inception-bigbang · 1 month
Mise En Place
by @killym
Summary: Arthur was self-sufficient. Self-reliant. Proudly independent. He always knew exactly what he wanted and how he wanted it. Arthur’s life was… orderly. He had a career he worked hard for – he was a Michelin-star Chef in one of the most popular restaurants in the city, and he absolutely didn’t need a Sous-Chef in his perfectly run kitchen. He had best friends he didn’t have to see very often – Dom and Mal knew he was a busy man and never made a fuss about him bailing on their plans at the last minute. He didn’t have a significant other – but that was for the better. He would hate someone messing up his flat and taking up his time, and it wasn’t like he couldn’t get one if he wanted to, thank you very much.
Arthur’s orderly life ended with an untimely phone call from a hospital. His whole world fell apart after that because how could he deal with his friends being dead, with suddenly becoming a parent, and with his manager insisting he couldn’t handle his kitchen – the only place where he still truly felt in control – on his own?
An AU based on No Reservations (2007)
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Inception Big Bang 2024 fic time! Read it HERE!
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With stunning Inception Big Bang art by @strangegeology!
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inception-bigbang · 1 month
Oh wow! So beautiful, @strangegeology, this is a gorgeous piece of art for the Inception Big Bang 2024!
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Mise En Place by @killym / @killymafterdark
Arthur was self-sufficient. Self-reliant. Proudly independent. He always knew exactly what he wanted and how he wanted it. Arthur’s life was… orderly. He had a career he worked hard for – he was a Michelin-star Chef in one of the most popular restaurants in the city, and he absolutely didn’t need a Sous-Chef in his perfectly run kitchen. He had best friends he didn’t have to see very often – Dom and Mal knew he was a busy man and never made a fuss about him bailing on their plans at the last minute. He didn’t have a significant other – but that was for the better. He would hate someone messing up his flat and taking up his time, and it wasn’t like he couldn’t get one if he wanted to, thank you very much. Arthur’s orderly life ended with an untimely phone call from a hospital. His whole world fell apart after that because how could he deal with his friends being dead, with suddenly becoming a parent, and with his manager insisting he couldn’t handle his kitchen – the only place where he still truly felt in control – on his own? An AU based on No Reservations (2007)
I had the pleasure of working with the incredibly lovely @killym for my first foray into fanart! Thank you so much to @inception-bigbang for organising!!
Mise En Place by killym - here on AO3
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inception-bigbang · 1 month
Everything I Never Knew I Always Wanted
by @ladysarai and @nutterzoi
Summary: Roughly a year after the events of Inception, Dom is killed because he never gave up extraction. As godfather, Arthur is given custody of Phillipa and James. To protect them and keep them safe, he fakes his death and goes into hiding with them. Meanwhile, Eames is mourning Arthur and the chance they never really had together. When he tries to tie up Arthur’s loose ends for him, he realizes: Arthur's already done it. Arthur is alive and Eames sets out to find him.
Neither of them ever imagined themselves living a normal, domestic life, or being parents. In the end, Arthur and Eames both need to decide what they want out of life, and who they want it with.
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Inception Big Bang 2024 fic time! Read it HERE!
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With an amazing IBB2024 gifset by @mister-eames! (preview here, click for full set)
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inception-bigbang · 1 month
This is such an amazing and fun gifset!
You are doing the fandom proud @mister-eames! ^_^
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Everything I Never Knew I Always Wanted by @ladysarai, @nutterzoi for @inception-bigbang
“Oh? Now you’ve got me curious about what has been a fantasy.” Arthur smirks up at him. "Well, there was this guy I knew back in my army days… Hauled me out of a bar fight once." “Ah, rescued you, did he?” Eames asks, grin going a little crooked. “Not sure I can compete with that.” "Shut up." Arthur shakes his head and pulls him down for a kiss.
Neither of them ever imagined themselves living a normal, domestic life, or being parents. In the end, Arthur and Eames both need to decide what they want out of life, and who they want it with.
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inception-bigbang · 1 month
Pomegranate Wine
by @deinvatiwrites
Summary: Arthur is the cool, clinical, god of the underworld, and Eames is the smug, flirty, god of wine-making, orchards and fruit, vegetation, fertility, festivity, insanity, ritual madness, religious ecstasy, and theater. Not that it’s a contest. They’ve known each other since before time began. But things change when Arthur gets married.
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Inception Big Bang 2024 fic time! Read it HERE!
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With amazing Inception Big Bang 2024 doll art by @rainbyotes!
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inception-bigbang · 1 month
Beyond incredible! Doll-making art by @rainbyotes for the Inception Big Bang 2024!
This pairs with the story by @deinvatiwrites - Pomegranate Wine - about Arthur as Hades, ruler of the underworld!
Pomegranate Wine
This was my piece for @deinvatiwrites amazing fic for this years @inception-bigbang !! I've been really into doll making lately and so i decided to put this passion into making Arthur, God of the Underworld and ruler of the dead!
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(better pictures will be taken and uploaded, as well as progress ones)
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inception-bigbang · 2 months
Posting Date Changed - August 11th
Our big reveal will take place on Sunday, August 11th!
Check back with us then to see all the magnificent new work for Inception fandom 💌
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inception-bigbang · 4 months
IBB pairings notifications have gone out!
Yes, it's early XD But the artist claims went so smoothly, there wasn't any reason to wait!
Participants, if you haven't received an email, please let us know!
First checkin is July 1st, see you all then <3
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inception-bigbang · 4 months
IBB 2024 Artist Claims are open!
Artists, please check your emails!
If you haven't received an email from us, please let me know ASAP at [email protected]
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inception-bigbang · 4 months
Author summary due today!
Hello authors, just a reminder that your summary and any relevant tags and ratings is due TODAY by midnight Eastern time in the US
What time is that for me?
If you've already sent yours in, you should have gotten an email response. If you sent it in, but didn't get a response, let me know!
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inception-bigbang · 4 months
A quick question about the summary: I’m wondering how much detail you’d recommend in the summary? Should we include any excerpts, or is that discouraged? Where is the best place to submit them, via email? Thanks!
Hi and thank you for asking! Definitely include any excerpts and however much detail you'd like! What we're really aiming for is to give the artists a taste of your fic, so however you'd like to do that is fine.
Please submit by email to [email protected]
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inception-bigbang · 4 months
is there a discord for this event?
There is! You can join the IBB Discord server here: https://discord.gg/XY6KVH5A
And it's not restricted to Big Bang participants only :) We have private channels for authors and artists to discuss IBB specifics, but the general channels are available to anybody who wants to hang out.
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There is also an Inception Discord, You're waiting for a train, for all your general Inception fandom needs! That one's here: https://discord.gg/JtHvYYEw
There's an Inception Slack! You can join that here: https://join.slack.com/t/inceptionchat/shared_invite/zt-2jfgbik0x-9U99bhmtwXQ~0fxLA0NxIw
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inception-bigbang · 4 months
IBB 2024 Sign-ups are closed!
Thank you all so much! This will be an amazing bang!
If you signed up but have not heard from us yet, please send an email to [email protected] or drop an ask here or let @stormofsharpthings know.
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inception-bigbang · 4 months
should we have gotten a confirmation email bc I’m having the nervous “did i actually remember to sign up” jitters now 😭
So that would appear to be a mistake on our part, sorry! Sending confirmation emails today for everyone who has already signed up 👍
Thank you for letting us know!
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inception-bigbang · 4 months
i just saw the tag “canon complicit” instead of “canon compliant” and im laughing its like “canon is a criminal act that i unfortunately support with this fic”
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inception-bigbang · 4 months
what’s a pinch hitter? :(
Thank you for asking! If an artist or author has to drop out partway through the event (hey, we know life happens), we like to have a few people available who can step in and provide the art or fic, sometimes on short notice, so the remaining partner can continue in the event.
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inception-bigbang · 4 months
Hi, quick question about qualifying works. I have a fic that has never been published, but I have shared small pieces of it before as a WIP. It's been quite a while, and the post wasn't seen very widely. Would that be disqualified under the "written for IBB" or "keep fics anonymous"? It's totally fine if that's the case, I just wanted to check! Thank you!
Hi Anon, thanks for asking! We’re going to break our answer into two parts.
In our opinion, the spirit of the IBB is in writing something new, or maybe finishing a WIP, for the bang, hopefully with the collaboration of your artist. How much of a collaboration will vary widely among pairings, but it’s a chance for each to have a little insight, and maybe input, into the other’s work.
Now some artists, and authors, may prefer not to have that level of collaboration. But if you were paired with an artist that did want to collaborate closely, you might ask yourself if that would still be a possibility with this work.
The purpose of the anonymity is really just to try to level our playing field. We want the focus to be on the stories themselves and not perceived author popularity or other qualities.
But we are not fandom police and we will not be checking tumblr archives or browser search histories at the door! XD
We want everyone to enjoy themselves and create magnificent things for this magnificent fandom. However that happens, with the best use of your personal resources, we will, and must, leave in your hands.
Thank you for the ask!
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