in each person’s self-interest. With some restraint and slowness they can open up to each other in a healthy way and have no fear of intimacy.
Semi-sextile: Watch out for holding in feelings and problems until they boil over. This relationship actually can run off of burst of emotions. While this can be stimulating it can also turn into something unhealthy. There are great highs and lows with these two.
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Astrology observations🌫️
(Solar return☀️)
Moon/Jupiter aspects indicates positive years/one of the best.
Venus square Mars indicates strong need to create family
moon in pisces (esp. if it’s also aspecting Neptune) indicates sleepy/dreamy years, you might want to escape reality. Also years of illusion others can try to deceive you. also you’ll feel ignored and “put upon” by others.
Sun negative aspects to Saturn indicates years of isolation, can seem like everyone is against you and you’re alone.
Moon positively aspecting mars indicates inner strenght.
moon/venus aspects indicates support from your friends and loved ones.
Sun conjunct Venus is a strong indicator of entering a relationship, also sun, moon, venus, mars in 7th house.
moon negative aspects to pluto is especially challenging year emotionally, it can indicate loss, betrayal, divorce.
moon in cancer indicates past hurts.
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"I'm a natural."
Wherever Jupiter lies in one’s chart, the individual is bestowed with talent and “luck”, an easily reached optimistic attitude and approach as well as an air of wisdom. It is easy to encounter opportunities, be it by chance or will, to advance one’s journey with Jupiter and the area on which the great Giant shines its light on seems to flow with ease when it is not afflicted or debilitated - the individual becomes a (sometimes only perceived) “natural”.
Jupiter in 1st: Naturally good at asserting themselves; naturally humorous and good at lifting the mood; naturally skilled at sports (or at least strong vitality); natural confidence, have an easy time picking up new things; natural leader, naturally inspiring, 
Jupiter in 2nd: Naturally good with finances, naturally good with plants/has a green thumb; naturally good at singing or skilled with instruments/music, business matters come naturally and easily.
Jupiter in 3rd: Naturally good at learning, natural affinity for writing or other word plays, naturally good at remembering large amounts of knowledge, naturally good with neighbors; naturally good communicator; natural wit; naturally high common sense. 
Jupiter in 4th: Naturally good at matters relating to real estate and handling properties, even with agricultural issues; naturally good host, naturally strong intuition.
Jupiter in 5th: Naturally creative and artistic, naturally good at increasing joy in social settings (think life of the party), naturally good at making people smile/laugh, natural flirt; naturally good at getting inspired and inspiring others; natural entertainer.
Jupiter in 6th: Naturally good manager, naturally good at subjects relating to health, nutrition, and sometimes medicine; naturally good worker and easily finds jobs; naturally good at organizing and planning; often naturally good with cooking/baking.
Jupiter in 7th: Naturally good at relating and adapting to people, naturally charismatic in some way; naturally good at creating comfort(ing situations) for others; naturally adept at counseling and mediating; naturally good argueing/reasoning, naturally good at legal issues and juridical subjects.
Jupiter in 8th: Naturally good at occultic practices, witchcraft, psychology, understanding people’s intentions and/or feelings, naturally good at handling finances (anything from knowing when to invest, being good at saving to smoothly and easily receive lots of money/increasing their finances).
Jupiter in 9th: Naturally good at philosophy and logical thinking; naturally good at understanding and adapting to (sometimes drastically) different ways of living and thinking; naturally adept at higher learning/education and abstract, interdisciplinary thinking; naturally good at picking up concepts, naturally good teacher/lecturer. 
Jupiter in 10th: Naturally able to be charismatic in public, naturally good at finding/getting jobs or otherwise receiving recognition for their work (or themselves and their opinions), naturally good at economics; natural leadership qualities, naturally reliable.
Jupiter in 11th: Naturally good judgement and intuition, coming up with (original) ideas; naturally good at handling technology and/or electronic devices; possibility to be naturally good at sociology and social sciences; naturally good with scientific studies.
Jupiter in 12th: Naturally good at meditation and understanding spiritual truths, natural with spirituality; naturally good at accessing their subconscious, in some cases remembering and working with dreams; naturally good at emphasizing with people and understanding pain, tendency to have a naturally good intuition, naturally skilled at soulful creativity.
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Sun in the 6th House
People who have Sun in the 6th house are service oriented people. They love to help others and want to improve others and their own daily lives. These people can be popular in their workplace and are well known for the hard work they put into the work that they do, which they pride themselves a lot on. These people tend to also be very healthy and everyone knows this. They can sometimes be obsessive over their health and freak out if they eat something unhealthy. A problem that they have in their daily life (which the 6th house rules) is that they do so much for other people, that everyone begins to just expect things from them and give nothing in return, which makes them feel unappreciated and taken advantage of. Since their identity revolves around their daily life, work and health, they’re very sensitive to criticisms in this area because their identity revolves around being an organized, hard-working and healthy person. Sometimes these natives want to fulfill so many of their dreams, but then they say that they’re probably not good enough and something will end up going wrong. Once they realize their full potential and don’t focus on the details, they are able to become the health conscious, dutiful and helpful person they aspire to be in their work, without being taken advantage of. 
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