that´s blatant the Hero of Setlik III erasure .....   still very much valid indeed ;D
My favorite thing about Chief O'Brien is he's absolutely Not. Just some guy. Like not even a little. He's the reason this station is up and running he fixes every problem and is very intelligent but he doesn't want to be distinguished Starfleet Officer man. He just wants to be some guy. He went to DS9 bc he knew no one would care if he excelled there, he could be properly challenged and prevent the station from blowing up all while clocking out at 5pm and going home to his beautiful wife and children except for his weekly boys night with Julian. His universe said oh a man of your talents could definitely go down in history and he said "🤚absolutely not ✋ I'm gonna use my self-sealing stembolts to stop my silly little warp core breaches, get paid, raise my family, and then die. That's it." And that's so valid of him.
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THIS! This bugged me ever since I saw this and I´m not over it, it´s frustrating and it´s vaguely infuriating .. and every now and then it makes me question the characters like aren´t they supposed to be intelligent, to have character ... it sure didn´t seem like it in this scene, maybe there isn´t all that much to them .. but really it´s just insufferable writing   also related to this .. just how they treated Reginald Barclay, seeing how the protagonists acted made me feel really alienated
the most unrealistic thing in all of star trek is that beverly and every other senior crew member did not immediately think data pushing her overboard was hilarious and a huge step forward in data understanding and participating in humor appropriate to the moment and instead of geordi saying ‘i’d avoid sickbay for a few days if i were you’ beverly laughed the whole way back up the ladder and told data ‘proud of u baby’ and that is where the tng films branched off into an alternate timeline. i’m right about this.
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this is why the Obsidian Order has extra thick carpet .. it´s for all the secrets 
Why is the DS9 Sick Bay carpeted? Who thought this was a good idea?
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THIS is peak Star Trek! And these are wonderful gifs. I really loved that episode, this particular scene especially. TNG gets cookie points for dismantling the bravado about honor and showing how corrupt Klingon politics are but there are 3 peak Star Trek moments that I really love not from TNG and weirdly all of them involve Klingons and this is I think Number 1.  (Second one is when Martok recognizes that Garak´s battle with claustrophobia is strength. The third one momentarily escaped my memory, but I have a list .. somewhere ..a handwritten note ..)
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-You didn’t believe all Klingons were soldiers? -I guess I did.
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I 200% LOVE everything about this .. this is hilarious ... this is perfect .. I don´t even have words ... every time i come across this it´s a whole revelation ....
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I do very much agree that the cut and silhouette are very flattering, the colour is fantastic and the choice of pattern & fabric is the least offensive ;D  11/10 would also cry on a couch over this  front or back, this is fabulous 360° 
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(Stills from Deep Space Nine “Improbable Cause” 3x20)
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I’m sorry but this? THIS??? THIS is THE look. This is the aesthetic. The close fit around the shoulders and waist? The black streamlining? The angled collar exposing just e n o u g h of the trademark Cardassian neck? The pattern?? THE CRIMSON??? This outfit slayed more than Garak’s career did. This is the outfit that Doctor Julian Bashir remembers as he cries on Keiko and Miles’ couch on Earth after letting this hot number go back to Cardassia alone. This is probably the outfit that Garak wore to seduce jail Dukat’s dad just for the pure drama of it all, and every time Dukat sees it he screams just a bit, and rightly so. I mean, this is it. This is the look. The absolute.
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this could have been sooo good
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always thinking about this promo photo but especially odo just pressing a tribble to his forehead
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scrolling I thought the mernarn would be the highlight of this post but somehow, and I don´t know how but they do .. the casual shorts steal the show :D  ... also THAT tongue ........  and .. why would I 100% believe it, if someone told me the nun thing happened on the show .. 
Wild Old Art I Found On My HardDrive: Babylon 5 Edition
I suspect multiple editions of everything are due.  Worry not.
Here’s some of the stuff from the B5 folder that is just random crack.  Luckily, I remember a lot of the context for this stuff!
Londo and G’Kar arrive on Londo’s planet like
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And then somoeone misread my post saying Londo shows up with Narns as Londo shows up with nuns, thus:
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G’Kar on a stake out under Londo’s chair.
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This is Londo holding Odo’s bucket from DS9?  I know this only because of the file name.  I do not know why.
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Sea Pearl Mermaid G’Kar, I think because someone made the fool mistake of mentioning 90s Barbie at the same time as B5 in front of me.
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accidentally pocket-sized Londo, as far as I remember.  I just drew a weird frowny Londo on iscribble and then the friend being subjected to it thought he looked Small.   Pocket was added.
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G’Kar with a giant lizard tongue
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Londo just needed bread, but G’Kar is jazzed up on All Of The Starbucks and he’s going to go fucking wild in this here Target
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the song was ‘Starships’ by Nicki Minaj. 
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G’Kar eating a Centauri version of one of those always badly formed bubblegum eyeball Popsicle things from an icecream truck that were ubiquitous in the 90s and then of course making a joke about his missing eye after licking a gum ball from the thing’s face and making that unholy smear of colors and sticky horror that resulted
This is all like 2015, haha.  
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context matters & history is a thing and I just love this fandom for coming together and providing information on both 
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You ever invite your coworker to watch you give birth just to spite a racist
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Reason #1,324,789 of why I love this show.
This was a casual side conversation between Bashir and Sisko about a fellow crew member, completely unrelated to the episode’s plot, and its just so sweet.
It’s nice to know that if you’re a pregnant father-to-be on DS9, your buddies Julian and Miles will build you a hatchling pond, buy you baby clothes, and throw you a shower eagerly attended by the station’s commanding officer (who was practically beaming with joy when he found out that you were expecting).
How wonderful.
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what a wise woman 
of course the makeup artist who decided to give quark eyeshadow was a woman... moment in herstory...
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oh wow
Trekcore just opened a new gallery full of screencaps of ds9 in hd and this just gives me life
holy sh*t
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omg those are gorgeous
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apart from the fact I’m in no mood for anything lately I’m still trying to sketch something everyday, it’s a good routine I think… Destron-destroyer made me think about Martok recently (and I CAN’T watch episodes with him anymore, I can quote most of his lines from memory so, well…) but I never draw him before. Klingons are difficult. And G’kar, cause you can never have enough G’kar,right?
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