incorrectsokkla 4 years
Sokka: Our daughter is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen...
Azula: *glares*
Sokka, mumbling: Because she looks exactly like you.
85 notes View notes
incorrectsokkla 4 years
Azula: I have a few grenades up my sleeve.
Sokka: Don't you mean tricks?
Ty Lee: She does not.
229 notes View notes
incorrectsokkla 4 years
Sokka: Are you a cuddler?
Azula: I am a war machine who intends to rule the world-- yes I'm a cuddler.
153 notes View notes
incorrectsokkla 4 years
Sokka: What are you doing?
Azula, in his arms: I'm using you as a human shield.
Sokka: Do you mean . . . cuddling?
Azula: I'm sorry, did I stutter? I'm using you as protection. It's a war strategy. Hold me tighter, asshole.
110 notes View notes
incorrectsokkla 4 years
Sokka: Azula?
Azula: What do you want?
Sokka: I can't sleep.
Azula: Well, I can. Goodnight.
66 notes View notes
incorrectsokkla 4 years
Azula: Can you tuck me in?
Sokka: You just handed me a shovel.
Azula: Yes. Spread the dirt evenly. I'm attempting to scare the shit out of my brother.
108 notes View notes