I'm only popping on for a few seconds to tell you all that I'm sorry for leaving. Its not because of anyone here, things in my life have just been to hectic lately and I don't seem to have the time for it. I don't plan on deleting this account, because I may come back later. At the time though, I can't.
All the people I was RPing with, I'm sorry for being gone! I love you all and hope to be able to talk to you in the future!
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Where've you been, Mun?
ooc;  School and work. That's the main reason I've been inactive.. The busier I get though, the less I desire to log on here.. To the point where I don't even know if I want to log on after my summer vacation starts. Its too bad, I enjoyed myself here... Maybe when its over, I'll want to get back on again. I don't know.
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Castiel couldn't help but feel a pang of annoyance when Dean asked his final question. The angel never thought of himself as easy to read.. Surely his regular stoic expression wasn't easy to see past. However, the hunter seemed to see right through him.
"Of course, Dean." Castiel replied... He had never been a good liar, but didn't break cover. "Heaven has merely been requiring a great deal of my focus.."
Angel of the Lord just dropped in.
“Dunno —I’m hopin’ it’s somethin’ simple, y’know like uh..shapeshifter or a Rugarus. Well that’s what I’m hopin’ you know things never work in my favor”
The hunter shrugged off the dangers of even a simple hunt, was his job but still, anything could go wrong depending on the creature they were hunting. He slug his bag up and over his shoulder for suppost so he could take it out to the car, his own brows furrowed a bit as he looked towards the Angel who seemed curious about the job they were doing for once that didn’t involve something concerning Angels.
“Cas? somethin’ up with you?”
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                  I say Gabriel is perfect and so it is fact.
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You are Godstiel's bitch. You are perfect because I say so.
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                  I say Gabriel is perfect and so it is fact.
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                  I say Gabriel is perfect and so it is fact.
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angelsaretricky is one of the best Gabriel’s I’ve seen on here. All Gabriel’s are special in their own way, but when I talk to angelsaretricky, it’s like talking to the actual, real Gabriel. And their mun is so very nice and sweet, and I was able to become fast friends with them. —confessed by anonymous
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I'm tired all the time and I currently have no desire to log on here.
 I'm sorry to those mid-para who are still expecting replies.
  I'm suffering a complete lack of motivation.
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Castiel stared down at the cat as his brother spoke. "That's not possible." He murmured, shaking his head before holding the same animal out in front of the archangel. "Look how small she is. She can't handle herself." He pulled the cat in again. "The Winchesters are larger than me and they can't handle themselves."
At that, the younger angel quieted as the kitten nuzzled against his lower shoulder. A new smile appeared.
Gabriel snorted at him, “That was my point.” Gabriel crosses his arms and stares at him, eyebrow gradually traveling upward. “Really? You never sat around talking to animals?” Gabriel did it all the time. He preferred animals over people. “Huh. Well, now’s the time to learn. You’re lucky cats are pretty easy. Handle themselves, mostly.”
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I told myself when I got home I was going to make at least one reply today. Then I decided to still on my couch for five minutes. Next thing I knew three fucking hours passed.
I swear, when this class ends I will be better.
Until then -- nope. 
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Are you all mad at me for not being on? I'm sorry.. I don't mean to be gone and I know I must have said this ten times over, but after class, I'm exhausted and don't feel the desire to do anything but sleep. However, this is the last week. Summer vacation begins June 22nd at noon and I can't wait.
Until then, I honestly don't know what my activity level will be -- sometimes we work five hours straight, sometimes we sit around and talk half the time..It varies.
I see the starters I have to begin/reply to, along with all my former RPs. Please be patient with me because I don't know if I'll be active at all until this Friday.
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