incorrect-pulleyverse 2 months
January sending a funny text to Gale: This is sending me.
Gale: Sending you where?
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incorrect-pulleyverse 2 months
Every language is a love language when you love languages
River Gale
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incorrect-pulleyverse 3 months
January: What do you call a fish with no eye?
Gale, not looking up: Myxine Cicifrons
January: fsh
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incorrect-pulleyverse 5 months
Mori: My shoulders have never been un-tensed in their lives and wouldn鈥檛 know what to do with themselves if they were.
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incorrect-pulleyverse 5 months
Valery: Teen years are crazy because people will ask you if you're gay just because you don't talk.
Valery: They were right, of course, but it still hurt.
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incorrect-pulleyverse 5 months
Kuroda: You really push all my buttons! Mori: And yet I haven't found mute.
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Anna: Why does Dr Kolkhanov call you babygirl?
Shenkov: Let鈥檚 just stop talking for a while
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Shenkov: I want to kiss you.
Valery, not paying attention: What?
Shenkov: I said if you die, I won't miss you.
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Shenkov, sipping tea: I'm so tired of this life. I want to be a roomba. I want knives taped to me. And I want to be set loose.
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Shenkov: Know why I called you in here?
Valery: Because I accidentally said I worship the ground you walk on?
Shenkov: [stops pouring 2 glasses of wine] Accidentally?
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Anna: How did Valery usually get out of these messes?
Svetlana: He didn鈥檛. He just made a bigger mess that cancelled the first one out.
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Resovskaya: Valery, you should learn to accept your flaws, just like me.
Valery: You accept your flaws?
Resovskaya: No, but I accept yours.
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Valery: Hey, want to help me commit a felony?
Shenkov: What the hell??!! No
Valery, whispering: Want to help me commit a felony?
Shenkov: Of course what do you need?
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Valery: What are you writing?
Svetlana: The KGB wanted to know what kind of explosives we keep at home. I'm writing them a personal letter explaining why that's private information.
Valery: ...that just says "fuck around and find out" in fancy calligraphy.
Svetlana: yeah 馃槍
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Shenkov talking into a recorder: Valery never ceases to amaze me. This is hour... ten that he's been doing this American 'cha cha real smooth' dance. I do not know how much longer his body can take. This is too smooth.
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Shenkov, pointing out the front window: Look at that! They vanished!!
Valery, confused: Then what should I be looking at?
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Resovskaya: You have to be tough, and you're a softie.
Valery: That hurt my feelings, but I see your point.
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